Sequoia Lodge pool


DIS Veteran
Mar 5, 2005
This is probably a bit of a weird question, but never mind. I was going to ask it a few months ago but felt too silly. However I now feel a little more at ease with people here and I don't think you'd laugh at me for asking this. :)

I am currently dieting and trying to lose weight. I've lost 19lbs already (nearly one and a half stones) but I still have a couple of stones to lose before I'm at a healthy weight again. I haven't been swimming in years (since I was about thirteen, so about ten years ago) due to my lack of self confidence re: my body. But I was really hoping to go swimming next month when we're at DLRP.

I am very self-conscious (I look bad in a swimming costume, and that is not an exaggeration) and I was just wondering if you guys think the Sequoia Lodge pool is a good place for me to start swimming again. I thought it would be a good place to "break the ice" with swimming again as it's away from home and I'm unlikely to see anyone I know. The thing is, I'm still self-conscious, even with strangers.

I guess what I'm asking is this... am I likely to feel embarrassed there or are there plenty of places to "hide"? What is the lighting like? Is the pool usually busy and full of young, slim things? I don't really know what I'm asking... I just wondered what sort of atmosphere there was at the pool. Are there likely to be lots of spectators, etc.

Sorry for the REALLY weird question. I'm embarrassed. :guilty: :guilty: :guilty:
Bonnie - Just go for it.

Your on holiday so let your hair down and take the plunge :teeth:

Nobody will know you so its not like you've got to parade around in a costume and then face them in work the next day.

When we stayed at The Sequoia I was a size 16, and although I was no Cindy Crawford, I certainly didn't worry about people looking at my fat bum (among other things :teeth: )

I know everyone feels different - Some don't care what people think and others do, but don't let it spoil things for you.

If you don't do it now you never will :confused3
P.S. Well done for losing 19lbs :banana:

I know myself its real hard work.
I must say though, on your photo you don't look at all overweight.
Bonnie, it is your holiday so therefore I'd go for swim if you want.

Well done on losing 19lbs.

Bonnie I absolutely adore swimming but have lost count of how many times I've sat by the side of the pool desperate to go in but too scared to expose several hundred acres of white flesh (ewwwww - that sounds gross!!!) to the unsuspecting public!! Thing is - (a) nobody knows you (b) you probably look a whole lot better than you think you do (c) anyone even slightly slimmer will love you for making them feel good about themselves (d) nobody will care (except you possibly) and (e) life's for living !!!! Just go for it - don't waste a second worrying about how you look and - if all else fails - drag some unsuspecting fat woman in off the street and stand next to her!!!! Why do you think I go to America so often????? :rotfl2: And WELL DONE on losing so much weight already!!! :cheer2:

Congrats on the weight loss so far!

On holiday NOBODY will know who you are so I say go for it!

I am NOT a slim girl by any means and do feel shy at my local baths but if I could guarantee nobody would know me and that there was no chance of bumping into the life guard at tesco's then I would go swimming.


I echo everyone's comments here.:sunny: I bet you don't look NEARLY as bad as you think you do. I don't think anybody ever really likes every bit of their body, even these supermodels and the like, we just learn to live with it!!! Like the others have said, nobody knows you and you're on holiday....JUST GO FOR IT!!!!!

And well done for losing so much weight.....19lbs is absolutely brilliant:goodvibes......if you are interested a few of us that are trying to lose weight have a DIS health check in on Mondays on the UK community board. Please come along and join in.....we all try to support each other and you would be very welcome.:flower:
I've had 2 children and I've still got saggy baggy bits all over the place! I go swimming every week with the children and I never ever look at anyone else's figures in their costumes - but maybe that's just me? I would think the majority of women at Disney have had children so I doubt whether there are likely to be too many Kate Mosses about anyway.

I say go for it - swimming is a good excercise and will help you with your weight loss.
I agree with everyone else. Im 41 this year, with saggy stretch marks everywhere!! The only thing that smooths out most of the cellulite is the fat content on the inside of my legs and arms!! Add to that the fact that I cant swim, you would think Id stay behind the towel but nope, its my holiday. Chance of meeting most of the other swimmers again is slim so I just take a deep breath, hold my stomach in, and head for the water PDQ!! Its not pretty but then im not there to be admired. Im there for a swim with the kids (or in my case a splash around!!) Get that cozzy on and go for it - its just a body with a bit extra flesh on same as most of the others (and well done - your body is 19lbs lighter).
SL is probably one of the darker pools in DLP. Its themed in a giant wooden hut with plants around. Its all one depth and theres an outside bit attached too (they bring a glass wall type window down to shut it off if theres cold weather or a storm outside). The outside is the brightest place but inside you come from the changing rooms, past the entrance/reception desk area, down the steps and around to the steps of the pool. Its all so busy im sure youll just slip by. If you go with confidence and just look ahead of you instead of at everyone else, before you know it youll be in the water and having fun! Yes, there are some very slim elegant women lounging around the pool but then isnt that the same everywhere in life!!
Bonnie, you seem like a very lovely girl who shouldnt worry about what everyone else is looking at. I know its easy to say, but harder to do but believe me sweetie, you look great in your piccie. If you were next to me in the pool Id be thinking, cor, shes skinny - hope she doesnt stand too close to me and make me look even bigger!! If nothing else, it will give your aching feet a rest from all that walking in the parks!!
Thank you to everyone. :) You're all very sweet and have made me feel a bit better about things. I know that everyone says they're fat, even if they're not, but I am quite overweight (my doctor has told me so!) and the pic means nothing at all - I've never had a fat face! It's my bum, tummy and thighs. I can cope with people seeing me from the waist up! It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have so much cellulite. Ughhh!

Ever since we booked this holiday I've been determined to go swimming (that's one of the main reasons we chose Sequoia Lodge as opposed to Cheyenne!) and I know I'll kick myself if I don't try out the pool. I'm just trying to get my head around the fact that people will be able to see my thighs. The thought fills me with absolute dread!!! I also don't have a swimming costume. The only one I have is a hot pink one from when I was a skinny little thirteen-year-old and it's covered in swimming badges. I don't think I'll be able to squeeze into that one... any tips for swimming costumes that make you look 2 stone lighter??!

Anyway... I will let you all know how it goes when I get back, anyway! I will definitely be writing a trip report and it will probably be able two billion words long, knowing me. I don't know how to be concise I'm afraid!

I shall also check out the UK community board, Elaine. :) Thanks for telling me about it! pirate:

:grouphug: for everyone. Thanks for making me feel a bit better! :blush:
that's why we all like these boards :goodvibes Everyone looks out for one another.
Can't wait to read your trip report. Have a lovely time.

Bonnie I totally understand how you are feeling.
Since having my two boys I have tried desperated to lose two stone but it just won't come off.Since they were born I have been swimming twice.
The pool at SL is lovely and if you get good weather when you go-not long now:teeth:-you might appreciate a dip in the pool.
I was really cross with myself for not going in when we stayed at SL but I was way too self-conscious even though there were all shapes and sizes there.I think with your girlfriends support and encouragement you can do it.
Maybe you can ask at the hotel when the quiestest times are and go then.
You can get costumes with tummy control to hold bits in;) and I think black is supposed to make you look slimmer if thats any help!
Good luck and well done for losing 19lbs.
Thanks Cyrano and Tina! :flower:

Yes, my girlfriend is very supportive and says nobody will notice my "flabby bits" (her words!) - she has lost 27lbs herself and looks much better than I do. Oh well! And she was the same weight I am now when she STARTED dieting!

I think I am going to give it a go. Maybe I should go when everyone's in the park. :)
Sounds like you've done a great job so far - well done to you!! :Pinkbounc

As eveyone else has said, if you really want to go swimming - do it!! If you can, try to stride out of that changing room with confidence - you can do it quickly, as widget suggests, if you need to!! But be proud of how well you doing, and don't give a monkeys what anyone else thinks.
Bonnie never mind the doctor DW :love: gets that thrown at her whatever complaint she has (not that she goes often).
We both need to lose 3 stone and are on the wrong side of 40 (50 in my case)
It's coming off slowly.
You go and enjoy yourself , inside you'll find most of us are just as selfconcious you are not alone.

6 days to go Sequoia Lodge DLRP (just DW :love2: and me) :hourglass :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Waves of sympathy and Pixie Dust coming your way Bonnie. I know EXACTLY how you feel

I've been a Chubby Chick all my life and I'm very self concious about it. Now I've got the added complication of arthritis which has distorted my legs - my knee isn't on the front of my leg any more and I've gone so bow legged I couldn't stop a pig in a narrow road :rotfl2: :rotfl:

Still, I would agree with everyone on her. GO FOR IT GIRLFRIEND :cool1: :cool1:

You are on your hols, folk are going to be having too good a time themselves to be *****y - that's what I think anyway.
Watch those cozzies with the firming panels on the front.
DW :love: :love2: says all they do is squeeze your bladder withthe obvious reult.
You'll see moer of the inside of the Ladies than the pool.


P.S. good luck with the coming final xams, it's very stressful here now DS no.2 is in ^ th form doing his As exams at the end of the week we're more stressed than him I think
I am going on a cruise for the first time this summer and I've been in a complete panic about buying clothes for the various dinners and events - I even have to be FORMAL for two nights. Every time I try something on I'm tempted to buy it a size smaller, for "surely I'll lose the weight by then"!
But what we both have to realize... we deserve to have a wonderful holiday no matter what the scales say, and as others have already said, you'd be surprised how many people are either in the same boat as you (or pool :)) Or they really don't care how you look and are too busy looking at their own reflections than to think much about your shape and size! And even more importantly, you are BEAUTIFUL!!!! And those who can see that are the only ones that matter in the end.

The past is gone and the future is only an illusion - you only have RIGHT NOW to enjoy your fantastic Disney holiday, and don't you DARE tell yourself that you don't deserve every bit as much fun as you would if you were your "ideal" weight! I'm sure you'll get there, but in the meantime, don't let your weight or anything else stop you from grabbing the JOY!!!!

SO.... jump in that pool and have the time of your life. In fact - please take a few turns on the really neat water slide! I've seen more than a few adults (of all sizes!!) having a BLAST on that thing. Oh, and there is a jacuzzi right next to the pool - you can walk right into it from the pool itself - very nice. If you have a Montana room, you will have a bit of a walk to the pool, so you'll want to bring "supplies" which you can stow in a locker at the pool. I preferred to shower back in the room, but lots of people bring their change of things and shower at the pool...

Have fun and don't forget that trip report!!!

:cheer2: :fish: (That's Bonnie in the SL pool) :fish: :fish: :fish: :flower:
Hi Bonnie,

You've had some terrific advice already and I just want to echo it. You want to enjoy your holiday to the max, and what could be better after a hard day pounding the parks to a nice cool dip?

I firmly believe that everyone is swimming pools is so worried about how they look noone ever looks at each other anyway ;)

You got for it girl. And a huge well done for losing 19lbs already :)

Thank you, everyone! You're all so encouraging! ::MinnieMo I feel silly now for making such a fuss about it. I think I'm definitely going to give it a go. I may even print out this thread in case I get nervous at the time. :rotfl:

Thanks! I'm off swimming costume shopping with Claire this afternoon... eep!


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