Just a ton of extra love dear Bobbi. Be kind to yourself. By God's grace you will recover. We both will. Remember also we all believe in and are praying for you.
Prayers each of you has enjoyed a happy Monday. Dad and I once again were extra blessed to have lunch with Him together earlier. What a gift this is and one we can't wait to share at home again. Dad's leaving is the downside to his visits. I know that my being here truly hurts his heart. God absolutely has this and all of us just fine. All is well because He is in control.
Grace of God I am getting stronger day by day. This morning I stood taller and a little longer using the parallel bars. I also did other feet and leg exercises. I sat in a wheelchair for a good period of time as I played Uno with two of my physical therapists. I am thankful for my pt's, that is for sure.
So this part doesn't get lost within the dreary trenches that is this facility, I would appreciate some
Amazon hunting help from all of you. I would love to surprise (on the glorious day I go home) my favorite CNA and friend Ashley with a new Disney name bage. Ashley has shared with me that Stitch is one of her favorite characters and that she used to have a Stitch name tag that broke. I have started looking on Amazon and am not finding any Disney custom with name options. Also (I think) I am looking for a pin that she can literally pin onto her top rather than a name badge clip. Any ideas much appreciated!
Back to a regular update on me. Dad and I are sure praying that God willing I make great recovery strides this week ahead.
This facility just gets worse...or perhaps it simply remains the same. Goings-on here could make for a very sad book or movie. Aside from how truly dreary it is in here, it's the soundtrack of yelling and cursing by other residents that just add despair and unhealthy energy to this space.
Care is a gigantic problem. There are 3 CNA shifts each day. 7am to 3pm, 3pm to 11pm, and 11pm to 7am. It's the overnight shift that daily seems to cause me trouble :/ I repeatedly am ignored and end up waiting up to 2 and a half hours (yes, you read that right) to be helped at all hours of the later evening and wee hours of the morning.
I do like a few of the overnight CNA's especially an older lady named Angelina. When one of the on duty night shift CNA's finally comes to help me it's always the same story that they were, "busy helping people on the other side," and (Angelina added a couple days ago that she wasn't even aware I was waiting the entire time). She did apologize. She told me that she had 15 patients. There is no (according to Google) law here in CA on CNA to patient ratio. 15 sure seems excessive!
The other faulty care communication components are that all too often someone (usually a charge nurse or someone else who is not my CNA at the time) will come in and without a word turn off the help light. This is illegal (if the patient who pressed it has not been helped). Or sometimes, I will be told that they (person who turned off the light) will get my nurse except my nurse doesn't show up for quite a while later. To try and advocate for myself I have placed many a phone call to the front desk. In theory doing this makes good sense. The reality is sometimes my call never even goes through! Dad and I have also gotten automatically disconnected in the middle of a conversation and have also had the trouble of poor reception breaking one of us up. These are just sadly a few examples.
Oh and a male CNA just came in reminding me of yet another issue that has yet to be fully (thank God it mostly is better now) resolved. Because I need personal care help, I have made it clear my preference of only female nurses. My elderly roommate doesn't mind a man tending to her. This shift she has a male nurse and I have a female. My nurse is for all intents and purposes a sub just for me. She also has her regularly scheduled patients. I'm just an extra and therefore (it can feel as though I am) less of a priority than other folks.
How I am treated when help does come has improved overall though for which I am most grateful. Very sadly I did need to make a request to no longer be assigned a particular CNA after one truly unprofessional encounter with her which was the final straw of many. On the complete flip side I am blessed to be cared for by some dedicated CNA's including Angelina and of course Ashley.
Thank you all so dearly for you and all your loving prayers. God Bless my Quacker family.