A rough day in what I do now is a vacation compared to life "in a branch". Of course w/"branch life" the 40 hours thing was not enforced because it was not realistic to expect to leave on time.
Now I am hourly in a "back office" lending position. USUALLY things are very chill and I work at my own pace. What I do entails: we are given a list of "contacts". You have to work a minimum number of contacts (which means calling people), which is very easy to achieve, most of us can easily do double that. We randomly get "internet" loan applications that come in, and you work those. While that is extra work, you welcome the opportunity to land another loan. Usually it is no more than one of those a day IF you are lucky enough to even get one. When you work say 40 contacts a day.... the amount of people you talk to really starts to add up. When you have that many contacts "out there in the universe", there is the POTENTIAL for getting hit with everything all at once.
For example: I grabbed my internet application that morning, I was working w/that person when somebody else start calling me and emailing that he had finally found the vehicle he wanted but needed more money so I was trying to get him approved for a higher loan amount by underwriting when I get an email from lady saying she wanted to Xfer her CC balances, so I had to get all of the CC info from her to do the Xfers, acct#'s addresses etc, to type in and getting all the docs to be signed, while somebody else is bombarding me with, yep I am buying this car, so I need payment sent to this dealership. All the while you are trying to make your minimum calls for that day. Also having some people you are having to remind hey you gotta sign that paperwork before we can send the check. All the while your phone is blowing up from a dealership for guy #2 wanting verification we are actually going to pay them. You also have to take time to actually do the booking of the loans... issue the checks, create the FedEx labels, notify the "mail team" to send the checks out. Also you have to update the peoples' accounts and add the appropriate notes. Send follow up emails to customers, saying thank you, and giving them instructions on how to set up online access if they have not done so already. That said, you are going to make a lot more than your hourly wage for getting those loan booked. If you lose an hour of pay, based on the dollar amount of those loans/payment protection etc.... you are going to make A LOT more than than that hour you "worked for free".
Now, on an "slow day", you have 8 hours to make like 40 phone calls and chat with your coworkers on Teams or if you are "in office", sit around and talk, book a loan here and there (if you're lucky). We get two 15 minute breaks (on the clock) and the one hour clock out lunch. In a WFH day, the day has the potential to be very chill, and you can get a lot of stuff done around the house on your lunch hour and breaks and you can ease through the day. Friday was just not that kind of day.