Reservations? We don't need no stinking reservations, we do it TODD'S way! COMPLETE

ROMEO said NO to Sushi when we are with you for a week in September. He doesn't do raw fish. He said "icky". I swear sometimes he is 2 years old. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: At least I don't say "icky" when I won't try something.
finally got caught up - great thread!

Hey, my parents found a place outside of Punta Gorda on the way to Naples from Orlando - Peace River Seafood. Dad's from Baltimore and the blue crabs with Old Bay exceeded his high expectations. You might try it on your way south some time. Might make up for the Fulton's experience!
oMG just started reading you post and couldn't stop laughing. Now I'm craving a cup of Kona coffee. :worship:

Thank you! I love that coffee and wish I was at Kona sipping some right now!

ROMEO said NO to Sushi when we are with you for a week in September. He doesn't do raw fish. He said "icky". I swear sometimes he is 2 years old. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: At least I don't say "icky" when I won't try something.

Tell Romeo that we dont do raw fish...the California Roll was cucumber, crab and rice, the Mexican Roll was fried shrimp, rice, avocado and hot sauce and the lobster roll was cooked lobster, rice, seaweed wrap and some was good!....but we will skip it with you guys :laughing:

finally got caught up - great thread!

Hey, my parents found a place outside of Punta Gorda on the way to Naples from Orlando - Peace River Seafood. Dad's from Baltimore and the blue crabs with Old Bay exceeded his high expectations. You might try it on your way south some time. Might make up for the Fulton's experience!

Glad you found me! I will have to look that place up..we love this great seafood place in Fisherman's Village...its called Harpoon Harrys. It is on the water with a killer view and great food...very casual and family friendly with a great bar :lmao:
Have you ever tried the bakery in Norway!? Unbelievable.

My favorite is a sweet soft pretzel with cinnamon and raisins, covered in icing and slivered almonds. SO Yummy! Try it out next time, or take a look at the desserts it's not as "flaky/frilly" as France. :woohoo:
I just read through this entire food review - I loved it! Your reviews were great, and your writing is so funny! Thanks for this, it's been entertaining ;)
Hi Nicki! I have not posted much on these boards (yet), but I read several of your dining reports during the year or two I spent reading and researching before our first trip last year. I enjoyed all of your reviews and pictures, and the information was soooooo helpful. This report has provided the same great info and entertainment! Thank you!!!! :worship:

And, judging by your ticker, we will be enjoying the F&WF and MNSSHP at the exact same time this year!
Have you ever tried the bakery in Norway!? Unbelievable.

My favorite is a sweet soft pretzel with cinnamon and raisins, covered in icing and slivered almonds. SO Yummy! Try it out next time, or take a look at the desserts it's not as "flaky/frilly" as France. :woohoo:

Yes we have been to that bakery a few times and we have tried that pretzel..pretty good! I really want to try the Veiled Maiden as I hear good things about that

I just read through this entire food review - I loved it! Your reviews were great, and your writing is so funny! Thanks for this, it's been entertaining ;)

Thank you for reading!

Hi Nicki! I have not posted much on these boards (yet), but I read several of your dining reports during the year or two I spent reading and researching before our first trip last year. I enjoyed all of your reviews and pictures, and the information was soooooo helpful. This report has provided the same great info and entertainment! Thank you!!!! :worship:

And, judging by your ticker, we will be enjoying the F&WF and MNSSHP at the exact same time this year!

Thanks so much! Hope to run into you this Oct...we will be the crazy couple stalking the F&W booths :lmao:
I understand the changing of the minds..I have a guy like that too....We have Cali Grill on the list and maybe I will get some sushi there too!

Oh yes...I get very indecisive...10 nights at WDW, and there are tons of restaurants I want to try, and others I want to return to because we enjoyed them so much. So many restaurants, so little time!

You will love Kouzzina! The food there was so good, and we will be eating there again next summer for sure! I wouldn't mind trying breakfast there too, but I don't know if that will happen on our next trip. I really want to go to Kona for breakfast (we loved it for dinner on our last trip and will probably return for that too). As DVC members, we are allowed to pool hop (with a few exceptions and some holiday black-out dates) to other resorts. I would like to spend one of our "non-park" days going to the Poly, having breakfast at Kona, then hanging out at the Poly pool for a couple of hours with the kids, then hitting Captain Cook's for some Dole Whips! But mind can change at any moment...of course when I mentioned this to DH, he said "sure, we could go to the Poly pool, or stay at the BW pool...whatever you want to do is fine with me." :rotfl2:
Thanks so much! Hope to run into you this Oct...we will be the crazy couple stalking the F&W booths

:rotfl: I will watch for you. :rotfl: I will be the crazy woman dragging a small child around to the F&W booths. Kidding!!! :rotfl: Sort of. :lmao:
Hi Nicki,
I just finished reading your food reports and they're great as usual. You're so lucky that you live so close to DW!! The blue cooler that you got from your friends is the same one I ordered for my DS and his fiance as a surprise. They loved it. I'm looking forward to your next trip, so I can hear about all the food again!! Thanks!!
Thank you so much for another awesome dining report! I am in the process of trying to catch up with everything you've written in the last 10 months!

I'm so glad you have had great experiences at 50's PT. DH really wants to try it next trip and I am kind of uninspired by the menu. I love pot roast, but I make a pretty yummy one here at home, and we always do HDDR, so the fried chicken is out...IDK, I tend to look for something a little more exotic when I dine out, but your reviews make me feel a little better. That lettuce wedge looks delicious!
Our first full day, Friday! Yay! We were up early, since we have no plans I have no idea what to do for breakfast. No worries, someone knows what he wants for breakfast.

Me: Do you want to go to the food court?

Todd: Nah, I feel like Tonga Toast.

Me: Are you insane? We do not have reservations, we will never get in. If you wanted Tonga Toast you should have let me know and I would have made a reservations...(more babbling...more theatrics)

Todd: First of all how would I know that I wanted Tonga Toast today? And B they have it at Capt Cooks remember? So if we cant get in lets just eat at the CS...jeez, you call yourself a Dis-Queen??

Me: I dont like you anymore :rolleyes:

We drove to the Poly because it was much faster, all the time I am grumbling about what a waste this is and blah blah get the gist. All the time he is just playing with the radio chanting "Tonga Tonga Tonga"....I think he knows which buttons to press by now and he does such a good job at it!

Parking lot is empty and we self parked and walked into the Poly. The lobby wasnt busy at all, it was around 9am-ish and the upstairs was very lively, mostly for Ohana.

We walk up to the podium for Kona, all the while I am a huge disbeliever so I am headed towards the stairs that take you to Capt Cooks......and Todd smiles at the girl, asks if there is a table for 2, sorry no we do not have reservations, sorry no we do not have a dining plan. Oh you can seat us right away? Hey Nic, they can seat us right away, does that work for you?

That little son of a gun.....well thats not what I was thinking but I cleaned it up for you :rotfl:

We just walked, no wait, I skulked and he swaggered, right into breakfast at Kona Cafe. Well I just dont know what to I say:

Oh stuff your Kona in a sack mister and just get me a pressed pot before I have to find a place to hide the body

Truth be told, I knew we were going to get in as soon as I saw the place, it was pretty much empty...but I wasnt going to tell him that :laughing:

We shared a pressed pot and it was fantastic. I almost caved and bought a bag for $40 but I restrained myself. Anyone ever buy this and it is as good as what they serve you? I might treat myself in Oct.


The Titan of Tonga Toast loved his breakfast, real bacon too, not that flimsy plastic like stuff you get at buffets and CS places. I do not like the TT as it is very sweet and too sugary for me but he ate it all and was very happy


I had the Kahuna Platter with bacon (gave to Todd), ham (gave to Todd), sausage (very good!), skip the french toast and added an extra pancake...I asked for the butter pineapple stuff on the side but they forgot. I also asked for the same batter as the large order of pancakes but they said no. When you get the Kahuna platter they are plain pancakes and not the ones with the nuts mixed in the batter. Still very good but the regular order of Macadamia Nut Pineapple Pancakes are much better. The eggs are to die for and the potatoes are nothing to get excited about.


We shared a fruit cup but the fruit wasnt that good...very hard and not ripe.


With a TS breakfast under his belt and a walk in at that we strolled out of the Poly and then I had to be a brat and ask, Whats next? I swear if I was a puppy I would be a yapping poodle....

The weather was a big factor, it was freakin hot! Where was the nice weather we had the day before? It was 95 and blistering now! Our idea was to go back to the resort for some pool time and then head over to DTD to see POTC 4. So excited! Lets go play in the pool!...wait what about lunch?

LOL @ ur review Nicki! :thumbsup2 We have NEVER been to Kona & have it booked for our next trip in Nov. Only problem, is I don't know which meal looks better. I always crave sweet breakfasts but go w/ eggs b/c too sweet makes me feel slugish & unhealthy in the morning. But both plates look AMAZING!! We'll see how I feel that day. I WILL get the coffee now from your review!I'm sure my man will LOVE the big pressed pot !!
This is only the 2nd of your dining reports I've ever read, but I really love them! Will have to go back and read more! (I grew up in Naples - miss it and the close proximity to the World.)

Anyway, had to post re: the marinara sauce at Via Napoli. I'm an Italian girl too and nobody makes sauce like my mother! But that sauce at VN is one of only 3 places in my life where something has come close. :)

PS - where do you like hibachi back home? Our fave is Da Ru Ma, but we've never been anywhere else.
Hi and thanks for sharing. I'm still getting my feet wet here and meeting new people. I love this website! Wow, I can't imagine going to WDW without planning your ADR's! I would totally freak. My DH though is just like yours, while I am an obsessive planner and have every detail mapped out well in advance. I just had to see how that worked out for you and am still in disbelief that it actually worked. I will be taking my DS to WDW for a graduation present but I won't be able to schedule it until only a few weeks out (After my work schedule is posted and I am officially off) so I am already freaked I will be waay past the ADR's window and we won't have a place to dine. I want to get the dining plan because that boy can eat! He's a bottomless pit and he can have my snacks and desserts so it will be worth it to me and less scary than paying OOP, anyway I am keeping my fingers crossed so we can get in our choice of sit down meals too! I had the free dining last time and it was only counter service but planner that I am, I had those meals planned in our itinerary too! This is the first TR I have had a chance to read of yours, and I am totally enjoying it, you've a great sense of humour and writing style. I saw you had a whole bunch of TR's and dining reviews ! Whoo HOo! I'm gonna be busy doing a lot of reading, and I love all the details you provide and the pics too. Thanks it's really been fun so far, and helpful too. Would you do it again? Go without dining reservations for a week? I just don't feel that brave, but it would be sooo nice to stop where you are when you get hungry and not have to plan around the dining.
Those pancakes from Kona look absolutely delicious! I have to get the pineapple macadamia pancakes next time I have breakfast at Kona.

And I love your reviews - so funny and entertaining. The California Grill pasta with parmesan foam looks amazing. Parmesan is one of the few cheeses I like, and your description of the foam makes my mouth water. :love:
Hi Nicki,
I just finished reading your food reports and they're great as usual. You're so lucky that you live so close to DW!! The blue cooler that you got from your friends is the same one I ordered for my DS and his fiance as a surprise. They loved it. I'm looking forward to your next trip, so I can hear about all the food again!! Thanks!!

Thanks so much Joan, I'm glad you enjoyed them! Just 3 months and 3 weeks until the next batch of reviews!

Thank you so much for another awesome dining report! I am in the process of trying to catch up with everything you've written in the last 10 months!

I'm so glad you have had great experiences at 50's PT. DH really wants to try it next trip and I am kind of uninspired by the menu. I love pot roast, but I make a pretty yummy one here at home, and we always do HDDR, so the fried chicken is out...IDK, I tend to look for something a little more exotic when I dine out, but your reviews make me feel a little better. That lettuce wedge looks delicious!

Thank you so much for reading them! I think you should give 50s PT a try, the food is very good

LOL @ ur review Nicki! :thumbsup2 We have NEVER been to Kona & have it booked for our next trip in Nov. Only problem, is I don't know which meal looks better. I always crave sweet breakfasts but go w/ eggs b/c too sweet makes me feel slugish & unhealthy in the morning. But both plates look AMAZING!! We'll see how I feel that day. I WILL get the coffee now from your review!I'm sure my man will LOVE the big pressed pot !!

Thanks for reading them! Kona is sooo good! That is why I get the Kahuna platter, I get the sweet of the pancakes and the savory with the eggs and sausage. The coffee is always a winner with us

This is only the 2nd of your dining reports I've ever read, but I really love them! Will have to go back and read more! (I grew up in Naples - miss it and the close proximity to the World.)

Anyway, had to post re: the marinara sauce at Via Napoli. I'm an Italian girl too and nobody makes sauce like my mother! But that sauce at VN is one of only 3 places in my life where something has come close. :)

PS - where do you like hibachi back home? Our fave is Da Ru Ma, but we've never been anywhere else.

Welcome to our crazy reviews! I bet you miss Naples alot, I cannot imagine living anywhere else. We eat at DaRuMa once a month, it is Todd's favorite place to eat and in the summer they are offering great fact we are going there again this weekend and I cannot wait to get the sushi again! They have one in Sarasota and Ft Myers too

Hi and thanks for sharing. I'm still getting my feet wet here and meeting new people. I love this website! Wow, I can't imagine going to WDW without planning your ADR's! I would totally freak. My DH though is just like yours, while I am an obsessive planner and have every detail mapped out well in advance. I just had to see how that worked out for you and am still in disbelief that it actually worked. I will be taking my DS to WDW for a graduation present but I won't be able to schedule it until only a few weeks out (After my work schedule is posted and I am officially off) so I am already freaked I will be waay past the ADR's window and we won't have a place to dine. I want to get the dining plan because that boy can eat! He's a bottomless pit and he can have my snacks and desserts so it will be worth it to me and less scary than paying OOP, anyway I am keeping my fingers crossed so we can get in our choice of sit down meals too! I had the free dining last time and it was only counter service but planner that I am, I had those meals planned in our itinerary too! This is the first TR I have had a chance to read of yours, and I am totally enjoying it, you've a great sense of humour and writing style. I saw you had a whole bunch of TR's and dining reviews ! Whoo HOo! I'm gonna be busy doing a lot of reading, and I love all the details you provide and the pics too. Thanks it's really been fun so far, and helpful too. Would you do it again? Go without dining reservations for a week? I just don't feel that brave, but it would be sooo nice to stop where you are when you get hungry and not have to plan around the dining.

I am so glad you had the chance to read the reviews and that you enjoyed them so much. I started as a lurker and these boards have really helped us get the most out of our WDW trips.

I am still in shock that we had a very successful time getting into TS places without ressies, well except for Teppan Edo. Would I do it again? Yes I def would do it again, no hesitations but it would depend on the time of the year we went...I could not do it around peak busy times, that is just too much of a chance of getting shut out of TS meals.

Those pancakes from Kona look absolutely delicious! I have to get the pineapple macadamia pancakes next time I have breakfast at Kona.

And I love your reviews - so funny and entertaining. The California Grill pasta with parmesan foam looks amazing. Parmesan is one of the few cheeses I like, and your description of the foam makes my mouth water. :love:

Oh yes you must get those pancakes...that is what I am going to get...a huge platter of those puppies :lmao:

Thanks so much for your kind words, I am addicted to your reviews as well. I have never had foam on my foods before although I have seen it a million times with Marcel on Top Chef :rotfl2: It was the most delicious experience and I hope to try more foam-y items at the signatures this Fall.
Our first visit to kona last year dh & I both had the tonga toast. Iliked it, but by mid morning I had decided it was too sweet that early in the morning. We are planning on going again this year. I have read (on here maybe?:confused3) that the big kahuna comes with regular pancakes, but the macadamia nut pancake meal actually has the nuts in the batter.

Two questions....1). Is that true? 2). Is the flavor of the pancakes in the big kahuna "different" enough to be a treat instead of just a "nice breakfast"?

I'm thinking of going with the big kahuna, but would probably pass the potatoes and some of the meats off to the 4 guys in my group. I love French toast done well, so that was part of the appeal, but the macadamia pancakes intrigued me and I would hate to think I'm missing something special and unique just to get french toast, when I can find decent French toast around here.

Our first visit to kona last year dh & I both had the tonga toast. Iliked it, but by mid morning I had decided it was too sweet that early in the morning. We are planning on going again this year. I have read (on here maybe?:confused3) that the big kahuna comes with regular pancakes, but the macadamia nut pancake meal actually has the nuts in the batter.

Two questions....1). Is that true? 2). Is the flavor of the pancakes in the big kahuna "different" enough to be a treat instead of just a "nice breakfast"?

I'm thinking of going with the big kahuna, but would probably pass the potatoes and some of the meats off to the 4 guys in my group. I love French toast done well, so that was part of the appeal, but the macadamia pancakes intrigued me and I would hate to think I'm missing something special and unique just to get french toast, when I can find decent French toast around here.


I really like the macadamia nut pancakes. They are so good. They are served with macadamia nut butter and pineapple. I didn't even need syrup. Not sickening sweet...Just really delicious!

Jill in CO
I have read (on here maybe?:confused3) that the big kahuna comes with regular pancakes, but the macadamia nut pancake meal actually has the nuts in the batter.

Two questions....1). Is that true? 2). Is the flavor of the pancakes in the big kahuna "different" enough to be a treat instead of just a "nice breakfast"?

I'm thinking of going with the big kahuna, but would probably pass the potatoes and some of the meats off to the 4 guys in my group. I love French toast done well, so that was part of the appeal, but the macadamia pancakes intrigued me and I would hate to think I'm missing something special and unique just to get french toast, when I can find decent French toast around here.


If you get the BK platter the pancakes are plain with the pineapple sauce on them but there are no nuts. I asked if they could use the regular macadamia nut batter for the BK platter and they told me no

I have ordered the regular macadamia nut pineapple pancakes and they are delicious but very rich and filling and not sweet if you ask for the pineapple butter sauce on the side, that way you can control how sweet you want it.

When I get the platter I always tell them to omit the french toast (I dont like it) but add extra pancakes and that works well for us.

DH is a french toast fiend and enjoyed the ones from GFC and Olivia's

I really like the macadamia nut pancakes. They are so good. They are served with macadamia nut butter and pineapple. I didn't even need syrup. Not sickening sweet...Just really delicious!

Jill in CO

Agreed :thumbsup2
If you get the BK platter the pancakes are plain with the pineapple sauce on them but there are no nuts. I asked if they could use the regular macadamia nut batter for the BK platter and they told me no

I have ordered the regular macadamia nut pineapple pancakes and they are delicious but very rich and filling and not sweet if you ask for the pineapple butter sauce on the side, that way you can control how sweet you want it.

When I get the platter I always tell them to omit the french toast (I dont like it) but add extra pancakes and that works well for us.

DH is a french toast fiend and enjoyed the ones from GFC and Olivia

Agreed :thumbsup2

Thanks for the confirmation on the pancakes. But as far as the French toast you not like theirs specifically, or do you just not like it in general?

(I feel just the slightest bit silly asking these questions regarding a breakfast that I won't be eating for about another month and a half :))


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