Pregnant women, kids and busses...

shaylahc1 said:
I have noticed being on vacation seems to bring out the selfishness/sense of entitlement in people. Some of the rudest behavior I have ever seen has been at theme parks/vacation destintations. I have traveled to Disney with young babies 3 times and never once did anyone offer me a seat while I was standing with a baby in a sling or in my arms on the bus. I sincerely doubt every single passenger on the bus was disabled or in poor health :confused3 The most memorable time was when we traveled with our 4 kids, including a 2 month old baby we carried around in a sling, and I remember on more than one occasion standing on a long bus ride and commenting to DH how rude it was that so many young and obviously healthy looking people didn't offer up a seat to any of our very small children (toddler/preschool age) or myself who had a tiny baby in my arms. In fact, every time a seat would open up some young adult (usually male) would rush to take the seat :sad2: I hate to say it, but people nowadays are just selfish and rude :sad2:

Why would you put yourself in that situation? Why not wait for the next bus or hop in a cab? Why didn't you rent a car? Why didn't you leave the parks earlier?

I think it's awful that you had to stand while holding your baby. However, you can't place ALL of the blame on the other passengers.
shaylahc1 said:
I have noticed being on vacation seems to bring out the selfishness/sense of entitlement in people. Some of the rudest behavior I have ever seen has been at theme parks/vacation destintations. I have traveled to Disney with young babies 3 times and never once did anyone offer me a seat while I was standing with a baby in a sling or in my arms on the bus. I sincerely doubt every single passenger on the bus was disabled or in poor health :confused3 The most memorable time was when we traveled with our 4 kids, including a 2 month old baby we carried around in a sling, and I remember on more than one occasion standing on a long bus ride and commenting to DH how rude it was that so many young and obviously healthy looking people didn't offer up a seat to any of our very small children (toddler/preschool age) or myself who had a tiny baby in my arms. In fact, every time a seat would open up some young adult (usually male) would rush to take the seat :sad2: I hate to say it, but people nowadays are just selfish and rude :sad2:

Why didn't you just wait for the next bus if getting a seat was so important to you?

disneyjunkie said:
Why would you put yourself in that situation? Why not wait for the next bus or hop in a cab? Why didn't you rent a car? Why didn't you leave the parks earlier?

I think it's awful that you had to stand while holding your baby. However, you can't place ALL of the blame on the other passengers.

Why is this ALWAYS the response.

Of course you could wait. It doesn't change the rude behavior that is observed.

I'm sorry that you can't open your own door and that person didn't hold it for you. You can always just stand there until it opens itself.

I'm sorry someone cut in front of you in line. But had you been 5 minutes earlier, the cutting wouldn't have taken place. Shame on you.

I'm sorry they snapped at you with such a rude response. Perhaps if you thought to not ask the question that wouldn't have happen.

Rude is rude. Sure we could "wait" so as not to be exposed to the rudeness--but why are we blaming the person who observed the rudeness?

It is pathetic that we have to blame the recipient of the rude behavior b/c of their sorry entitlement attitude. :sad2: Etiquette be damned.
ducklite said:
Why didn't you just wait for the next bus if getting a seat was so important to you?


Why must you and everyone always respond like this?

Can we not concede that there are rude people out there without resorting to the obvious.

Of course she could have waited for a second bus. Or a third or a fourth or a 52nd.

We are now defending rude behavior.

So sad.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Why is this ALWAYS the response.

Of course you could wait. It doesn't change the rude behavior that is observed.

I'm sorry that you can't open your own door and that person didn't hold it for you. You can always just stand there until it opens itself.

I'm sorry someone cut in front of you in line. But had you been 5 minutes earlier, the cutting wouldn't have taken place. Shame on you.

I'm sorry they snapped at you with such a rude response. Perhaps if you thought to not ask the question that wouldn't have happen.

Rude is rude. Sure we could "wait" so as not to be exposed to the rudeness--but why are we blaming the person who observed the rudeness?

It is pathetic that we have to blame the recipient of the rude behavior b/c of their sorry entitlement attitude. :sad2: Etiquette be damned.

Why do you ALWAYS have the same response? :confused3

Why are you so quick to place blame on those who don't offer their seats to others? Why do you insist on focusing on them and ignoring those who NEED a seat, but make the CHOICE to get on a crowded bus?
It still blows my mind, people get so bent out of shape because they aren't offered a seat and the ones sitting are "rude". :confused3

Heck, maybe next it will be expected that we give up our spot in lines at Disney (from rides, to places to eat, etc.), due to some of the same reasons that is being used WHY someone should be offered a seat.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Why must you and everyone always respond like this?

Can we not concede that there are rude people out there without resorting to the obvious.

Of course she could have waited for a second bus. Or a third or a fourth or a 52nd.

We are now defending rude behavior.

So sad.

The rude behavior is from the peson with the entitlement mentality who is too special in their own twisted mind to wait for another bus. That's not teaching their children a very good lesson either. It's no wonder there are so many spoiled brats who pitch a hissy fit every time they don't get their own way--they are learning it from their parents. MEMEMEMEMEMEME!!! "I'm so special that I shouldn't ever have to wait, and I should always get a seat." Puh-lease.

If you need a seat, wait for the next bus. Don't expect that you are so freaking special that the earth revolves around you and you should always get anything you want. And frankly if you can't handle your kids, stop having them. "Oh, I'm so special. I'm pregnant and trying to hold on to two kids, and a stroller, and no one will give me a seat." TOO FREAKING BAD!! You got yourself that way--it's not like it was immaculate conception. You had the lack of forwthought or common sense to plan your trip so that you wouldn't be in that situation. Then you blame everyone else for your lack of common sense.

Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part!!!

We have at times realized we weren't going to get a seat, and let others on and then waited for the next bus. After waiting for the next bus, I'm not about to give up the seat I waited for. The person who wants it is welcome to wait as well.

People make choices in life. If parents are too stupid, and yes, I mean that word, I'll repeat it--STUPID--to know they needs seata then fail to leave at a reasonable hour, before their kids are sound asleep, before the throngs are all leaving, then they've got no one to blame but themselves for their STUPID actions.

I rode a city bus for 9.5 months of my pregnancy--yeah, I went two weeks over and worked up to the very end, riding the bus the whole time--and seldom got a seat. I also would never have been so ignorant to expect someone to give me a seat simply because I was pregnant of a woman.

It comes down to personal responsibility.

And BTW--holding a door for someone is VERY different than giving up a seat that you've waited longer than somoene else to get.

If you waited for the line for Peter Pan, and then a family came running up and said "we need to get on because our kids are tired and we want to cut in front of everyone," would that be OK? Of course not! It's the same principle.

Some of the pity party around here who thinks life reavolves around their "specialness" needs to take a reality check. The sooner they figure out that it doesn't and they need a better plan, the better off they'll be. Otherwise they'll be in for a very rude wakening someday.

I haven't read all of these pages but here are my thoughts.

We always wait for another bus if we can't safely put all 5 of us in seats. I'm not going to jeopardize our safety for someone who chooses to put their own family in danger. We do not feel it is safe to stand up on a bus. I do not feel sorry for adults that make that decision for their family. Just don't complain about it.

At least for me, this whole issue is shocking NOT because I would EXPECT someone to give up their seat, but just amazed that no one was nice enough to!

Sure no one should EXPECT a seat. You can never EXPECT that someone will offer you a kindness, but come on!

I don't care how tired I am, it would be a cold day in hell before I would let a pregnant woman, mother stuggling with small children, or even a tired toddler stand while I sit!

It's just plain nice, and IMO the right thing to do! I don't care if they deserve it or not! Talk about judgemental!

I really..REALLY ..doubt there are a lot of people in that type of situation that expect a seat.

Can't people just be nice anymore without having to over analyze everything?? :guilty:
Brier Rose said:
At least for me, this whole issue is shocking NOT because I would EXPECT someone to give up their seat, but just amazed that no one was nice enough to!

Sure no one should EXPECT a seat. You can never EXPECT that someone will offer you a kindness, but come on!

I don't care how tired I am, it would be a cold day in hell before I would let a pregnant woman, mother stuggling with small children, or even a tired toddler stand while I sit!

It's just plain nice, and IMO the right thing to do! I don't care if they deserve it or not! Talk about judgemental!

I really..REALLY ..doubt there are a lot of people in that type of situation that expect a seat.

Can't people just be nice anymore without having to over analyze everything?? :guilty:

Like I said, if I've already passed on a bus and waited for the next one so I could get a seat, simply put, no, I'm not giving it up for anyone.

On the other hand if my asthma is in check and my vertigo isn't bothering me (in which case I wouldn't be at WDW anyhow) I WILL offer my seat. If someone glares at me or makes a nasty comment before I have the chance, then I won't. And if someone has the nerve to demand my seat I'll probably tell them to go to he** in so many words.

I DO often ask elderly people or those with babies if they'd like a seat. And I don't consider someone with a golfer's tan someone who needs a seat--if they can play a round they can stand... But someone with a cane or who has a visible mobility issue but isn't in a wheelchair, absolutely.

That said, if it's demanded or assumed, it's not going to happen. And if I've already skipped a bus to get a seat, sorry, that seat is mine regardless of who you are, as you have that same option.

At the end of the day everyone else is just as tired as a pregnant woman, elderly person, or child. It is not fair for people to say that one person should stand because another person is pregnant etc. I am sorry, but it is your choice to go to wdw pregnant. If you decide to go while you are than you should wait like everybody else. Elderly people are sometimes in better shape than younger people. My DD15 has knee and heart problems. Why should she have to get up?? You shouldn't just judge a person when you don't know the whole story.
ducklite said:
On the other hand if my asthma is in check and my vertigo isn't bothering me (in which case I wouldn't be at WDW anyhow) I WILL offer my seat. If someone glares at me or makes a nasty comment before I have the chance, then I won't. And if someone has the nerve to demand my seat I'll probably tell them to go to he** in so many words.

I DO often ask elderly people or those with babies if they'd like a seat. And I don't consider someone with a golfer's tan someone who needs a seat--if they can play a round they can stand... But someone with a cane or who has a visible mobility issue but isn't in a wheelchair, absolutely.

I agree with you completely!

I would consider anyone who acted like that the epitome of rudeness, and they absolutely would NOT deserve a seat!
Tigger113 said:
At the end of the day everyone else is just as tired as a pregnant woman, elderly person, or child. It is not fair for people to say that one person should stand because another person is pregnant etc. I am sorry, but it is your choice to go to wdw pregnant. If you decide to go while you are than you should wait like everybody else. Elderly people are sometimes in better shape than younger people. My DD15 has knee and heart problems. Why should she have to get up?? You shouldn't just judge a person when you don't know the whole story.

I wouldn't expect your DD to get up and give someone else her seat. Of course she should sit if she needs to!

I'm not going to be sitting there on the bus analyzing who I think should be sitting and who should be standing.

What it boils down to is each person knows weather or not they can offer up their seat. If you can't you can't. But there is a big difference between can't and won't!

And at least in MY house it doesn't matter if an elderly person is more able or not. They would get offered the seat out of respect..period!
I truly cannot believe some of the responses here. All of you who would NEVER give up a seat because we could have "waited for the next bus" are completely misunderstanding what the point of this thread is. Nobody EXPECTS anything!!! I don't think anyone would get on a bus and glare at you for sitting or make snide remarks, but they are entitled to think whatever they want. Just like some have said that you can't see everyone's disability, you cannot possibly know the reason why some people CAN'T wait for the next bus. As I stated earlier when we had to get on a packed bus holding 2 children and standing THERE WAS NO OTHER BUS. We did not wait until late to leave. We did not wait until our kids were so tired they could not stay awake. We were at the bus stop early and waited over and hour and when a bus finally came we did ask if there was another one coming along because we would have taken another bus but the driver told us he had no idea if any bus would be coming (we were at the boardwalk). my choice is to get on a crowded bus and hope for the best or continue to sit and wait for a bus that may not come, or- take a cab with no carseats (Which at the time I didn't even know you could get a cab inside WDW. I never saw one even to this day) The reason we stay onsite is so we don't have to rent a car. If you want to rent one then go ahead but I pay WDW so I don't have to. That is not poor planning on my part. WDW is supposed to provide these things as part of the resort. Now- I did not EXPECT anyone to get up nor did I say anything (but others who were standing and saw my situation sure did!), I did not roll my eyes, or make remarks but DH and I thought it was rude and talked about it afterwards. We knew we had to stand and we had no choice, but I will still think it is rude if someone who is struggling to stand needs a seat and nobody gives it up. Even if it is not obvious, if someone boards a bus and really needs a seat I will offer mine. That is called helping out your fellow man (or woman). And yes- this does tie into holding doors open too- I have had many people watch me struggle with a carriage and not even hold the door for me as they walked around me to get in (I am quite capable but it would be nice if someone was courteous once in a while). I would be willing to bet those are the same people who think I should have planned better. So stop picking on people who are merely saying we should be nicer to those around us. If you don't want to be kind then so be it. I will still be kind to you and I will teach my kids to be kind as well. princess:
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Why must you and everyone always respond like this?

Can we not concede that there are rude people out there without resorting to the obvious.

Of course she could have waited for a second bus. Or a third or a fourth or a 52nd.

We are now defending rude behavior.

So sad.

What's sad is people whining because they didn't plan well enough to get a seat. They are the ones being rude.
Mouse House Mama said:
I truly cannot believe some of the responses here. All of you who would NEVER give up a seat because we could have "waited for the next bus" are completely misunderstanding what the point of this thread is. Nobody EXPECTS anything!!! I don't think anyone would get on a bus and glare at you for sitting or make snide remarks, but they are entitled to think whatever they want.

I have seen plenty of glares. And I've actually had some lady tell me I "needed to get up so her daughter could sit." At the time my husband was half a bus away with my wheelchair folded up. I had surgery to remove a tumor from my 4th thoracic vertabrae about ten weeks earlier, and was still recovering. I didn't think it was her business to explain, so I ignored her.

Just like some have said that you can't see everyone's disability, you cannot possibly know the reason why some people CAN'T wait for the next bus.

See above to see why some people also can't stand. I sat in a regular seat with the wheelchair folded as it took up less space and made the boarding process faster. I was being considerate.

As I stated earlier when we had to get on a packed bus holding 2 children and standing THERE WAS NO OTHER BUS. We did not wait until late to leave. We did not wait until our kids were so tired they could not stay awake. We were at the bus stop early and waited over and hour and when a bus finally came we did ask if there was another one coming along because we would have taken another bus but the driver told us he had no idea if any bus would be coming (we were at the boardwalk).

And it didn't occur to you to walk 100 feet up the sidewalk to ask the valet to call transportation to see what was going on? I know if I had been waiting for a full hour (or even half an hour) and not one bus had come along, I would have gone and asked them to find out what was going on. my choice is to get on a crowded bus and hope for the best or continue to sit and wait for a bus that may not come, or- take a cab with no carseats (Which at the time I didn't even know you could get a cab inside WDW. I never saw one even to this day)

Like I said, it didn't occur to you to walk 100 feet up the sidewalk to ask the valet to call transportation to see what was going on? And they could also have called you a cab WITH carseats, but you didn't even bother to inquire. So you made no effort to resolve your situation, and instead made it everyone else's problem? That just boggles my mind.

And BTW--I will always hold a door for someone who needs an extra hand--be it for a stroller, someone using a mobility device, or even someone who's hands are full of packages. There is a big differnce.

ducklite said:
The rude behavior is from the peson with the entitlement mentality who is too special in their own twisted mind to wait for another bus. That's not teaching their children a very good lesson either. It's no wonder there are so many spoiled brats who pitch a hissy fit every time they don't get their own way--they are learning it from their parents. MEMEMEMEMEMEME!!! "I'm so special that I shouldn't ever have to wait, and I should always get a seat." Puh-lease.

If you need a seat, wait for the next bus. Don't expect that you are so freaking special that the earth revolves around you and you should always get anything you want. And frankly if you can't handle your kids, stop having them. "Oh, I'm so special. I'm pregnant and trying to hold on to two kids, and a stroller, and no one will give me a seat." TOO FREAKING BAD!! You got yourself that way--it's not like it was immaculate conception. You had the lack of forwthought or common sense to plan your trip so that you wouldn't be in that situation. Then you blame everyone else for your lack of common sense.

Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part!!!

We have at times realized we weren't going to get a seat, and let others on and then waited for the next bus. After waiting for the next bus, I'm not about to give up the seat I waited for. The person who wants it is welcome to wait as well.

People make choices in life. If parents are too stupid, and yes, I mean that word, I'll repeat it--STUPID--to know they needs seata then fail to leave at a reasonable hour, before their kids are sound asleep, before the throngs are all leaving, then they've got no one to blame but themselves for their STUPID actions.

I rode a city bus for 9.5 months of my pregnancy--yeah, I went two weeks over and worked up to the very end, riding the bus the whole time--and seldom got a seat. I also would never have been so ignorant to expect someone to give me a seat simply because I was pregnant of a woman.

It comes down to personal responsibility.

And BTW--holding a door for someone is VERY different than giving up a seat that you've waited longer than somoene else to get.

If you waited for the line for Peter Pan, and then a family came running up and said "we need to get on because our kids are tired and we want to cut in front of everyone," would that be OK? Of course not! It's the same principle.

Some of the pity party around here who thinks life reavolves around their "specialness" needs to take a reality check. The sooner they figure out that it doesn't and they need a better plan, the better off they'll be. Otherwise they'll be in for a very rude wakening someday.

::yes:: Well Said Anne
I second it -well said Anne.

I still can't for the life of me understand why people can't grasp the concept that if you get on a standing room only bus you are going to stand!!!!
Mouse House Mama said:
I truly cannot believe some of the responses here. All of you who would NEVER give up a seat because we could have "waited for the next bus" are completely misunderstanding what the point of this thread is. Nobody EXPECTS anything!!! I don't think anyone would get on a bus and glare at you for sitting or make snide remarks, but they are entitled to think whatever they want. Just like some have said that you can't see everyone's disability, you cannot possibly know the reason why some people CAN'T wait for the next bus. As I stated earlier when we had to get on a packed bus holding 2 children and standing THERE WAS NO OTHER BUS. We did not wait until late to leave. We did not wait until our kids were so tired they could not stay awake. We were at the bus stop early and waited over and hour and when a bus finally came we did ask if there was another one coming along because we would have taken another bus but the driver told us he had no idea if any bus would be coming (we were at the boardwalk). my choice is to get on a crowded bus and hope for the best or continue to sit and wait for a bus that may not come, or- take a cab with no carseats (Which at the time I didn't even know you could get a cab inside WDW. I never saw one even to this day) The reason we stay onsite is so we don't have to rent a car. If you want to rent one then go ahead but I pay WDW so I don't have to. That is not poor planning on my part. WDW is supposed to provide these things as part of the resort. Now- I did not EXPECT anyone to get up nor did I say anything (but others who were standing and saw my situation sure did!), I did not roll my eyes, or make remarks but DH and I thought it was rude and talked about it afterwards. We knew we had to stand and we had no choice, but I will still think it is rude if someone who is struggling to stand needs a seat and nobody gives it up. Even if it is not obvious, if someone boards a bus and really needs a seat I will offer mine. That is called helping out your fellow man (or woman). And yes- this does tie into holding doors open too- I have had many people watch me struggle with a carriage and not even hold the door for me as they walked around me to get in (I am quite capable but it would be nice if someone was courteous once in a while). I would be willing to bet those are the same people who think I should have planned better. So stop picking on people who are merely saying we should be nicer to those around us. If you don't want to be kind then so be it. I will still be kind to you and I will teach my kids to be kind as well. princess:

All the people in line ahead of you waited the hour as well. Many of them with small kids.

I like Disney transportation. Usually its pretty darn good. But I ALWAYS KNOW my options - including cabs. By the way, you legally don't need a carseat for a child in a cab. And since you are willing to ride in a bus without a carseat - perhaps standing while you hold your child - no carseats isn't a logical excuse for no cab - they aren't any safer on that bus standing.
crisi said:
All the people in line ahead of you waited the hour as well. Many of them with small kids.

I like Disney transportation. Usually its pretty darn good. But I ALWAYS KNOW my options - including cabs. By the way, you legally don't need a carseat for a child in a cab. And since you are willing to ride in a bus without a carseat - perhaps standing while you hold your child - no carseats isn't a logical excuse for no cab - they aren't any safer on that bus standing.
Well I am glad that you know your options. We were not aware so burn up at the stake! We did many things that evening to try and find out where the bus was and it just plain wasn't there. Personally I think Disney screwed up that night. I just never had that happen before. I also agree that that the people in front of us should have had seats as well. I don't think I am more deserving. As far as the cab situation (which we didn't know or we would have probably called one) someone posted earlier that kids do need carseats in them and one cab driver wouldn't take a family because there were no carseats. Truthfully though- all that is irrelevant. I know that I personally have gotten a bit annoyed over this thread but here's the bottom line- I believe in chivalry. Right or wrong, women's lib, whatever. I don't expect you or anyone else to have my same beliefs but I am who I am. So yes, I will find it strange and rude if someone doesn't offer a seat to a person who needs it or holds a door etc. It is how my family is and how I was raised. Was I raised better or worse than someone else? Who is the judge? I try to be courteous to others and hold to my belief system. I expect that we all do the same. So maybe to you and others I had options but to others and myself those weren't options. I am not faulting you or anyone- I suppose I am old fashioned, but I like it that way. So we don't see eye to eye on this- no biggie. I wish you a great trip when you go and if we share a bus may we both have a seat! pixiedust:


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