Polynesian DVC Early Check-In


Earning My Ears
Nov 8, 2023
Hello everyone! We are booked at Poly Feb 27th - Mar 5th. We stayed there last year and purchased our DVC points a few months after that trip. This will be our 1st trip back to Poly using our DVC points. I wanted to ask if I should go ahead and do the pre-check-in, and if there is anything that I should try and request? Are there any rooms that are known to be "better" than others (better view, better location, etc.)? I know this is the case at several of the resorts, and was wondering if this may be the same at Poly? I may be imagining this, but I feel like I read a post on here a while back where someone was detailing a particular room that they enjoyed bcz of location/view etc., even though it was grouped the same as all of the other rooms in its same category. Also, any other tips on early check-in advantages or anything of the sort would be greatly appreciated.

For reference, we have a:
Deluxe Studio - Standard View
2 adults, 3 kids
Others may have specific tips, but for general messing around I like to use this website; I already put a search for your room:


If you want a pseudo lake view, I looks like the Tokelau rooms 3914 or 3915 would be my picks. Take a look at the map though; the other things to optimzie for would be centrality to the Grand Ceremonial House or proximity to TTC if you're EPCOT people.

I've had limited success with early check in for DVC, but I believe the general consensus is that the more common room types are easier. If early check in is the most important thing to you, I'd put that as a request.
PP is correct with those two rooms but everyone requests them. I had a 3rd floor north facing Pago Pago once and loved it. Saw some fireworks over the top of Moorea and the best part was getting off monorail at the TTC and being in our room in less than 5 minutes.

Also you may want to ask this question over on the DVC Resorts Poly board.
Just note that in doing early check-in online, the location requests you can make when doing that are quite limited. For any location request you actually want to make, like ones suggested above, you should contact MS via phone, email, or chat to make the request, and you can do that request as early as right after making the reservation online, and in your situation, with a Feb 27 arrival date, you should do it today via phone or chat (email can take time to be read by MS), besides doing early check-in, because initial assignment of rooms occurs before the arrival dates.
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