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That's an odd response since EVERY OKW point they sell is extended. Once they ROFR a 2042 contract, the points automatically become 2057 points. They literally can't sell 2042 points because none exist once ROFR'd.

I'm missing your point? The guide said they are re-selling the ROFR'd points to people on the waitlist trying to buy direct OKW-E 2057 points under the previous promotion - since the ROFR'd 2042 points become OKW-E 2057 points, makes sense to me they can be resold that way?
AKV 200 @ $80 (passed)
AKV 242 @ $69 (passed)
BCV 270 @ $87 (passed)
BRV 250 @ $74 (passed)
RIV 185 @ $83 (waiting)
AUL 115 @ $51 (waiting)

These are my acquisition deals after renting loaded points on them.

I went from 0 point to 1262 in a month 100% because of this board.

My strategy was rather simple:
1. Obsessively check dvcforless for loaded contracts.
2. Be aggressive on offers, sometimes I low-balled expecting a counter at the price I was ready to buy at and they accepted the lowball offer. Sometimes the broker would be all “they didnt counter as they feel you are too far apart.” Fine. I’ve had offers accepted that were $25 under asking per point so in the current market still worth doing, even if it can bring condescending responses from some brokers.

Happy hunting!
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Do the various legal entities within Disney have to conduct a transaction to extend ROFR'ed 2042 contracts? Like does Disney Vacation Destinations have to "buy" the extension of the contract from some other legal entity?

Technically, all contracts were extended to 2057 when the deal was done. The sellers, if original owners, sign a quit claim deed back to DVD when the sell.

If it is someone who bought a 2042 on the resale market from a resale owner..meaning not the original owner…that deed was already signed.

So, when contracts are taken, they are dissolved and the points go back into the pool for that unit…and that is why DVD has the ability to sell all for 2057, because legally, the points they own fall into that.
I'm missing your point? The guide said they are re-selling the ROFR'd points to people on the waitlist trying to buy direct OKW-E 2057 points under the previous promotion - since the ROFR'd 2042 points become OKW-E 2057 points, makes sense to me they can be resold that way?
I'm just saying that it's odd that a Guide used that terminology "OKW-E 2057", because they don't refer to the direct points they sell as "OKW-E" or use the term "extended" and I've never heard a guide use that terminology. They don't need to differentiate the points they are selling from any others, because they only have one product to sell. They simply say they'll sell you OKW points.

Yes, all of the ROFR'd points, regardless of their old expiration, become 2057 points, but as far as Guides are concerned, there's no differentiation (because those ROFR'd points actually could have already been 2057 points that were taken back and they have no idea what their old expiration was). They just see OKW points in inventory. They will, obviously let you know they expire in 2057, but that's about it.

Like I said, it was just odd to see that a Guide had used that terminology with you, that's all.
I'm just saying that it's odd that a Guide used that terminology "OKW-E 2057", because they don't refer to the direct points they sell as "OKW-E" or use the term "extended" and I've never heard a guide use that terminology. ...Like I said, it was just odd to see that a Guide had used that terminology with you, that's all.

I think we're on the same page - To your point, the guide just calls them "Old Key West contracts with a deed expiration of 2057". I'm the one that keeps referring to them as extended Old Key West (or OKW-E 2057) because I think that's the only way people on the forum will understand what I'm trying to say... because I'm new and still learning the lingo around here. :drinking:
AKV 200 @ $80 (passed)
AKV 242 @ $69 (passed)
BCV 270 @ $87 (passed)
BRV 250 @ $74 (waiting)
RIV 185 @ $83 (waiting)
AUL 115 @ $51 (waiting)

These are my acquisition deals after renting loaded points on them.

I went from 0 point to 1262 in a month 100% because of this board.

My strategy was rather simple:
1. Obsessively check dvcforless for loaded contracts.
2. Be aggressive on offers, sometimes I low-balled expecting a counter at the price I was ready to buy at and they accepted the lowball offer. Sometimes the broker would be all “they didnt counter as they feel you are too far apart.” Fine. I’ve had offers accepted that were $25 under asking per point so in the current market still worth doing, even if it can bring condescending responses from some brokers.

Happy hunting!
I think that it could skew people’s perceptions when you post numbers that assume rented points without state or federal tax as part of the purchase price…..

It also means that you can’t use the points during those years….. which is the main reason people buy these contracts.
I think that it could skew people’s perceptions when you post numbers that assume rented points without state or federal tax as part of the purchase price…..
Yeah the government always wants a piece in some way or another. When I calculated the interest I wouldn't be making over a years time in a high yield account vs buying the VGC contract I had an "oh crap" moment but then reminded myself I was gonna pay at least 30% on that money come tax time.
AKV 200 @ $80 (passed)
AKV 242 @ $69 (passed)
BCV 270 @ $87 (passed)
BRV 250 @ $74 (waiting)
RIV 185 @ $83 (waiting)
AUL 115 @ $51 (waiting)

These are my acquisition deals after renting loaded points on them.

I went from 0 point to 1262 in a month 100% because of this board.

My strategy was rather simple:
1. Obsessively check dvcforless for loaded contracts.
2. Be aggressive on offers, sometimes I low-balled expecting a counter at the price I was ready to buy at and they accepted the lowball offer. Sometimes the broker would be all “they didnt counter as they feel you are too far apart.” Fine. I’ve had offers accepted that were $25 under asking per point so in the current market still worth doing, even if it can bring condescending responses from some brokers.

Happy hunting!
Wow! That is a lot of wonderful memories to make!
I think that it could skew people’s perceptions when you post numbers that assume rented points without state or federal tax as part of the purchase price…..

It also means that you can’t use the points during those years….. which is the main reason people buy these contracts.
Renting previous year points is just making your own magical beginning. Especially on contracts with loaded points from 2022 and 2023 on which dues are already paid, that’s called extra magical beginning 😂

Not sure about tax implications in the US as I’m in Canada.
I think that it could skew people’s perceptions when you post numbers that assume rented points without state or federal tax as part of the purchase price…..

It also means that you can’t use the points during those years….. which is the main reason people buy these contracts.
So those numbers represent the actual sales price, minus renting out 1 (or 2) years worth of points?

I was gonna say….

Also, don’t forget to add MF’s back in for any points you rent out.
Renting previous year points is just making your own magical beginning. Especially on contracts with loaded points from 2022 and 2023 on which dues are already paid, that’s called extra magical beginning 😂

Not sure about tax implications in the US as I’m in Canada.
@AstroBlasters Im not buying direct.. until I somehow talk myself into it, but is MB also something that would be reported as income?
So those numbers represent the actual sales price, minus renting out 1 (or 2) years worth of points?

I was gonna say….

Also, don’t forget to add MF’s back in for any points you rent out.
But the commenter said they were searching for fully loaded contracts then renting out all the points, which means you'd still only have paid the MF on 1/3 of the points. If I buy a 100pt contract with 100-2023 and 200-2024 points on it at time of resale, I'm getting 200 points I can rent out with 0 member fee paid on those points.
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