Return of the Porg - A June 2018 TR *updated 6/24 Epic DISmeet highlights day 7 COMPLETED!*

How did I ever not see this and our friend the Porg??!! Caught up with the whole thing and loving it as much as before! I agree with you about Talapia - no way! They can keep their cheap fish. As far as heat, I cannot help but think of my kids practicing football in pads in July here in Alabama... lol!
Sloooowly catching up after I fell way behind!

It appears that is all the photos of the buffet I took, but there’s much more selection than that – I just got a little embarrassed and stopped taking pictures!
That always prevents me from taking buffet photos too :blush:

I know it doesn’t look the most appetizing, particularly the gravy, but it was actually a wonderful interpretation of chicken and waffles, and all the flavors meshed really well together. It’s a bummer it’s no longer on the menu
The California Grill brunch looks amazing. I like that they change up the menu, but dang I wish they had kept the chicken and waffles!!!

I tried to get Dad to take a photo with my two very fancy drinks, and after a million tries this is about the best I ended up with. And there’s something on my face.
Oh, men. Well you still look beautiful!

After finishing our meals we explored the restaurant and observation decks. We could see one of the ferry boats crossing from the Seven Seas Lagoon to Bay Lake!
That is seriously cool! I've never seen that. I knew the ferry dock was in Bay Lake but can hardly believe they fit over that water bridge, but here is the photographic proof!

While I stood and watched a little girl came up and told me her whole life story. She told me that she wanted to work at Disney as a dancer, and she also thought about being a nurse. She told me about all the rides she rode and about her family. Such a friendly child!
:rotfl: #besties

Along the way we ran into Livver Lips! He was happy because I knew who he was.

My favorite country bear! Cute picture, too. What a fun morning!!!
Earl of Sandwich is always a safe and reliable choice. I've never had that option before but it looked really good!

Oh boy...8 dollars for a cookie requires a commitment. Like, you have to really want a cookie. I can't wait to see it!

Ahh, the Poly. It did look very pretty in your photos. Such a relaxing resort, glad you got to walk around it for a bit before heading back to your room.

Earl of Sandwich really is always reliably good. Sometimes when I'm really hungry I'm less adventurous because what if I don't like it?!

It does require a commitment, for sure! But if it's any indicator, I actually purchased it again later in the trip!

The Poly is just something very special! Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to stay there again someday because I miss it.


That is an insanely long time! I had long waits for HS buses on my recent trip too!

It seems like ages when you're excited to be somewhere! Plus I'm really not the most patient person...

Agreed! Trolley Care Cafe is just so well themed and adorable. I love it!

The idea of Starbucks in a Disney park sounded so silly to me but they executed it well, in my opinion (some parks better than others)

Great M&G with Pluto!

He's such a good puppy

Awesome refresh technique! Your ride pics are hilarious!

Refresh is such a fun game to play! Thank you! That's another fun game to play haha

It is SO lovely! Now i am feeling homesick for the Poly after my gorgeous week there. :)

I'm feeling homesick too! I'd settle for any resort at this point, though.

I completely agree about Johny Depp changing pirates forever - and for me, not in a good way!

It's pretty disappointing

Wow, can't believe you rode ToT so many times in a row! Don't think my stomach could handle that! Kudos to you though!

Most frustrating thing in Disney, well anywhere, getting stuck in line behind people that don't know what they are doing.

I'm blessed with a stomach of steel haha!

Agreed!! Or people that stop in the middle of the walkway without looking around.

I can’t wait to stay there in February! And I loved both AKL and POFQ so I agree with you-it’s a tie!

I hope you have a fantastic trip!

Can you believe all the trips to DS and we have never tried EoS, I know crazy right? It always looks so good then when we are there Andi always wants something else, oh well, someday!

The Poly is my favorite of the 3 monorail resorts, I rank them, Poly, GF, CR!

I love your pictures of the resort and the Ceremonial House, love it there!

Don't try it! Then you'll want it all the time and neglect everything else :rotfl2:

The Poly is probably my favorite too, although I haven't actually stayed at GF. Still, I think the tropical laid-back theme would probably appeal to me more.

Thank you! Made me miss it so much walking around there.

How nice! I love [most of] the people you meet in WDW.

Most people really are quite wonderful there!

Ooh, I love this! How appropriate!

I thought so too! Disney really nailed that tiny detail!

Agreed! It's definitely a favourite. We did some major damage between there and the Ever After store. :scared:

Imagine going there with no budget! How fabulous that would be.

It really is the most lovely...such a pretty resort.

I know! Only I somehow didn't realize just how great it was while I was staying there.

Thanks! I have been studying the TP rooms map and nothing is jumping out at me. I am thinking of maybe not requesting anything and see what we get. It's a standard view, so I'm not expecting much anyway.

I'll be crossing my fingers that you get a surprise upgrade to a savannah view! Or even the pool views are quite nice!

Sounds like a nice afternoon! I can't wait to see this $8 cookie! :rotfl2:

Coming right up!

How did I ever not see this and our friend the Porg??!! Caught up with the whole thing and loving it as much as before! I agree with you about Talapia - no way! They can keep their cheap fish. As far as heat, I cannot help but think of my kids practicing football in pads in July here in Alabama... lol!

You're here now! I'm so happy you're enjoying it!

Yikes, that football gear in the Southern heat sounds absolutely miserable!

Sloooowly catching up after I fell way behind!

I'm so far behind on everybody else's TRs too (and slacking on this one), but I've been busy working and preparing for Europe

That always prevents me from taking buffet photos too :blush:

The key probably is to drink all the champagne, eat the meal, and THEN take buffet photos once the champagne has lowered inhibitions hahah

The California Grill brunch looks amazing. I like that they change up the menu, but dang I wish they had kept the chicken and waffles!!!

I found it so amazing, and worth the money. Chicken and waffles does seem like a good staple; maybe it'll come back on the menu at some point?

Oh, men. Well you still look beautiful!

:goodvibes Dad tries his best, I suppose haha

That is seriously cool! I've never seen that. I knew the ferry dock was in Bay Lake but can hardly believe they fit over that water bridge, but here is the photographic proof!

That is crazy to think of them crossing that bridge. I actually never realized they didn't run both ferries all day

My favorite country bear! Cute picture, too. What a fun morning!!!

Another picture where I was dissatisfied with Dad's photo taking skills :rotfl:This just made me wonder why Teddie Berra or Trixie don't meet! Why is it only the boy bears, hmm Disney?!
Day 5 - June 25th - Magic Kingdom Evening!

The monorail ride back to the Contemporary had some beautiful views!

The monorail stopped for a long time at Magic Kingdom, but I eventually made it home to the Contemporary! Back in the room I saw that the housekeepers had some fun with Brer Rabbit and my Avengers blanket.

I spent my time on the balcony, relaxing. The weater was pretty perfect, if a little sticky. After having used all my travel time refreshing for a Flight of Passage FP I abandoned that plan and booked a FP for Splash Mountain later that evening. Easier to get to Magic Kingdom anyway.

It seemed like the perfect time to try the cookie I had bought at Disney Springs which is actually from Gideon’s Bakehouse. Look how massive it is! Remember this is $8 worth of cookie.

It’s as big as my face! And OMG was it delicious. Perfectly cooked and chewy, it had the best chocolate chip cookie flavor which means that it basically tasted like the dough.

The rain clouds had left the sky looking so beautiful. I was so happy to just sit on that balcony.

Refreshed after my time spent relaxing I made my way to the boat docks to catch a boat to MK. You see my mistake?

But before I realized my mistake Dad texted asking where I was; he had just finished with his conference for the day, so he quickly met me outside. We ran back upstairs so he could change and then went back to the boat docks.


We sat on the dock for a little bit and I began to doubt that there was a boat to MK from Contemporary, and a quick google search seemed to confirm that.

So, yet again, a Disney research fail for me! I’m pretty sure we could have taken a boat to Wilderness Lodge, and then to MK, but it was getting later so we decided to just walk.


I mentioned to Dad that I thought I might want to watch Happily Ever After again (yes, for the second night in a row), so as we walked down Main Street we scoped out potential spots.



As we walked through Adventureland Dad decided that he didn’t really want to ride Splash Mountain so he went to Country Bear Jamboree. I couldn’t change my plan because I was also on a mission to find something else…


Soon my beloved Splash Mountain was in view, and looking mighty fine in the setting sunlight!


According to my pictures I entered the FP queue at 8:26, which is definitely cutting it close for fireworks!

I didn’t feel like getting wet so I wore my poncho, though it wasn’t necessary in the end. The little girl in front of me was TERRIFIED and kept freaking out about the big drop. In the end she loved it and wanted to go again!

At the Splashdown I found the real reason that I had decided to go in Magic Kingdom.

Sam had sent me a photo earlier in the day of the sweatshirt and I lost my mind – I had to have it! That phrase is my FAVORITE, and Splash is my FAVORITE so it was a necessity. I tried it on but I didn’t even look at the price before purchasing. FYI it was $42 AFTER AP discount, but so worth it! It even has little thumb holes, and it actually says Disney World on the back – love that it’s park specific, though Disneyland might have its own version too.

After my successful mission I got a text from Dad that said he had found a spot on Main Street to watch Happily Ever After - yes, again, for the second night in a row! At that point it was about 8:50 so I rushed to the front of the park (with a stop for a bathroom break). Dad had found a spot on Main Street level with Casey’s Corner, and with 10 minutes to spare I finally found him in the crowd. The night was pretty mild, but being packed in on Main Street made it pretty darn hot. The view was pretty great, aside from the parents with children on their shoulders, and it wasn’t as easy to see the projections so maybe next time I’d try Main Street but a bit closer.

There were lots of heads in the way so I took way less pictures than usual.



Guess the section! Only included for the perfect firework.

That darn head!



I think this is The Lion King part but it’s hard to tell cause of that head.

And then finale!



It’s kind of amusing to me how many times I’ve seen Happily Ever After in less than a year. Meanwhile, I could probably count on my fingers how many times I watched Wishes – and that was going on while I worked there. But Happily Ever After just exemplifies the magic of Disney for me. It gives me the same feeling the Fantasmic music does – particularly at Disneyland.

I had thought after the fireworks we might take advantage of shorter lines, but I was too tired so after the fireworks we walked back to the Contemporary. I stopped at Contempo Café and got a pepperoni flatbread which was surprisingly really good. Disney pizza, and especially Disney flatbreads, have been pretty disappointing for me but this one actually exceeded expectations! And best of all the crust was nice and crisp!

After sharing the pizza we watched some TV and then went to sleep!

Up next: Solo at Epcot!
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Since I had been so tired in the morning my eyes were watering (does this happen to anyone else?!)
Yes and I understand your night shift sleeping struggle.

Dad ordered his favorite, the jalapeño margarita.
My fave also

When Dad finished his beer we vacated our spots. He didn’t want another since they weren’t using glassware.
Cant blame him

great picture
It seemed like the perfect time to try the cookie I had bought at Disney Springs which is actually from Gideon’s Bakehouse. Look how massive it is! Remember this is $8 worth of cookie.

Holy Moly! No wonder it's so expensive, it's huge!

The rain clouds had left the sky looking so beautiful. I was so happy to just sit on that balcony.


We sat on the dock for a little bit and I began to doubt that there was a boat to MK from Contemporary, and a quick google search seemed to confirm that.

:laughing: I was wondering why you were going to the boat dock to get to the MK :confused3 It probably took you as long to get to the end of the dock as it would to get to the MK :goodvibes

At the Splashdown I found the real reason that I had decided to go in Magic Kingdom.

I love that!
So many beautiful pics! I love seeing the progression of the sun going down throughout them.

The cookie is HUGE! So many chocolate chips! I'm glad it was worth the $8!

Great HEA pics!
I saw that the housekeepers had some fun with Brer Rabbit and my Avengers blanket.

Aww, that's so cute!! I love your little Brer Rabbit. <3

It’s as big as my face! And OMG was it delicious. Perfectly cooked and chewy, it had the best chocolate chip cookie flavor which means that it basically tasted like the dough.

Yumm!!!! Also, this picture is adorable.

Sam had sent me a photo earlier in the day of the sweatshirt and I lost my mind – I had to have it! That phrase is my FAVORITE, and Splash is my FAVORITE so it was a necessity.

oooh, I love this!! Good thing I didn't look too closely in the gift shop when we were there, because that would have been 100% immediately $42 lost for me. Done and done. Such a great shirt!

It even has little thumb holes, and it actually says Disney World on the back

Yes!! Love!
Ahh that cookie looks so yummy!

I love the Splash sweatshirt, one of my favorite sayings. This ride is so fun, I love the scenes and how long it is!

I am thinking of staying at CR in August 2019, can’t beat that walk!
Finally caught up

Then for our shared entrée we got the eggs benedict. We got ours with lobster (and no ham for me). I expected to really love this dish, but I found the lobster a little tough and chewy.
Sorry to hear this I've had a desire to try this since I read about it several yrs ago.

After a very leisurely brunch we finally said goodbye to the California Grill, full and a little toasty!
That's the best way to leave a Sunday Brunch

Even seeing how soaked he was made me laugh again.
LOL bet that's why you made him sit on that side of the car.

Probably not the best spot for a first time viewer, but interesting for subsequent viewings. I found that I really noticed a lot more detail in the projections, and the show felt very immersive at this distance.
I loved all of your pics of HEA they were great I have never seen such clearly defined pics of the projections on the castle they are amazing

All together, it took over an hour to get from the Contemporary to inside DHS. Kinda crazy.
Every visit I dislike the bus transportation more and more.

I was so happy to just sit on that balcony.
We always end up spending a lot of time on our balcony, figure we paid a lot of $ for the room let's enjoy it and the view.
Yes and I understand your night shift sleeping struggle.

Ugh night shift is so awful! and I hate watery eyes so much!

My fave also

It's really good, but there's just something about that avocado margarita!

Cant blame him

If there's not a real glass it's just not worth it!

great picture

Thank you! I had fun with the rainbows for sure

Holy Moly! No wonder it's so expensive, it's huge!

And so delicious! I'd actually like to visit Gideon's Bakehouse to try some of the other flavors

Really can't beat those Contemporary views!

:laughing: I was wondering why you were going to the boat dock to get to the MK :confused3 It probably took you as long to get to the end of the dock as it would to get to the MK :goodvibes

I think, in my mind, I knew there were boats from MK to Wilderness; and then I also knew there were boats from Wilderness to Contemporary so I just made the assumption. There was doubt in the back of my mind, but I wasn't in a rush!

I love that!

You should get it! It's well worth the money

So many beautiful pics! I love seeing the progression of the sun going down throughout them.

The cookie is HUGE! So many chocolate chips! I'm glad it was worth the $8!

Great HEA pics!

Florida skies are just so beautiful!

Huge and perfect! Highly recommended (if you can get past the price tag)

Thank you! That's the last of my viewings this trip haha!

Aww, that's so cute!! I love your little Brer Rabbit. <3

He's too precious, I can't even stand it.

Yumm!!!! Also, this picture is adorable.

So yum!! And thank you!

oooh, I love this!! Good thing I didn't look too closely in the gift shop when we were there, because that would have been 100% immediately $42 lost for me. Done and done. Such a great shirt!

There's always next time :rolleyes1

Yes!! Love!

More proof that you need it!

That cookie is bigger than your head! Holy cow!!!!

And so, so delicious!

These pictures are just beautiful. Are you using your phone camera?

Thanks so much! It's a mixture of iPhone X and Canon sx730 (I think that's the numbers). The fireworks photos I believe are all from the Canon camera (on the second night)

Ahh that cookie looks so yummy!

I love the Splash sweatshirt, one of my favorite sayings. This ride is so fun, I love the scenes and how long it is!

I am thinking of staying at CR in August 2019, can’t beat that walk!

Pretty sure it's the best chocolate chip cookie I've ever had!

Same here! I try every time to get a good photo of it on the wall, but it's always too dark! Future purchase for you, eh?!

The walk is really nice - makes it easy to just pop over to MK for a little bit!

Finally caught up

Woohoo! Way to go!

Sorry to hear this I've had a desire to try this since I read about it several yrs ago.

You should still give it a go - after all, you can get as many entrees as you want! And maybe it was just an off day or not to my tastes!

That's the best way to leave a Sunday Brunch

Indeed! Sunday Brunch isn't something I get to do often, because of night shift, but I think I did this one right!

LOL bet that's why you made him sit on that side of the car.


I loved all of your pics of HEA they were great I have never seen such clearly defined pics of the projections on the castle they are amazing

Aw thanks! It's fun to take photos of, that's for sure!

Every visit I dislike the bus transportation more and more.

It can be incredibly trying... but I don't think I'd care for driving on property and dealing with the parking either.

Disneyland is nice because you just walk!

We always end up spending a lot of time on our balcony, figure we paid a lot of $ for the room let's enjoy it and the view.

That was my favorite part! If I ever stay at Contemporary again I'll for sure spend a lot of time on the balcony again
Day 6 – Tuesday, June 26th - Solo at Epcot!

9:55-10:55 Spaceship Earth FP
11:10-12:10 Frozen Ever After FP
12:20-1:20 Living with the Land FP

Dad woke up early on this day to do conference stuff, and I slept in. When I woke up around 9:30 I went to refill my mug… as soon as I was out of the door I realized I had forgotten my MagicBand. Ugh! I saw a managerial-looking person walking the floor and approached to ask if she could let me back in the room and she thankfully could (and then I had to shower her my ID). I washed my hair, ate some more of my cookie, and was out the door by about 11. So yeah, I never make my FPs.

Look, a 5-legged goat!

Monorail lime was already at the platform!

I transferred at the TTC and got lucky again because Monorail silver was already at the platform! It’s annoying to have to transfer and then also repeat bag check, but at least I had good luck with the monorails!

The Epcot monorail has such great views, including the Guardians of the Galaxy construction. This thing is going to be massive!


I want to know what they’re doing in there!

Since then the mirror tiles have been removed. The end of an era!

Aw, look it still says Universe of Energy! (and since this the signage has also been removed)


I was running back and forth between the windows in the monorail. So much to see!


I love this shot!


After buttering me up with beautiful views of Epcot Disney brought me back to earth with the bag check line. I already went through bag check, Disney!

Despite their best efforts, I made it inside, and it was a beautiful day!



My first stop in Epcot was The Land!

I had to have my favorite fish tacos at Sunshine Seasons! Pretty sure the fish tacos are the best I’ve ever had. The fish has a nice firm texture and is spiced well and then love the contrast of the crunchy slaw with the delicious spicy but cool sauce. Usually like the potato salad but wasn’t feeling it today.

Ok, now I’m panicked. I went to the Disney website to grab the description and the fish tacos aren’t listed anymore! This will be very devastating to me if they got rid of them. Does anyone know?! Since I wrote this update some news articles have come out about Sunshine Seasons dumbing down their menu. I haven't had the heart to look, but I assume that means that the
fish tacos are indeed gone. :sad:

Up next: Living With The Land!
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After buttering me up with beautiful views of Epcot Disney brought me back to earth with the bag check line.
I haven't taken a bag in a park on my last 2 visits and haven't missed not having it. I just make sure I've got the pockets for cell, cash, credit card, ID. Love not having to wait in those lines so worth it.

Disney website to grab the description and the fish tacos aren’t listed anymore! This will be very devastating to me if they got rid of them.
Uh Oh
That cookie is crazy! I can't get over how many chocolate chips are on it. I bet it was delicious.

The monorail ride through Epcot is such a great way to build up the excitement for the park. And you got some really beautiful shots. Made me wish I were headed there now. Although...that second bag check. They REALLY need to figure out a better way to handle that. It gets old, real fast.

I hope the fish tacos are still at Sunshine Seasons, there's nothing more disappointing than finding a favorite dish and having it removed.
I love all your pics of EPCOT from the monorail :love: I feel like I could just ride that over and over and not get bored.

After buttering me up with beautiful views of Epcot Disney brought me back to earth with the bag check line. I already went through bag check, Disney!

Ugh…so annoying! I keep thinking, "well, surely they'll fix this because it just doesn't make any sense." And then, of course, then don't fix it and I get aggravated again >:(
Another place this Disney veteran has never tried, Sunshine Seasons!

The security line here after already going through one on the monorail line stinks!!


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