September trip to the World!


DIS Veteran
Jul 4, 2007
Hi everyone

Well to try to get over the fact that I'm now home and back to work on Tuesday, I've started my trip report. Hope you all enjoy :goodvibes


Just the two of us this time round -

Me - Laura - Major, major planner
DBF - Steven - Goes with the flow but is turning out to be quite the planner, I've trained him well!

So here goes:

Day 1 - Travel day - Thursday 20th September 2012

I was up at 5am; we weren't leaving the house till 6.30am. I watched Family Guy and painted my nails.

Steven woke up at 6.10am, we got ready, said our goodbyes to my family and were out the house 6.30am on the dot. Steven drove for the first time in 2 weeks due to his broken foot but coped fine. I would have drove but I'm not the most confident driver and driving to the airport would be too much. I'm always stressed out on travel day!

There wasn't much traffic on the road so we got to the airport at about 7.15am. The line for check in was huge but as we were in the premium cabin we had our own check-in desk and there was only one family in front of us but it still seemed to take a while (they had a problem with their ESTAs from what I could overhear) so they opened a second desk in order to check us in without waiting too long.

I always worry about how heavy our suitcases are going to be. Our suitcases were only 16kg and 13kg, which was good as we had 23kg each so plenty of weight free to bring back souvenirs.

Security was quick too, it seems to have changed at Newcastle since last year, there's more x-ray machines.

After Steven broke his foot, he had a cast for 2 weeks but two days before travelling it was removed and he had a 'moon boot' to use for the 2 weeks whilst we were away. He managed the drive to the airport fine but put it on when we got to the airport.


We were all checked in and ready for the off by 8am, I was very, very calm which is so unlike me. I felt so relaxed and excited. Normally I feel sick, have butterflies in my tummy and usually there's tears but I felt happy and hungry!! I had a meal deal from Boots for breakfast.

We found a nice spot to sit and wait - the long 93 minute wait, which turned out to be the longest wait of the holiday :lmao:

The time actually seemed to fly by and we were at the gate ready to board. Steven took his moon boot off whilst we were waiting. Premium passengers were boarded first; we had a blanket, pillow and headphones on our chair, as well as a newspaper. There was also a bag of toiletries to use (tooth brush, tooth paste, facial spritzer, and lip balm).

We were given a glass of champagne whilst we waited for the rest of the plane to board; I didn't drink mine so Steven had it.

Our first meal was an option of chicken with vegetables or beef stroganoff. We both went for the chicken, although I didn't eat mine - I never do.

We had a great choice of movies too; including The Avengers, Brave and Dark Shadows, but I had brought my portable DVD player and watched The Inbetweeners and Desperate Housewives.

We then got brought drinks around 3 or 4 times. Steven was drinking Budweiser but I stuck to lemonade. Then they brought sandwiches.

The flight seemed to go quite quickly up until 2 hours to go, then it just started to drag!

Once we had landed, we were the 3rd group off the plane however a flight must have landed just before us so there was quite a long queue, but it seemed to be moving constantly and we were through in about 30 minutes. Our cases were also waiting for us once we got through.

We were the first Thomson passengers through; the rep was waiting for us. We were given our transfer documents and found our coach. Again, we were first to board but there was only 6 other groups. Within 30 minutes they had arrived and after a further 15 minute wait we were on our way.

For the first time ever we were the first to be dropped off!! We never get that lucky! The bus was also going to All Star Sports, Pop Century, Coronado Springs and the Hilton.

We were the only ones to get off at Port Orleans Riverside. We arrived after a slow coach journey at around 4.45pm. There was no one waiting at check-in so we were given our information pack, directions to our room and our Keys to the World.

It felt like a long walk to our room. We got what we wanted though, a high floor Mansion room on the corner. We were put in Acadian House room 8220. Close to the North depot bus stop.




We quickly unpacked, sorted the free wifi on our iPad and iphone and decided to go to Downtown Disney on the boat. By this point it was 5.30pm I was hungry, tired, a bit grumpy and feeling sick. The main reason for this was due to Steven remembering that he forgot to pack his swimming shorts.

He managed to get some in the sale at Team Mickey's then we went to the Earl of Sandwich and shared a Cannonballs sandwich, BBQ chips and a bottle of water. We were saving ourselves for our massive pizza later!

After quick look around some of the shops we took the bus back to POR at 7pm and went in the pool for a bit. It was totally empty!


At 9.30pm we were both starving again, we walked over to the main building and got our mugs and shared a large cheese pizza. As we were using the DDP we got a drink and dessert each too. We got two bottles of water, Steven got a chocolate cake and I got a brownie. This is the first time we have done a dining plan and we were shocked at the amount of food we were getting each meal and what you could use the snack credits on.

We took the food back to our room to eat and fell asleep not long after.
Can't sleep so continuing with day 2 :)

Day 2 - AK (AM EMH) & Epcot - Friday 21st September 2012

I woke up at 5.10am, which I was expecting. It always seems to take a while to get into a routine when you go to WDW. Steven could have happily slept longer but I woke him up as I wanted someone to talk to and was sick of watching cheesy adverts on TV :rotfl2:

I ate my brownie as a snack to tie me over until the food court opened, is that really bad?! :confused3.

It was EMH morning at AK which we planned to do, since we knew we would be up early. We went over to the food court at about 7.15am.

The AK bus wasn't too busy but I think we may have missed the rush as it was about quarter to 8 by the time we had eaten and walked to the bus stop.


We headed straight to EE to get a fast pass then rode it as it was a walk on. Afterwards we went to Dino Land and rode Primeval Whirl then went over to Dinosaur, which was also a walk on. It was then time to go back to EE, which was still a walk on. By the time we had rode, the park was open to the public and there were swarms of people heading to EE.






We were going to ride the safari but everyone was heading in that direction. We decided to call it a day at AK around 10am and head back to the hotel. But we found it to be a very productive morning and even saw the monkeys near EE playing and eating. We've never seen them so active before, it must have been because it was early and cooler.

Steven's foot was aching a little from all the walking so it was the right time to leave. I didn't want to push it and make him any worse!

We had a little wait for the bus but it was practically empty and we were on our way back to POR.


We had a swim in the pool and made a last minute decision to go to Epcot in the evening instead of going tomorrow.


It was about 2pm when we went to Epcot. We went straight to Soarin' and got a fastpass to return between 4.30 and 5.30pm. We went to Electric Umbrella for something to eat.


We went to Mouse Gears to shop for a few things. I bought a mad hatter mug and a few Vinylmations, so did Steven. We sat and watched the fountains then went to Club Cool to try some cokes from around the world. Israel is my favourite, Steven prefers Germany's.



To kill the time, we rode Living with the Land. Steven had never been on it before and it had been 7 years since I last rode it (I'm pretty sure it has changed, did a CM use to ride in the boat with you??) It was then time to ride Soarin', it always seems to make me feel nervous whilst I wait. I really enjoy it, but always get a little butterfly in my tummy!

After Soarin' we went on Figment (a must-do of mine!) then had a slow walk into Canada pavilion. Steven had a beer and I had a lemon ice. We found a lovely bench in the shade and watched the boats go back and forth across World Showcase lagoon.


We headed home at about 6pm, again no wait for the bus.

After getting back to the room we wanted to go to DTD (again!), it was raining quite heavily but we still wanted to go. We got off at the Market Place and weaved our way through the shops and ended up outside Pollo Campero. I had chicken strips and fries, Steven had citrus chicken and fries. I had a cookie for dessert and Steven had a cinnamon doughnut. I wasn't too keen; the chicken had a strange after taste. I don't think we'll be eating there again.

The rain eased off and we headed back to the hotel.

Another successful day but Steven was starting to get pains in his other foot :crazy2:
Day 3 - DHS (EMH AM) & MK - Saturday 22nd September 2012

Yet again I was up early, 6am (it's getting a bit better!) but we needed to be up and ready for DHS! We arrived at 8.15am. We skipped breakfast at the hotel this morning to head straight for the bus. The bus wasn't too busy, but again I think we must have missed the rush.



I went straight to Toy Story to pick up fast passes. The return time was 10.35-11.35am so we had plenty of time to ride some other rides. We had breakfast at Starring Rolls; we both had chocolate croissants which were beautiful!

Straight after we went on Tower of Terror, twice! The chocolate croissants did not return thankfully!



We then went on Star Tours and the Backlot Tour. Everything was a walk on. It was then time for Toy Story. I won by a mile!! Steven was convinced his shooter was broken, but I think he's just a sore loser.

We then went back to the hotel at around 11.30am feeling quite happy with how our morning went. We had decided to do the shows on another visit, including Fantasmic.

We had lunch at the hotel. We both had bacon cheese burgers. Steven had cheesecake with chocolate sauce and I had a brownie. Then we went into the pool for a bit.

At 6pm we arrived at MK (was supposed to be Epcot but we went yesterday) there was a long wait for the bus. The park was very busy, but the main reason for MK today was to see the Main Street Electrical Parade. We were going to the dessert party the following night so would only see Wishes and not the parade.




We joined the queue for Splash Mountain, which was only a 20 minute wait. I managed to Face time my little sister from the queue; the free wifi is great in the parks.

Splash Mountain is a great ride, but we stopped 4 times all together for around 10 minutes a time which put a downer on the ride. As much as I love it, stopping for 10 minutes before each drop or incline kind of kills it a bit.

Everyone gave us a round of applause once we arrived back at the loading station.

We quickly ate at Pinocchio’s Village Haus in Fantasyland; I didn't enjoy this meal. I had BBQ chicken flat bread and Steven had pepperoni flat bread. We both had chocolate cake. Steven enjoyed his flat bread but mine wasn't tasty at all.

It was 7.30pm by this point and the parade started at 8pm. We went over to Main Street USA and were guided by the CM to an empty spot; I'm assuming it was empty because there was a bin there?! He was also showing other people to this spot and they stood behind us.

When we were waiting I heard a very familiar voice. I look to my right and there's Kirk from Coronation Street with his wife and 2 little children. It was quite surreal to be standing on Main Street with Kirk next to us. I was quite star struck; I've never seen anyone off the telly in real life before.


Anyway, the parade was fantastic and we had a great view, despite being stood behind a bin, but it was a great place to rest my video camera. The batteries on my digital camera died just as Dopey was coming along but I quickly whipped out my iphone and Steven managed to get some photos on there.





We left straight after the parade, there seemed to be more people coming in than leaving. I think there was a 2nd parade on at 10pm that night so people were coming for the fireworks and the 2nd parade.

We went to the pool bar at the hotel, Steven had a pint of Bud Lite and I had a Citrus Infusion cocktail which was lovely but very strong!
Loving your TR so far! :) You guys seemed to have been really lucky with the buses too! :thumbsup2 It sucks that Splash was so stop/start, I can see how that would lessen the effect of the drops etc. I've heard its like that quite a bit lately!! :confused3 Can't believe you saw Kirk, I'd have been starstruck too :rotfl2: Nice sneaky pic you got there too :rotfl:;)
Can't wait to read more - especially the 23rd (judging by your siggie it was quite an important day on your trip :goodvibes)
Day 4 - DTD & MK (PM EMH) plus Dessert Party - Sunday 23rd September 2012

We had a slight lie in this morning, until around 7am! Steven offered to go and get us breakfast from the food court and seemed to take ages. I managed to have a shower, wash my hair, get ready, put a bit of make up on and tidy the room in the time he was gone. He just said the food court was busy.

At 10am we took the bus to DTD for a wander around and to buy a few things. When we came back we went to the pool for a bit of sunbathing. I ended up very, very burnt and red and after falling asleep with a towel half over my legs, I had the strangest lines on my legs. The photos of me from now onwards look awful with patchy red and white bits. I'm dreading the photopass photos!





We arrived at MK at 5pm to go on a few rides before the dessert party. I was so excited! One of the things I don't like is having to fight for a perfect spot for the fireworks but with the dessert party you don't have to do that, plus it satisfies my sweet tooth :cool1:

We were walking over the bridge into Tomorrowland when Steven asked if we could have our photo taken by the photopass photographer later, I said 'yes but see what my hair looks like' (I have the craziest holiday hair) and he said 'well, are the photopass photographers still there at night?' and I said 'yes why?' and he said 'just because it would be nice to have our photos taken there'. I was totally oblivious to any kind of hints and just said 'ok'. When I think back now, I don't know why I didn't question him; he rarely takes interest in having photos taken!

We got fast passes for Space Mountain then rode as the wait was 20 minutes. Fast pass return time was between 5.30pm and 6.30pm. After conquering Space Mountain in an awkward wrap around skirt that was long at the back and short at the front without revealing myself (the ladies will understand) we rode TTA then Buzz (I won, again) and went back on Space Mountain.

We then decided to quickly watch Philharmagic before heading over to the terrace.

We got to the terrace by 7.45pm a queue had already formed. Our reservation was for 8pm but I really don't think it matters what time you arrived as they started to let everyone in at 8pm. You got a wrist band and were shown to your table by a CM. Our table was perfect. Second row from the front but right on the edge nearest the railings. We had the best view and no worries about people standing in front of us as we could get to the railings before them. I think the tables are assigned by how in advance you book. I booked on the day our day opened up for reservations.


The desserts were great but after the third trip I was feeling full. I had chocolate strawberries, brownies and cookies. Gorgeous!




The fireworks were great, we had an amazing view. It is worth it just for the view and Tinkerbell flies right over your head!







After the fireworks we hung around to let the crowds settle then walked through Tomorrowland, rode Carousel of Progress (I've never done this before) then walked round to the Haunted Mansion, which was a walk on. On the way round to BTMRR the tail end of the parade was coming through, so I managed to get some photos of Dopey and the dwarves and the rest of the parade on my digital camera since the battery died the other night.

We were in the queue for BTMRR and when we got to the point where the queue splits into two, our queue wasn't moving. Turns out someone had been sick on the ride and they had to give it a clean.

BTMRR is much scarier in the dark, I love it.

It was about 11pm after the long BTMRR wait and we decided to head on out. Steven's foot was playing up again and I wanted to have a quick look through the shops on the way out.

On the way through Adventureland I said to Steven 'we'll cut up through here instead of going up near the castle' and he just said 'no, we won't' and we continued walking.

We got to the castle and were about to continue our walk up Main Street when he pulled me to one side and said 'while we're here'....and got down on one knee! He pulled out a box with the most gorgeous ring inside and proposed to me. I burst into tears and of course said yes! :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

Main Street was quite empty at this point with only a few people getting pictures taken. Steven knew I wouldn't have liked masses of people watching but said he wanted to propose in front of the castle and thought doing it during PM EMH would be ideal, which it was. He originally wanted a photopass photographer to take photos but I wasn't playing along haha! I was totally oblivious.

We had our photos taken anyway and did a down on one knee shot in front of the castle.

On the way out Steven said I had a package to collect at reception. When we got back we got some 'Just Engaged' badges and I collected a package with champagne, chocolate, cheese and crackers. Steven had ordered it that morning, which is why breakfast took so long!


It was after midnight by the time we had got back to the room and we were both shattered. We had a few chocolates then fell asleep.

Perfect end to a perfect day :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc
:cool1: What a lovely day (except the sunburn;))!!! Funnily enough when my DH took me to MK to pop the question he also asked if we could get a photo taken with the photopass photographers on that bridge but I was in such a hurry to get to Space Mountain I stayed walking and said later :lmao: Congrats again on your engagement, you have a really thoughtful fiance there :) full steam ahead with WDW wedding plans ;)
The dessert party looked lovely and nice fireworks pics! And I like that tip about riding BTMRR at night!!! Must give that a shot! :goodvibes
Awww loving the TR so far!

So cool you got to see our Kirky from Corrie.

Congratulations on the engagement, the Magic Kingdom is such a perfect place to get engaged :lovestruc :lovestruc
loving your trip report. Thank you for taking the time to do one.:goodvibes

We also bumped into a Corronation Street person a few years back at Universal Studio's...the bloke that used to play Steve Mcdonalds brother and his girlfriend/wife. I wasn't as sneaky as you though and didn't get a

You are correct about the Living With the Land ride it did use to have a cast member at the front doing the commentary.

Glad you took some photo's of the fireworks when you went to the Dessert Party at MK, as they were the exact same ones we watched as well and I didn't take any. We must have been about 50 meters away from you watching them:)

We were also in POR and in the mansion house next to you, Magnolia.:wave2:

Looking forward to reading more::yes::
loving your trip report. Thank you for taking the time to do one.:goodvibes

We also bumped into a Corronation Street person a few years back at Universal Studio's...the bloke that used to play Steve Mcdonalds brother and his girlfriend/wife. I wasn't as sneaky as you though and didn't get a

You are correct about the Living With the Land ride it did use to have a cast member at the front doing the commentary.

Glad you took some photo's of the fireworks when you went to the Dessert Party at MK, as they were the exact same ones we watched as well and I didn't take any. We must have been about 50 meters away from you watching them:)

We were also in POR and in the mansion house next to you, Magnolia.:wave2:

Looking forward to reading more::yes::

Aww thank you everyone :) :grouphug:

Wow can't believe you were at the Dessert Party too and staying at POR! Small world :thumbsup2

I have really bad Disney blues, especially knowing it's going to be a while until we get to go back - unless we get a mega, mega cheap amazing deal (I can always hope...:lmao:)
Day 5 - DTD (again) & Epcot plus Rose & Crown ADR

I woke up engaged!!!!! :lovestruc:lovestruc


I quickly sent my mam and dad a message to let them know, although they both knew. Steven had visited my dad at work a few weeks before our holiday to ask his permission and my dad told my mam. Bless him!

The news quickly spread and we were getting lots of messages from friends and family, including dissers on Facebook :) thank you :goodvibes

We had champagne, cheese and crackers for breakfast then we went to DTD yet again for some more shopping. I don't think I bought much, maybe a photo frame and a new purse.

We ate at the Earl of Sandwich. I had another Cannonballs and Steven had the Italian. I can't believe we've never eaten here before this holiday, the sandwiches are so delicious.


After visiting DTD we took the boat back to POR and I slept until it was time to go to Epcot.

We arrived at Epcot around 4.30pm and got fast passes for Soarin', the return time was between 8.55 and 9.55pm. We then stood in the stand-by queue, the time posted was 40 minutes but when we timed it, it only took 20 minutes.

We went on Figment again then had a slow walk over to the UK Pavilion. Steven bought a beer and whilst he did that I had a word with the ADR check-in lady at Rose and Crown. I asked if we could have a table on the patio to view the fireworks. She saw my Just Engaged badge and said she would make a note of it and see what she could do as we were celebrating. She was lovely.


We watched the band in UK pavilion and it was time for our ADR. It was 7.35pm ADR but as we had made a request for a patio table we waited a little longer.

At 8pm our buzzer went off and we were given a great table on the patio in the corner with a fab view. The lady who I spoke too shouted over as we were being taken to our table asking where we had been put, when she was told we were on the patio she shouted 'YAY!' and clapped. :goodvibes


I had the tomato soup for starter, Steven had scotch egg. Both were great. For main course, I had fish and chips and Steven had the cottage pie with a side of mushy peas. Again, both meals were fantastic. It was time for the fireworks. We had an amazing view.



We then walked over to Soarin' and after went on Spaceship Earth as we were leaving.

Spotted this when leaving Epcot, thought it was cute :)

Day 6 - Pool & MK plus MNSSHP

I woke up at 5am feeling not so good. I had a horrible grumbly tummy :( I managed to fall back asleep after an hour and slept in until 10.30am, which is unlike me. I think that maybe the events of the previous few days had got the better of me plus I don't think I had been drinking enough water.

We went to the pool at 11.30am and stayed there until about 1pm. I perked up after a dip in the pool and a lie down in the sun.

We took the bus to MK at 4pm for MNSSHP. It was 5.15pm by the time we arrived and were given our wristbands, trick or treat bags and a map at the entrance.


We had some tea at Cosmic Rays; we both had the chicken with potatoes and chocolate cake. We walked over to Storybook Circus for a quick look around but found the train had just pulled in so took the train around to Frontierland and rode Splash Mountain, which was only a 10 minute wait.



We walked back to Main Street and found a spot to watch the Villains Mix n Mingle. We then made the decision to watch the 2nd parade as we didn’t find a good spot in time for the 1st parade, plus it was quite busy. We decided to do some trick or treating and go to some of the candy trails. We stayed in Tomorrowland and Storybook Circus then headed back to Main Street to watch the parade.



On the way to Main Street we noticed people were pulling tables up to the railings on the terrace in Tomorrowland where the dessert party is held. We joined and had a fab view of Hallowishes. Such a great firework display.





We then headed over to Adventureland and did the trick or treat trails there then went into Frontierland and found a great spot for the 2nd parade (until a man dressed as Pongo came and stood in front of me 10 minutes before the parade started – I was furious and made my feelings known quite loudly). Despite this, the parade was great.

We then went over to the Frontierland trails and headed over to the Haunted Mansion to ride before the park closed. It was then back into Fantasyland for the final trick or treat locations then we headed out.


I would definitely do MNSSHP again, its great experiencing the park without the usual music and the different effects on the buildings and attractions around the park. From the sounds of it, we were quite lucky with the weather too. I heard MNSSHP on the day we left was a wash out :sad1:

Looks like you had a wonderful view of Illuminations, lovely photos too.

I like your shots of Hallowishes and other party photos. Sounds like you had a brilliant time. x
Day 7 – Wednesday 26th September 2012 – AK & Epcot (plus Via Napoli ADR)

We had a lie in this morning due to our late night last night and went to AK around 11am. It was boiling hot, by far the hottest day so far. We only managed to do Kilimanjaro Safari and Dinosaur. We had some photopass photos taken and had lunch at Flame Tree BBQ. I had the chicken and Steven had chicken and rib combo. We both had chocolate mousse and left the park around 1pm.






We headed back to the hotel and stayed by the pool until around 4pm.

At 6pm we left the hotel for Epcot as we had an 8.30pm reservation at Via Napoli. We explored some of the countries on the way around to Italy. Steven also had a beer in Germany and a beer in Italy while we were waiting. Epcot didn’t seem too busy that night, even as 8.30pm was getting closer World Showcase Lagoon wasn’t jam packed with people waiting for the fireworks.


At 8.30pm exactly we were shown to our table. At first I wasn’t impressed. We were in the conservatory part and it was so loud. Steven and I felt like we had to shout across the table to each other.



Soon enough a lot of people left, probably to watch the fireworks, and it quieted down.

Steven had a beer and I had a lemon drop cocktail, which was very, very strong!!


I didn’t have a starter, nothing appealed to me and I’m a fussy eater anyway. Steven had salami and cheese provolone. We shared a large pizza. My half was just margarita and Steven had mushroom and spicy Italian sausage on his half. It was gorgeous! Best pizza we’ve had.


We shared a dessert, I can’t remember what it was called, I’m thinking it was along the lines of ‘Ugly but good’; it was like an ice cream sundae with cookies.

It was around 9.45pm when we left Via Napoli. It was EMH at Epcot so there were still quite a lot of people in the park. We didn’t go on any rides; we just had a slow walk out.


Despite the noise when we first arrived, we both said we would go back to Via Napoli again.

Day 8 – Thursday 27th September 2012 – DHS

We were supposed to be up at 6.45am and heading to MK AM EMH however when the alarm went off it was turned straight back off. We slept in until 10.15am – possibly the effects of one pint too many in Steven's case.

We had breakfast in the room – pancakes and bacon and a bounty platter. We then went to the pool at 11.15am and stayed there until around 1pm. We had dinner at the hotel before going out.

We headed over to DHS at 3.45pm. We were hoping to get in to see Beauty and the Beast but the show had already started. We then went to TOT but it was closed as it had broken down, so we went on RnR which was only a 10 minute wait.

TOT was fixed when we came off so we rode that then went over to Beauty and the Beast as the next show was at 5.45pm and the theatre opened at 5.15pm.


We had great seats and were ready for the show.




Half way through the show the rain and thunder began. Just after the beast transformed into the Prince they stopped the show as it was too wet on the stage to continue. Everyone was slightly annoyed but we were fine with it, it means we get to see it again another day.




We then went next door and started to queue for Fantasmic. It was around 6.15pm at this point.

The rain continued and continued and continued until 7pm. We were finally allowed into the theatre just after 7pm. We had great seats in the Mickey section.

The pre-show entertainers came out and motivated the crowd and played a few games like finish the rest of the song lyrics and a Disney trivia quiz. Steven had brought his iPad and was playing on Fifa. The time seemed to fly over and the show began.







Fantasmic was brilliant. It’s only the 2nd time Steven and I have seen the show.


We hung around at the end until the crowds died down. By the time we got out a bus for POR was full and ready to leave but we were guaranteed a spot on the next bus as the queue wasn’t too long.

We picked up a pizza from the food court when we got back and ate it in our room.
Fantastic TR laura. Loving all the photos. Just caught a peek at your ring. Very nice. Sounds like you had an amazing time.pixiedust:
congratulations! It sounds like you both had a lovely time.

BTW, i absolutely love your pink dress xx
KayTom said:
congratulations! It sounds like you both had a lovely time.

BTW, i absolutely love your pink dress xx

Thank you, I had so many compliments from CMs about my dress that evening. It was a bargain in the h and m sale.


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