ScoJo's Running Down a Dream Journal (comments welcome)

Just had to post to bump this up for others to read. Your entire journal is inspirational, and your 'farewell' made me cry! A good cry, though!

You are AWESOME!!

Ditto!:goodvibes Thanks for bumping Scott's journal back up. His farewell post is amazing!:thumbsup2

Hey Scott, if you are still reading journals on occasion, maybe you can pop in here and update us on how you are doing. We'd love to hear about your next journey! By the way, did you ever finish that trip report? ;) :rotfl:

Hope you're doing well, Scott!:goodvibes
I got all excited...thinking Scott might've posted. But what a great idea to bump this thread up for others to read about Scott's amazing journey.

Scott, you out there lurking??:confused3
Michael Jordan did it.

Rocky did it.

the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are trying to do it.

The Police are doing it...but who really cares?

Sanjaya continues to do it week after week...much to the annoyance of 32 million viewers (this one included)

That's right folks I'm talking about a comeba.....oh wait, LL Cool J said not to call it one, so I wont. A hiatus?....a hibernation?......a temporary state of suspended silence?.....ok ok truth serum's what I've been up to:

Jan 18, 2007 -- Deep reflections about my life changing marathon experience sent me to the remote desolate valleys of Nepal. No, I wasn't searching for a Yeti (found it at AK)...but I ended up making friends with a monk named Bhikshu who convinced me to meditate on my journey and take a vow of silence. Newsflash: sitting indian style, palms outward focused on my "inner peace" may work for Gary, the neighborhood yoga instructor but it just doesn't quite cut it for me. This boy needs to I ran...(cue Flock of Seagulls song OR...the chariots of fire theme depending on your musical preferences)...

April 3, 2007 -- Made it home. No mylar bus to transport me to an air conditioned mickey themed hotel room...just a pc with the disboards still pulled up. So how are things??

Ok, all attempts at witty humor aside...I didn't stop training or running or ellipticising (or working or eating or sitting in crappy Atlanta traffic every day either). And rumor has it that someone is officially going Goofy in '08. I ran a 10k in the early part of the month and just completed a 5k in a very satisfying 25:02. I've got some events mapped out in the near future that should keep me moving right along. I didn't run any more marathons, but I did volunteer for one :) and that was a cool experience.

So here I am...back for a see what's going on around here and to maybe even track my own running progress.

Hope everyone is doing well...til next time:

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan
Glad all is well, Scott! Thanks for popping in! I'll be thinking about you as I sit in Atlanta Airport enroute from NM to FL in May!
So here I am...back for a see what's going on around here and to maybe even track my own running progress.

YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! He's back, people!!! (so glad I didn't remove that subscription to your thread!! :laughing: )

I'm in need of some running inspiration, my friend. Kick me in the rear!!

It really is good to hear from you, and your awesome sense of humor. I think about you most Wednesday nights around 9pm. :goodvibes
Welcome Back, Scott!:banana:

Glad to hear that all is well with you!:goodvibes That's great that you've gotten some races under your belt already this year. :thumbsup2

Please keep up updated on how you are doing... Will you be planning another father/daughter trip if free dining is announced? (By the way, did that trip report get finished? ;) )

Have a great week!:cool1:
Hi Scott,

Welcome's great to hear everything is going well for you. That is awesome you got some runs in this year!!!

Keep us updated on how things are going with you!!!

Have a great day :)
Nice to see some of you still around here, doing so well with your personal goals! Thanks for the nice words as always :)

Today's start a new journal or to keep this one going. I'm leaning towards starting a new one...clean this one was created for the specific goals outlined in the first post. Anyone have any thoughts on the situation?

It was storming last night when I went to go for my run, so I made my way to the fitness center instead. I greeted my old friend Mr. Treadmill with an enthusiastic "Hello!" but it just kind of sat there in it's cold, black, lifeless state. Something needs to be done to these machines to make the experience more rewarding. I mean..something as simple as the name for starters. Treadmill. The name is horrible...when you go for a walk or a run, do you say "I'm gonna go tread outside"...No...'cause treading equals slowly making your way towards something unpleasant. Example: I tread from my car to the doctors office. And a mill. Stirs up an image for me of a big water wheel repeatedly turning around and around and around, stuck in the monotony of displacing water from the mill to the stream. Over and over all day..never changing...endless cycle of uneventfulness. So a treadmill is a monotonusly boring death march. No wonder I don't like it.

Anyway, as the fitness center worker shouted "Dead Man Walking"...I started my evening's run. I ended up doing 60 minutes and covered 6.77 miles. I was doing 9/1 intervals...9 min at an 8:30 run pace and 1 min walking at 4.0mph. Averaged out to a nice 8:51 pace overall.

Of course, when I walked outside I was greeted with temps in the low 60's..and not a storm cloud left in sight. Sometimes it's all in the timing.

Today calls for a 40 minute elliptical workout. Hopefully I can watch Haley, Phil or Lakisha get the boot while I'm doing said workout. ;)

Hope everyone has a great day!
I vote for a new journal, personally. I've thought about the same thing.

BUH BYE HALEY!!!! (if it can't be the San-man, please let it be her) :sad2:

Edited to add: I see you're still kicking some running (you-know-what)!! I remember the days I could run for 60 minutes (probably only 4 miles though hahaha). Some day I'll be back!! Don't be a stranger!
Hey Scott,

I vote for a new journal too.:goodvibes This journal was to help you accomplish a purpose: to run the Walt Disney World marathon. You accomplished that.:thumbsup2 Your new journal can focus on what your next goal is... Or you can keep this one so you can contine to journey to your new goals and beyond. Either way, we'll be sure to stop by and say hi.:goodvibes

Have a good evening!:cool1:
Hi Scott,

My journal!!!! You are too funny with...thanks for the laugh regarding the treadmill name!!!!

Way to go on getting the work out in.....awesome job :)

Keep it up!!!

Have a great day :)
Glad to see you are back, Scott!! Hope you'll stick around whether you keep this journal or start a new one, I'll be looking for you! Your always an inspiration!

9/1 intervals! :woohoo: That is awesome... I will continue to dream that someday I will know what that feels like :thumbsup2 Keep up the good work!

Happy Easter!


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