Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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Something to think on....Starting back in mid April, people were reporting a big change in FP availability. I started paying attention because our window was coming up the end of the month. Top tier rides were booking 4, 5 even 6 days out- much longer than had been normal. This continued right through our booking window. But, our trip was longer so I couldn't really judge availability for the end of our trip, it would appear to have been much better, but that's because I was booking 13 days out.

Then, all of sudden, availability came back somewhat for mid -July- things that are being booked now and in the last week or so. I didn't think of it, just read someone else who did- but it does seem plausible that the low availability for the middle of June could be caused by the intention to reduce capacity and the increase we now see might be them increasing capacity on a weekly basis as they're doing in SDL. Just a thought- go ahead, blow holes in it. :)
The only hole I’ll blow in it is that we only heard a few anecdotal stories of FP complaints. Nothing was ever confirmed. So who knows if it was even true or not.
Something to think on....Starting back in mid April, people were reporting a big change in FP availability. I started paying attention because our window was coming up the end of the month. Top tier rides were booking 4, 5 even 6 days out- much longer than had been normal. This continued right through our booking window. But, our trip was longer so I couldn't really judge availability for the end of our trip, it would appear to have been much better, but that's because I was booking 13 days out.

Then, all of sudden, availability came back somewhat for mid -July- things that are being booked now and in the last week or so. I didn't think of it, just read someone else who did- but it does seem plausible that the low availability for the middle of June could be caused by the intention to reduce capacity and the increase we now see might be them increasing capacity on a weekly basis as they're doing in SDL. Just a thought- go ahead, blow holes in it. :)

I don't know that it means much but I had a way easier time booking my July fast passes (19-24th) than my June (7th-12th). However, I was able to modify the June FPs more frequently and July has been trickier for me in that regard.
I don’t know. If you look at the dibb, it still looks like headliners at the end of July are booking at 7 days at least past 60. We took a 7 day trip last year at that time frame and got all the headliners easily. It still looks tough going at the end of July for fastpasses to me.
Just wanted to say -
We are supposed to go in July 8th- 12th.
I have gotten FOP and today was able to get SDMT. The key is to play with each day and see what FP are available and switch parks if necessary.
I don’t know. If you look at the dibb, it still looks like most headliners at the end of July are booking at 7 days at least past 60. We took a 7 day trip last year at that time frame and got all the headliners easily. It still looks tough going at the end of July for fastpasses to me.
Just looked- and yes, that is a huge jump from what it's been the last week or so. Strange. It had dropped to 2-4 days most of last week.
Just wanted to say -
We are supposed to go in July 8th- 12th.
I have gotten FOP and today was able to get SDMT. The key is to play with each day and see what FP are available and switch parks if necessary.
Yes, I agree. We are/were booked for the first week of July and were able to seriously improve our fastpasses since we booked them. Now if all that time spent searching for the modifications was well spent? Your guess is as good as mine, lol.
The only hole I’ll blow in it is that we only heard a few anecdotal stories of FP complaints. Nothing was ever confirmed. So who knows if it was even true or not.
Right, but I've been watching the Dibb and you can see for yourself what the availability is. The reports just confirm it. But as someone else said, it's gotten really tough as of today so I'm back to square one with my detective work. lol
You don’t think Disney has plan A through Z? Why wouldn’t they? They likely have a plan in the case that they need to be closed for the rest of the year. No they don’t want that but better to prepare for such than not too.
Yes definitely. The rumors come across as 1 plan. A B C etc. Nothing before August
Poster Disneyhead'71 on WDWmagic posted this in regards to Disney being blindsided by Universal.

I'm hearing Universal didn't surprise Disney at all with their June 5th reopening date. Both Disney and Universal were on the Governor's Reopening Committee, they both outlined their plans. Universal said June, Disney said end of August. Disney pushed really hard to have Universal blocked from opening in June, but the Governor and Orange Co. officials like the thought of that Summer tourist tax money, so Universal's plan got approved. Now Disney is back to the drawing board trying to figure out what they can can bring on line by mid-June with their now limited staffing resources.

This is not really a case of Disney being "caught flat-footed" as just the fact that the 2 resorts are in much different situations in regards to the ability to reopen.

Universal is still paying all of their full time employees. All they have to do is schedule them to work, train them on new policy procedures, and fling the doors open. It was in Universal's best interest to get the parks open ASAP and stop paying employees with no incoming revenue.

Disney, on the other hand, sent all their international and college program employees home and furloughed almost everyone else. Not to mention that they require 3 times the staff that Universal needs. It simply going to take longer to get the place ready for guests.

Hearing that it makes a lot of sense on both the NBA front and why they have been vague on what is going on in regards to opening.
Well if that’s the case they should have absolutely never been taking ppl’s money for trips in June, July & early Aug! They better hope if that’s true & there is never proof of it.
Something I haven't seen mentioned......I would think IF the NBA is going to be housed at CSR, they would need to include the restaurant group management that runs the food locations at this resort as it isn't run by Disney. Staff, food supply and possibly temporary menu changes would need to be discussed. Guessing that pro athletes may require specific nutritional guidelines be met during seasonal play.
I"m also wondering how long the NBA would really need to be sequestered. How many courts does WWoS have? They could tape a lot of games in one day and then just play them on TV when they want. I mean there will be no live fans so why not? Just have to have the reporters/tv people sign something that says they can't publish the results of the games. Just do what they do with reality tv shows.
I haven't followed the entire NBA situation so this may have been covered but just because they're playing at WWoS doesn't mean they have to stay at a Disney hotel. Maybe they'll rent out the 4 seasons or Waldorf for the players.
When I first heard the story of the NBA bubble at a moderate hotel, I thought no way. I'm still skeptical. From what I know of professional teams (I have a personal connection), these guys are used to much more spacious and luxurious digs and wouldn't be happy with moderate for any length of time--especially with families. The beds and bathrooms were issues I thought of immediately (as well as the food options, which I see someone else just mentioned below). The Four Seasons would have made much more sense to me--or the Grand Floridian if they could figure out how to cut off the DVC wing.

Actually the DVC issue is one that I see being the most interesting. DVC should be opening its rooms as soon as it is safe to do so--indeed arguably they should be opened by now as from my understanding it was never mandated that hotels close and some (many) other timeshares have not closed. I haven't followed that closely, but those were comments from the DVC threads on the subject. If they opened any Disney hotel to the NBA and didn't open DVC, I think they'd have a legal problem with owners.

I thought I’d throw out my two cents, because I’m completely bored and totally fascinated by some of the worst case scenarios that folks are throwing out there... keep in mind I have absolutely no inside information and this conjecture is purely my own. I’m sure I will get slaughtered for this scenario so have fun ripping it apart! 😂

Disney will choose one hotel to house NBA (and possibly MLS?) players/staff/media and whatever entourage comes with them, including families if they are allowed to come. I can’t imagine them quarantining the staff for this hotel... they would never be able compensate that staff enough for the 24/7 child care they’d have to obtain along with all the other things that someone has to do to take care of a family - it’s absolutely unreasonable. Enhanced health checks and cleaning protocol should protect these guests.

CL rooms have been pulled out of inventory to accommodate “regular” travelers who need to be moved from the hotel used for above group... a nice perk to appease these guests with an upgrade from a mod (assuming it‘s CSR). CL will not be run in the same fashion as previous... no buffet-style food, etc... only pre-packaged drinks and snacks, perhaps some room service options. They will test these new options with this group of guests that were upgraded to see how it goes.

I cannot imagine a scenario where all four parks will be open to ONLY the NBA/MLS group. In fact, I think to preserve their “bubble”, this group will not be allowed to go to the parks or DS, which means most families will not want to come. For those that do, I could envision some special programming being available at the game venue, which is the only place on property that this group can go other than the hotel complex.

All four parks and the DVC resorts will open Monday, June 29 at very limited capacity; I’m guessing FL residents with AP and DVC reservations for 3 weeks, then the rest of the resorts will open on 7/20 and capacity will increase to include resort guests with reservations. Perhaps that lasts for 3 weeks, and then on 8/10 they will increase capacity again to all AP holders not staying on property. Then 3 weeks later on 8/31 they open up to the general population (by Labor Day weekend)... but perhaps still limited to dated tickets and a minimum number of “buy at the door”.

Again, this is all pure conjecture on my part and I’m certain it will provoke a lot of negative response for those planning on traveling this summer... it’s just meant to throw out a different scenario. This is all with the assumption, of course, that the number of COVID cases doesn’t spike significantly. And at the risk of sounding preachy, I do want to say that I feel blessed that I still have the financial means and the good health to even think about my Disney trips... many are less fortunate than those of us who are wondering when we can take expensive vacations and what the protocols will be as our biggest concerns. Off my soapbox now! Comment away!

I think your ideas makes a lot of sense.

Something I haven't seen mentioned......I would think IF the NBA is going to be housed at CSR, they would need to include the restaurant group management that runs the food locations at this resort as it isn't run by Disney. Staff, food supply and possibly temporary menu changes would need to be discussed. Guessing that pro athletes may require specific nutritional guidelines be met during seasonal play.
You beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing. If the NBA players are housed at one hotel in a "bubble," how are they going to handle food. I can't imagine NBA players eating hotel food for weeks (months?) on end. And are they going to prevent them from going to Disney Springs? The whole NBA "plan" is just weird to me. The bubble made much more sense when everything was shut down (with the exception of the DVC issue mentioned above), but the more things open, the harder I think that would be to achieved and the less sense it makes to me. It will be interesting to see how it is handled--if it's handled at all.
I"m also wondering how long the NBA would really need to be sequestered. How many courts does WWoS have? They could tape a lot of games in one day and then just play them on TV when they want. I mean there will be no live fans so why not? Just have to have the reporters/tv people sign something that says they can't publish the results of the games. Just do what they do with reality tv shows.
I'm not really up on the NBA or gambling for that matter but sounds like this would definitely pose some problems or at a minimum be ripe for corruption. I'm all for Disney helping out the sports leagues though and I can't see it postponing park openings.
I"m also wondering how long the NBA would really need to be sequestered. How many courts does WWoS have? They could tape a lot of games in one day and then just play them on TV when they want. I mean there will be no live fans so why not? Just have to have the reporters/tv people sign something that says they can't publish the results of the games. Just do what they do with reality tv shows.
Gambling is a multi billion dollar business so that would never work.
Does anyone know the percentage of employees the college program accounts for? Wouldn't filling those spots be some of the hardest to fill if they did want to open fairly soon?
I"m also wondering how long the NBA would really need to be sequestered. How many courts does WWoS have? They could tape a lot of games in one day and then just play them on TV when they want. I mean there will be no live fans so why not? Just have to have the reporters/tv people sign something that says they can't publish the results of the games. Just do what they do with reality tv shows.
WWoS has three separate buildings. They could put more than one court per building but my guess is they would run more than one at the same time. So theoretically they could have three games at once. They might retrofit one as a training facility though. The Arena is the largest building of the three.
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