Post your best organizational, space saving and trip making secrets here!!

I know I have shared this somewhere before... it may even be somewhere waaaay back on this thread! :rotfl: Anyway, here is something that has been a lifesaver for me- especially when traveling with a little one: and are a shared site. Once you hit a certain amount in your shopping cart, two-day shipping is free. I have ordered diapers, wipes, all of our toiletry items, baby food, paper towels, etc and had it delivered to our onsite hotel. has also started carrying non-perishable grocery items in the last few months. With baggage fees being what they are, this really helps out! :thumbsup2
My favorite posts on this thread were from people who got back and said what worked for them and what didn't. So here goes:

What worked:
-#1 LOVED hint I picked up here... packing big rubbermaid boxes instead of suitcases... we packed one underbed box (about 18" by 36") per adult and one shared one for my little girls (5 and 8). We packed one empty box just in case, and didn't need it. We also took 3 deep boxes (about 18x18x24ish) with our food, our sundries, and our "swag". Everthing fit just right and so neatly in the way-back area of our minivan, leaving room for our cooler in the third-row seat and the stow-and-goes empty for the busy boxes and snuggies and and and... and we'll be using this for every trip anywhere from now on...

#2 best hint, the one about the free ice water... we did this A LOT... we did this for lunch the first day, five cups of ice water at Pecos Bill, totally free, huge, tasted fine, that's $15 I didn't have to spend on drinks! It was about a kajillion degrees there last week, and with all that free ice water, not a single person got dehydrated. Later got some ice water that tasted funky at a drink stand, and added one of those flavor packets y'all told me about... DH LOVED it, and he HATES all things "cheap". Nobody looked at us funny or gave us any attitude at all, and I passed the advice on to another family at MK who was trying to figure out if they could afford to buy a bottle of water... they were so happy!

-The pennies and quarters for the penny press machines in the m&m's tube. This was fantastic. Those machines are EVERYWHERE, and $.51 cents in the penny machine here and there distracted DDs from many, many more expensive souvenirs.

- The granny fanny pack... ugly but SO practical. I may have to actually get a decent one for the future...

- ziplock baggies. It was raining cats and dogs last week. We had spare outfits in ziplocks, the autograph books in ziplocks, and, guess what? My cellphone is a perfect fit in the snack-sized bags and the touch-screen still worked just fine through the plastic. It was awesome not having to worry about my phone getting ruined in the downpour!

- A lanyard with a badge holder on it. It held all our tickets and fastpasses and photopass where I could get to them easily, and the plastic kept the fastpasses plenty dry, nothing fell out (some people report problems, but I guess I got lucky with a good little plastic holder thingie)

-We ate breakfast every day at our condo, but who likes to cook on vacation? In addition to dry cereal, etc, I made up mickey-shaped pancakes, crown-shaped french-toast, pre-cooked bacon, muffins, even carved scrapple and pressed sausage into mickey shapes and brought it all pre-cooked and frozen... we brought one of those flat electric skillets along for our eggs, and the rest of it just went into the microwave as needed. It was no trouble at all, and it probably saved us hundreds (but more importantly HOURS) on eating out for breakfast every day.

-A little first aid bag to take with us into the parks. Our bag was a wrist-purse filled with snack-size ziplocks... I went through tylenol and motrin like candy the whole time, and we used a fair number of band-aids, too. DH used one piece of moleskin the first day, and I used two more to patch up a foreigner in line whose heels were a raw, red mess.

- And a double stroller for a five and eight year old. DD8 is special-needs, and we used the stoller as a wheelchair (ie-we could bring it through the lines). Even if we hadn't been able to take it in the lines, it was great for hanging the bags and things on, and the girls did much better in the parks because they could take a break whenever they needed to. We saved $31/day by pulling out our old twin stroller for one last hurrah, and when the trip was over, we tossed it, leaving more room in the car for other things. (And I cried, because it was the official proof that my babies are not "babies" any more...)

What we didn't use/what didn't work so well:

- All those extra glow bracelets. My little girl had dozens and wanted to give them away, but people looked at us like we were insane. (which we are, but still...)

- The cheap dollar store ponchos... I packed 8 and still ended up buying ponchos at the parks. The cheap ones are really only good for single-use, and the rain was so off-and-on we went through them all in two days. Also, both the cheap ones and the park ones are not very long, so your legs still get wet. I'd say a best bet would be to buy something long and sturdy from some place like walmart in the camping/fishing section, save your receipt, and if you end up not needing it, you can always just return it. FYI, the ponchos were $7/kids, $8/adults in the parks, just so you can benchmark whether it's worth it for you to pack your own.

Something new I saw while I was there:

In a very practical ARK (act of random kindness), someone left a little pile of pennies on top of one of the penny presses at Pizza Planet in DHS. Think about it, the giver lightened his/her pockets of 10 or 15 pennies, and the person who wants to press a penny but only has "silver" in their pockets can use them. I imagine it was probably a foreigner who knew they would be unable to exchange loose pennies back to their native currency very easily.

Hope this helps!

I was just at Ikea and couldn't believe how many great things they had for our trip. I had been looking high and low for a pop up laundry hamper, over the door shoe organizer, etc. Other hotel room org stuff. No dollar store had anything and I ended up getting some rather ok stuff at the discount store. Well, I wish I would have known about IKEA, I have never seen so many pop up laundry hampers. So many sizes and styles. I got an over the door one! Seems like a good idea to get what you can off of the floor. It comes with a hook and has two 'bags' and looks like it will hold a decent amount of laundry. For $5! And the other little organizing things were great too. I will be taking back my other stuff. For those going: the kid area has some cute stuff, but look in the laundry area and bath area. In the bath area they had some over the door org stuff-in particular not as big as a shoe one but it is so small and lightweight and looks machine washable. Lots of closet shoe holders (closet, not over the door) in the laundry area. Great stuff, great prices. I will go again closer to our trip for more stuff.
I feel like a huge dork but I am 4 months out from my trip, and have "prepacked" as a result of these boards. What I did was pack a reasonable replica of what I would be packing for my trip and folded my clothes and put them in the ziploc gallon bags, squeezing out all the air. I left them in my suitcase, just to make sure there wouldn't be some kind of popping incident. It worked great! I will never admit to dh what I did, he thinks I am trip-obsessed enough!

One thing I did last trip that I intend to repeat is buy light up toys ahead of time. My local Michael's sells light up Disney spinning toys for $2 or sometimes $1 on clearance. I plan to buy those, that way ds won't be bothering me to buy him much more expensive ones at the park.
I fly Southwest so we get 2 free bags per person, my 5 yr olds clothes are lighter and smaller than adults so I pack him in a smaller suitcase, then I place that suitcase inside a bigger suitcase and pack shoes and bulky items around the outside! I do this so I have an extra suitcase to bring home souvenirs. I'm a scrapbooker and purchase many 12x12 scrapbooks, and scrapbook kits, so I now have a bag to put them in for the return flight! There is five of us and we all purchase a sweatshirt, so those go in the souvenir bag too! :goodvibes
My favorite trick that I read in a parenting magazine a long time ago is to put the littler kids' clothes in gallon size ziplock bags. Put the entire outfit (shorts, top, underwear, socks, even hair barrettes and hats), except for the shoes, in a bag, and bring as many bags as days, plus a few extras. This keeps the suitcases in great order, and all the kid has to do to get dressed in the morning is grab a bag. As a bonus, you end up with a lot of gallon size ziplock bags, which are great for everything from wet bathing suits to open bags of snacks.
Love the zip lock bag idea; it will work well for my son.
reading suggestions and adding lots to my list.

we bought ponchos on one trip and have used them over and over. we let them dry out and blow the hair dryer on them for a tiny bit of time and are able to fold them back up super small for our backpack. this has always worked out great for us. during our stroller days - we would buy a few cheap ponchos and use them to cover the stroller - my son stayed dry while we walked through the park and the seat stayed dry if we were on a ride.

this last trip, we laid our ponchos out to dry and mousekeeping threw them away. i was heartbroken. they were finally replaced and thankfully it didn't rain while we waited for replacements, but we were really upset, we'd had them for some time. anyway - this time i'll bring something we can hang them with to let them dry in the shower before we leave the room, so that won't happen again. had never thought of pant hangers - but that would really help out!!
Great thread- glad it got bumped up.

amazing how thigns have changed since this thread started in 2006... how iPads, Apps, etc, have all changed things!

A tip for parents of little boys or girls who love playing with cars --- pack masking tape - make roads in the hotel room on the floor/couches, etc with the tape - it comes right off and the kids will have fun playing while you are in the room, without having to pack much.
I think someone already said most of this a while back, but I know not everyone reads 70 pages of posts, so --

Even though my kids are too old for strollers, we bring one anyway. Great for water bottles, a towel, etc. Hate lugging backpacks, etc. around. We park it once in every land rather than taking it from ride to ride. And they don't count as luggage if you're flying.

Lots of people have recommended sanitizing wipes. The first place I use these is on the airplane, especially during cold/flu season. Can't tell you how many new buddies I've made when I've offered one to the passenger next to me! I've even had people in the next row ask if they could have one, too.

While I don't sanitize the entire hotel room, I *always* either wash the glasses or call down and ask for clean ones, so that's another use for your dish soap. I review hotels for a living and can tell you it's a rare hotel (even a 5 star one) that washes the glasses in the room as it should. Same goes for the ice bucket. Never use it without a liner!
Oh the iPad app is making finding this thread to easy. And I am seeing new hints, thanks!
My favorite posts on this thread were from people who got back and said what worked for them and what didn't. So here goes:

What we didn't use/what didn't work so well:

- All those extra glow bracelets. My little girl had dozens and wanted to give them away, but people looked at us like we were insane. (which we are, but still...)

We got the same reaction last year.....people looked at us like we were loons when we tried to share our glow bracelets with them at Fantasmic. It was a fresh tube of them too, so it wasn't like they were tampered with. I almost hate offering them to other people now, as the kids look so excited and really want one but the parents look at you like 'ummm, no way!" LOL


I was just at Ikea and couldn't believe how many great things they had for our trip. I had been looking high and low for a pop up laundry hamper, over the door shoe organizer, etc.

Now I'm going to have to check out Ikea...which is like 2 hours away LOL

Lots of people have recommended sanitizing wipes. The first place I use these is on the airplane, especially during cold/flu season. Can't tell you how many new buddies I've made when I've offered one to the passenger next to me! I've even had people in the next row ask if they could have one, too.

When I purchase Clorox wipes and Wet Ones for our trip I figure on a pack a day.....we usually don't need that many but it's amazing how often they've come in handy. A icky seat at a restaurant, an icky handle on a ride or just wiping down the last remaining table at a CS restaurant :). Wet Ones have come in handy too. A sudden nose bleed because of the heat, sticky hands, sweaty faces.....just so many uses.

Last year we found the shoe holders (that have the velcro that latches over a closet rod) at Target's dollar spot. It was GREAT for our bathroom stuff. Things like toothbrushes, hairbrushes, deodorant...etc. Each thing had it's own cubby and that way the sink remained clutter free and probably a LOT easier to clean for mousekeeping :)
I have never been to DW yet, but will be heading there in Oct! Yay!!! I feel so prepared after reading all of these great suggestions! But, one thing I am going to do is, like another person said, I will be packing ziplock bags of goodies for my DS4 to receive at dinners. This will keep him busy and be a little fun surprise each night. Along with the little surprises for him, I am going to have crayons and print out Dis coloring sheets that he can color. These will be sent to each of his 4 cousins instead of doing postcards. Along with the coloring page, I will send each a pack of stickers from DW (or the Dollar store...shhhhh...they don't need to know) . I wanted to do something a little more personal than postcards, so I think this will work out great! I love all the ideas!!!
brooklynnbaby said:
Right now, I have a folder to hold paper copies of our ADRS and maps and all that. But between a couple of apps on the iPhone, I have all our ADRs, maps, GPS location tool for when we park, transportation schedules, park hours, line waiting times, etc. on my iPhone. INVALUABLE!!! One app even saves pictures of all our tickets. :thumbsup2 Plus a "Find Food Near" me GPS location tool (plus full menus AND prices, when needed) for when we want QS and don't want to trudge across the park. I'm giddy about it!

Could you share the names of the apps? Do you have iphone or android?

Editted to add: d'oh- I should finish my coffee before I post. I see you have an iphone. :-)
This is somewhat crazy (or maybe just OCD) but I start a "Disney Box" about 6 months before the trip. I just start tossing stuff in as I find it on sale or free samples (laundry detergent!). It helps with budging so I'm not dropping a ton of money right before the trip or if I'm looking for stuff that is more seasonal like glow sticks.
Could you share the names of the apps? Do you have iphone or android?

Editted to add: d'oh- I should finish my coffee before I post. I see you have an iphone. :-)

OOOOOhhhhhh - I have an iphone and would love to know about these apps also.


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