Just thinking out loud here, 2043 for grandfathered/direct points will be SS, VGF, RR, CC, LSL, CFW, VGC, VDH, AU, AK, Poly/PIT, BLT. I'm thinking maybe the AU points may still be floating in the WDW pool being used in FL v HI, but VGC/VDH strikes me as mostly being used in CA and not an issue.
SS is resold so often, locked out of RR/VDH/CFW/LSL, that may be actually difficult to get into to stay there at SS if you don't own there, ironically! The resort of last resort may become its own sort of destination with its reasonable
point chart, gorgeous GVs, and proximity to Disney Springs for Disney Adults/DINKs.
VGF studios could become very difficult to get 24/7, no matter the price point, as with the OG Poly studios. I think those Poly studios will look like a bargain for larger families/older kids and those wanting MK magical stays.
RR, any Tower Studios or standard view studios will be gone 24/7, and with the inflated PIT chart, I think the RR 1B/2B/GV will start to look like a semi bargain in comparison, plus it's the only Epcot-area resort (at least for now.)
AK could become the new SS, with everyone with resale points staying there for the most affordable
point charts. BLT may be in that spot, too, as a monorail resort with affordable point charts. CC, I am not sure about. Unless they flip another floor soon and add it to CC, there's not a ton of rooms to grab given its size. I think it stays tight to get in there but not impossible.
LSL/CFW is going to be a HUGE resort, but if the point chart/room styles with the extra bathroom mirror VDH/PIT, IDK if it's going to be as popular to swap in and out of there as SS is. Plus, I think SS being so close to DS is a bigger draw than LSL being at FW and a boat ride away to MK, but maybe that's my bias showing.
If DVC continues to open a new resort every two years, that means another eight resorts coming by 2042. If they all have restrictions, and probably at least one of them will be VDH part 2 for Disney Forward expansion, another seven will be at WDW.
They're really building up MK, but DINKs tend to go more to Epcot/HS. I could see them cannibalizing another portion of Caribbean Beach for Riviera 2.0 expansion. I'm wondering if there's room to put a more HS-adjacent DVC?
Buy where you want to stay/don't mind being "stuck" and where dues aren't going to explode is going to be a much bigger deal than it is now, I think. Could be an interesting reshuffling of the deck with a much smaller pool of grandfathered/direct points that can trade into CC, BLT, VGF, AK, Poly/PIT, SS, AU, VGC.