Post Wasters - Friendship is Magic

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I'm weaker
My words fall and they hit the ground
Oh life, come on head, don't you fail me now?
I start to say,
"I think I love you", but I make no sound
*♥Chip&Dale♥*;44702060 said:
I still am so amazed by how you come up with those x

I try not to make a big deal out of it. I just consider it an odd quirk that's useful once in a while.
I try not to make a big deal out of it. I just consider it an odd quirk that's useful once in a while.

Still awesome.
Like I want to be an author so bad but I get this writers block sometimes and its bad.
I could neeevverr make up stuff that great on the spot
*♥Chip&Dale♥*;44702106 said:
do I honor the vote?
cuz the one that has 2 votes, one of them is an adult...


Honestly, it's just a thread name. If it was something for just teen board members, or something like what kinds of games would sound fun to play, I wouldn't count it. But it is just a thread name.

That being said, it's not my poll, and I'm just throwing out a suggestion. It really is your call. If it's a big enough deal, don't count it.

That being said, I personally think we should give the poll until the weekend, because we still have a couple days left in this week.

Honestly, it's just a thread name. If it was something for just teen board members, or something like what kinds of games would sound fun to play, I wouldn't count it. But it is just a thread name.

That being said, it's not my poll, and I'm just throwing out a suggestion. It really is your call. If it's a big enough deal, don't count it.

That being said, I personally think we should give the poll until the weekend, because we still have a couple days left in this week.

all the ideas are great so it doesn't matter
Yup I was gonna give it until like Saturday/Sunday:-)

I just didn't wanna step on anyone's toes and all x
*♥Chip&Dale♥*;44702156 said:
Still awesome.
Like I want to be an author so bad but I get this writers block sometimes and its bad.
I could neeevverr make up stuff that great on the spot

I really want to be an author badly too.

I'm good at coming up with ideas, but sometimes it's hard to continue them, or I get writer's block, sometimes really badly.

Because of this, I always have multiple stories and at least one in prewriting going on at once.

That being said, sometimes my biggest issue is just putting the time aside to sit in front of my stories and actually write.

Here's a trick for coming up with stories. I've found this extremely helpful, and it's simple.

You come up with an ordinary place or thing. Perhaps a video game, library, or a jewelry store.

Then you think of a twist or something wrong or someone or something tied to that place or thing.

So, instead of an ordinary video game, you have a video game that pulls its players into the game's world to defeat a tyrannical leader.

Instead of a regular library, you have a library secretly containing tons of books of spells and a librarian that wields a magic seword and protects the library.

Instead of an everyday jewelry store, you have a group of thieves wanting to break into the jewelry store and steal a priceless sapphire necklace.

You see what I'm doing?

Here's another example:

I recently came up with the idea of a "summer" camp people seventeen and younger go to after they've died as long as they haven't done something truly horrible. They stay the same age for eternity and they have their own cabins and everything. There's even a nearby city for field trips and neccessities.

And all of that came from me wondering about different types of summer camps.
*♥Chip&Dale♥*;44702253 said:
all the ideas are great so it doesn't matter
Yup I was gonna give it until like Saturday/Sunday:-)

I just didn't wanna step on anyone's toes and all x

Yeah, that's good.
I really want to be an author badly too.

I'm good at coming up with ideas, but sometimes it's hard to continue them, or I get writer's block, sometimes really badly.

Because of this, I always have multiple stories and at least one in prewriting going on at once.

That being said, sometimes my biggest issue is just putting the time aside to sit in front of my stories and actually write.

Here's a trick for coming up with stories. I've found this extremely helpful, and it's simple.

You come up with an ordinary place or thing. Perhaps a video game, library, or a jewelry store.

Then you think of a twist or something wrong or someone or something tied to that place or thing.

So, instead of an ordinary video game, you have a video game that pulls its players into the game's world to defeat a tyrannical leader.

Instead of a regular library, you have a library secretly containing tons of books of spells and a librarian that wields a magic seword and protects the library.

Instead of an everyday jewelry store, you have a group of thieves wanting to break into the jewelry store and steal a priceless sapphire necklace.

You see what I'm doing?

Here's another example:

I recently came up with the idea of a "summer" camp people seventeen and younger go to after they've died as long as they haven't done something truly horrible. They stay the same age for eternity and they have their own cabins and everything. There's even a nearby city for field trips and neccessities.

And all of that came from me wondering about different types of summer camps.

Oh wow thats really good :D! thank you x
*♥Chip&Dale♥*;44702387 said:
Oh wow thats really good :D! thank you x

No problem.

Characters are a little bit different. You want to be creative, but you want them to fit the story too.

Let's go back to the video game, library, and jewelry store.

In the video game, peraps there could be a wise character that sort of guides the player through his challenges. That would be good, but unless the game has talking animals, a chatty dog might not be such a good idea.

For the library, the librarian with the magic sword as an immortal guardian might be a good idea, but a teenage boy that's really into technology may not be the best choice.

For the jewelry store, perhaps there's a very proper and stiff shopkeeper who knows a whole lot about jewelry. But a hyper five year old girl who's a bit of a klutz would not fit the situation.

Of course, someone who doesn't seem to fit in might be a good way to have conflict. An incredibly shy girl at a new school, a workaholic who wins a free vacation, or a man's naseous tendancies who has to take boats and planes are good ideas for conflicted characters.

I hope I'm not overwhelming you or anything.
*♥Chip&Dale♥*;44702402 said:
That awkward moment when your aunt is setting you up with someone whos 22.
Do you NOT know my age?

That's terrible. Just sayin', no offense meant.
That's terrible. Just sayin', no offense meant.

shes a jerk anyways
I can't stand her

No problem.

Characters are a little bit different. You want to be creative, but you want them to fit the story too.

Let's go back to the video game, library, and jewelry store.

In the video game, peraps there could be a wise character that sort of guides the player through his challenges. That would be good, but unless the game has talking animals, a chatty dog might not be such a good idea.

For the library, the librarian with the magic sword as an immortal guardian might be a good idea, but a teenage boy that's really into technology may not be the best choice.

For the jewelry store, perhaps there's a very proper and stiff shopkeeper who knows a whole lot about jewelry. But a hyper five year old girl who's a bit of a klutz would not fit the situation.

Of course, someone who doesn't seem to fit in might be a good way to have conflict. An incredibly shy girl at a new school, a workaholic who wins a free vacation, or a man's naseous tendancies who has to take boats and planes are good ideas for conflicted characters.

I hope I'm not overwhelming you or anything.

No, thanks! Ur awesome x
*♥Chip&Dale♥*;44702556 said:
shes a jerk anyways
I can't stand her

No, thanks! Ur awesome x

Aww, that sucks. I never get to see my aunts and uncles. I only have three uncles on my dad's side and we don't see them often. Though I will soon, because in the fall one ois getting married and we're going to the wedding.

The aunts, uncles, and cousins on my mom's side live in Canada, and we are far down south.

Fortunately I have no jerk relatives.

I'm glad you appreciate it.
Aww, that sucks. I never get to see my aunts and uncles. I only have three uncles on my dad's side and we don't see them often. Though I will soon, because in the fall one ois getting married and we're going to the wedding.

The aunts, uncles, and cousins on my mom's side live in Canada, and we are far down south.

Fortunately I have no jerk relatives.

I'm glad you appreciate it.

Every single one of mine are jerks xD
*♥Chip&Dale♥*;44702638 said:
Every single one of mine are jerks xD

Well, we're not really jerks here, so if you ever need to complain or rant (I really know the need) you just post here and I'll read it, maybe post advice if I have any.
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