PTR for Noah's wish trip -MAW/GKTW- April 7th - 13th, 2010

Oh it's all come together and now it's time to say "I'm a leaven on a jet plane.." I hope you have a safe journey and very magical trip. Take lots of pictures and I can't wait to hear and see all about it.

Good Luck with your last minute packing, which you seem to have under control. Have a fabulous trip and enjoy every minute of it! :wizard: :cheer2: :yay: :woohoo:

Yeah for getting boarding passes printed!



Happy Birthday Beth!!! I hope you guys have a wonderful time!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!:cool1::cheer2::cool1:

Happy Birthday!!!!!!

:cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1: Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1:

I'm so excited for you guys...... Have a BLAST and I can't wait to hear all the details.... :hug:

Sorry to have been MIA from your PTR for a few weeks!

I wanted to be sure to stop in and say. . .

HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!!!!:yay::woohoo::banana::cool1::cheer2:

:banana:Have a great trip!! :cool1:

Stopping in to say have a fantastic trip!:love:

Make lots of memories!!!! We'll be looking forward to hearing all about it when you return :goodvibes

THANK YOU ALL for your well wishes, your birthday wishes, and for all your support! The excitement and nerves are in full force! But I am going to BED!!! Less than 7 hours from D-time!!

Promise lots of pictures!

Have a great week, all! I'll miss you!

OMG I can't believe it:cool1::cool1: woohooo! It's here it's finally here for you all!!

Great Easter Pics! Too cute!!! I hope you are all snoozing so you can feel rested tomarrow for your trip.

HAAAAAAAAVVVEEEE FUUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See ya when you get back and already waitin for the TR:banana:
All caught up and joining in! Have a great time at WDW! Enjoy your time with your family because before you know it there all grown up.
Hi guys!

I just happened to have a few minutes online and wanted to say hello from GKTW! This place is amazing and truly there is nothing like it -- nothing like the feeling you get from the people staying here, from the staff, from the volunteers, and from everything that goes on here! We are having the time of our lives!! We have had 2 busy days in a row, so we'll take it easy tomorrow, before hitting MK on Monday. Weather's great for those of you who are coming next week!

Also for those of you coming soon, one thing I did not pack was a small phillips head screwdriver! Noah was given one welcome present that had batteries and another for Abby at Christmas and we hadn't brought one! We were able to use a knife to open the battery compartment, but it would have been a lot easier if we had a screwdriver. Just food for thought -- I would NEVER have put that on my travel list!! Also I did bring a small set of scissors and they have come in handy for random things like opening toys, etc.-- again, something I wouldn't have thought of on my own but something I needed for one of noah's meds so I happened to have a pair.
Just a few things to maybe add to your to pack list!!

Gotta go to BED!!!

Happy to hear you are havong a great time and the weather has been good. Enjoy your day"off" tomorrow before you hit MK Monday.
Thanks for the update! I'll have to check and see if my rarely used Swiss Army knife has any of those things on it. :laughing: I just checked the forecast today and was pretty satisfied with what I saw. :woohoo: Glad you are having such a great time!
Yay! I'm so glad to hear that you're having a great time!:cool1: I can't wait to read all about it and see the pictures when you return!
:cool1: So glad you all are enjoying your stay. Lots of memories to make and to remember have fun.
YAY!!! I'm glad you popped in! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! And your little tips are great. Take lots of notes for us!! ;)

I hope you all had a WONDERFUL trip! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Hi Beth, I missed your send off but Im here to say Welcome home!! I know you had a great time and cant wait to hear about it.
Hi Everybody!

We are back! Our plane was delayed twice last night and so we ended up pulling in the driveway at 12:30am! :eek:

We had an amazing time and have tons of pictures -- 600 from my sister and about 350 from me! Not to mention photopass pics and Noah's pictures (he wasn't happy with the 24 in his disposable so he used my mom's camera a lot!) So I promise lots of pics!!!

To all the families going in the next week (I know there are many!) -- you are going to have so much fun! Now I know I didn't listen and you probably won't either, but I'm going to say it anyway. Drop a park day and add a Village day. My kids just loved that place. They could've lived at the pool and carosel all day, every day and been completely happy!! Although we had some "down days", in hindsight I really wish I had listened and taken one whole day to NOT do a park. (We did Village days on both of our travel days, but park days on all 5 of the full days we were there). I wish we had only done 4 park days. I know it's hard because we all want to use our vacation to the fullest and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but the village for my kids was just as much fun as any of the parks.

Just my two cents, but I know you probably won't listen because Lord knows I didn't!!! :rotfl:

We did have so much fun, met so many amazing wish families and volunteers and I cried when we left. Amazing, amazing place designed by an amazing man. Brian read Henri's book while we were there and shared with me a lot of it, though I hope to read it myself. If you get the chance, read his story because it is truly inspirational.

Okay, off soapbox!!! Thanks so much for the well wishes for our trip! I will start the TR as soon as possible! If any of you who are leaving soon have any questions, feel free to ask while it's fresh in my head! I'm also going to try to catch up on all the TRs and PTRs!!!

Blessings to you all,
Welcome home!!!

Since some of the most recent trippers have so strongly suggested it, I've really tried to pencil in MORE village time. At the moment I don't have any days entirely village, but I have decided to intentionally shorten a couple of them. :rolleyes1
Welcome back Beth!

So glad to hear you had such a wonderful time (but of course I knew you would;)) I plan on taking that book on the plane in a couple of weeks so I can finally read it. I can see where having extra time to enjoy the village would be especially important during the warmer months. In December, even with the unseasonably warm weather, it was still too cold to enjoy the pool.

Take some time settling in but, not too much :) (spoken from the woman who is still working on my TR 5 months later:rolleyes1)
Welcome back. I'm glad that you all had a great time. Can't wait to hear about it after you have a chance to wind down, but the popcorn is already. :)


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