Slightly off topic but is anyone else seeing fewer categories in the ‘Status’ field on dvcforless compared to a few weeks ago?
DVCforless also has a definition of fully stripped that is different than what I’m used to here. Fully stripped to me means both current UY AND next year UY points are gone. It seems to me that they weigh stripped and fully stripped the same with the same star value, but I certainly don’t consider them the same. (I do love DVCforless for checking out contracts, though).
Yea, stripped is stripped. ;)
But I do wish they could/would utilize the 1-star ranking.

Slightly off topic but is anyone else seeing fewer categories in the ‘Status’ field on dvcforless compared to a few weeks ago?
I’ve never used the status field, it’s too one dimensional for it to be accurate with different brokers using different definitions.
I can just see an executive asking in a meeting, “You mean every point we ROFR will sell the same day it gets retitled for $310pp…. and why exactly are we not currently doing that?”
So I have been ruminating on this, and what you said makes sense, but also, I almost wonder if they need to ROFR VGC in this zone to make VDH more palatable. Sure a total noob might not know or care, but the rest of us think it would be insane to buy VDH at $200 when you could buy VGC for about the same price…and also, VGC having a nice high resale price might make people more comfortable writing $40,000 checks for VDH.
I’m assuming ROFR process starts all over when they have to make an addendum correct? 🫠
We had an addendum during the ROFR wait period, but it was to correct who paid what dues on used points. This did not create a reset on our ROFR process last month.
Heynowirv---$102-$18506-160-AKV-Aug-0/23, 160/24, 160/25, 160/26- sent 1/9

We love AKL and so do our grand princesses 6 and 3 with more on the way. I originally found a contract on the search engine that has all the available contracts for sale but when I called they told me it was stripped so we walked away from that one. I wasn't in any hurry but then I came across this contract from This too was erroneously listed as 60 points from 2024. I was happily surprised to find it full of 2024 points.

We didn't mean to buy another contract..Oops Addon-itis again.
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So I have been ruminating on this, and what you said makes sense, but also, I almost wonder if they need to ROFR VGC in this zone to make VDH more palatable. Sure a total noob might not know or care, but the rest of us think it would be insane to buy VDH at $200 when you could buy VGC for about the same price…and also, VGC having a nice high resale price might make people more comfortable writing $40,000 checks for VDH.
It also makes VDH look better when you can say: “oh, sure you can buy some VGC direct points…. but they are $100pp more than VDH after incentives…on 150 points that will be an extra $15,000…. ah, you’ll go with VDH…. great! I’ll get you written up. ”

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