Rhonda..did you buy the mobile home??

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
I saw in another post that you had an opportunity to make a great deal. Did you do it? If so have yooou taken it camping yet??
No, not yet. Our friends still have it though, and it's still up for sale. We just haven't made up our minds yet.

Now we're seriously considering buying DVC. Since the motorhome would be mainly for camping at FW, we don't want to buy both right now (and can't afford both! LOL!)

DVC points can be used at the FW cabins and wilderness homes too - so we're still not sure.....

You will be the first to know when we finally decide though! I'm sure I'll be excited no matter which one we choose! :D

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator


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