Running for Freedom(of the Seas) The Journey Begins Today!(Comments Welcome)


Sharing the same birthday with my baby girl and Mi
Sep 9, 2005
So today is June 1, first day of the training program for my first half marathon, the Saratoga Palio Half Marathon on Sept 20. One week off, then right back to it to train for the Disney 1/2.

I am training with my FIL and MIL, though only FIL is racing with me. We are following the 16 week training program (I *think* it is the TNT one). Pending a good visit to the vet for the dog tomorrow, I will be able to buy my Garmin 305 this week, which I think will really help with the training.

So this mornings run was a 3 miler. I did my standard route through the neighborhood, some inclines, some flat. 34:09, not too bad considering I didn't really run at all last week due to weather. This week is only M,W,F, Su runs, next week we go to 5x week (thursday gets added in). I am going to try adding in a couple strength training classes each week too. Saturday will be my TOTALLY OFF DAY.

The other component of this plan is my diet. I do still need to lose another 50 lbs, so I am re-committing to using FitDay to track my calories. I am hoping that with the increased activity and keeping my calories near or slightly higher than before, I will be able to drop the weight.

We will be running the Disney 1/2 with a group, and while I will probably not be the slowest in our group, I won't be breaking any speed records either. My goal is to start and finish before being swept.

So if you have decided to read along, thank you. Feel free to comment, just say hi whatever.
So it occured to me that if someone is reading this, they won't know much about me or the journey I'm on, so I should probably give the backstory.....

I am 38 years old, wife, mother of one 9 yo girlprincess:. I work full time as a dental hygienist. I have struggled with my weight since high school, finally reaching my highest weight in 2006 at 219 lbs. Boy just looking at that makes me :scared:. In 2007, I started WW and a 10 week running program. I had been running about 10 years ago, but once I got pregnant and had my DD, well....... you know how that goes. So I got back into it, slowly. My inlaws are both runners, so I have two training partners who help me immensely. In 07 I lost 50 lbs, but then hit a big brick wall. I backed off the WW, went to calorie counting, then kind of fell off the wagon. I have been able to maintain mostly, putting only 10 lbs back on. I am really back to my running after a winter of Boot Camp to help with strength.

2010 I turn 40, and my goal was to run the Disney 1/2 by then. So I will be doing just that come January.

I appreciate any comments/insights/good thoughts and wishes!:wizard:
Hi, I've just started running again too. You sound commited. And lucky you, having someone to train with. I look forward to following along.
Run #2 of the training program-I am trying to vary my routes when running to keep from getting bored. So today I did the bike path by my house. I am still unsure why, since it has a big dip in the middle, and the steeper incline is on the way back. I struggled quite a bit, even walked a little on the hill. But in terms of time, I had a better pace than the other day.

Why is it that some people (who I am related to or have to work with every day) seem to pull me off course? My co worker insists that we go out for lunch today, when I really don't want to go. I will pick a salad, but I would so much rather eat in the office. And DH, who is trying to lose weight too, goes out last night and buys ice cream! Thankfully, the flavors were ones that I really don't care for, but I still had a bit. I don't think I will have any more, since it really didn't do it for me. I have to remember that it is MY choice to eat or not eat, no one is forcing me to put food in my mouth.

Hoping that Fridays run is a good one. Sunday is our first long run, a 6 miler. Also hoping that DH orders my Garmin soon, I really am looking forward to using it.
Congrats on getting back out there!

You will love your Garmin- it is addicting and I won't run without it now.

I am also doing the 1/2 this year and doing a 1/2 in Sept as well.I will start training soon too.
I have been running on and off, kind of nice just doing it when you feel like it or when the weather is nice.

Keep journaling, we can all keep each other motivated for our training! Pop in to my journal as well. It is nice to hear from people.

Thanks Linda:flower3:

I will definately check out the 37 pages of your journal, it may take me a while to read, but I bet its all good!!!:goodvibes

So today was another 3 mile run, this time with my new Garmin. Boy is it a fun accessory. :yay: I did my 3 miles in 32:38 and guess what? The 3 mile mark is farther away from my house than I thought! I was using mapmyrun, but it seems that it may have been off a bit:confused3. But I liked being able to "see" my run in both the Garmin Training Center and on Motionbased. I am looking forward to Sundays long run of 6 miles.

Food, ehhh, has not been great. DH wanted pizza last night, I had some and it was delish. But I felt it this morning when I ran, tends to make me sluggish. Though I ran a good time and pace, it was harder for me than normal. And I know that is because I didn't eat well yesterday. So back to it I go. We are going to be working outside all weekend laying a new patio (31' x13'-over 500 blocks). So I will definately be doing some cross training between digging up sod and hauling dirt and blocks around.

I am only weighing in once a week now. I had to stop doing every day, it was making me crazy. So now I am only weighing on Mondays.

Thats it for now. Time to go pick up DD from school!
Hi Veronica!
Good luck on the run today- another great day out there!

How's the Garmin coming? Do you like it?

Are you towards Albany? We were at Siena and tried to find College of St.Rose but got lost.Are you around there?

If you are not that far from me you should consider doing the Applefest 1/2 on Sept.26th in Hollis NH with me.I did it last year, it was great.Oh wait I just remember you are doing a 1/2 in Sept right?

Cam and I are doing weigh ins on Thursdays if you want to join us.We happen to be on the same cruise in November and we have a deal whoever loses the most buys the Pina Coladas!

Have a great day,

I am just north of Albany, near Saratoga. I know where St. Rose and Siena are, probably about 15 miles from my house.

While I would love to do Applefest with you, I will be running my first half on the 20th of Sept, here in Saratoga. Maybe we can catch another one together in the spring after Disney.

The Garmin-oh how did I live without it! It is so awesome to be able to know how far you have run just by looking at your wrist! And I thought that the HR strap would bother me, I don't even know its there!

We went slow today, as FIL wanted to take it easy for the long run. So we did 6miles in 1:12:28, so about a 12min/mile. I still had gas left in the tank and could have run faster, but we stayed together. Usually he is the one pulling ahead, but I stayed with him.

Tomorrow is another 3 miler, I will work on speed. Where do you and Cam check in for weigh ins on Thurs? Maybe I will join you.
WOW! For your FIL that is great- he sets the pace usually?

I have not used the HR monitor on my Garmin yet. How does it work? I am not tech savvy at all.It took me a long time to get the Garmin.

Cam and I just check in on our journals with our weight losses or GAINS(that was me) on Thursdays.Join us.The more the merrier?

A spring 1/2 would be great.There is one here in town I did last year, very nice and scenic- farm country.

Yep 66 yo FIL sets the pace-and on short runs I usually can't keep up. He has a habit of starting slow and surging a few times. But on these long runs, he seems to be more concerned with doing the distance, not how long it takes. Which is fine with me.

The HR monitor is easy to use. The first time you have to "sync" it with the Garmin, so basically you just put it on, turn on the Garmin and it detects it. After that, nothing special to do. You have to wet the sensors before you put it on, no big deal. The strap is pretty comfy, which surprised me. I like being able to see if I hit my target zones. I spend most of my time in Zone 4, which is 80-90% of max.

I will definately join you for the weigh ins. It gives me a few extra days this week to bust off a few ounces:rolleyes:.

The half in the spring would be great.

Off to work outside on my patio some more. Have a great day!
Running 6 miles then spending the majority of the day working on a patio is a bad idea.:sad2: I woke up this morning feeling very very sore and was a bit sluggish when I went out to do my 3 miles. I took an easier (read: flat) route, but was still on the slow side, 33:56. But the miles are in. Tomorrow is a rest day.

I am down 2 lbs for the week, :cool1:

Time for some runners candy and coffee!
Another 3 mi run, good time 32:19. It was tough, I really pushed myself, or at least that was how I felt. Tomorrow is only 2 miles, then back to 3 on Fri.

I'll weigh in tomorrow with Linda and Cam, see where I am at. This week has not been the greatest for food, but better than I have in a while.
2 mile run this morning, 21:04, not too shabby. Since it was only 2 miles, I really pushed myself.

Weight-unchanged from monday. I will now weigh in on Thursday, so we'll see how I do next week.
Great job on your run today! Maintaining your weight is a good thing- can be frustrating I know all to well but you did not have a full week either.

Keep it up!

So Saturday is my off day, but not this week. I had to take yesterday off, as it was POURING rain in the morning plus DD only had a half day of school and was having a friend over. So I decided to put off my run til today. A great morning to run, nice cool weather, just enough sun. Unfortunately, I woke up with a rip roaring headache. But 2 aleve and some pb crackers and I was out the door. I am working on the food/fuel prior to running, as I usually just get up and go. I found that with the couple crackers, I felt more consistent with my run today. I do a few long inclines, and I didn't feel like I was dying when I crested them, like I usually do.

So a 3 mi run in 33:18, not too bad. Hoping my headache goes away soon. Plenty of work to do around the house today, then a family party, then DD is off to a party tonight. Tomorrow is a long run day, but its only 4 miles.
Running with a headache-WOW! that is dedication!

Yes what a beautiful morning.I wish it was like this all year long.

Do you like oatmeal? That is a great prerun food.

Good luck tomorrow on your long run.

Running with a headache-WOW! that is dedication!

Yes what a beautiful morning.I wish it was like this all year long.

Do you like oatmeal? That is a great prerun food.

Good luck tomorrow on your long run.


Nope, sorry I don't do oatmeal. I bought the packages of the cheese/pb crackers. And there are six "crackers" in each little pack. I only ate 2 of the crackers, probably could have eaten more, but didn't want to eat too much. I do PowerBars for the long runs, those work out really well. I also picked up some SportBeans to try. I have to get my new shorts with the fuel belt and some small H2O bottles for the long runs. This is all new to me, so I am trying things here and there to see what works. The worst thing is having to go to the bathroom while out on the long run. Thankfully, we run past a convenience store with a public restroom, so we can always make a pitstop.
Well its Sunday so that means a long run. Todays run was only 4 miles, which we did in 45:08, good pace. I ate some of my crackers before running this morning, instead of the powerbar since we weren't doing that long a run. Weather was perfect-cool, sun just coming out.

FIL had a rough week-his sister was in town visiting, so he didn't get to run like he wants PLUS they ate out all week and he had to chauffer her around all the time. So when he springs the "hey, here's a different training schedule I got from your cousin, I want to do this instead" I really couldn't choke him, though I briefly thought about it. We set the training schedule in January, he gave it to me. Now my husbands cousin who just ran a 1/2 last weekend gives him a different schedule and now he wants to do that. UGHHH. He *thinks* it is less running. It is still 5x week, the mileages are different. So I told him to do what he wants during the week, we will still do long on Sundays, but I am sticking to the original schedule, since that is where my mindset is. He and MIL have run 1/2's before, I have not, and I really have my head wrapped around the schedule we are following. So I have a feeling that there will be some consternation about the length of the long runs, but I am sticking to my guns on this. I am doing this for me, so I need to do what works for ME. I am entitled to be selfish about this.

Enough ranting, off to work around the house, that patio is still not done, why those little elves don't come at night and get it done, I don't know:laughing::rolleyes:
Yes when you have something set in your mind,especially something your are a little nervous about it is not easy to switch things up at the last minute.I make a plan and need to follow through.What causes me stress is when someone messes with my FLOW!

I am glad you had nice weather, I woke up to pouring rain.DD15 game was cancelled.DD17 lost yesterday so we are done there.

Good luck on the patio.If you see those elves send them our way- maybe they know how to clean a teenagers room!HA!HA!

Monday, Monday. Another 3 mile run. I went slow today, as I am still hurting from yesterdays yard work. Bad news on the patio-had to undo all the work I had done and start over (the new blocks are bigger than the old ones, so some changes had to be made.).

Todays run 35:02, just ran where the wind took me, no plotted course. The crackers are working out well, making me feel more consistent while running.

I am still stewing over the thing with FIL and the training schedule. I have to just let it go, stick to what I am doing, let him do what he wants.

Tomorrow is an off day, thank goodness. I need the rest!


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