Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Bobbiwoz Nice that you are getting the care you need in your recovery. Home care is the best care.

Good morning. It is 32 with the real feel temp 22. Temps aren't going much higher. The winds are not as bad but still gusty outside. I had supper at Kennys last night which was nice. Today I am off to the Subaru dealer for maintenance. Jeff and family are picking me up to go to breakfast while the car is being serviced. It will be nice to see them, have breakfast with them, and not have to wait in the service area. I do have my book too. I like this service dept as they tell you step by step what they will be doing and what needs to be done. I don't feel like they take advantage of women. They show you the stats and give the reasons why things need to be done. If they really wanted to they could have told me a year ago that they needed to do the rear brakes but told me why it wasn't needed yet. Today may be the day but it is expected at this point.

Have a good Saturday.
Good Saturday morning. Sunny, but only going to be 41 and yet again we have high wind warnings. I'm tired of picking up trash from all over the neighborhood that ends up either in my yard or the storm drains that run along side the road.

Summer is nuts. She needs not 1 but 2 new front tires, and an oil change, but doesn't have the money. She texted me last night that she's driving her husband back to meet the crew on the job, in Terre Haute Indiana. She lives in WV and that's a very very long drive, especially when you're driving a not reliable vehicle. She may stay with him at the work hotel room and drive back tomorrow. She's taking risks she shouldn't be taking. If that truck breaks down that far from home, she's in big trouble.

Off to strip and remake the bed and give the bathrooms a once over

Have a good day.

Good sunny Sunday morning. 33 now going to upper 50's, tomorrow we start ramping up towards the 70's.

Summer texted me at 1 am that they finally made it to Terre Haute. She stayed the night, is going to see if she can get some Walmart deliveries out there so she can get 2 new tires before coming home. That's what she told me, but my bet is she'll drive home on the same bad tire.

I started watching the series Sweet Magnolia's on Netflix, I really like it.

Have a good day everyone

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Lynn I hope Summer gets back safely. Is there any other way her husband can get to his job?

Good morning. It is 33 now with temps going to the upper 30s. It will be warming up this week to 60. My car did need new rear brakes, a new battery (so glad I asked them to test it as I did the last 2 times I was there), and midlevel maintenance. It was a big bill. The good news is my next maintenance visit in 6 months should just be an oil change. I have not had repairs on a car since before Chris passed. The cost has gone through the roof. Other people have told me that but it was a shock. I know dealers are a bit more expensive but I know it is done right and I trust the people at this particular dealership. I am grateful to be able to pay for it. Jeff and family picked me up at the dealer while the work was being done and we went to breakfast at a place nearby. They had a table for all 7 of us and we had a nice time. So far today I have been to Wegmans and the gym. I plan to do a bit of work and some housework. I may take another walk later. I need to keep busy.

Have a good Sunday.
Lynn I hope Summer gets back safely. Is there any other way her husband can get to his job?

Good morning. It is 33 now with temps going to the upper 30s. It will be warming up this week to 60. My car did need new rear brakes, a new battery (so glad I asked them to test it as I did the last 2 times I was there), and midlevel maintenance. It was a big bill. The good news is my next maintenance visit in 6 months should just be an oil change. I have not had repairs on a car since before Chris passed. The cost has gone through the roof. Other people have told me that but it was a shock. I know dealers are a bit more expensive but I know it is done right and I trust the people at this particular dealership. I am grateful to be able to pay for it. Jeff and family picked me up at the dealer while the work was being done and we went to breakfast at a place nearby. They had a table for all 7 of us and we had a nice time. So far today I have been to Wegmans and the gym. I plan to do a bit of work and some housework. I may take another walk later. I need to keep busy.

Have a good Sunday.
An expensive plane ride, or a 3 day bus ride. She always sends him with a week's worth of food, plus he has his clothes and his tools. She orders him a Walmart delivery every week after that, plus his cigarettes (nasty habit). He won't get a pay check for 2 weeks, because they pay every other week. She barely had enough for gas, and to get his food for the trip there.
My car did need new rear brakes, a new battery (so glad I asked them to test it as I did the last 2 times I was there), and midlevel maintenance. It was a big bill. The good news is my next maintenance visit in 6 months should just be an oil change. I have not had repairs on a car since before Chris passed. The cost has gone through the roof. Other people have told me that but it was a shock
I hear you on that. Costs have skyrocketed. I trust the dealer to do the important things. We have a local tire place that I trust to do brakes and tires. I don't really drive enough to need either very often, lol. Luckily my battery was still under warranty and it needed replacing a few months ago. I'm glad you got the repairs done, you'll feel safer driving now!
I’m just coming in to say hi here. We have added more rice to my diet in the hope of stemming the terrible runs. We sure hope it works!

One happy thing is that I found a new amaryllis, bud today on one of the plants that we took out of dormancy last month. I think this is the fourth flower out of the seven or eight plants!

It’s a sunny day here. Tom and a friend just got home from taking Gus for a walk. I hope everyone’s Sunday is a good one.
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Good morning. It is in the mid 30s here now with temps heading to the 50s. Tomorrow looking at 60. I am going to go to the lake today to see if the trails are walkable or mucky and muddy. It hasn't rained in a bit, the snow is melted, and we had the winds for a few days so I am hoping the ground is walkable. Yesterday I made a broccoli crustless quiche for the week.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Good morning. 43 now going to be 65. Tomorrow 75. Spring is springing, lol

Summer is still in Indiana. She decided to stay there all day yesterday and do Walmart deliveries. Someone there told her there's a tire shop close by that sells used tires at a decent price. She's hoping to have 2 put on and then order new ones on Amazon when she gets caught up on bills when she gets home.

I plan on opening most of the windows today and letting some fresh air in. I'm going to hook up the back hose when it warms up more and give the car a good wash. I could go to Sheetz and run through the carwash, but I do a better job than they do and it doesn't cost me $10, lol

Have a good day everyone

Just a ton of extra love dear Bobbi. Be kind to yourself. By God's grace you will recover. We both will. Remember also we all believe in and are praying for you.

Prayers each of you has enjoyed a happy Monday. Dad and I once again were extra blessed to have lunch with Him together earlier. What a gift this is and one we can't wait to share at home again. Dad's leaving is the downside to his visits. I know that my being here truly hurts his heart. God absolutely has this and all of us just fine. All is well because He is in control.

Grace of God I am getting stronger day by day. This morning I stood taller and a little longer using the parallel bars. I also did other feet and leg exercises. I sat in a wheelchair for a good period of time as I played Uno with two of my physical therapists. I am thankful for my pt's, that is for sure.

So this part doesn't get lost within the dreary trenches that is this facility, I would appreciate some Amazon hunting help from all of you. I would love to surprise (on the glorious day I go home) my favorite CNA and friend Ashley with a new Disney name bage. Ashley has shared with me that Stitch is one of her favorite characters and that she used to have a Stitch name tag that broke. I have started looking on Amazon and am not finding any Disney custom with name options. Also (I think) I am looking for a pin that she can literally pin onto her top rather than a name badge clip. Any ideas much appreciated!

Back to a regular update on me. Dad and I are sure praying that God willing I make great recovery strides this week ahead.
This facility just gets worse...or perhaps it simply remains the same. Goings-on here could make for a very sad book or movie. Aside from how truly dreary it is in here, it's the soundtrack of yelling and cursing by other residents that just add despair and unhealthy energy to this space.

Care is a gigantic problem. There are 3 CNA shifts each day. 7am to 3pm, 3pm to 11pm, and 11pm to 7am. It's the overnight shift that daily seems to cause me trouble :/ I repeatedly am ignored and end up waiting up to 2 and a half hours (yes, you read that right) to be helped at all hours of the later evening and wee hours of the morning.

I do like a few of the overnight CNA's especially an older lady named Angelina. When one of the on duty night shift CNA's finally comes to help me it's always the same story that they were, "busy helping people on the other side," and (Angelina added a couple days ago that she wasn't even aware I was waiting the entire time). She did apologize. She told me that she had 15 patients. There is no (according to Google) law here in CA on CNA to patient ratio. 15 sure seems excessive!

The other faulty care communication components are that all too often someone (usually a charge nurse or someone else who is not my CNA at the time) will come in and without a word turn off the help light. This is illegal (if the patient who pressed it has not been helped). Or sometimes, I will be told that they (person who turned off the light) will get my nurse except my nurse doesn't show up for quite a while later. To try and advocate for myself I have placed many a phone call to the front desk. In theory doing this makes good sense. The reality is sometimes my call never even goes through! Dad and I have also gotten automatically disconnected in the middle of a conversation and have also had the trouble of poor reception breaking one of us up. These are just sadly a few examples.

Oh and a male CNA just came in reminding me of yet another issue that has yet to be fully (thank God it mostly is better now) resolved. Because I need personal care help, I have made it clear my preference of only female nurses. My elderly roommate doesn't mind a man tending to her. This shift she has a male nurse and I have a female. My nurse is for all intents and purposes a sub just for me. She also has her regularly scheduled patients. I'm just an extra and therefore (it can feel as though I am) less of a priority than other folks.

How I am treated when help does come has improved overall though for which I am most grateful. Very sadly I did need to make a request to no longer be assigned a particular CNA after one truly unprofessional encounter with her which was the final straw of many. On the complete flip side I am blessed to be cared for by some dedicated CNA's including Angelina and of course Ashley.

Thank you all so dearly for you and all your loving prayers. God Bless my Quacker family.
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Mona I am truly sorry to hear about the care issues you are having. It is nice that you have some wonderful caring PTs and CNAs helping you. It is sad and very common everywhere for the staff to be overworked and the facility to be understaffed. I found in most places that the overnight staff is the least attentive. Both my Dad and I encountered that. I hope you continue to get stronger day by day and that the care gets better. The only suggestion I have with a name tag is Etsy. Sometimes they have things like that and prices can be reasonable or not, it just depends.

Good morning. It is 34 here with temps heading to 60. Yesterday was a nice day. I got to the lake to walk. The paths were mostly in good shape with a few mucky areas here and there but easy to avoid. Last time I walked there the lake was frozen and there were ice fishing huts out on it. It will be getting colder again, in the 40s, for the next few days then warm again. I feel like allergies are starting up already so started the Claritan.

Have a good day.
Feel better dear Snowysmom. How I would love to accompany you on a walk around the lake. I am so very thankful that you are able to enjoy it (allergies and weather aside, of course)!

Big extra hug. Dad's are so special indeed. I'm so sorry that yours and of course dear you as well experienced care that was lacking and as I remember from a share of yours a while back, unkind treatment too. You know how I feel about that my friend :( Overnight and often weekend staffing is indeed an issue here! I think coverage in general is sorely lacking. Yes, I am waiting for a nurse now.

Quality care absolutely means so much more in light of the other that is for sure. I am blessed indeed to have some caring CNA's and pt's. Thank you for the Etsy suggestion :)

Love and Tuesday hugs to all.
Good morning,

Mona, I wish I could say I what you're saying is something that's only happening there, but as snowysmom said, it's an ongoing condition in a lot of places. Even our hospital, which is top notch during the day, lacks a lot at night. There's just not enough help for the amount of patients. I hope things improve, and I'm glad you're making strides in your recovery. Keep going!

Believe it or not, we're supposed to hit 80 today, this is totally out of the norm for early March, but I'll take it.

I've sent numerous texts to Summer asking if she made it home safely yesterday but haven't heard a word. I don't want to call and wake her in case she's exhausted from the long drive, but it would be nice of her to let me know.

Have a good day everyone.
@lynxstch , possibly 80° today, wow!!

Here we are at 47° and it’s sunny. I’ve been given the go ahead to try something over the counter for the runs, and praying and hoping it helps. 😊

Mona, am so sad to read Angelina (?) cares for 15 patients on her shift! I am happy to read of the progress you are making, you stood taller and for longer, that’s great!!

I will walk inside today, we have a small house, but I will keep going back and forth.

Gus’s breathing has been very labored recently. This has been a problem for over a year, but when in January’24 we took him to a specialist, he would need an MRI before they gave him something for breathing. He has made it to now, with flair ups, we hope he can get has his current one. Every so often his regular vet gave him steroids, but he doesn’t tolerate them now. He has bad liver functions. He lives to be with us…he’s come into my room even last night to see how I am. Thank God for loving pets. We will take care of him when it is time, and I pray we will know just when that is.

Another day of recovery from an operation I didn’t think I would survive. Thank God.
Gus paws and prayers dear Bobbi. Of course love and care to you always, you know that. Thank God indeed in all. He has you embraced forever my friend.

Thanks dear Lynn. Always prayers for Summer and most of all you my friend.

I definitely agree overnight/weekend coverage is problematic in so many health related places :( In this place, mimimal staffing is an almost daily occurence.

Another care component here that once again is a problem and is delaying my being cared for is the lack of linens. Now this is a questionable issue for sure. I have talked a few times with a charge nurse about being told by a CNA there are no towels. My being assisted earier today was on hold due to my morning CNA nor having her linens yet! The charge nurse I mentioned above has said I was the first person to ever bring this up to you. She has said that in her opinion "no linens or simply no towels,"= laziness. There are 3 nurses stations here. My room is covered by station 1. There are supposed to be extra towels at each station plus each CNA has their own supply cart. This facility also has a laundry room where I have been told more towels and bedding are kept. All I know is 40 minutes later I have yet to be cared for. God willing sooner than later I will update that I have been tended to.

I jusr got back to my room after my second pt session. Both went well. My first therapist was my favorite Susan which is always nice. My left leg is stronger and straighter. Working on putting weight on my left foot more and sranding tall.

Dad is on his way to see which always makes my morning brighter.

Tuesday joy to all! :) I will try to check back in later.
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Bobbiwoz Continued good thoughts and prayers for you as you recover. Also thinking of Gus. He knows he is well loved and well cared for.

Good morning. It is 34 now with temps heading to the mid 40s. Same for tomorrow. Yesterday was such a nice day. I went to the lake again and tried to walk around to the back trails. I got to the back area and the trail was all ice still. I had to turn around. The sun doesn't hit that part of the path. It was still a nice walk and got in alot of steps. Tomorrow I go to the office so early morning drive. I have a doctor appt in the area mid morning so will be leaving work early. The appt is only the next exit up the highway from my office so that works out well. I keep my doctors and dentist in my old area as I may move back there when I retire. I will have to see if I can do it emotionally. It is only 45-50 minutes from where I live now so not a bit deal. Some people drive into Boston for their routine medical care which is a long ride and a frustrating one many times. I prefer to stay in my old area for care.

Have a good Wednesday.
Good morning. We hit 82 yesterday, it was almost too warm, and way too early. Today is going to be low 70's, that's more like it.

I saw the first robins in the back yard this morning, another sign of spring.

Summer texted that she finally got home at 7:30. She said it was a terrible drive, and she had to pull over 5 times just to wake herself up. She says she won't be making that drive again, but I wouldn't bet on that one.

Have a good day everyone

Bobbiwoz Continued good thoughts and prayers for you as you recover. Also thinking of Gus. He knows he is well loved and well cared for.

Good morning. It is 34 now with temps heading to the mid 40s. Same for tomorrow. Yesterday was such a nice day. I went to the lake again and tried to walk around to the back trails. I got to the back area and the trail was all ice still. I had to turn around. The sun doesn't hit that part of the path. It was still a nice walk and got in alot of steps. Tomorrow I go to the office so early morning drive. I have a doctor appt in the area mid morning so will be leaving work early. The appt is only the next exit up the highway from my office so that works out well. I keep my doctors and dentist in my old area as I may move back there when I retire. I will have to see if I can do it emotionally. It is only 45-50 minutes from where I live now so not a bit deal. Some people drive into Boston for their routine medical care which is a long ride and a frustrating one many times. I prefer to stay in my old area for care.

Have a good Wednesday.

I can understand this easily. My kids are still using our local dentist office after almost 15? years an hour away for my DD.

Had a visit this morning to remove a tiny tooth fragment from an old crown that I decided not to replace - way in the back and had been just a bother for a long while. Quick and easy but the area is still numb, and I have to eat soft for a bit until the area heals a bit.
No charge this morning.

In other news son and daughter in law bid on another house and didn't get it. Moneywise their offer was better than the winner, but the winner had all cash. They could have closed in 30 days but cash closes faster. They were really unhappy because it looked hopeful until it didn't. House came on the market last Thursday, 8 contracts came in with a Tuesday deadline (yesterday).

I mentioned recession coming to my son and the fact this house was priced $200K above what it was sold for 2 years earlier, plus that the taxes on it don't even come close to reflecting the asking price (this is usually fairly inline but not exact) and he got annoyed as everyone is saying the same thing about interest rates, prices, recession yet people are still scooping up whatever there is. The house was in great condition. They paid $600 for a 'pre' home inspection to counter some of their offer terms. That's money out the window, but the other parents covered it for them.

Just a note, DD bought a 2800 sq ft home end of 2015. It's doubled in value according to comps, and not in the area son is living in. It's my opinion son needs to move further away from the area he's looking in to get something he can overpay for. I'm kind of disgusted with this market. It's so bad the realtor even suggested offering to pay 'over' the appraisal value if the appraisal came in lower than the offer price. The asking price was lower than the expected appraisal probably to try and generate more offers and a bidding war.

Since I keep my eye on these markets, I know what can happen in a recession so I've cautioned son not to exceed what they can afford in payment especially as the world is in flux right now.

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