Playstation xbox and Wii Friendly chat thread

That's not gameplay. Gameplay is actually how the GAMES play. CONTROL is how you control the game. And it's not "Oh, look at me, I'm pressing four buttons," but rather what you can do with those buttons. Okami, you used a completely different control scheme that had been ever used before on a console in a way that was extremely innovative (don't bring the DS into this, as that ALSO controls differently.) Katamari Damacy. There are tons of games that used those four buttons in innovative ways. On the surface it's four buttons, yes, but it's not just those four to controlling the game. My fear is that the Wii's Wiimote control scheme is that eventually you won't be able to do innovative things with it. It is innovative now, but a couple years into the console? I doubt it.

I've been moving a controller since cable came out.

For the same reason that YOU called me a Sony Fanboy (which, as any of my friends can attest, that's only half right) I call you Nintendo Fan Folk. "You say that your console is the second coming or something, and refuse to bash it."

You really need to learn the difference between GAMEPLAY and CONTROL. It will save you further confusion when people who won't hesitate to tear into your argument (I'm not even that bad) call you out on it like I have.'

Once again, I wish not to start a fight. But this I swear, I will defend my points until I feel that the debate is won or lost.
ok the remote is like bottons they can use it to make diffrent ways to use it the remote has so many possibilities and new addepters for it so the remote will become the new 4 bottons
That's not gameplay. Gameplay is actually how the GAMES play. CONTROL is how you control the game. And it's not "Oh, look at me, I'm pressing four buttons," but rather what you can do with those buttons. Okami, you used a completely different control scheme that had been ever used before on a console in a way that was extremely innovative (don't bring the DS into this, as that ALSO controls differently.) Katamari Damacy. There are tons of games that used those four buttons in innovative ways. On the surface it's four buttons, yes, but it's not just those four to controlling the game. My fear is that the Wii's Wiimote control scheme is that eventually you won't be able to do innovative things with it. It is innovative now, but a couple years into the console? I doubt it.

I've been moving a controller since cable came out.

For the same reason that YOU called me a Sony Fanboy (which, as any of my friends can attest, that's only half right) I call you Nintendo Fan Folk. "You say that your console is the second coming or something, and refuse to bash it."

You really need to learn the difference between GAMEPLAY and CONTROL. It will save you further confusion when people who won't hesitate to tear into your argument (I'm not even that bad) call you out on it like I have.'

Once again, I wish not to start a fight. But this I swear, I will defend my points until I feel that the debate is won or lost.

So the analog stick is just control, because games were done with just buttons many years before it. I could have sworn it revolutionized the gaming industry. Funny how almost every innovation brought to gaming has been by Nintendo. Maybe the trend will continue.

Control has everything to do with gameplay. Without controller revolutions, as I mentioned before, we would not have a Dpad, analog stick, rumble, etc. We would still be playing 2d sidescrollers. Immersion was brought to the table with these revolutions, and I believe the Wii does the same. (btw, I realize graphics can do a level of immersion, but, I choose the controller over graphics)

Also, go take a look at reviews of the Wii Zelda TP. While the controls were added on and not built from the ground up for the Wii, nearly every site says that the Wii version was better, and the Wiimote made it that much better. So controls made the gameplay better for them.
No. You are not getting what I am saying.

For the last couple of posts you have been calling control gameplay. That was what I have been saying for a while now.

Your whole "NINTENDO IS TEH REVOLUTIONIZER" with buttons is like saying that toenail clippers revolutionized toenail hygiene. There wasn't any other consoles back then. Nintendo was the only console back then. But wait! Buttons had ALREADY been used for other things, a Nintendo used them because they were one of the more convenient forms of control.


I will say that it is a new direction for control. But what I am saying, and have been saying, is that What else can you do with it? Check it out, it's like using a lightgun, only you can move. Innovative. If you ignore the fact that that kind of thing has been in arcades for YEARS.

I'm using a sword. Also in arcades for years.

I'm boxing. Weeeeeee! Arcades.

Look around, it's not as innovative as you think. They just brought this kind of thing to the homes of folks.

It is fun. I will give you that. But, how many "Hack and Slash Adventures" will it take before people realize that, wait a minute, we're doing the same things under different guises? What will happen then?

Listen. IF this happens, third party devs will stop supporting the console, which means there's less potential good games. Suddenly, it's a GC all over again! Only a couple of good console-exclusive games coming out per year!

Read what I said. I have no trifle with you if you read what I'm saying. But you picked what you could use to try to break my argument. You. Are. Not. Succeeding.

Also, the PS2 version of RE4 was better than the 'Cubes. That makes Sony a winner by your philosophy, does it not.

Call me a fanboy for that last statement if you must, but you only make yourselves look like fools for having to resort to personal insults.'

I describe your arguments in the words of one of the few good games for your [sarcasm]Oh So Amazing[/sarcasm] Nintendo's last console:

It is fun. I will give you that. But, how many "Hack and Slash Adventures" will it take before people realize that, wait a minute, we're doing the same things under different guises? What will happen then?

same thing as bottons you just hit bottons also you can add a lot of adapters to the back to make new ways to play

you ideas= failure
On a different note...
My Call of Duty 3 internet connection keeps giving out, while on SWBF 2, it stays stedy and never gives. What's going on??? The Germans keep killing me when I freeze!!
same thing as bottons you just hit bottons also you can add a lot of adapters to the back to make new ways to play

you ideas= failure

I'm tired of fighting you.



Two. OBOY. Add something to your Wii. What will it be? The innovative lightgun? How about a plastic sword attachment? Wait a minute, couldn't these be used with just the Nunchuk(a) attachment? MONEY SINK.

Three. You are just saying buttons are used for the pressing. When I'm taking notes, I'm just using the pencil and the paper, I'm definitely not learning anything. Like I've said (I think three times now) it's not just pressing the buttons. It's using those buttons in ways that are different. FPS, Okami, K.D., and the like. Could you not say that all games, even Nintendo's (before the DS and Wii (The DS I really think is good. The Wii seems like another nice addition. But this will becomes Nintendo's show horse idea,)) were just about pressing buttons? It was what you could do with those, again, that made the control innovative. You are like most non-game playing game-critics. You only look at the outside of things. You look at what you can see without looking at what you can do.

Four. Be CREATIVE with your comments on my ideas. And you have no right to criticize my ideas. Please. Stop now. I do not want to recreate what happened before. But this is becoming just that. Don't make me lose it again.


Someybody, what kind of connection are you using, and on what console? Does your computer have a history of dropping internet?

CDIII may just be lagging. Or does you connection drop completely?
I use a Netgear XE102 Wall-Plugged Bridge on a PS2 Slim SCPH-75001. My computer doesn't have a history of dropping internet, and the CD3 connection just drops and says that I lost connection.
I'm not sure what the problem is then. I guess my answer is that PS2's online, at least in my experience, seems to drop a lot ('cept for MGS3. I'm not sure why though.)
there is many ways they can use the remote from the laser pionting to the the movent senor to the sound in the remote there is so much you can do
I guess Atari and the Colecovision, and the Commodore 64 didn't exist. There were 2 video game generation before Nintendo and then Nintendo took control. They then faced off against the Genesis in a very close race.

It doesn't matter how it was used before, it is the company that is able to use it effectively for the first time in an different industry that is considered revolutionary. Considering I have had nearly 15 people play on my Wii and others, and not one has disliked it, I think Nintendo is going to do fine. They signed a deal with Six Flags to have Wii Kiosks around the park, and get more non-gamers drawn in.

By your logic, it is not just the pushing of buttons, AND how you use the Wiimote that is important.

And, if you go to Gamerankings, (compilation of all gaming reviews, and have an average of those games) while both the GC and PS2 are in the top ten, the GC version in several spaces above the PS2.

I can just as easily be saying your arguement IS. NOT. WORKING.;)

You have no right to criticize our ideas, so please stop.:rotfl:
The PS2 one had more time to improve on the already great RE4. They added more extras, and the game was, at least in my opinion and the opinion of a good chunk of people from other forums that I visit, better.

Also, the GC version was out first. It was a new game, and a great one at that, so it got a really good score. When it came out on the PS2, the game had been already played and some of the appeal wore off, possibly warranting a lower score. I played the PS2 one before I played the GC one, and I thought the PS2 one was better. Not by bias, but by the fact that the game was a fresher experience for me on the PS2 than it was when I played the same game later on the GC.

It doesn't matter how it was used before, it is the company that is able to use it effectively for the first time in an different industry that is considered revolutionary. Considering I have had nearly 15 people play on my Wii and others, and not one has disliked it, I think Nintendo is going to do fine. They signed a deal with Six Flags to have Wii Kiosks around the park, and get more non-gamers drawn in.

Then why are you constantly saying that the buttons are stupid because they're buttons. It's how you use them, correct? And these were already used EFFICIENTLY in the ARCADES, which, by the way, are games that take quarters. Already in the industry.

The Six Flags thing is an idea that has been used before. Nintendo just signed a contract.

You constantly avoid the point I've been trying to make. If the consoles sales drop, third party support fades. That is what worries me.


The laser pointing, used to target things. The motion sensing, used to swing the whatever, the sound? Are you grasping for straws here? OBOY, I can hear the sound coming from the controller just barely over the sound coming from the TV. EXTREME.

Do you find it pitiful that the argument is two people to one and I'm still holding my ground. Because I sure do.
I guess Atari and the Colecovision, and the Commodore 64 didn't exist. There were 2 video game generation before Nintendo and then Nintendo took control. They then faced off against the Genesis in a very close race.

It doesn't matter how it was used before, it is the company that is able to use it effectively for the first time in an different industry that is considered revolutionary. Considering I have had nearly 15 people play on my Wii and others, and not one has disliked it, I think Nintendo is going to do fine. They signed a deal with Six Flags to have Wii Kiosks around the park, and get more non-gamers drawn in.

By your logic, it is not just the pushing of buttons, AND how you use the Wiimote that is important.

And, if you go to Gamerankings, (compilation of all gaming reviews, and have an average of those games) while both the GC and PS2 are in the top ten, the GC version in several spaces above the PS2.

I can just as easily be saying your arguement IS. NOT. WORKING.;)

You have no right to criticize our ideas, so please stop.:rotfl:

How can ShadowPirate's arguement not be working?
I am sorry non-gamers are going to be drawn in? I am pretty sure a Jack Thompson is not going to start to play Video games just because there was Wii kiosk in the theme park he recently visited.

ShadowPirate has every right to criticize your ideas because guess what? You are criticizing his ideas! By the way you have no right to have this whole page saying how to give blood sacrifices to Nintendo and saying that ShadowPirate is wrong, and then you go and tell him that he is going something wrong and that he should stop.

You guys are really giving me a reason to not get the Wii if it is going to make me think that the WiiMote is the deciding factor in gameplay.

And in other news Manhunt2 is coming out for the Wii and PS3 makes me want to get a PS3.

I did not want to go here, but you forced me! The Wii is teaching kids to smoke at young ages you want proof?

Theres your proof.
In other news the lawer Jack Thompson has been teleported into space... on a couch.

P.S. Shadow I hope you get well soon because you are coming to the game on Sat. Woo! We are going to beat Lakevile South!
Wait, Manhunt is getting a sequel? And for the Wii? Depressing. Check it out, now I can kill you with a plastic bag while controlling it with a remote control! OBOY.

I also like the blood sacrifices. Although I would throw "BURN THE NON-BELIEVER" in there for good measure.

To avoid further fights, is an amazing site of joy, and happiness, and joyness.
I have not (yet) read this entire thread, however, I have seen enough to see a few personal attacks. Discuss, disagree, but do not attack anyone with your comments.

Thank you!

3. NO FIGHTING/SARCASM: While we'd like to think that a Disney fan site is always lighthearted, there are times when there are disagreements. Let's face it, there are certain topics that can transform any of us into a raging "Donald Duck." When you sense this is happening, we ask that you step away from the discussion before it escalates into a fight. Just like Mom always said about fighting, we don't care who started the argument and we don't want it on the DIS. (Okay, she didn't say the part about the DIS, but you know what we mean.) No attacking others and no sarcasm please. Either will result in an infraction.
The Ps3 is already dead before it got popular even top gamers say it is the failure of the PS consoles and asking what went wrong
I fear the Wii's future. I'll give my reasons why in a bit, but I've been playing a lot of Counter Strike as of late. Gun Game FTW.

The Wii's future worries me. This is assuming that the "new console smell" wares off and sales go down. The Wii just doesn't seem like a stand-alone kind of console. Sure it's innovative, but how long until it gets to the point where it's all of the same? Swing your controller this way, that way, whichever way. The swinging of the controller doesn't seem to allow much else other than "swing it around." Now, to the point. If sales go down, third party support fades. Third party support means less games. And Nintendo seems to prefer handhelds to consoles. So, now you have less games coming out for the console. This is what worries me.

The PS3's launch is laughable. HINDENBURGS3.

And, to avoid starting fights about what is better, I'll just say this. From the looks of things, 360 has a strong chance of pulling out a generation win. Just saying.

I wouldn't say that's why people are calling it a disappointment. For one, HD is not usable on the console, which is a major setback for the console. And saying that "Gameplay is the same" for anything is a lie. Gameplay isn't caused by the console, it's the games. Are you meaning to say "Control"? And I will agree that Halo 3 looks promising, but there are many other really great games for the 360. Dead Rising, Oblivion, Viva Pinata, Crackdown (It's either just coming out today or it's close enough,) and Saints Row, just to name a few.

Halo 2 ended terribly. It's been said before, but I think that just as the game was about to end, the screen should have stopped and that guy from the Dukes of Hazard) should have said "Well, how is the Chief going to get out of this jam?" followed by the "da da danana duu" sound.
I'm not saying that is the reason many people are criticizing it, I just can't think of many other reasons other than the HD like you said and surely someone must think the way I posted earlier... lol
Anybody out there played Oblivion and finished up the arena quests? For those who haven't, you get a nice little annoyance called "The Adoring Fan." He randomly appears behind you spouting "By azura by azura by azura!" followed by something else. Well, this guy's a pain, so check this out and the other ones.

My favorite part is in the bowling vid where the adoring fans sprint off the edge. Llollers.

The Adoring Fan has been kind enough to offer his master his body as a... living target. LOL I dun remember how many times I've killed him already. Then, a couple hours later he'll pop out of nowhere and start screaming "By Azura, By Azura, By Azura! It's the Grand Champion, standing right next to me!" He always gets me. -.-

shadow pirate said:
It's using those buttons in ways that are different. FPS, Okami, K.D., and the like.

And I must say, Okami was a literal work of art. The art style was brilliant and it's a shame we couldn't have seen something else like that. (Capcom closed Clover, the studio that developed it)


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