there was a decent contract on redweek last week, came out to ~$65pp, I was thinking about jumping on it as '24 points were going to get banked too. maybe wont pass ROFR as SSR is on 'flash sale' currently i think
Wow SSR was listed for $65/pt? Was the contract stripped? I guess I overpaid on the contract I just purchased 😂
It isn’t my first choice, but I’ve seen some good Saratoga deals available…
@ehh if in no rush it may be beneficial to wait about 30 days when dues for 2025 are released. (I really should take my own advice at times!)
If only it were so easy.

Family member has narrowed down their choice to two resorts, and SSR isn't one of them.

And we want to travel together at Christmas 2025 (though they didn't choose CCV so we'll be at different resorts) so there's also an added element of a time crunch as booking is just a little over 3 months away. We don't have enough/any points at resorts-of-interest to book for Christmas 2025 and buy us more time.

Basically have to pull the trigger on something in the next week or so for any resort with high ROFR potential, or have a month or so for low-ROFR resorts (or for offers above the ROFR zone).

If only it were so easy.

Family member has narrowed down their choice to two resorts, and SSR isn't one of them.

And we want to travel together at Christmas 2025 (though they didn't choose CCV so we'll be at different resorts) so there's also an added element of a time crunch as booking is just a little over 3 months away. We don't have enough/any points at resorts-of-interest to book for Christmas 2025 and buy us more time.

Basically have to pull the trigger on something in the next week or so for any resort with high ROFR potential, or have a month or so for low-ROFR resorts (or for offers above the ROFR zone).
Is there a path to become a family member? Guessing being 'never-met-before-DVC-family' doesn't cut it for points requests :)
JIB82---$124-$25863-200-BLT-Aug-0/23, 0/24, 200/25- sent 9/13, passed 10/16

It is our first contract and we are very excited and looking forward to our first stay next year....and maybe an additional contract someday :-)

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