RAOK Thank yous for Good Deeds done within VMK

Coaster - Thanks for thinking of me! That was very kind. I will make sure many people get a chance to enjoy your gifts!

PrincessWendyBird - You caught me! Thank for your (double) kindness. I appreciate your generosity, as I know someone else will once I catch up with them. LOL Thanks!
Huge tyvm to PrincessWendyBird and KingQuackAttac for gifting me every item that came out last week (and then some) that I missed because I was on vacation. Big - hugs-!! :hug:

Okay King... or is it a monkey? or a duck? or..?

You clearly do not understand what the words, "I'm good, thanks" mean, do you? ;) Thanks for sharing - although you really didn't have to. And, ok, yeah, it was logical that i didn't have the 2nd item, but still.......

Thanks my crazy, silly, thoughtful friend,
Thanks so much to FlashLightGirl for gifting me an Eye Pin! :woohoo:

I have no idea who you are my friend, but your kindness went a long way in making me feel better today!

Hugs to you! :hug:

I want to thank Panda and Snow.he for the Figment hats for Monkey and me. Big hugs you two. And thanks also to Goofer, who found me at the end of the night after riding a few hours so I could gift friends. More than 20 pins and no hats can get kind of discouraging. But thanks to Goofer, there is one more friend who will be getting a Figment hat. Woot Hugs! Thanks everyone. :hug: :hug:
Thanks Panda for the Figment hat:thumbsup2 . Thanks Princess and King for pulling that darn sword so many times:worship:
Monkey - Time is the most valuable thing we each have. Thanks for spending yours to cover me! You are 1 of a kind with a giant heart. I must have done something right somewhere to have you in my life. :hug:

King - I swear you have some sort of insider trading deal going! Just truly amazing. Thanks for sharing so Kingsfan could look silly too! You are too kind. :wizard:

- Dreams
Aww Days.i! You REALLY didn't have to. Thank you for helping me keep my collection complete! Hugs!

Now..... WHAT - IS - IT??? :hug: :goodvibes :wizard:
Thank you so much for what you tried to do for me today, Ink!

Thank you for the Nemo hats for me and q.

You really did make me feel better.

Bug, you raised quite a nice gentlemen, you should be proud.

A few days belated, but a big thanks to Snowy and DreamTulip for helping King and I with those quest items we missed while away for our romantic weekend. :)

Also thanks to everyone who stopped into King's birthday party and to some of you who gave him a few really special birthday gifts.

A thanks to Smackeralchick for your special gift to me and a thanks to Days for your surprise gift to King and I.

Friends are what VMK was about to us, not items or prizes. Hugs to all of our friends - we know our friendships are not limited to VMK! Here's to our friendships, may they continue in other worlds out there in virtual land. :grouphug:
A big thank you to HoboWendy (MystifyWhen atm) for giving me the amazing gift of Alice shoes!

Thank you!

I can't express my gratitude enough to you. You made me smile.:goodvibes
A big thank you goes out to Mykitty and Coast for doing the quests this weekend and gifting me items I had missed. Also thank you to those who have offered to gift me things when you saw my thread.
Hugs and thanks to AstroRangerFan and Muziql notes :)

Lady :)
To all my dear VMK friends past and present-

THANK YOU! Thank you for being you and providing me with a gift of friendship. Your friendship gift is the ultimate random act of kindness, sharing your lives and allowing me to be a small part of it. Though our collective memories of VMK may be different somewhat, I know that the best part of this whole VMK experience has been you. Furnishings, clothing and pins may add to the overall enjoyment, but without the friends to share it with, it isn’t much. Because of that, I’m happy to have been so lucky to share this time (albeit short) with you all.

I wish you all the best of luck in your real lives and any future online endeavors you may partake. And Disney willing, we will cross paths again. Until then, if you ever have need of me, you know where to find me.

Though our VMK community is closing, I will celebrate our friendship with no “goodbye”, just good memories.

Nite everyone!

I want to thank everyone who left me on their friends list. That sounds a little strange maybe, but to me, its a big deal. I've not been on vmk much at all the past year, just a pop in to say hello every 2-3 months. That means that any of you who had full lists (many of you, I'm sure) chose to leave me on instead of making a new friend, and that is very touching to me!! So, thank you for the friendship, one and all. :goodvibes
:thanks: Just wanted to say Thank You to Dis and Major for making my son KingZ's dreams come true. He was so excited he yelled for the whole house to come see. It was a truly generous gift and I can not thank you enough.
Just a little bump -- we all must still have things to list here. ;)

I would like to send a big thank you to Green Monkey (hdmonkeybug) for thinking of Monkey and me. You are too sweet my friend. :hug: :hug:
It's been a while, but I just wanted to say thanks again for all the fun memories.


Just a shout out to all my ancient (cannot say "old", remember:lmao: ) friends form the VMK days. Hope all is well. Just got back from a week at WDW recently and while in DHS saw the Walt Disney story exhibit, Inside one area was a computer monitor on a desk...with a preview of VMK:happytv: Boy that made me have memories!
Wow this thread is long... but anyways im going to comment on that vmk preview! If they dare have a vmk preview on the bus from the airport to the hotel or the opposite like they did last time... I have no idea what im going to do. Probably cry first, then go yell at whoever is responsible for it. Gosh I miss it so much, and if they are still doing that advertising for it! Wow, lol they are in for it. Im defending my vmk till the ends of this world!


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