Post 2016 Marathon Weekend / Training in 2016

Wow. That's a bummer. How long will it take for your foot to heal?

I'm going to the doctor on Tuesday when I get off this ship and have a free day with nobody in town.

My doctor bestie doesn't think it's anything serious (I walked another 12 miles after the marathon on Sunday, so there's that ...) and it's not really painful - it's more like I feel like I have a loose bandaid or piece of tape down there and yet there's nothing. I haven't run yet, though, so we'll see how that goes on Monday.
Sorry about the injury. I hope you heal quickly.

If you would've seen me when it happened, it was apparently funny. I blame the Grand Marnier Slush we shared on the way around World Showcase!
Well I've got another half end of February in Mesa, AZ then dark side in April. After that I think I'm going to slow down, enjoy my summer, work some overtime then pick back up in September for another half. It's getting quite addicting I must say.
Like a lot of people I'm said to see the marathon weekend thread wind down. Both because I'll miss the lively banter, and also because I really enjoyed the encouragement and accountability that came from that thread.

Just watching other people post about their accomplishments and training is always an encouragement and motivator for me.

What kind of training plan are you going to try using this year?

I could not agree more! I really found the thread to be inspiring, educational and fun.

I am planning to follow the Higdon intermediate 1/2 marathon plan as I have a couple races at the end of February and in April. I then have some longer races planned for late spring and summer; a 25k, marathon and then my first ultra in September. For those I am going to be following a combination of Higdon's marathon plan and then a local coaches ultra plan.

If all goes well I hope to carry this into Dopey next year!
Yay! I like this thread! :)

I have the Hollywood Half planned for April and of course I'm signing up for the DLH on Tuesday for my C2C. I really can't decide on Dumbo. Part of me really wants to just focus on getting faster (in general), but most of me really wants all the medals with my C2C. #irunforbling

Speaking of trying to get faster, I just don't really know where to start, therefore I haven't nailed down a plan yet. Part of me wonders if I should just start from scratch as if I just started running, but I might get bored. Too many options with everything I've learned from all of you. Either way, I gave myself this week off and will at least do some short runs next week.
I'm thinking I am going to try and do 1 or 2 cycles of Hanson's training plan in 2016. It seems really daunting though.

It is daunting but it really does work. I followed Hansons for Disney 2015 and it helped me cut 17 minutes off my PR, and I was also able to carry over that fitness to drop 7 minutes off my previous HM time. It isn't a plan I would do every marathon cycle, but if you are looking for results, trust the Hansons to get you there.

Does anyone know when the Chicago marathon lottery sign up begins?
Hoping to do Chicago or another round of MCM this year plus OBX.

Chicago was my first marathon...fantastic race. There is more support there than at Disney with crowds lining the entire route start to finish. Lots of great energy to feed off of the whole time.

My focus this year is on IM Florida in November. That's my A race this year, everything else is secondary. That said, I do have a few things planned along the way - Galveston 70.3 and Star Wars in April, Medoc marathon and DL Paris half in Sept, and maybe the Abu Dhabi ITU tri in early March. I think most of my training time this year will be spent on my bike on my trainer watching movies or riding in Zwift.

I'm doing my first IM as well, Mont Tremblant in August. I don't know what my overall training plan will be for the year, but I will be going with a coach for the first time ever. UI've known her for years and she is a former pro with a great track record, so I'm sure she'll have me on the right path. She wasn't too thrilled about me running a marathon to kick off my training, and even less thrilled that I'm running another marathon in April, but those were two races I just wasn't willing to give up. I'd like to try Zwift some time, how do you like it? If I ever get on there maybe we can ride some time!
I'm doing my first IM as well, Mont Tremblant in August. I don't know what my overall training plan will be for the year, but I will be going with a coach for the first time ever. UI've known her for years and she is a former pro with a great track record, so I'm sure she'll have me on the right path. She wasn't too thrilled about me running a marathon to kick off my training, and even less thrilled that I'm running another marathon in April, but those were two races I just wasn't willing to give up. I'd like to try Zwift some time, how do you like it? If I ever get on there maybe we can ride some time!

I love Zwift. It makes indoor training much more fun and entertaining than just staring at a screen of numbers like with some other software programs. Their courses are pretty interesting, too, and you ride them in regular or workout mode. I haven't done any of the group rides or races yet, mostly because they're at times that don't fit my schedule. I do plan on trying and maybe leading one in the next month or two. Give it a try with their free trial, and I think you'll enjoy it.
I love Zwift. It makes indoor training much more fun and entertaining than just staring at a screen of numbers like with some other software programs. Their courses are pretty interesting, too, and you ride them in regular or workout mode. I haven't done any of the group rides or races yet, mostly because they're at times that don't fit my schedule. I do plan on trying and maybe leading one in the next month or two. Give it a try with their free trial, and I think you'll enjoy it.
Cool, think I will...just need to get my hands on an ANT stick for the laptop. Would be a nice change from Netflix :)
Jumping over to this thread from the Marathon thread. @IamTrike thanks for setting it up...@keels sorry to hear about the injury..hopefully it will heal up quickly!

I'm not really sure what I'm going to do next. Part of me is thinking maintenance mode, but there's a 50K during the middle of March I'm keeping my eye on so we'll see. If I don't do that, I'll likely do a 10k and/or Half in the Spring.

Regarding Hanson's, I'm going to give it a shot for my next marathon (likely December or January). I used Pfitizinger's to get my BQ in December, but I really struggled the last 6 miles of that run. One thing I like about Hanson's is the fact it focuses on the final 16 miles. I recall in reading @CheapRunnerMike 2015 Marathon recap how you mentioned how strong you were those last miles and your splits proved that.
Regarding Hanson's, I'm going to give it a shot for my next marathon (likely December or January). I used Pfitizinger's to get my BQ in December, but I really struggled the last 6 miles of that run. One thing I like about Hanson's is the fact it focuses on the final 16 miles. I recall in reading @CheapRunnerMike 2015 Marathon recap how you mentioned how strong you were those last miles and your splits proved that.
Yup, Hansons really gets you ready for the finish. It is an amazing feeling when you are just hitting your stride at 20 miles, right when everyone else is looking at "the wall". I would recommend it to anyone that has the time to put in the is tough, but it works!
Yup, Hansons really gets you ready for the finish. It is an amazing feeling when you are just hitting your stride at 20 miles, right when everyone else is looking at "the wall". I would recommend it to anyone that has the time to put in the is tough, but it works!

I've raced marathons twice using Hanson's, and PR'ed (and BQ'ed too) both times. I will say, though, that fading in the final 6 miles, if it occurs, is most times the result of poor pacing, and that can happen regardless of what plan you use. My first time on Hanson's, I had a good idea of what sort of pace my current fitness would allow, and ran solo at that pace. The result was a PR, BQ, and slight negative split (second half faster than the first). The second time, I went with a pace group that started out at a pace much faster than advertised, and I stuck with them despite knowing I probably wasn't prepared to run that pace. By Mile 18, I was dropped by the pace group and had to endure a painful fade. I still PR'ed, but it was a lesson that even a solid marathon plan isn't going to save you from foolish pacing, and that if you pace poorly, you're going to hit "the wall", regardless of your plan. Nothing can save you from that.
I just got an MRI on my knee and the doc will look at it next week. Depending on how that turns out, I might get the scope or nothing at all. Right now my knee feels pretty good. Assuming I don't need surgery, I'm planning on trying for that sub 1:40 half again in March, then running the Maine Coast Marathon in May (and trying for sub 3:40 there), and then a small marathon in the Fall, somewhere in New England (right now the Green Mountain Marathon is top of the list). Still eating and up to 185 for those who are counting.

I don't struggle getting motivated to train post-race; my usual problem is trying to run too much too soon. But I do struggle with getting my eating back under control after the post-race food binge.

I'm having the same food issue! I'm going to do my first run post marathon tomorrow but I'm so sluggish from eating so much. I have given myself until Monday and then I refuse to weigh myself until I am back on track for a full week - I don't need to terrify myself lol

I'm going to the doctor on Tuesday when I get off this ship and have a free day with nobody in town.

My doctor bestie doesn't think it's anything serious (I walked another 12 miles after the marathon on Sunday, so there's that ...) and it's not really painful - it's more like I feel like I have a loose bandaid or piece of tape down there and yet there's nothing. I haven't run yet, though, so we'll see how that goes on Monday.

I hope it's nothing too serious! Such a bummer to deal with on your vacation.

I'm going to start some cross training/strength training in prep for dark side challenge rather than just Galloway I think. I need something new. After that I'm doing the Green Bay half marathon which I'm pretty excited about! Other than that just a couple 5K/10Ks around here and probably trying to get to Disneyland this year for C2C but we'll see. All these races and traveling I have seemed to gotten myself addicted to is costing a pretty penny.
How many miles did everyone get last week?

I got 18 for a drop-off of 37 miles from the previous week....
I was horrible last week. Only 7 miles. We planned a 6-8 miler for the weekend that we canceled because of some arctic like temps over the weekend. Once it drops below 20, I just don't enjoy getting out there. I just couldn't gear myself up to bundle up and go. Thankfully after today the weather is supposed to improve so planning to get better miles in this week.
I got in a whopping zero miles. After thinking through how tough the marathon was, then spending the next 4 days in the parks and spending this past weekend raking and bagging 35 (30 gallon) bags of leaves I figured my body could use a little rest :)


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