reactive airway disease/asthma and kids


I believe in something, I just don't know what it
Feb 1, 2000
We've been having to use my ds's nebulizer more often lately and I'm just wonder what happens when school starts. Do they allow kids to carry inhalers? He doesn't have one yet, but I'm going to talk to his ped. about it since he obviously can't take a nebulizer to school with him! And sometimes we are not home when he runs into a problem. Today we were at the park and left "just in case." Well, it passed and he didn't need the treatment THIS time. But I'm getting worried since it seems to be getting more frequent.
I leave an inhaler with the nurse, that way there is always one there if needed. Is he old enough to know when he needs it?

If your child is needing the nebulizer more often it is probably time to review his maintenance drugs.
In our school system the office staff usually keeps meds for kids. They need a form signed by the doctor. When my son got to be in middle school he was allowed to carry his inhaler in his pocket with a special waver signed by his doctor and approved at school.
He's still in middle school and I have to get a new one signed every year b/c the old one only applies to one school year.
In our school system as long as you have a note from the Dr. you can keep an inhaler with you. Some schools would rather it be in the nurses office so I'd discuss it with your childs teacher. The nurse does need to know that they have asthma. Also if a nebulizer is needed they can do that in the nurses office too. I know first hand because my oldest DD (now 20) has it too.
I have 3 kids with asthma. When my ds was in kind. he used a nebulizer and they would call me to bring it, luckily I work close to the schools.
Our school district is very strict, the nurse keeps everything even aspirins. He is now old enough to keep an inhalant at the nurses office.
If your child is not allowed to keep the inhalant with him be prepared to educate some of the teachers. After some problems I had to start writing letters to all teachers at the beginning of the school yr. Finally had to tell my kids to just walk out of the class if the teacher gave them any trouble. One teacher told my dd to get a drink of water for her asthma. Another teacher told my other dd to put her hand down because she wasn't going anywhere since they were taking a test!! She didn't know that she couldn't breathe. After I called the school and sent a letter to this teacher she apologized to my dd, come to find out her child also had asthma.


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