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Just heard back on ours today!

Stoley88---$111-$24570-200-AKV-Dec-0/20, 200/21, 200/22- sent 3/1, passed 3/18
Hopefully the Disney ROFR terror is over lol.

If mine doesn’t pass this current submission, I’ll be going for one exactly like you have just picked up so least I know one like yours should pass
That was me , 250 points at 100pp BLT . Aulani was selling for 90$ pp at that time , so 70$pp is a steal .
Wow, guessing that was during the "no takesies" ROFR period. I would have loved that one. My problem back then was that the CDN$ was a lot lower(approx 20%), I was fighting to get back 20k worth of flights, hotels, etc with travel/insurance companies so I wanted to wait. I also expected prices to drop a lot more than they did. With all of that said, I think I am happiest with what I got. The price is right and now I had the cash to pay for it when I got back the money from 2020's trips that never happened.
Just want a little public opinion ... offered $130/pt on a CCV contract on the off chance the seller would say yes, knowing I would go to $135. Seller said no thanks, want $150/pt (full ask) as they still have a loan to pay off. I don’t think I want to pay more than $135, and averages look like $135-140 recently. Thoughts?
Just want a little public opinion ... offered $130/pt on a CCV contract on the off chance the seller would say yes, knowing I would go to $135. Seller said no thanks, want $150/pt (full ask) as they still have a loan to pay off. I don’t think I want to pay more than $135, and averages look like $135-140 recently. Thoughts?

I've been perusing CCV contracts, I'd really like a few more points there, but there's only so much I'm willing to pay for them. It wouldn't be worth it to me, but. Your mileage may vary. I've seen some contracts posted at $165 that people say that they'll only take full ask. I pass on those.
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