I only rode RRR once because it shook my head so bad I cried. The hard plastic seat doesn’t help as your head just keeps getting knocked back into it over and over.
Mummy no problem as long as I remember to brace for the sudden stops, except for the idiots who keep elbowing me in the head. Not sure how that keeps happening to me. People keep your arms to yourself!
Hagrids I ride on the bike with no problems, but the side car shakes me a little.
Hulk I can do once in front, but twice would cause a migraine.
VC I didn’t care for. There were parts that were painful to me, but I can’t remember now of it was the shaking or g-forces that caused the pain or both. I know we were in the back, so maybe that was the issue? I hear people say it’s smooth, but it was too rough for me.
Fine on everything at BG except the wooden coaster, and Manta I can do over and over at SW. The other one that’s green, can’t remember the name, I remember it hurt, and I was like not doing that again.