SEMI-LIVE 5 weeks of onsite/offsite dining adventures Jan-Feb ‘23 *7/9 FINAL Update*

Hi. I am enjoying your report very much.
I love the snowbirding idea and am impressed that you are doing the drive back and forth from Canada back to back like that.
Looking forward to reading more


It is a lot of driving - especially the drive home for one short week. But to be able to spend 5 weeks over Jan and Feb in our happy place enjoying the warm sunshine is going to be so worth every hour of that 35hr round trip LOL!!
Today my mood was still off and I was pretty grumpy by the time we made it into Animal Kingdom about noon. Just me being moody and poor DH had to deal with it. He ended up walking ahead of me all the way to Yak and Yeti to give me the bit of space I was needing.

If it wasn’t the first day of Chinese New Year, I would have left him in the villa for a solo day (that will be tomorrow!). But he wasn’t too impressed with my suggestion to cancel CNY lol.

Thankfully my mood lifted as I walked through AK. Kevin was there to greet me and he always makes me smile.


After we checked in, we went across the path to a pretty spot by the river to chill


Russell and Dug came by, which was exciting!


We didn’t get to sit long before we were called back. We ordered a Mongolian Beef (to stay in the festive Chinese theme) and DH’s fave Malaysian Seafood Curry.


The Mongolian Beef was good. But the star of the show is always the Malaysian seafood curry. So creamy and smooth and everything just melts in the mouth. It is only very mildly spicy. Here’s a closeup:


I never noticed before that each table in this section has a unique pendant light:


For dessert I had my usual cream cheese wontons. The juxtaposition of crispy wonton shell and melty cream cheese interior topped with vanilla ice cream…mmmmm. So good! It deserves its accolades.


DH had the mango pie and as our serve warned, this has changed. It is now the same filling but surrounded by cheesecake. Instead of a shortbread crust, it’s a graham cracker crust. I like cheesecake a lot - but it was better that way it was before. Still a good dessert though.


We also got fortune cookies at the end.

I was extra thirsty today and like most Asians, prefer hot water. We went through soooo many cups of hot water! I had to laugh at the end.


Make sure you join Landry’s Select Club before coming. It costs $25 which you get back in a $25 welcome reward (which I used for this meal). Then forever and ever, you get a $25 birthday bonus you can use within a month and a half of your birthday. I chose February as my birthday (they don’t care since u only get it once a year anyway) since I am coming back then lol.

I also bought Landry’s gift cards at a discount from Costco. They sell $100 gift card for $80. I like buying the e-gift cards since that’s easy to carry around and I can wait until the last minute to buy.

As always, we loved Yak & Yeti and we’ll be back!

Oh and Happy Chinese New Year! We were festively dressed in our matching CNY tees:

Really enjoyed your reviews. As a fellow Bakery fan did you ever check out Se7en Bites in Orlando?? Really cool Bakery and was featured on Dining Drive Ins and Dives. I also like the cakes at Gideons. Had a Lemon cake that was insane.
I really should have asked for a different table where I would have felt more comfortable dealing with DH’s stuff. We’re generally used to this, but this is the closest we have ever been sat to our fellow diners. And I try not to think about it - but I know DH’s difficulties eating must be tough for diners with weaker stomachs to see. We are generally as discreet as possible and DH wears a baseball cap anyway (for his vision issues) which does double duty of hiding his face while he eats.
Dear Elaine- my heart hurt for you. I wish I had a magic wand to create a safety bubble for you and your DH. I am sure it was curiosity and empathy that made people look. I have an Autistic son that is non-verbal and he can get loud sometimes with vocalizations and I used to feel people staring and I would feel very protective but one way I coped was to look at it differently and view it as a positive thing that we were teaching people about disabilities. Of course there were somedays when people laughed at him Mama Bear came out and my thoughts were a little Darth Vader :darth:. What you are showing is how to "live'" with cancer. So sending tons of pixie dust my friend. Please be kind to yourself and give lots of self love its very hard to be the care taker and takes up loads of energy. :hug:
Happy Chinese New Year! I am loving your trip report. Thanks so much for the tip about the Yak and Yeti Malaysian seafood curry, that looks amazing!! We are heading down there this weekend and will have to get that in addition to our usual favorite, the ahi tuna nachos. :) Look forward to reading more of your report!
Really enjoyed your reviews. As a fellow Bakery fan did you ever check out Se7en Bites in Orlando?? Really cool Bakery and was featured on Dining Drive Ins and Dives. I also like the cakes at Gideons. Had a Lemon cake that was insane.
Ooo…I am going to have to check this out! Bakeries are totally my jam and I spend a lot of time hunting for good ones. I have only been to NYC once for a weekend - but my favourite part was all the absolutely amazing bakeries everywhere. They were a step above bakeries in practically every other city I have visited. Although Vancouver was pretty good. But NYC was absolute deliciousness.

I’m still hesitant about Gideon’s cakes because I have read they have a very heavy icing to cake ratio. But lemon would make everything better!

Dear Elaine- my heart hurt for you. I wish I had a magic wand to create a safety bubble for you and your DH. I am sure it was curiosity and empathy that made people look. I have an Autistic son that is non-verbal and he can get loud sometimes with vocalizations and I used to feel people staring and I would feel very protective but one way I coped was to look at it differently and view it as a positive thing that we were teaching people about disabilities. Of course there were somedays when people laughed at him Mama Bear came out and my thoughts were a little Darth Vader :darth:. What you are showing is how to "live'" with cancer. So sending tons of pixie dust my friend. Please be kind to yourself and give lots of self love its very hard to be the care taker and takes up loads of energy. :hug:

Thank you. I like that - showing how to “live” with cancer. It’s been a wild ride for 7 years now and we have certainly had our ups and downs. This comment will echo in my head and I can see it will help a lot in the down times.

Overall though, we generally feel very, very blessed. And so grateful we are getting to live out our dreams. Even in a modified way.

Happy Chinese New Year! I am loving your trip report. Thanks so much for the tip about the Yak and Yeti Malaysian seafood curry, that looks amazing!! We are heading down there this weekend and will have to get that in addition to our usual favorite, the ahi tuna nachos. :) Look forward to reading more of your report!
I love the ahi tuna nachos! And the dragon roll bowl is also amazing (way better than Satuli Canteen’s cold blue noodle bowl - which was good, but doesn’t compare). But that Malaysian seafood curry is just creamy, silky goodness. There must be some puree in it to get that texture. And a lot of coconut milk/cream. And in case you are wondering, no it doesn’t taste like a Malaysian curry lol (I am actually from Malaysia!). I’d describe it as inspired by Malaysian tastes since it is heavy on coconut. And some curry powder (but no chilli so it is barely spicy). The lobster ravioli was a totally interesting addition to a curry dish. Adds to the feeling of smooth, silky, creamy, and warmth that the dish creates. And then the juicier bites of shrimp makes for a contrasting note.
Time for another update! Let’s keep going with our Chinese New Year celebration. After our obligatory nap, it was time to head to Epcot, specifically to the Chinese pavilion.


Not much activity happening over here, so we moved on to the American Pavilion to see Arielle and Adam Jacobs perform Broadway hits. It was festive because they each originated Jasmine and Aladdin in their respective Broadway productions AND Aladdin’s story was originally set in CHINA. Close enough, right? 🤣

BTW - they were fabulous! I love the Festival of the Arts specifically for these concerts.


By 7:3pm, we were still rather full for dinner so asked when we checked in if we could delay it a but. The hostess invited to us to return anytime before 8:45pm.

So we went to watch Reflections of China to feel appropriately cultural.


And checked out the Disneyland Shanghai display


Oh wait - I am here to talk about the FOOD lol! We finally checked in at 8pm and this time I remembered to ask for a quiet table.


We weren’t in the quietest section but it was fine as the restaurant was pretty empty. And see - even the tables in the middle have some space between them. At Morimoto, there was maybe a 6-12” gap between our table and the next!

I ordered the Spicy Honey Crispy Chicken ($23) and DH ordered the tofu and veggie stirfry ($18). I learned after the night before and asked for extra sauce on the side.


The stirfry was decent - but they really cheaped out on the tofu lol. We hunted it all down to cut it up and there was maybe a quarter block of tofu total. Basically 5-6 small strips. The veggies were cooked nicely - Chinese style so more al dente so they stay slightly crisp and fresh tasting. DH wasn’t very hungry so only ate half his dish (he stole some of mine instead LOL!)

Mine was a very large portion of chicken that was moist and juicy and perfectly fried. It was surprisingly very good. While not an exciting dish that wows you with new flavours, it is a much higher quality dish than your regular takeout Chinese. The batter is really good and nothing was soggy or sitting under a heat lamp or overcooked.

Good thing as $23 is probably $8-10 more than what you’d pay your local Chinese joint! Like many have said, I wouldn’t add this to any must-do list, but if craving Chinese food, it is solidly good and relatively cheap compared to other onsite restaurants.


It wasn’t our usual CNY feast, but it still felt reasonably festive. I was quite bitterly disappointed when our server informed me they had run out of ingredients for the 50th specialty dessert - Boba Blue Magic with butterfly pea flower ice cream. Bloggers have been raving about this and I really really wanted to try this. Now I have to go back again in February LOL!

Without dessert, we were done at 9pm and we were able to catch HarmonioUS from China. Not the best view (Norway next door is better) but decent, not crowded, and felt festive. Especially when they sing Mulan’s song “Reflection” in Chinese.


Was excited to find this lone festive display in the store at the Chinese pavilion :)


So glad that after the rough start to the morning, we ended up having a very nice day!
Monday was time for a solo day. I have been looking forward to some alone time this trip and after the day before, it was badly needed. I get a lot of time to do whatever I want (I retired a few years ago so my days are not very busy) but not a lot of time to be completely, totally alone.

My plan is to eat all the snacks at places DH can’t really manage anymore.

I was excited so ended up waking up super early and booking Guardians at 7am. Got into Epcot at 9am to start the day but miscalculated. Forgot that the last time I did this, I had Early Entry.

By the time I made it to Frozen at 9:05am, the line was 65 mins long. And the line to Meet Anna and Elsa was well over an hour too (and they weren’t even coming out until 9:15am!). Eek!

I consoled myself with an Eplekeke from Kringla Bakeri og Kafe.


It was moist, soft and fluffy, and nicely apple-y. The caramel drizzle was a nice add-on although I might skip that in the future. Pretty good breakfast! Very nice bread/cake texture - see pic of cross section:



After this, I walked back to Guardians (LOVE that ride!) and it was time to head to the resort for my 11am aquafit. They offer it 2x a week and I have been building my schedule around it. I am not actually doing it to lose weight (eating too much anyway haha) or to get fit (not really in the frame of mind for a proper exercise routine), but because I really, really enjoy doing aquafit. It’s a blast and then I hang out with all the other snowbirds for an hour or so chatting :)

Normally I nap after this, but not wasting my precious solo day so I headed off to Epcot where I finally found Devine!! (Love her but have been missing her for about 7-8 visits over 4-5 years now. The day before by 2 lousy minutes).


It was after 2pm now and I was ready for FOOD!! First up - the pulled pork jelly donut. The donut is filled with jelly (but it’s concentrated in one section so hopefully you bite there first to spread it out more evenly). My pulled pork was a bit old and dry but the donut helped a lot with that and all in all, it was a nice combo. The glazed donut was sweet and not stale and the jelly worked awesome with the pulled pork. A bit pricey for a small sandwich though.


Still hungry, I decided on onion rings from Flame Tree BBQ. They are so nicely fried with a fabulous batter. Loved it last time I had it and it was delish this time too. Very hearty portion.


Especially for the price, which is reasonable by onsite and offsite standards.


For both snacks, I sat in the pretty seating areas behind Flame Tree BBQ. Very relaxing and I chilled for a while reading my book and enjoying the relaxed vibe (and the cute character boats that went by periodically) punctuated by screams from Expedition Everest lol.


After this I decided to get a pina colada from Caravan Road. I didn’t realize it was shaved ice with a pina colada flavoring.


The syrup was way too sweet without the ice but the ice did not melt easily. I went for a walk along the Pangani Trail and worked hard chipping away at the ice with a plastic spoon the whole time. It was ok when the ice combined with the flavoring. Was hoping for a quiet spot to sit and chill along the trail but it was very busy that afternoon so I kept going (chipping away at the ice constantly). Sure wish I had chosen the kakigori - the condensed milk is so good with that!


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I was still hungry after this walk so I decided to try the tacos from The Smiling Crocodile. But they close at 3pm (I was 10 mins late lol) so I went back again to Eight Spoon Cafe, this time for their pulled pork mac and cheese.


This was really good! Very hearty and satisfying and warm (on a cooler day). It’s made with real cheese (so not typical Disney mac n cheese) and balanced beautifully with the (slightly dry) pulled pork. Here’s a closer pic of the mac:


I would get this again :) I didn’t get a receipt but it was about $7+ after tax.

I kept working at that pina colada, this time sitting it in the sun in the hopes of melting the ice. The syrup is sickeningly sweet when not balanced/diluted with the ice. However, the ice had quickly solidified into a mostly solid chunk:


Disappointing drink for the price. Maybe better on a very hot day when the ice will melt faster. Or chip away more quickly. I dunno - I am more into blended slushies vs snow cones so ymmv.


After this, it was time for Nemo way up close (DH has to sit more towards the middle nowadays due to his vision issues) and then two rounds of Expedition Everest with single rider (DH is not a coaster fan).

I found a pretty spot near Feathered Friends in Flight to chill with my book but got hungry so started wondering what to eat next. Considered the dumplings at Mr Kamal’s but $6.50 for 3 small dumplings is really outrageous- even in my splurgy mood. So I got chicken fried rice from Yak & Yeti’s quick service window. It’s a large portion but too salty for me (as you can tell, a common complaint from me so adjust according to your tastebuds). Very enjoyable to munch on sitting by the river with a great view if the Tree of Life.



Ended up staying until park close for Tree of Life Awakenings and then I was off to Epcot for another Disney on Broadway concert. Was tired by this point but really wanted to catch another set of performers (we have 4 different sets of performers during our two weeks here and I am determined to catch them all lol!).

After the performance, I decided I really should get some dinner but wasn’t too hungry and couldn’t decide what I wanted and didn’t want to walk too far after all the walking I already did all day.

Ended up getting fish and chips from the Yorkshire Fish Shop. It’s gigantic, perfectly fried with a delish batter and very yummy thick cut chips, just the way I like it:


Plopped myself on the ground and had a nice view of Harmonious from the bridge to France. Sadly, I realized just how full I was after taking a bite. I hated wasting it so took a couple more bites. But after a few, realized it was dumb forcing it down just so I didn’t “waste $13+”. I was super sad but ended up taking it back to the condo. Reheating it in the oven will NOT do this justice - wahhhh


I was so wiped by the time I got back after 10pm. In hindsight I should’ve skipped Epcot.

We’re going to chill in the condo today. Plan to go to Tambu Lounge for an Ohana-lite dinner and then MK for the evening :) We also need to do boring stops at the bank and Target.
Looks like a great solo day! Good for you for taking some time to yourself 😊
Thank you :) It really was a much needed time. I love being here with DH - he really is my very favourite person to go to Disney with - but man, it was so nice to have a day just to myself.

Was thinking of doing it again this week but I think I will wait until we return in February. Only 3 more full days left and then it’s time to start the long drive home.

We are both feeling like we have been eating a lot. I had planned Tambu Lounge this week but now am thinking of postponing until February. We’ll see how things go - I’ll keep you guys posted ;)
Yesterday, I was completely tired out after my lengthy solo day. I definitely overdid it lol. I laid around all morning with my book. Then we had to move rooms due to maintenance issues so that took about 2 hours to pack and move (I had thought maybe half an hour lol!).

After all that bustle, I flopped out again and we finally left the room about 4pm. I was still feeling a bit worn out.

We decided to check out Three Bridges at Coronado Springs for dinner. Drove through the gates with zero issues explaining we wanted to eat at Three Bridges (can’t make a reservation there).

We were immediately wowed by the resort. We have come to eat once before many years ago but I don’t remember being as impressed (I was also wrangling 2 children and I remember having a bit of a meltdown and being really upset with them lol).

It’s gorgeous! And there’s Three Bridges, on a little platform in the middle of the lake across a pretty bridge.


We arrived at sunset and they sat us in a lovely table in the warm glow of the sun.


It was just so lovely out there (a bit windy last night so it got a touch cool). I fell more and more in love with the resort and we thoroughly enjoyed sitting there.

So much so that I decided we should order an appetizer (we don’t do 3 courses often) and we got guacamole. Asked for naan instead of chips (as DH can’t eat chips) and our lovely server brought both. Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo. It was good but not different enough from Costco guacamole (which we have currently in the fridge) to be worth spending an extra $12 on IMO. I would probably skip it in the future.

I was debating between all the entrees as they really looked good - then DH encouraged me to order the lamb as I rarely get to eat it and I love lamb. DH ordered the ginger shrimp poke bowl.


It’s interesting that he still keeps ordering poke bowls (although come to think of it, not very often) as he picks out the edamame and carrots as they are a bit hard for him to eat. He did end up really liking it. He asked for more coconut cream sauce. And then he was left with quite a bit of rice at the end so he asked for more aioli.

There are about 3 different sauces in the poke bowl. Teriyaki something, a coconut cream, and then it’s drizzled with a sriracha aioli. It was a very nice rendition of a poke bowl although it doesn’t have many different ingredients - rice, edamame, carrots, pickled something (radish?), pineapples, and the shrimp. Everything went together pleasingly.

The lamb was lovely. Although weirdly enough I wasn’t ga-ga about the tzatziki sauce (I usually love it). It was just ok. Overall, not a huge portion as it’s really three small lamb chops.

I had spied Tres Leche on the dessert menu and knew it was a must. Sadly, no chocolate for DH so he skipped dessert.


I am obsessed with Tres Leche after having tried it when down in Texas. Have had it a few times in my own city but even in little joints mainly targeted towards our Mexican greenhouse workers, it just hasn’t tasted the same.

This one did. So is it a Tex-Mex version that I prefer? The cake was fully soaked in the 3 milks to the point of melting in your mouth. It’s different from a bread pudding (which is more custardy and bready) as this is a finer cake that is soaked through and through.


Unfortunately, the portion size is REALLY small. Maybe a cupcake size and it was finished really quickly. So - very $$ really. But that won’t stop me from ordering it again 😍


We thoroughly enjoyed sitting there at Three Bridges. The atmosphere alone elevated it to one of my favourite restaurants at WDW. The setting sun, the water, the music, everything. It felt upscale, romantic, and serene.



Then afterwards was just as lovely. We chilled all over the resort lol! First up were the rocking chairs outside Maya Grill. Then the main lobby in CSR which had seriously comfy chairs.

Then we explored the Gran Destino Tower and absolutely loved the decor. Hard to believe this is a moderate:



I would love to stay here some day. Hard to justify it though when I have been getting 2 bedroom condos for $500-1000/week located just as close to the parks as onsite hotels. And to be honest, I am rather practical about where I stay and am mostly a Value girl.

I did surprise myself just how much I enjoyed the vibe of this resort. I have seen many photos but have been rather meh about the theming. Until walking around last night.
I feel the same about CSR. We stayed in 2021 before all resorts had re-opened yet and I was unsure about staying here. I also felt meh about it too. We are from California so didn't feel the theme was all that different than anything I'd find around home. But it turned out that I just loved it! Something about the atmosphere, the vibe, the just all worked! Im enjoying your report and think its wonderful you guys are able to do this!
I feel the same about CSR. We stayed in 2021 before all resorts had re-opened yet and I was unsure about staying here. I also felt meh about it too. We are from California so didn't feel the theme was all that different than anything I'd find around home. But it turned out that I just loved it! Something about the atmosphere, the vibe, the just all worked! Im enjoying your report and think its wonderful you guys are able to do this!

It really was surprising. I have been meh about this for so long but really fell in love. We’ll definitely be back for more food! And hopefully more chilling around the resort. I want to walk around some more on a warm day. And looking forward to trying more food at Three Bridges. I have eyed Toledo but a bit hesitant about the menu so we will see if we ever end up there.

We feel so so super grateful that we can do this trip. It really has been a dream come true.
Lunch was my leftover fish and chips in the condo. Dinner tonight was at Disney Springs.

I had registered for the Earl of Sandwich E-Club and a day or two later got an email with a $5 off coupon with no minimum purchase.

I had my usual favourite- the Holiday Turkey Sandwich. We took it to the stage by the water to enjoy some live music while I ate. (DH ate in the condo before we left as he can’t manage sandwiches).


With the coupon, it was only $4.25.


Maybe I have just been eating out too much. It wasn’t as good as usual. The bread didn’t seem as fresh and it all tasted a bit too salty. Sad as I have been obsessed with this particular sandwich for nearly 13 years now. I’ll give it a try again another day - although maybe not when we come back in February.

We moved on through Disney Springs, stopping to listen to live music everywhere we went. Finally ended up at the Salt & Straw, which I have been wanting to try forever.

A bummer but they didn’t have that many weird flavors. I wasn’t quite adventurous enough for chocolate crickets.


I love that they encourage you to sample and tried 4-5 different flavours. They scoop huge samples so u can get full just sampling lol. I ended up with The Salty Donut Guava and Cheese (it has a cheesecake flavour and texture) and the classic Sea Salt with Caramel Ribbon. I have tried all kinds of handcrafted ice creams and theirs are very, very good. The flavours are pronounced, rich, creamy and perfectly balanced with each other.


I was surprised each scoop is pretty generous in size. I went for the double scoop. Pretty pricey though at over $10. I felt guilted into tipping and ended up tipping 18%. My server was super sweet and very generous with samples though.


DH still wanted his favourite Ghiradelli’s though (he has a harder time with regular ice cream now) so we made our way back across Disney Springs for his favourite milkshake. It’s an oldie but a goodie. There’s a reason this place has been around since the 1800s. The chocolate is rich, intense and delicious. Many many steps above a McD’s choc milkshake.


Come to think of it, this is over $10 too.


He decided to being it back to our condo to enjoy (15 mins drive away) as it is easier for him to rinse his mouth after. Unfortunately, it was pretty melty by the time we brought it home so hard to drink. We popped the last quarter into the freezer to see how it fares tomorrow. Can always blend it again for him. Now we know and next time, he’ll enjoy it there :)

Only 2 more nights to go :( I have to think about packing up. So happy we will be back in just 2 more weeks!
Condo lunch again :) I was thinking of cancelling dinner plans and eating in the condo but DH insisted we go out as we are heading home soon.

So off we went to the Tambu Lounge at the Polynesian Resort. For over 12 years, Ohana has been our favourite restaurant and we kept going even when we weren’t on the dining plan and as prices increased.

In 2022, we went in August and then again in October. Unfortunately October’s experience wasn’t amazing. We had to reorder the beef 3 times before we got the medium rare we asked for. The chicken wings were blah until the 3rd attempt as well. Our server was not as nice and argued with us saying that it was how it was cooked. I explained (nicely) that we were regulars and we knew it could taste better.

Anyway, we did end up getting good food (trick with Ohana is - if it’s not amazing, ask them for another round). However, it made me seriously consider the price to value ratio. It’s over $60pp nowadays. And our favourite parts were the cheap things like noodles and potstickers. We really didn’t care much for the entrees (chicken, shrimp and beef) especially since the beef is so inconsistent we typically need at least a 2nd attempt. I miss the skewers they used to bring around.

Very long story not-so-short, I have decided that Ohana has finally outpriced me. Sad as we were Ohana die-hards.

Anyway, this trip, I decided it was time to make the trek to try out Tambu Lounge, where I have been told we can ask for off-menu items from Ohana :)

I was going to park at MK and monorail over but decided to give it a shot and drove up to the Poly first. Told the guard I was headed to the Tambu Lounge and he waved me in after checking photo ID. Woot! Prob helped that it was now 5pm so not like I was parking here and going to MK for the whole day.

We strolled upstairs to the Tambu Lounge but no seats were available. We asked the server but were informed they do not seat us so we were left to hover for a seat.

At first we snagged a small low table in the corner. But DH pointed out he would have a lot of trouble eating without a normal height table. There are two 6 seater high top tables but we would have to share with another family and we weren’t keen on that. So we sat patiently and eyed the two normal height tables next to us. Eventually a family finished their food and left. So we hopped up, grabbed our food that had just been delivered, and snagged the table quickly. Success! And it was a lovely window table where I had a fabulous view of the Castle, the Volcano pool, and the lake.

We started with Ohana’s wings and potstickers. The potstickers were pretty good. But had obviously been sitting under a heat lamp for a little bit. We didn’t mind though. It made it a bit soggier for DH. He did have some trouble eating it though. They are deep fried and the edges were still crispy. I have been in a crazy potsticker mood for a few months so thoroughly enjoyed them. It is a surprisingly large portion - maybe 10 potstickers? (Most places give you 4-6 as an app)

We moved on to the wings. Unfortunately they were slightly dried out and overcooked so they also gave him trouble. I found them slightly salty and desperately needing more sauce. Or maybe just more juiciness. Still reasonably good and I ate them lol.


We then ordered one bowl of noodles. I had planned to get 2 but decided to see if DH could eat them first.


It’s hard to tell but there are a LOT of noodles here. Basically an entree sized amount. Just as well since they are dirt cheap to make - just plain noodles with no meat and a smidgen of vegetables.

Still, I love them. And whatever else Ohana is inconsistent with, the noodles are always delicious. I love that they are a bit sweet and never too salty. I have tried, but cannot recreate the flavour at home.

Even better, DH was able to eat the noodles. We were thrilled as it was looking like we were going to have to get him food elsewhere. He was even able to eat more potstickers when mixed in and chopped up with the noodles.

I thought about getting a second plate of noodles but I was starting to get really full. And DH said he was satisfied too.

It was now time for the star of the show. It is not an Ohana-lite dinner without the famous bread pudding. And boy is it plated beautifully at the Tambu Lounge!


It is a gigantic slab of bread pudding. Like 4x the size of my tres leche the other night. And so very, very good. It melts in your mouth. There is a layer of crushed pineapple in the crust that adds that something extra.

My only wish is that there was more ice cream to go with it. It’s definitely not enough and I let DH have most of it.

I have had some very good bread pudding in other Disney restaurants. But this one still reigns supreme. I don’t think entirely due to taste - a lot of it is Ohana nostalgia too.

But if you’re talking about price and value - the Ohana bread pudding at Tambu Lounge is a gigantic portion and a steal at $12. Especially considering the $9 I paid for that tiny tres leche at Three Bridges.


Overall, we had an Ohana-lite meal at half the cost of eating at Ohana. And I still had to waddle out, I was so full. Next time - just noodles and potstickers and bread pudding. Like all the meats, the wings are just too inconsistent there.

Oh and if anyone is wandering around, the little cafe outside Kona Cafe has chocolate covered bacon (we didn’t try it)


We monorailed over to MK for a couple of rides before hightailing it out of there just before the fireworks started. So we got to watch it from the resort boat back to the Poly.

D4CC5646-3578-40B1-9C72-B63CFAE08884.jpegFantastic view. But it doesn’t come close to being on Main Street with the projections and the music.

It sure was nice not to have to do that awful long walk from the TTC to the parking lot though.
Loving your report and resiliency! The Vistana is where we stay, although only for 2 weeks. I would love a month stay.
Loving your report and resiliency! The Vistana is where we stay, although only for 2 weeks. I would love a month stay.
We’re just determined to live our lives. Some days are easier than others of course. The eating thing does drive DH batty some days. And he has been finding some worsening in the last few months. When we were here for 3 weeks in October, we still chopped up his food, but he could eat a larger variety of food. Last night he commented that he needs to study menus much more carefully now. He does feel bad sometimes that he is holding me back from eating at places I enjoy. But really, that’s what solo days are for :)

We’ve been down here for 2 weeks now and heading home this weekend. We’ll be back again for 3 more weeks in February so I am considering this one extended 5 week winter trip :)

Absolutely loving being in the sunshine over the winter. What a dream come true!
So we leave to drive home tomorrow morning. We ate in the condo today. I’ll add our food stories here too :)

I did the math and it looks like we spent approx $633 eating onsite for the past 13 nights here in Orlando. I thought it would be a lot more than that given that it has felt like we have been eating out nonstop. We also spent $120 on groceries at Aldi’s and will be taking some of it home lol. We did bring some food down with us too.

When we’re back in February, we’re hoping for:
Turf Club
Primo Piatto
Steakhouse 71
Grand Floridian Cafe

Maple Street Biscuits
Ole Red


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