Point reallocation question


DIS Veteran
Jun 9, 2021
Bit of a complex point scenario. I have a weeklong trip booked in 2024 at a resort with no availability anymore . I also have a waitlist for a reservation that overlaps three of those days. In effect I would make it a split stay if it comes through by dropping three days off the original res. If the waitlist comes through it would borrow from 2025. However the week long trip is booked with banked 2023 points so I can't send those to 2025. I have a second trip reserved later in the year with the 2024 points. So my question is:

If the waitlist comes through can Member services reallocate all the points to make it so I can replenish the 2025 borrowed points. Basically reallocate the banked 2023 points that I won't be using (because the waitlist filled those spots) to be used partially on the second trip. Then those 2024 points that open up can be sent to 2025. I'm not sure I'm even making sense.
You can reallocate banked points into the new reservation, you can just do it yourself. You click on Modify reservation and go through all the steps without changing anything. When the reservation gets to the point when it allocates points it will pick the spare banked points first and free the current UY points.

However, if the waitlist borrows points, those cannot be put back into the 2025 UY.

For example, if you currently have 40 free current UY points and the reservation for the waitlist requires 50, when the waitlist fills in, it will borrow 10.
You can then cancel the extra nights in the first reservation, to free, let's say, 30 banked points.
Now you can edit the reservation created by the waitlist, il will use the 30 banked points, the 10 borrowed points and 10 current UY points.
So now you have 30 current UY points that you can bank.
Thank you but just to understand you're saying I should modify both trips even though I'm not actually changing anything and that would then allocate the points in the best way possible? And would I be able to modify if there is no more availability?
Points can be reallocated once they are no longer in the reservstion. It sounds like you have it set up to just book those three nights by waitlist…if it fills, you will borrow.

Then you will drop the three nights currently booked, and that whole trip is banked points. You also have another trip later that is using your 2024 points and want the banked points moved there.

You can do at by reallocating yourself and put in the bsnked points. You will be able to bank the 2024 points as long as you are reallocating at least 31 days or more from the stsrt of that trip and still in the banking window.
Then you will drop the three nights currently booked, and that whole trip is banked points. You also have another trip later that is using your 2024 points and want the banked points moved there.

You can do at by reallocating yourself and put in the bsnked points. You will be able to bank the 2024 points as long as you are reallocating at least 31 days or more from the stsrt of that trip and still in the banking window.

I appreciate the help but am just trying to make sure I'm clear because I have a lot floating around.

So what I have now and what you're saying is:

Trip 1: 7 days using banked 2023 points and a few 2024.
-Waitlist for 3 days at end of trip which if it comes through borrows points from 2025.
-Assuming it comes through that's: 4 days using banked 2023, 3 days using borrowed 2025.
-This will also free up some banked 2023 and some 2024 points. Then...

Trip 2: 8 nights split stay (two separate reservations) using a combination of 2024 points (the rest of them) and some borrowed 2025 (for the second leg of the split stay)
-I reallocate the points myself by modifying the two reservations and when I do that it will use up the rest of the banked 2023, whatever I borrowed from 2025 already in this reservation and then I SHOULD have free 2024 points floating around that I can now bank into 2025?
I appreciate the help but am just trying to make sure I'm clear because I have a lot floating around.

So what I have now and what you're saying is:

Trip 1: 7 days using banked 2023 points and a few 2024.
-Waitlist for 3 days at end of trip which if it comes through borrows points from 2025.
-Assuming it comes through that's: 4 days using banked 2023, 3 days using borrowed 2025.
-This will also free up some banked 2023 and some 2024 points. Then...

Trip 2: 8 nights split stay (two separate reservations) using a combination of 2024 points (the rest of them) and some borrowed 2025 (for the second leg of the split stay)
-I reallocate the points myself by modifying the two reservations and when I do that it will use up the rest of the banked 2023, whatever I borrowed from 2025 already in this reservation and then I SHOULD have free 2024 points floating around that I can now bank into 2025?

You got it!

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