PVB Tower Charts, Sales Date and more!!!

Why oh why did they build this at Saratoga. It's a special trip to go out there.
Probably because they can pull the air conditioned van (they are picking people up at their resorts) right up to the front door, and they don’t have to drag everyone through security. Just looked at a photo: the SSR preview center has a Porte Cochere which is golden if it’s pouring out.
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Why oh why did they build this at Saratoga. It's a special trip to go out there.
To dissuade looky-loos (like myself) who have intention of buying at PVB. If it were some place easy (ie Disney springs), we would totally pop in and suck up time/space at the walk through. No way are we making a separate trip at midday to SSR.
To dissuade looky-loos (like myself) who have intention of buying at PVB. If it were some place easy (ie Disney springs), we would totally pop in and suck up time/space at the walk through. No way are we making a separate trip at midday to SSR.
Is it that much of an extra trip?
It feels like it - get a bus from a park or rideshare from a resort. Then get back to our resort. Although we could check out the DVC merch at the shop.

If you’re staying on property they will send a van for you, a Minnie Van if you have kids who need car seats, at no charge, at a scheduled time.

That try to make it as easy as humanly possible to give them your money.
Why SSR for the preview center? Some thoughts:
  1. Huge
  2. Centrally located on property
  3. Parking no issue whatsoever; tons of it, close to building, no reason to book a sham visit to get free parking when there’s free parking across the lake
  4. Pre-existing giant flexible warehouse space leftover from Disney Institute days so they didn’t even have to build anything

Yeah I mean the real answer is probably just #4 but like the rest is all good too.
When I was there in August I met up with my guide face to face at SSR for the first time (the rest of the family had already left for AK at that point). After we were done chatting he offered to get a dvc van to drop me off at the front gate, didn't even have to ask.
We arrived at SSR today and have some time before the room is ready so we went to the sales center to get the gift cards for doing a tour. They took us and showed us the PVB Deluxe Studio and one bedroom. They also had the same rooms for Riviera for show. But they also don’t know anything about price or incentives.
Well, for me, checking out the mocked up rooms at SSR is fine, but if I am going to spend $30,000+ on another contract, I am going to need to walk into the actual lobby of the Island Tower, get a feel for everything as built, and check out the real rooms and real views for all the villa categories.

If they have done it right, they may get more of my $$$.
If not, I can always visit when I am staying at VGF.
I agree about visiting. Funny, we had no interest in RR until after staying there. I think vibes are important and can go either way, especially since the Tower seems different from the existing Poly ambiance/experience.

I agree that the vibes are important. We first heard about DVC when on a trip in 2019 when we were staying with friends at Caribbean Beach. We saw the big RR which wasn't open yet, but thought it was just another eventual hotel like CB, and thought it looked great. Then we used the skyliner and usually got on at the RR skyliner port because we were on that end of Caribbean.

We later found ourselves talking to someone at the DVC booth at HS and thought it was just a program to get rooms at places like Caribbean Beach but on points.

It wasn't until we got to SSR that we learned that Riviera is what they were pushing and that was the huge new hotel right by us. Our experience with the skyliner (and how quick the walk was from RR to the skyliner) and what we could see of RR were a huge part of our push to want to own there as we were told we could buy points to a couple other resorts at the time.

But we really liked what we saw of RR and touring the rooms was great. We had not stayed or been to SSR before that point but SSR itself didn't do anything for us when we got there, and when we eventually did stay there it only reinforced that it wasn't the hotel for us. But RR has lived up to our expectations and then some and I don't imagine we would have bought if our only knowledge of RR had come from the SSR visit alone.
How would one go about timing school breaks such as winter break or spring break with a fixed week anyway. I do agree a FW would work well in the case of the Poly tower.

The Case of the Poly Tower sounds like the title of a Hardy Boys mystery. "Hey Frank did you see that shady figure in the jalopy pull up to the porte cochere? That was the same car we saw by the Boardwalk the night old man Johnson was found in the giant fish tank at the Seas with Nemo and Friends!"
Unfortunately, it likely means that your FW won't fall on the week you want every year.

For example, we own FW 47 at CCV, which most years is Thanksgiving, but in the years where Thanksgiving falls on Nov 22, week 47 is the week after Thanksgiving. Which is why when we added on to RIV, we decided to get FW 46 -- allows us Food & Wine most years, but covers the 7 times in the next 46 years when Thanksgiving falls in Week 46.

Week 7 most years covers President's Day Week, which is February vacation for kids here in MA. However, of the next 46 years, there are 13 instances where President's Week will be Week 8 instead.

Redweek has a Timeshare Calendar that can help you calculate check-in day for each week (just remember that DVC check-in is a Sunday) to help you see what week would work best for you.
No, if anything, they will add bcv tower in the parking lot and make parking miserable there. I beleive there has been talk or rumors of that already.

I’m in the “they won’t do a YC DVC before 2042” camp but it sure looks like they’re considering a new BCV.

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