Profile of a DVCer ...

I started reading this thread and then *bam* Richyams! I'm one of those who miss him. Maybe I should check dates instead of just reading posts!

As to us, we bought into DVC when we could, but wish it had been many years earlier. We even camped (we do it all the time, don't feel sorry for us) at Fort Wilderness several times when our kids were young, just to stay on-property at WDW. Now our oldest is out of college, DD22 promises she's graduating in Dec 2006, and DS 17 should be a senior in HS next year. He's been to WDW too much and is pretty blase' about it (likes IOA better). DD22 is excited to stay with me at OKW as a graduation present. (She also got to go on a study trip to Japan this spring break). DH is finishing teaching 35 years of social studies at HS this year, and I'm a psychologist working in the counseling center of a state college. My pay from teaching psych courses (extra income) funds my Disney addiction. So I guess we're upper middle class, well-educated, and raised on the TV Disney show. The first movie I remember was "Peter Pan." No wonder one of my favorite characters is Tinkerbelle!
I am 44 - DW 40. DS 15 and DD 12.

My wife stayed home with the kids for years - but - went back to school and got a 4.0 GPA from the Kennesaw State University! She sets a great example for the kids (I can promise you I didnt get a 4.0). And, is now working to pay bills and finance a future add-on!

The kids - great kids. Work hard at school - well behaved - very proud and they earn their yearly trip to WDW!

I have been in the Credit Card Industry for 26 years. Started at Bank One (Ohio) during college at age 18 when it was a small regional bank experimenting with thsi Credit Card thing!

Work for a company in Atlanta where our work is all International! Have been to 40 country's in 10 years and have flown over 3 million miles in 10 years.

The on-line name: Bom_Noite actually started while I was on a 4 year project based in Brazil (many familiar in Portuguese immediately notice the incorrect verb tense - it should be Boa Noite. But, it is an inside joke: I was absolutely butchered the language!). Will be checking in to the boards Thursday from the UK!

For the last 3 years I served as the President of a very, very large PTA Basketball League (350 Kids Grades K-6). When we took over the league was on the brink of collapse (politics, personalities and riff-raff with the money) - we turned a 20K yearly deficit in to a 20K yearly profit. Our crowning achievement was this year when we had the Georgia Tech Womens program come to our school to conduct a series of clinics!
I haven't checked in on this thread in a loooooong time.

It's like my grandma used to say - "My, how you've grown!"

Anyone else feeling like being neighborly?
Both DH and I love Disney!! My husband is in the Air Force (currently living in HI) and I'm a Budget Analyst for the Air Force. We both have college degrees. I would consider us to be middle class worker bees :). We have been married for 14 years and are both 35 years old. We have a DD who is 2 yrs old. We have been DVC members since 2003 and wished we had purchased when BWL where being offered. We now own at both SSR and BWL.
I went to Disney since a teenager and DH took his first trip to DL in 1993. DH loves Disney and we are now working to have Disney theme rooms in our home. We have lived both in Europe and US (RI, ME, HI, ND, NJ, and now HI). We have set goals thru out our marriage - to include vacations, saving and retirement. Most people don't get going to Disney every year (sometimes more than that ;). That's fine with us - we enjoy just being able to relax and not having any worries the time that we spend together making last memories with DD.
My goal would be to have 1000 points by the time I retire. We currently have 350 points.


Morin Ohana
DH and I are both college educated, Bachelors and Masters (him, not me ;) ). DH is a Navy Pilot and I have been a SAHM for 8 years. We have been married almost 11 years and have been going to WDW several times a year since 2001. We have 3 DS's, 8, 6 and 3. Wish we had done this years ago!!!!

I grew up in So. CA. and went to DL every year on my birthday. When people ask me why I love Disney so much, I just say "it feels like home". Hopefully DVC will also be our "home", especially with all of our lovely Navy moves.

These profiles are so fun to read that I thought I'd better write ours up, too.

DH and I are turning 38 this year, and our kids are DS7, DD5, DS3, and DD1. We actually bought DVC thanks to DD1. We were at WDW in 2003 for a wedding and were just about to start the adoption process. We happened to meet a family just like us at Tomorrowland: three blond kids and a little girl from China. I took that as a sign that not only could we pull the adoption off, but we had to buy DVC and bring her there as much as possible! (I mean, how bad could things ever be for her if she got to go to Disney World? Am I crazy?)

Anyway, she's doing very well now, and will be even better after she has surgery on her heart this summer (scary, but I know it'll be good in the long run). DH runs a small computer consulting company, but is ready to spin off and start his own thing. I do some freelance editing for my old company when I have time (but what I really want to do is write a novel ;)).

Our kids are wonderful little creatures, and we love to talk about WDW...past trips and future trips. We plan to go every two years...I'd go more often, but DH is so darn fiscally responsible. But I feel very lucky to own DVC!
I had posted before we joined wondering if we were the only ones without young children thinking about joining - I certainly found out we weren't!
DH and I are 49 and 50 , married 15 years, one DD just turned 14. I'm an accountant and he's a computer systems guy with SAS. We hope to have many more healthy years to enjoy DVC, and are thrilled to give DD the opportunity to enjoy her own vacations in the future !

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