Second Star to the Right and Straight on Til Morning PTR

Happy Sunday evening everyone!

Who am I trying to kid, I hate Sunday evenings. Im up in less then 12 hours :mad:

I did have a very productive day yesterday though! Got a top for hols, new socks and underwear for the kids, a hoody for Jimmy, some new shoes for Jem and four dark tee shirts to make personalised Mickey head tops from :cool1:

Just have to get one more travel adaptor, PJs for James and the usual toiletries.

I'm going to make our luggage tags and make those tee shirts later on this month. I also have some printables for the activity packs for the kids so I'll get them done soon too :thumbsup2 need to keep an eye on the pound shop for extra things to go in them too.

I also had a go at Jemma's hair for her communion and was thrilled with the outcome. So much so I think I'll cancel her hair appointment and just do it myself ::yes:: will post a pic

So thats it for now. Hope you all had a great weekend.

:cheer2: 98 sleeps :cheer2:
Happy Sunday evening everyone!

Who am I trying to kid, I hate Sunday evenings. Im up in less then 12 hours :mad:

I did have a very productive day yesterday though! Got a top for hols, new socks and underwear for the kids, a hoody for Jimmy, some new shoes for Jem and four dark tee shirts to make personalised Mickey head tops from :cool1:

Just have to get one more travel adaptor, PJs for James and the usual toiletries.

I'm going to make our luggage tags and make those tee shirts later on this month. I also have some printables for the activity packs for the kids so I'll get them done soon too :thumbsup2 need to keep an eye on the pound shop for extra things to go in them too.

I also had a go at Jemma's hair for her communion and was thrilled with the outcome. So much so I think I'll cancel her hair appointment and just do it myself ::yes:: will post a pic

So thats it for now. Hope you all had a great weekend.

:cheer2: 98 sleeps :cheer2:

I hate Sunday evenings too. But this Sunday evening is not so bad because this time next week we should almost be at the DLH...:woohoo:

I had been planning on making stuff for our trip but I doubt I am going to have time now. You are just too organised!

I feel like such a bad mam - I can do ponytail's and that is it; I wish I could do lovely styles in R's hair (although I hate touching it atm as it is falling out again! :sad1: ) but I have short fat fingers and I swear that is the reason I can't do nice plaits and things! How are you doing Jemma's hair?

Your mam must be super -excited. One day I will take my mam along with us. She is desperate to go!
RoseBug said:
I hate Sunday evenings too. But this Sunday evening is not so bad because this time next week we should almost be at the DLH...:woohoo:

I had been planning on making stuff for our trip but I doubt I am going to have time now. You are just too organised!

I feel like such a bad mam - I can do ponytail's and that is it; I wish I could do lovely styles in R's hair (although I hate touching it atm as it is falling out again! :sad1: ) but I have short fat fingers and I swear that is the reason I can't do nice plaits and things! How are you doing Jemma's hair?

Your mam must be super -excited. One day I will take my mam along with us. She is desperate to go!

Lol I love back combing so its a big retro mass of backcomb, curls & a little quiff with a tight shimmery diamond head band. I never had much education as regards girl stuff from my sisters and my mam is a tomboy but YouTube is a wealth of information! I'm a qualified cosmetologist/ beauty therapist (not practicing though) and I've always had a love for big lashes and retro styling and always was in awe of big hair but to be honest all you need is a hair straightener or curling iron and a flat comb plus a bucket of hairspray! I'll post some pics tomorrow, took loads earlier.
Poor little Rosebug, does it bother her? Have you tried the Mane n Tail shampoo & conditioner? I hear great things about it bringing on hair and making it thicker.
Lol I love back combing so its a big retro mass of backcomb, curls & a little quiff with a tight shimmery diamond head band. I never had much education as regards girl stuff from my sisters and my mam is a tomboy but YouTube is a wealth of information! I'm a qualified cosmetologist/ beauty therapist (not practicing though) and I've always had a love for big lashes and retro styling and always was in awe of big hair but to be honest all you need is a hair straightener or curling iron and a flat comb plus a bucket of hairspray! I'll post some pics tomorrow, took loads earlier.
Poor little Rosebug, does it bother her? Have you tried the Mane n Tail shampoo & conditioner? I hear great things about it bringing on hair and making it thicker.

My mam always did french plaits etc. in my hair as a child; but from late childhood I was such a tomboy and at 18 I got all my hair hacked off. Only this past 2 years have I grown it back to shoulder length (because DH says my face is now too fat for a short cropped style! :mad:;);) Such a way with words! I do agree it doesn't suit me now I am 2 stone heavier than I was in my early 20's!!)

I only bought a pair of hair straighteners a year ago and recently started to go to the hairdressers more regularly than only when it got past the stage of desperation! ;)

Luckily Rosebug isn't really aware that her hair is falling out; thankfully she had such thick hair it isn't noticable to anyone unless they know her well and can see how thin her pony tail is now. :sad2: It suggests her meds are off again; and when they started to level out her hair started to grow back again so fingers crossed this will happen this time. Thank you for that suggestion - I will try to track some down! :thumbsup2
My mam always did french plaits etc. in my hair as a child; but from late childhood I was such a tomboy and at 18 I got all my hair hacked off. Only this past 2 years have I grown it back to shoulder length (because DH says my face is now too fat for a short cropped style! :mad:;);) Such a way with words! I do agree it doesn't suit me now I am 2 stone heavier than I was in my early 20's!!)

I only bought a pair of hair straighteners a year ago and recently started to go to the hairdressers more regularly than only when it got past the stage of desperation! ;)

Luckily Rosebug isn't really aware that her hair is falling out; thankfully she had such thick hair it isn't noticable to anyone unless they know her well and can see how thin her pony tail is now. :sad2: It suggests her meds are off again; and when they started to level out her hair started to grow back again so fingers crossed this will happen this time. Thank you for that suggestion - I will try to track some down! :thumbsup2

It might be worth a try - my friend's sister's hair had gone thin thru stress and it worked well for her.
Straighteners are great for curling. Lol aren't hubbies the best :eek: :rolleyes1 men....!
Now after reading all this I'm glad I have boys :lmao: although I'd like to do a girly hairdo for someone once in a while. Or dress like a princess.
Looking forward to seeing the dress !!
Hair sounds fab btw.
Bet she looks fab :goodvibes

Just paid for ds1 prom his first suit :).

I'm a hair person to but mine is short and purple at the min and when I say purple I mean purple lol.
I also have stress hair loss mine is bald patches tho.
I'm lucky as I do have very thick hair so have always been able to cover them.

Kizzy brows look quite fab in your pics and you don't look a day over 24
Isila said:
Now after reading all this I'm glad I have boys :lmao: although I'd like to do a girly hairdo for someone once in a while. Or dress like a princess.

Lol its great!! She's becoming a much more girly girl lately so she doesn't protest as much when I do her hair! And she does love flouncing about in dresses but her personality is the poler opposite to James. She is a mother hen and super chatty! She has the same organisational side (bossy) just like me! James is easy going and nothing fazes him!
Except suits... he hates suits so his communion will be fun!! :lmao:
Looking forward to seeing the dress !!
Hair sounds fab btw.
Bet she looks fab :goodvibes

Just paid for ds1 prom his first suit :).

I'm a hair person to but mine is short and purple at the min and when I say purple I mean purple lol.
I also have stress hair loss mine is bald patches tho.
I'm lucky as I do have very thick hair so have always been able to cover them.

Kizzy brows look quite fab in your pics and you don't look a day over 24

Looooool!!! Made my day!! Im going to rock 25 for another bit though! My mam even plays along now :D
Love purple hair! Its so much easier pull off on short hair too. I did a balayage on mine at the weekend. Tres ginger :/ but im going to blonde it out next week. Fingers crossed!
Aah his 1st dance!! Is he nervous or excited? Do they bring dates? We had one just at the end of secondary school - our debs ball - some lovely memories & manky dresses!!
Looooool!!! Made my day!! Im going to rock 25 for another bit though! My mam even plays along now :D
Love purple hair! Its so much easier pull off on short hair too. I did a balayage on mine at the weekend. Tres ginger :/ but im going to blonde it out next week. Fingers crossed!
Aah his 1st dance!! Is he nervous or excited? Do they bring dates? We had one just at the end of secondary school - our debs ball - some lovely memories & manky dresses!!

I go between purple and red these days.
Lol at the ginger locks it happens to the best of us sometimes :).
Adam really is laid back and really hasn't said much apart from he doesn't want to wear a bow tie.
Will have to wait and see if he asks a girl ;).
Sure the dresses weren't manky at the time.
Just done my batman party bags only 11 days till the boys birthday.
It's snowing here.
Have you started the t-shirts yet ?
I go between purple and red these days.
Lol at the ginger locks it happens to the best of us sometimes :).
Adam really is laid back and really hasn't said much apart from he doesn't want to wear a bow tie.
Will have to wait and see if he asks a girl ;).
Sure the dresses weren't manky at the time.
Just done my batman party bags only 11 days till the boys birthday.
It's snowing here.
Have you started the t-shirts yet ?

Nowt wrong with being Ginger!!! ;) Of course I have to say that...
I go between purple and red these days.
Lol at the ginger locks it happens to the best of us sometimes :).
Adam really is laid back and really hasn't said much apart from he doesn't want to wear a bow tie.
Will have to wait and see if he asks a girl ;).
Sure the dresses weren't manky at the time.
Just done my batman party bags only 11 days till the boys birthday.
It's snowing here.
Have you started the t-shirts yet ?

Tshirts will be started soon :thumbsup2 Have to change my Mams one - she thought it a little low cut! :rotfl: it was just a little baggy!
Aaaah a bow tie is cute though!! Ooooh you'll have to show us a pic of him all done up :thumbsup2
Oh gosh Rach I dunno, they were pretty awful! Blue taffeta with sequins :scared1::confused:
Ah cool!! Are they all excited?
We only had a couple of minutes of snow but storm Darwin is wrecking havoc on the country, last week it was storm Ruth. They need to roof this country over ::yes::
Lol its actually growing on me a lot!! Kinda love it a little! :love:

Nowt wrong with being Ginger!!! ;) Of course I have to say that...

Lol - I have gone ginger on purpose a couple of times but this was meant to be blonde :confused::confused3 It is nice though, am really pleased with the unexpected outcome! Bit of a cliche being ginger and Irish though! All I need is the freckles! And a pint ;)
Tshirts will be started soon :thumbsup2 Have to change my Mams one - she thought it a little low cut! :rotfl: it was just a little baggy!
Aaaah a bow tie is cute though!! Ooooh you'll have to show us a pic of him all done up :thumbsup2
Oh gosh Rach I dunno, they were pretty awful! Blue taffeta with sequins :scared1::confused:
Ah cool!! Are they all excited?
We only had a couple of minutes of snow but storm Darwin is wrecking havoc on the country, last week it was storm Ruth. They need to roof this country over ::yes::
Lol its actually growing on me a lot!! Kinda love it a little! :love:

Lol - I have gone ginger on purpose a couple of times but this was meant to be blonde :confused::confused3 It is nice though, am really pleased with the unexpected outcome! Bit of a cliche being ginger and Irish though! All I need is the freckles! And a pint ;)

Blue taffeta now there is a pic I would like to see ;)
I will post a pic of my little man all done up :)

Hope the weather not to bad over there.

Like rosebug said nowt wrong with being ginger :)
Lie in tomorrow no work till 5 yay xx
Blue taffeta now there is a pic I would like to see ;)
I will post a pic of my little man all done up :)

Hope the weather not to bad over there.

Like rosebug said nowt wrong with being ginger :)
Lie in tomorrow no work till 5 yay xx

Thankfully there's not too many pics of the dress! I would love a lie in!! Mass in the morning in prep for Jems communion so no such luck here although think i might go back to bed afterwards if the weathers not good. Got my 1st stone at ww this week but I've pigged out since and not done a tap of jogging with the weather :( plus I've been smoking the last 3 weeks. Awaiting an ecig in the post.. it better hurry up cause cold turkey just aint cutting it.

On a positive note..... I bought Jimmy's PJs!! And a hoody. Officially finished clothes shopping... well maybe I'll pick up some shorts and new vans for Jem. But officially the list is ticked off :banana: delighted!!
Just have to pay off the balance on the hotel & pack!! Oh and make the tee shirts!
I also ordered Jems cake for her communion - red velvet as requested. Cannot even begin to explain how good this lady's cakes are! She made our wedding cake & cupcakes and they were the yummiest things ever!
Thankfully there's not too many pics of the dress! I would love a lie in!! Mass in the morning in prep for Jems communion so no such luck here although think i might go back to bed afterwards if the weathers not good. Got my 1st stone at ww this week but I've pigged out since and not done a tap of jogging with the weather :( plus I've been smoking the last 3 weeks. Awaiting an ecig in the post.. it better hurry up cause cold turkey just aint cutting it.

On a positive note..... I bought Jimmy's PJs!! And a hoody. Officially finished clothes shopping... well maybe I'll pick up some shorts and new vans for Jem. But officially the list is ticked off :banana: delighted!!
Just have to pay off the balance on the hotel & pack!! Oh and make the tee shirts!
I also ordered Jems cake for her communion - red velvet as requested. Cannot even begin to explain how good this lady's cakes are! She made our wedding cake & cupcakes and they were the yummiest things ever!

A lie in is nice :goodvibes the boys didn't get up till 8.30 :).
Love disney shopping I'm waiting for 2 Mickey hoodies from eBay v cute.
Oh smoking my DH stopped before Xmas after 35 years !
Don't tell me about cold turkey :sad2:.
Everyone seems to like the vapour ones have you tried them ?.
Great feeling losing a stone isn't it.
I do SW I was a target member but I'm now half a stone above my target and just can not get my head into diet mode :guilty:.
I have a spinning bike in my bedroom did half an hour yesterday going to do the same today. I really want it off before we go away.
Aww I love red velvet cake prob wear the half a stone came from lol
A lie in is nice :goodvibes the boys didn't get up till 8.30 :).
Love disney shopping I'm waiting for 2 Mickey hoodies from eBay v cute.
Oh smoking my DH stopped before Xmas after 35 years !
Don't tell me about cold turkey :sad2:.
Everyone seems to like the vapour ones have you tried them ?.
Great feeling losing a stone isn't it.
I do SW I was a target member but I'm now half a stone above my target and just can not get my head into diet mode :guilty:.
I have a spinning bike in my bedroom did half an hour yesterday going to do the same today. I really want it off before we go away.
Aww I love red velvet cake prob wear the half a stone came from lol

Red velvet is the best!!
I survived mass anyway! It was lovely, the priest is great with the kids & includes them loads.
Have about 2 stone to go but am making slow steady progress. I hear great things about SW but don't have a class close enough. Lost a good bit with WW after having Jem (size 22 - a skinny 12) so fingers crossed for more of the same! Haven't as much to lose this time so it should be manageable. I just want a nice dress for her communion!
Was off the ciggies for 9 months with the vapour one but had weaned myself off it ages back so awaiting a new one to come from Scotland, it was the best one I'd tried. Hows the hubby doing with it? I was a smoker for 14 years so can only imagine how hard it was for him. I slipped back into it too easily but I'm determined! Stalking the postie the last few days!!
Red velvet is the best!!
I survived mass anyway! It was lovely, the priest is great with the kids & includes them loads.
Have about 2 stone to go but am making slow steady progress. I hear great things about SW but don't have a class close enough. Lost a good bit with WW after having Jem (size 22 - a skinny 12) so fingers crossed for more of the same! Haven't as much to lose this time so it should be manageable. I just want a nice dress for her communion!
Was off the ciggies for 9 months with the vapour one but had weaned myself off it ages back so awaiting a new one to come from Scotland, it was the best one I'd tried. Hows the hubby doing with it? I was a smoker for 14 years so can only imagine how hard it was for him. I slipped back into it too easily but I'm determined! Stalking the postie the last few days!!
We have a great priest here father bob he is such a nice man and really great with the kids they all think he's fab, the way it should be.
SW great if you stick to it ;), I did 45 min on bike and I'm going to stay to group on wed night that is the key I think, I just weighted and ran last week.
Bet your a size 12 for jems big day why not pick a dress now as a goal?
WDW was my goal last year.
You better have a red velvet for me to :love:
I've been off the cigs for 7 years now was ages before I just couldn't pick one up again :confused3.
DH doing ok now it was ages before he could sleep right, hope he stays off them *** they cost loads these days.
Hope it comes 1st class in the morning for you.
We have a great priest here father bob he is such a nice man and really great with the kids they all think he's fab, the way it should be.
SW great if you stick to it ;), I did 45 min on bike and I'm going to stay to group on wed night that is the key I think, I just weighted and ran last week.
Bet your a size 12 for jems big day why not pick a dress now as a goal?
WDW was my goal last year.
You better have a red velvet for me to :love:
I've been off the cigs for 7 years now was ages before I just couldn't pick one up again :confused3.
DH doing ok now it was ages before he could sleep right, hope he stays off them *** they cost loads these days.
Hope it comes 1st class in the morning for you.

I'll be postman stalking in an hour again ;)
They cost far too much. My savings since April allowed us two DLP hols and to book two more! So i kinda have no choice to quit again!
I'm going to Debenhams for a look about in a couple a weeks. They had some amazing dresses at Christmas & it wasnt somewhere I'd have thought of.
James is under the weather still :( we have the doc after dinner so hopefully he'll set him right. He's not a nasty rash so I'm hoping its just a reaction or heat rash. There was two cases of meningitis up the country in a playschool last week so I'm being vigilant. He's not in too bad form, bit feverish and pale and off his food but not crabby so I'd say its just the dose that everyone seems to have.


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