Rejected Offers Thread

This weekend I put in some reasonable offers for a couple BLT contracts.

Firstly, how I make my offers is I insert the info into the instant sale calculator on a popular resale website and whatever number they spit out, I go 8-10 dollars more and I always offer to pay closing (the instant sale, makes the seller pay closing).

The agent from the same website that has this instant sale tool told me today that nobody is going to accept any of these offers.

So I guess it's ok for y'all to lowball (ever lower then me) but if I do it, I get rude comments.

Geez, I might be holding out for a direct poly contract.
This weekend I put in some reasonable offers for a couple BLT contracts.

Firstly, how I make my offers is I insert the info into the instant sale calculator on a popular resale website and whatever number they spit out, I go 8-10 dollars more and I always offer to pay closing (the instant sale, makes the seller pay closing).

The agent from the same website that has this instant sale tool told me today that nobody is going to accept any of these offers.

So I guess it's ok for y'all to lowball (ever lower then me) but if I do it, I get rude comments.

Geez, I might be holding out for a direct poly contract.
I haven’t tried this myself but it’s an interesting tactic. We are under contract right now for a BLT at 113 pp but the seller is in a difficult financial situation unfortunately. I found the recently reported BLT pending offers on this page really helpful in guiding us.

That said, we’ve also had some not totally rude but edging up on rude comments as we’ve looked for decent deals. I think it’s totally uncalled for, but if it’s rude enough, we just won’t offer through that broker anymore. We’ve had a number of responses that were a no go but perfectly polite. I hope the next brokers you deal with are kinder!
This weekend I put in some reasonable offers for a couple BLT contracts.

Firstly, how I make my offers is I insert the info into the instant sale calculator on a popular resale website and whatever number they spit out, I go 8-10 dollars more and I always offer to pay closing (the instant sale, makes the seller pay closing).

The agent from the same website that has this instant sale tool told me today that nobody is going to accept any of these offers.

So I guess it's ok for y'all to lowball (ever lower then me) but if I do it, I get rude comments.

Geez, I might be holding out for a direct poly contract.
Unfortunately, their business model probably benefits from their buyers not getting any low to reasonable offers. Why would the buyer want to sell to them at X - closing costs when they can sell to third parties for 110% of X? Maybe they're intentionally trying to scare away all but the most uneducated buyers so they can tell people "you can sell at 1.5X maybe at some point in the next 2 years or you can sell to us for X - closing costs today" and hope nobody realizes that they can do a little better than X quickly at a different broker that doesn't have its own side hustle as a rental agency.
This weekend I put in some reasonable offers for a couple BLT contracts.

Firstly, how I make my offers is I insert the info into the instant sale calculator on a popular resale website and whatever number they spit out, I go 8-10 dollars more and I always offer to pay closing (the instant sale, makes the seller pay closing).

The agent from the same website that has this instant sale tool told me today that nobody is going to accept any of these offers.

So I guess it's ok for y'all to lowball (ever lower then me) but if I do it, I get rude comments.

Geez, I might be holding out for a direct poly contract.
The instant sale quote for the contract i bought was $82 and i got it for $90 so i think they are incorrect you have to find the right seller
This weekend I put in some reasonable offers for a couple BLT contracts.

Firstly, how I make my offers is I insert the info into the instant sale calculator on a popular resale website and whatever number they spit out, I go 8-10 dollars more and I always offer to pay closing (the instant sale, makes the seller pay closing).

The agent from the same website that has this instant sale tool told me today that nobody is going to accept any of these offers.

So I guess it's ok for y'all to lowball (ever lower then me) but if I do it, I get rude comments.

Geez, I might be holding out for a direct poly contract.
I paid the same or possibly less than the instant offer for my CCV at the time.

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