~~~~~~ Sew, I was the silent partner! ~~~~~~ DLP May 2018 (Updated 8-25)

I am almost positive that I purchased a Christmas ornament in the shop in the Castle... Are there 2 shops?

I am glad you remember it all... Have you been there often? I didn't take notes or anything on this trip, because it was such a short trip - maybe I should have? LOL
I did see some Christmas ornament, but not enough that screamed "Disneyland Paris". Like, it was all more generic Disney stuff!

My first trip was in June (I have a TR going in my signature, but still am posting about the family's vacation in Paris)! I did love it though and I got bit with the travelling bug, so I'm planning a Tokyo trip next fall!

(for Ariana)

I thought the hot air balloon and all the murals around the top were so cute!

At the end of the ride, you get off with a view inside the Bistrot Chez Rémy restaurant, I did take a picture of this - I wanted so badly to eat here, as it had great reviews - but we already had dinner plans and it just didn't work out for us...
Oh, that's too bad! It was pretty good and gorgeously themed!

So, we headed into Starbucks... Remember - I don't have a voice - so Myrthe did all of my ordering for me. It's kind of funny - no matter where I go, or what Starbucks I go to - they can never get my name right, like EVER, not even in the USA. Sometimes I just give them a fake name, because it annoys me that I have such a dumb name - and even if they get the name right - it's spelled wrong. LOL Anyways - here we are in FRANCE - I can't speak the language or even just speak at all... And the barista (is that what they call the guys too?) totally and completely spelled my name right!!!!! :eek: For the first time EVER! Can you believe it? This voiceless person screamed with delight! I was so happy. LOL And then he turned Myrthe's cup around - having high hopes for her too... We nearly DIED of laughter... OMG - I almost peed my pants!
Haha - Milton! Oh wow!

I had to take a picture of this Lego mosaic wall - it was just too cool!

It was so cool too how they showed how long it took to make all the sculptures and murals!
I'm so far behind!! Sorry! Life has been a bit crazy.

It looks like there was some really lovely merchandise available over there...I love the charms you bought for your bracelet. So cute. The Ratatouille ride looks amazing -- I wonder if they will duplicate it for Epcot or if it will be different...part of me would like for each park to have some rides that distinctly belong to that park, but then when something is really amazing it's wonderful for them to be able to duplicate it...

At what point in time did your voice come back? LOL that they got your name spelled right but not Myrthe's name!

The Wild West Show looks really fun. We haven't ever done one of the dinner shows, either -- like you, I just haven't wanted to spend the money on it. But I'm getting more and more interested all the time.

I'm so glad you had a good time at the lake with your family! It sounds hectic but fun. Those pictures of you and Josh are too cute. And I'm so sorry about V's car! That happened to Alyssa's car earlier this year -- our insurance company wanted to total the car but the other driver's insurance company didn't, so we worked through them. It's such a hassle. And after she worked so hard to save up to buy the car!

Exciting times for both Allison and Victoria...and your bedroom renovations will be gorgeous. You have such good taste. I'm excited that V has found a school that she is interested in and I really hope that goes well for her. I might have to have you come renovate my house someday... :-)

Alyssa will be here for Labor Day weekend and I can't wait. We'll have one last big family weekend before Brie leaves for her mission. Brie flies home on Thursday (yea!) and then leaves for her mission on September 12, so right now I'm in planning mode for a going-away get together for her this weekend. There is so much to do....

Hugs to you!
Also -- the same thing happened to Andrew's car a few months ago -- and the security cameras at the place they were at captured it on tape -- the woman clearly backed into Andrew, she hit him and left, the police finally tracked her down, and now her insurance company is refusing to pay because they're saying it was partially Andrew's fault. He wasn't even backing out of his parking space -- he was just sitting there. So frustrating.
One thought on purchasing the totaled car. In our state, vehicles that are deemed totaled receive a branded title so anyone who would purchase it in the future would know it was titled (the only thing there was before Car Fax etc). I don't know how it works in Minnesota but here she would have to purchase the vehicle, fix it, and pay to have an enhanced inspection before receiving a valid vehicle title that is still going to be branded forever. I would caution against spending a large amount of money because the vehicle will have a much, much, lower resale value because it was totaled. I know that car was a great buy and really nice, but it may be time to cut her losses. It will all depend on the insurance company payout I would assume.
Hi D~

I thought that you had totally abandoned the Dis. Then I happened to see this trip report and was very glad to see that you have returned. I still have to go back to read all the life updates, but I did look at the DLP posts.

They are building a Ratatouille ride in Epcot. I read that it was because the ride at DLP is the most popular ride they have. The Wild West show looks like fun. Did they speak French or English or both during the show?

I'll come back later to finish reading your report. It sounds like it has been a busy year so far. :)

And then I noticed this sign... No dancing in Paris either guys... ::yes::



We take a picture acting this out every trip lol. I'm glad we aren't the only ones, even at home my son will do that pose and say "Don't Do This"

Sorry about V's car, and good luck and wishes for Allison at College!!!!
Happy to see an update! Both girls in college - great! I think taking some time off from school after HS is the right thing for some kids. The car - so aggravating! Hope it works out that she can buy it back, get it fixed and move on. The reunion at the lake sounds like a lot of fun. Yes, I think you lucked out on the guest house. So nice you have a place you can go for some rest and relaxation. I love being near the water. There's a small fishing resort we've gone to for years in northwest Wisconsin. So nice waking up to a view of the lake. Your guest room ideas look great. I need to get busy on our boys old bedrooms. One has a double bed but we're going to replace it with a queen. The other room has no bed right now. We may get twins? Our son and his little family are moving to Oregon in about a month. :eek: So, I want a nice space for them when they (hopefully) come to visit. Wow - a big WDW trip in 2020! That will be fun to plan! Hoping you'll do a PTR. Miss your daily updates. We leave tomorrow for a 2 week river cruise. We start out in Amsterdam. Hoping for a great trip!
That Wild West Show reminds me of the Dixie Stampede Show I saw in Pigeon Forge (or maybe Gatlinburg) many, many, many years ago. It looks like it was a lot of fun.

This maybe a silly question - What language was spoken at the show(s)?

Hope you are doing well!
I finally finished your report. I am jealous of your gorgeous deck. You and Josh have done a great job with it. Of course you would see new cushions and pillows. It is what you do. :). Your furniture looks great. I really like the bar, too.

Oh my gosh- poor V and the car saga. If I remember correctly, she had bought a VW. That must have been the car that died. Then she got the wonderful Sebring with cup holders that both heated and cooled the drinks - among other things. Then that got hit. That just isn’t fair.

Your trips to the lake house this summer look wonderful, as always. Our daughter and her family drove from their home in Colorado to a friend’s lake house in Wisconsin this summer. They loved hanging out at the lake so much that they are ready to move back to the Midwest. :) That’s fine with me.

That was really sweet of V to make embroidered towels for you. That must have taken a long time. It is nice that she picked up one of the things that your mom used to do. It is a nice way to remember her after all these years.

That is nice that Allison is off to college and out on her own. That is the way it is supposed to be. And it is fun to move out of the parent role, too. :)
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Ugh, I am so late to this TR!! So much has happened. Loving the TR for Paris!! You definitely have been one busy girl. So glad to hear everyone is doing well. Allison off on new adventure, V with her new car (sad about the parking lot incident) and her embroidered towels. Your dad looks great, sorry he's been grumpy.
Summer was crazy and its not slowing down here. I have to remember to come back to read. I feel like I have to put it on my "things to do" list.

Have a wonderful weekend!
D~, I am SO GLAD you are taking this TR slowly. I just love actually being able to follow along and keep up!

Man, you guys are moving from one reno project to the next lately, so exciting! I totally recognize the "pink" room with the twin beds from an episode of Fixer Upper! I may or may not be addicted to that show... :rolleyes1

We have had no trips to speak of this year, but next year is shaping up to be a completely different story! We may actually take our very first family missions trip next spring!!! I think it will be great for all of us to see how most of the world has to live. Greater appreciation for what we have!

Your 2020 trip sounds so fun!!! And I would LOVE to vacation with you on DCL, that would be THE BEST!
We did the Hoop De Doo dinner for my birthday. We had a blast. Andrew, my totally laid back child, had the biggest grin on his face during the whole show. You should do it!

I finally got my new car. I ended up buying a new Focus. With the rebate from Ford, it cost almost the same as a fairly recent used car. What's happening with V's car?
Oops, page 6 before I realized you were writing this?!!! What the heck have I been up to? :)

I am loving the TR so far. What a beautifully fun filled day at DLP! The Buffalo Bill show reminds me of Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament. We have one near Chicago, and I know there are others in FL and Vegas. In any case, I didn't even know this show existed in Paris. How cool!!

I've been enjoying your life updates, as well, even though I did see some of the pics on FB. I can't believe your girls are so grown, and heading into their "adult" lives! I still feel like they're the little girls from your TRs! You must be so incredibly proud of them both.

Love the pictures of you and Josh from your trip to the Lake. True love and real happiness right there!!

Glad to be caught up here, D~!! :)
I guess Dorine's not coming back? I mostly lurked on her trip reports and I'm not on FB or any social media, so I don't know if anything has happened or what. I hope everything is OK.


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