Rogue One catch all thread

It's been open for about 12 hours... Jan 6 was opening day.

Takes were well below other Hollywood nonsense over the same time period in the last year.

I wanted R1 to make about $1.2 total but it's not.

It's so much more a fun movie than "the reboot awakens" last year.
Hey everyone. We had a busy holiday season so I just got to see R1 yesterday. I also just finished reading all the pages in this thread and really enjoyed everyone's perspective. I really liked the movie and thought it was right up there with Empire. I thought it was SW thru and thru and yet totally unlike anything they've done before.

A few things I haven't seen discussed.

First, can someone explain what happened with the antenna? She couldn't transmit because it wasn't aligned, then it got blown apart and she was able to transmit just fine?? Did I blink and miss a shot that explained that or did they really get that sloppy at the end?

I also shook my head at how stupid they made the Alliance look (a tradition that dates back to ANH according to my Hubby). Uh, we don't want to start an all out war so we aren't going to Skeraff. Oh wait, the rag tag team went? Well let's take our entire fleet and help them start a war - now with no battle plan. sigh

My one other irritation was that I thought several of the emotional moments were off to a jarring degree. That final scene of Jyn and Cassian's totally looked like they were going to kiss. Enough that it threw me out of the moment to think, "Wow, they aren't going to kiss are they?" Which was not what I wanted to be thinking at the time. They should have dialed that back a little. Also Leia at the end. I had heard about that CGI so I wasn't surprised and it really struck me as out of place that they played her so happy. Given all that had just happened I would have preferred grim determination or grateful relief but almost giddy happiness did not fit with the tone at that point. Those plans cost them a lot.

Some of the scenes were ridiculously archetypical movie.

But those things aside, the story was very good. The characters were very good. Given how many there were I was surprised at how much I cared about each by the end. Chirrut was definitely my favorite. Most people don't seem to read him the way I do but I absolutely think he was using the force. Maybe not a trained Jedi but still able to use it. I loved Baze and Bodhi too.

And the Star Destroyer destruction was beyond amazing. That was one heck of a space battle. Loved it!

I'd rather see a Obi One film, then a Solo film. And Ewan McGregor was one of the lone brights spots in the prequels. Bring him back.

The EU Kenobi book was one of the better EU books I've read. I had little hope of it really scratching my SW itch but I had read the other ones that seemed interesting and gave it a try. It was really good and I think would make an awesome stand alone movie. If they set it later in time (which they could definitely do) they could even use Ewan for it.
I FINALLY got to see it. Wife didn't care for it, as she never likes war movies. Considering she didn't get that feeling with previous Star Wars movies, it conveys the tone many had described.
I FINALLY got to see it. Wife didn't care for it, as she never likes war movies. Considering she didn't get that feeling with previous Star Wars movies, it conveys the tone many had described.

Yeah... but more importantly... what did YOU think? :D
Takes were well below other Hollywood nonsense over the same time period in the last year.

I wanted R1 to make about $1.2 total but it's not.

It's so much more a fun movie than "the reboot awakens" last year.

You might get your wish.

Without China and a week of foreign totals, its sitting at $915. China we know was just north of $30 (good enough for #1). Add in a week of foreign for another $20?. Puts it at $965. Another $25 from China, another $75 from the US, Another $50 from the rest of the world? All doable, albeit maybe a stretch. Puts it at $1.115 Million... so within striking distance.
I enjoyed the heck out of it. Love to see it again to pick up what I missed. The finality of it all, was the best part, yet really doesn't help it's marketing potential.
I'll also add that I liked the pace of it. It didn't feel rushed, and I didn't find any low spots. I was hoping to sneak out for a quick restroom break, and couldn't find a sufficient stop in the action where I felt like I could sneak out for a few minutes, and not miss anything important.
Went for the 2nd time on Saturday night. I went with DS 21 who was seeing it for the first time. He had some holiday stuff that prevented him from going until now.

I enjoyed it just as much the 2nd time through. I just loved how everyone was laughing at the funny parts, enjoying the movie and than about 3/4's through the theater goes completely silent. The last 20 mins of this movie are as good as any I've seen in a long time. Even when you know what's coming it's still intense. I looked over at DS as the credits started to roll and he said simply "WOW".
I saw it the 4th time (twice in IMAX)'s refreshing that we can rewatch a movie like this. It has the "wipe your mind and watch" quality that the original movies did.

Still not perfect...but definitely "worthy".
Hey everyone. We had a busy holiday season so I just got to see R1 yesterday. I also just finished reading all the pages in this thread and really enjoyed everyone's perspective. I really liked the movie and thought it was right up there with Empire. I thought it was SW thru and thru and yet totally unlike anything they've done before.

A few things I haven't seen discussed.

First, can someone explain what happened with the antenna? She couldn't transmit because it wasn't aligned, then it got blown apart and she was able to transmit just fine?? Did I blink and miss a shot that explained that or did they really get that sloppy at the end?

I also shook my head at how stupid they made the Alliance look (a tradition that dates back to ANH according to my Hubby). Uh, we don't want to start an all out war so we aren't going to Skeraff. Oh wait, the rag tag team went? Well let's take our entire fleet and help them start a war - now with no battle plan. sigh

My one other irritation was that I thought several of the emotional moments were off to a jarring degree. That final scene of Jyn and Cassian's totally looked like they were going to kiss. Enough that it threw me out of the moment to think, "Wow, they aren't going to kiss are they?" Which was not what I wanted to be thinking at the time. They should have dialed that back a little. Also Leia at the end. I had heard about that CGI so I wasn't surprised and it really struck me as out of place that they played her so happy. Given all that had just happened I would have preferred grim determination or grateful relief but almost giddy happiness did not fit with the tone at that point. Those plans cost them a lot.

Some of the scenes were ridiculously archetypical movie.

But those things aside, the story was very good. The characters were very good. Given how many there were I was surprised at how much I cared about each by the end. Chirrut was definitely my favorite. Most people don't seem to read him the way I do but I absolutely think he was using the force. Maybe not a trained Jedi but still able to use it. I loved Baze and Bodhi too.

And the Star Destroyer destruction was beyond amazing. That was one heck of a space battle. Loved it!

The EU Kenobi book was one of the better EU books I've read. I had little hope of it really scratching my SW itch but I had read the other ones that seemed interesting and gave it a try. It was really good and I think would make an awesome stand alone movie. If they set it later in time (which they could definitely do) they could even use Ewan for it.

1. You missed the shot of the satellite dish rotating
2. The alliance thing played "ok" - I thought - because they highlighted conflicting agendas
3. EU is too muddle to chunk and make movies outta it.
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Caught it for a second time over the weekend. Was still very entertaining and its always good to see some of the little things missed the first time (Like the Darth Vader scene in the end really needs multiple viewings to appreciate it).

I stand by my previous post way back though. Think the first third of the movie is the best, and also most complex in terms of themes and message.

The second third added very little to the movie besides runtime. Both locations (Mustafar and where the engineers were being held) were unnecessary and/or redundant.

The last third was the most thrilling, but the most cliche. The battles were great and some of the emotional moments hit well, but it seemed to make up random obstacles to give the supporting cast something to do and the movie seemed the most generic (but still as entertaining) at Scariff.

A 3 out of 4 star movie for me.

And to give one nitpick I did not give in my original post

The Death Star had cliche aim activated for its shot on Scariff. The shot on Jedha was a nice direct hit that wiped out everything and made a awesome scene of destruction and peril. When it shots Scariff it totally misses the Tower (ok gazes the top) and hits miles(?) away just so Jyn and Cassian can get down on the beach and have a cliche watch death come in each others arm moment. The better scene would be a direct hit on the tower and a unexpected quick sudden death for all.
Caught it for a second time over the weekend. Was still very entertaining and its always good to see some of the little things missed the first time (Like the Darth Vader scene in the end really needs multiple viewings to appreciate it).

Two words for you: overhead slash

I agree with a lot of your review...the unnecessary the "hookup and switch"

I think the last "shot" was purely dramatic license for the allows the "resolution" to convey the sacrifice...and it creates an "irony" based on Krennic's location.

One thing unresolved - cause like his predecessor/successor I LOVE the race - is admiral radus....

Great character and we'll never know.
Read the books. Lots of Mon Calamari detail in there. :D

I read the first 5 year or so of the "EU"...then it got silly...

And when disney bought from George the Shiksa...I thought I'd just as well avoid books. Disney isn't going anywhere...which means Star Wars isn't...and I think the onus is for them to convey the Galaxy on screens.
Two words for you: overhead slash

I agree with a lot of your review...the unnecessary the "hookup and switch"

I think the last "shot" was purely dramatic license for the allows the "resolution" to convey the sacrifice...and it creates an "irony" based on Krennic's location.

One thing unresolved - cause like his predecessor/successor I LOVE the race - is admiral radus....

Great character and we'll never know.

Exactly. Missed that the first time. And made the scene even better.
I read the first 5 year or so of the "EU"...then it got silly...

And when disney bought from George the Shiksa...I thought I'd just as well avoid books. Disney isn't going anywhere...which means Star Wars isn't...and I think the onus is for them to convey the Galaxy on screens.

Then get the audio books from the library (yes they still have those!). There is a lot you will never see on the big screen. People are already starting to complain about too much Star Wars and too much Superhero (then don't go see them!).

The story told in Bloodline for example will never appear in the movies, but they fully explain the disconnect between the resistance, the new senate, the underpinnings of the First Order. I haven't gotten to the book before Rogue One yet, but I've been told it tells a lot about the Mon Calamari and why the rebel fleet is predominantly spearheaded by their ships and where the ships come from. The ones I was least impressed with (Aftermath) are the ones played up the most, but tend to just fill timelines without specifics that help fill the gaps in the movies.

Also... Clone Wars and Rebels, as everyone knows add a tremendous amount of detail. I think it will continue to be this way. Events that are movies, TV episodes that add depth, and books that provide the backbone.
Then get the audio books from the library (yes they still have those!). There is a lot you will never see on the big screen. People are already starting to complain about too much Star Wars and too much Superhero (then don't go see them!).

The story told in Bloodline for example will never appear in the movies, but they fully explain the disconnect between the resistance, the new senate, the underpinnings of the First Order. I haven't gotten to the book before Rogue One yet, but I've been told it tells a lot about the Mon Calamari and why the rebel fleet is predominantly spearheaded by their ships and where the ships come from. The ones I was least impressed with (Aftermath) are the ones played up the most, but tend to just fill timelines without specifics that help fill the gaps in the movies.

Also... Clone Wars and Rebels, as everyone knows add a tremendous amount of detail. I think it will continue to be this way. Events that are movies, TV episodes that add depth, and books that provide the backbone.

See Star Wars is mainstream.

And marvel is not.

And that's why I don't want books/audio etc. To "fill in the loose gaps". Not with Star's pop culture royalty...I don't want a required fanboy side universe of "backstory" to tell the tales.

You point out exactly what I think is an error. Abrams made a dumb movie with dead end points (he learned from the best there) and you say huh? Coming out of the theater...but if you go to Barnes and noble and read "x" book written by some random author...then it ALL makes sense.

Disney has no patience for that. They are only concerned with a MASS audience...and the mass audience isn't gonna have the patience for that either.

This is why R1 is the way to go moving forward...pick a thing, flesh it out, and tell an adventure around the thing. These hacks can't weave a 7 hour storyline like they could from IV-VI...the conditions and Hollywood priorities don't allow it now. Have to adapt but still stay true to the ethos.
Exactly. Missed that the first time. And made the scene even better.
I COMPLETELY Missed it the first time...and was squealing like a Disney luau pig the second time. Loved it.

Ok... I'll be the guy. I loved seeing the Vader scene. But... it also broke some things for me and I feel was a bit of a jump the shark moment.

- It very much looked/felt like a video game especially the end of him looking out into space. Just had that feel. I wish it had been toned down a bit.
- It makes me feel/think they need to remake A New Hope. There is just so much broken in how mechanical and slow Vader is in ANH vs how he is weeks earlier in Rogue One. He's a badass one week, and two weeks later he lets Storm Troopers take the lead and he can't defeat Obi-Wan without the old man giving up?

In short, I felt the Vader of Rogue One should have been more like the Vader of the OT. If you want him to be this menacing evil mastermind - you need to save that for Rebels and a Vader movie set closer to Revenge. That way you can explain it as Vader aged just like Obi-Wan and hence the very different, slower, less aggressive fighting style. As it stands now in the cannon - Vader went from unstoppable with simultaneous force pushes, saber throws, deflections, and slashes... to an old man only able to sword fight mostly defensively and unable to use other force actions simultaneously... over the course of 2-3 weeks. Huh?
Ok... I'll be the guy. I loved seeing the Vader scene. But... it also broke some things for me and I feel was a bit of a jump the shark moment.

- It very much looked/felt like a video game especially the end of him looking out into space. Just had that feel. I wish it had been toned down a bit.
- It makes me feel/think they need to remake A New Hope. There is just so much broken in how mechanical and slow Vader is in ANH vs how he is weeks earlier in Rogue One. He's a badass one week, and two weeks later he lets Storm Troopers take the lead and he can't defeat Obi-Wan without the old man giving up?

In short, I felt the Vader of Rogue One should have been more like the Vader of the OT. If you want him to be this menacing evil mastermind - you need to save that for Rebels and a Vader movie set closer to Revenge. That way you can explain it as Vader aged just like Obi-Wan and hence the very different, slower, less aggressive fighting style. As it stands now in the cannon - Vader went from unstoppable with simultaneous force pushes, saber throws, deflections, and slashes... to an old man only able to sword fight mostly defensively and unable to use other force actions simultaneously... over the course of 2-3 weeks. Huh?

We've discussed this...the mannerisms were bit.

But the sheer rage/terror fit as well as it could have. Ruthless servant.

You can also say that the characters in hope and most especially empire...made him a bit more calculating and strategic with his evil. He had relationships/things at stake there.
In rogue one...he was merely a vengeful enforcer.

If that's the last time we see him...then I think you can accept it.


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