Recreational Planning -- I can't be the only one!


<font color=blue>Saucy Pants!<br><font color=red>W
Mar 3, 2002
I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this little hobby of mine.......but even when there are times I KNOW I will not be able to go down to WDW, I'll sit down and plan an entire trip. I'll check airfares, hotels, car rentals, play with Hotwire, check codes on mousesavers, the whole nine yards. Why? Because its fun! Does anyone else do this?
i cant do that. i have done it three times and only once did not actually make reservations. but it is sooo much fun planning. well not right now. i went into panic mode~ only 19 days till i leave and i havent done anything yet!
Planning trips I'd never take is one of my favorite pasttimes! Although it has gotten me trouble a couple times. Once was the $140 r/t flight to MCO that I could not pass up. The other was a last minute trip to Boston that I looked into on a whim!
LOL Yes, that is the danger--when a fabulous deal presents itself, it is hard to pass up! I *almost* booked when I found a deal with airline, rental car and 6 nights at the Swan for $1400 total for the 3 of us (my 2 DS and me). It *killed* me to let it go--we have APs, so my only other expense would've been food. However, I have a trip to Vegas coming up, and the boys have overnight camp this summer, so I had to let it go. *sigh* but it was fun thinking about it!!!
Yep, I do it all the time. Fortunately, I don't seem to book most of the time when I do it :)
Yes. This IS normal, isn't it?
I have probably planned more trips than I'll ever take.
It is always fun when one of my hair clients lets me plan for them!


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