Questioned Answered Thanks! - Trading QS for TS... hmmm

Michelle Carter

Disney Mama of 4
Mar 4, 2019
Okay so all of you have told me that WDW does not allow you to trade QS credits for TS meals. However, I called Customer Service and was told I could use them however I wanted and that you can use QS credits for a TS upgrade. I was told 2 QS for 1 TS. Then to verify with another Cast Member, I decided to do a chat and screenshot it. They also said YES you can do that (but they didn't say how many QS credits for a TS meal - I'm considering chatting with them again to ask). So, which is true? Can you or can't you? If I can't but they told me yes, do I just show my chat session to someone to prove it? I don't wanna screw over Disney or do anything wrong, but their policy seems to be the same every time I call.




I’ve never heard of this being allowed and would take that info with a grain of salt. I have heard of exchanging 1 QS for 3 snacks though..

Are you on the quick service dining plan? Maybe the CM was trying to say that you could pay to upgrade to the regular DDP?
I would be very hesitant to believe this. You can trade down, but I've always been told that you can't trade up.

If trading up were an option, that's essentially a way to get around the requirement of having to buy the meal plan for all members of your party for all days of your trip. You could buy the QSDP, trade up to TS each day, and only have to eat half as many meals as Disney is trying to force you to get on a dining plan while still getting your snacks and drinks. One of the biggest complaints of the DDP is that it's too much food and you don't have the flexibility to buy fewer meals/days. This circumvents that and I'm pretty sure people would be doing this left, right, and center if it were an option.
Are you on the quick service dining plan? Maybe the CM was trying to say that you could pay to upgrade to the regular DDP?

I am on the QSDP (if you read the messages between the CM and I, I did say QSDP). I actually asked him before that if I was allowed to upgrade to the DDP and pay the difference and he said yes. So I specifically mentioned several times in the convo that I was on the QSDP. The woman on the phone told me I could use my credits to upgrade to a TS meal as well for 2 QSDP credits. I don't get why 2 people in the customer service department have told people this if it's not true. It is very frustrating bc I just want a straight answer you know?

I would pay to upgrade to the DDP but they need the difference paid in full up front and I can't afford that. I am on a monthly payment plan through their website just to pay for this trip with my teen. I've been paying on it for a year come August.

I appreciate the response!! Hopefully I can get some answers soon.
I would be very hesitant to believe this. You can trade down, but I've always been told that you can't trade up.

If trading up were an option, that's essentially a way to get around the requirement of having to buy the meal plan for all members of your party for all days of your trip. You could buy the QSDP, trade up to TS each day, and only have to eat half as many meals as Disney is trying to force you to get on a dining plan while still getting your snacks and drinks. One of the biggest complaints of the DDP is that it's too much food and you don't have the flexibility to buy fewer meals/days. This circumvents that and I'm pretty sure people would be doing this left, right, and center if it were an option.

Totally get what you are saying. I just don't understand why 2 different CM's would tell me that if it weren't true. I have the transcripts to prove it! It's so frustrating. I'm totally with you. The DDP is too much food for us. I just wanted ONE TS meal and that's it. We are trying to do this trip 100% paid for in advance since we are on a budget. I am paying for the trip monthly through their website. If I wanna upgrade to the DDP, I would have to pay all up front the difference, instead of them just adding it to my balance to pay monthly.
Totally get what you are saying. I just don't understand why 2 different CM's would tell me that if it weren't true. I have the transcripts to prove it! It's so frustrating. I'm totally with you. The DDP is too much food for us. I just wanted ONE TS meal and that's it. We are trying to do this trip 100% paid for in advance since we are on a budget. I am paying for the trip monthly through their website. If I wanna upgrade to the DDP, I would have to pay all up front the difference, instead of them just adding it to my balance to pay monthly.

I agree that the information you're getting is pretty clear, but it's also totally contrary to everything I've ever read or heard about the DDP. If it's just one meal, wouldn't it be worth just paying OOP for that one rather than upgrading the whole trip to the DDP?

If you do want to upgrade and only the payment plan is stopping you, then just wait until the last minute to upgrade. You can do the math, save the upgrade cost each month when you make an installment payment, and then make the upgrade right at 31 days before your trip. By then, you'll have saved the money to pay for it all at once.
I agree that the information you're getting is pretty clear, but it's also totally contrary to everything I've ever read or heard about the DDP. If it's just one meal, wouldn't it be worth just paying OOP for that one rather than upgrading the whole trip to the DDP?

If you do want to upgrade and only the payment plan is stopping you, then just wait until the last minute to upgrade. You can do the math, save the upgrade cost each month when you make an installment payment, and then make the upgrade right at 31 days before your trip. By then, you'll have saved the money to pay for it all at once.

Oh no... I don't want to upgrade at all, I just want to use a couple QS credits towards one TS meal (or whatever the transfer amount would be). But I wasn't sure if that was allowed, but according to my call to a CM and now this chat, I can. He very clearly stated that I can use QS meals to upgrade to the TS meal. I figured it would be best to do that since I will have extra QS meal credits (bc of when we arrive and such). The only reason I mentioned upgrading at all was that I wanted the price difference I'd have to pay to see if it was worth it to upgrade (but I didn't wanna do that unless it was on my monthly payments). But it is totally not worth it for one TS meal. Just trying to not pay out of pocket and I don't wanna have leftover QS credits (even if I can cash them in for take home snacks... we will be packing VERY light).
Here's what I would do as long as my son was okay with doing it this way:

Make the ADR for 50s. Then on the day of ADR, at least a few hours before the ADR, go by 50s and tell them what you've been told, show them your screen shot. If they say okay, then you're good to go. If they say "no" tell them you don't want the ADR and ask them to not charge the no-show fee since you made the ADR based on what you were told by a CM. If they push back, take it to management and/or guest services. This means it takes some time out of your day and you may not get to eat at 50s, but that's the ONLY way you're going to find out if this will work.

I will say that phone CMs and chat CMs are notoriously uninformed when it comes to the finer points of the DDP and sometimes I think they say what you want to hear, but you've done all you can to find the correct information. I'd be willing to try to make them honor what their CMs have communicated.
That is BS IMO.
Sounds like the CM was not quite grasping what you were saying.
Almost seemed like they think you wanted to upgrade your QSDP to the DDP as it makes no sense to tell you that you can
"upgrade" from a quick service meal to a table service meal by using 2 quick service credits.

If you want to go ahead and believe it then go for it but if they deny you then you're gonna have to pay OOP and honestly I doubt they would take those screen shots as proof.

Personally though I'd either upgrade the dining plan or pay out of pocket without bringing all this up.
You know what you booked ahead of time so if you want something different now then change it instead of trying to get something for nothing.
This is what is wrong with Disney customer service. They don't know how things actually work. You can't do this.
Show them your screenshots, see if they'll honour them and report back to us.
Good luck!
Here's what I would do as long as my son was okay with doing it this way:

Make the ADR for 50s. Then on the day of ADR, at least a few hours before the ADR, go by 50s and tell them what you've been told, show them your screen shot. If they say okay, then you're good to go. If they say "no" tell them you don't want the ADR and ask them to not charge the no-show fee since you made the ADR based on what you were told by a CM. If they push back, take it to management and/or guest services. This means it takes some time out of your day and you may not get to eat at 50s, but that's the ONLY way you're going to find out if this will work.

I will say that phone CMs and chat CMs are notoriously uninformed when it comes to the finer points of the DDP and sometimes I think they say what you want to hear, but you've done all you can to find the correct information. I'd be willing to try to make them honor what their CMs have communicated.

I get so nervous about causing a fuss! I don’t want people to be upset but I definitely feel like they should honor what they say!! Thanks for the tip. Like you said, I won’t know unless I go ask in person.
That is BS IMO.
Sounds like the CM was not quite grasping what you were saying.
Almost seemed like they think you wanted to upgrade your QSDP to the DDP as it makes no sense to tell you that you can
"upgrade" from a quick service meal to a table service meal by using 2 quick service credits.

If you want to go ahead and believe it then go for it but if they deny you then you're gonna have to pay OOP and honestly I doubt they would take those screen shots as proof.

Personally though I'd either upgrade the dining plan or pay out of pocket without bringing all this up.
You know what you booked ahead of time so if you want something different now then change it instead of trying to get something for nothing.

You make it sound like I’m trying to cause a fuss to get a free meal and intentionally take advantage of their incorrect info. I am not! I simply want to know what their policy is and how it actually works bc I was getting 2 different stories. I am willing to pay OOP for this one meal if I have to but if they allow upgrades, I won’t. It’s that simple. Please don’t make it out as me trying to scam them. This is my first time ever using the DDP and I didn’t know how it worked exactly. I think if you were new to something and getting mixed info, you’d ask too.
This is what is wrong with Disney customer service. They don't know how things actually work. You can't do this.

Considering they work for the company, you’d think they’d be better trained and know more than us. It’s sad that Disney’s employees are giving out false information. If the answer is no, then so be it! I wouldn’t have been mad. I’m more mad that they’d give me a lie, as someone new to the DDP, and have me believe and show up.
That is BS IMO.
Sounds like the CM was not quite grasping what you were saying.

I also talked to a phone rep before this chat (as I stated in my OP). She also said I could use 2 QS for 1 TS. She said it on the phone and clearly grasped what I was saying. I just think that they are just afraid to say anything that might upset a customer, even if it’s a lie. I was extremely nice and kind to her. So I’m not sure why she felt uncomfortable just telling me the truth.
You make it sound like I’m trying to cause a fuss to get a free meal and intentionally take advantage of their incorrect info. I am not! I simply want to know what their policy is and how it actually works bc I was getting 2 different stories. I am willing to pay OOP for this one meal if I have to but if they allow upgrades, I won’t. It’s that simple. Please don’t make it out as me trying to scam them. This is my first time ever using the DDP and I didn’t know how it worked exactly. I think if you were new to something and getting mixed info, you’d ask too.
Don't feel bad for trying to clarify the policy! IMO you asked the question very clearly and Disney should take responsibility for the misinformation given out by cast members. The truth is that trading up is not allowed, but it can't hurt to ask given the fact that you were given wrong information by multiple CMs.
Disney should take responsibility for the misinformation given out by cast members.

If for no other reason than THIS, I would be making the ADR and taking my screen shot. If you're going to eat there regardless, I'd definitely be doing it. Disney needs to be held responsible for what their EMPLOYEES tell people. I would want the restaurant to know and I would also stop by guest services afterwards (because it's highly unlikely they will let you trade up), and I'd be making a report. You have the CMs name on the chat. Like you, I don't really want to get them in trouble, but they need some more training so this doesn't happen again.
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  • XoAcUMHu_bigger.jpg

Hi there, Todd! Currently, you are not able to combine Quick-Service meal entitlements for a Table-Service meal. Thank you for reaching out to us!

I tweeted to ask about this and the above is the reply from @WDWToday
  • XoAcUMHu_bigger.jpg
Hi there, Todd! Currently, you are not able to combine Quick-Service meal entitlements for a Table-Service meal. Thank you for reaching out to us!

I tweeted to ask about this and the above is the reply from @WDWToday

But is WDWToday an OFFICIAL outlet of WDW or is it like DISBoards where we're all just fans and a community that loves Disney? The OP has spoken with two different CMs (albeit phone and chat CMs who get things wrong all the time) who are EMPLOYEES of Disney and should have the correct information. I think it's time we start holding Disney accountable for the people they hire and train.


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