Plan Ahead with Lightning Lane Entry at Walt Disney World Starting July 24

A concern i have is now if i want a ILL for lets say Rise, i could buy it day of. Usually i dont buy one but if for some reason i couldnt RD or get it at day end and i want to get it on my last day , i could. Now, i will probably have to plan to get it ahead (or not) as it probably wont be available spur of the moment on the day.
I’m not so sure this will be the case. In using Genie+ at both DLR and WDW I seem to remember seeing ILLs available for purchase well into the evenings.
One thing quite a few people have brought up is they think there will be limited availability of tier one rides as the day progresses. While I do agree with that, remember it has always been that way (as far as high priority rides). However, constant refreshing can help that if you can modify. Even back in the days of FP+ you could keep refreshing to get a better ride. Just like you can now with LL. Yes it can be a pain. Sometimes it’s quick, sometimes not. Sometimes you can do it for a half hour straight and still get nothing. I’ve been refreshing for many years and it usually it pays off though.

I’m used to genie+. I hate that it’s changing. I’m sure that in time we will all find the best way to maximize this too. One positive that this will being back from the FP+ days is having three rides set. However since it costs money now we all want to maximize it. I won’t be able to stack for evening. Hopefully now I can book three at my first park (avoiding rope drop) and then get another three at my evening park and I think I’ll be pretty happy with it.
One thing quite a few people have brought up is they think there will be limited availability of tier one rides as the day progresses. While I do agree with that, remember it has always been that way (as far as high priority rides). However, constant refreshing can help that if you can modify. Even back in the days of FP+ you could keep refreshing to get a better ride. Just like you can now with LL. Yes it can be a pain. Sometimes it’s quick, sometimes not. Sometimes you can do it for a half hour straight and still get nothing. I’ve been refreshing for many years and it usually it pays off though.

I’m used to genie+. I hate that it’s changing. I’m sure that in time we will all find the best way to maximize this too. One positive that this will being back from the FP+ days is having three rides set. However since it costs money now we all want to maximize it. I won’t be able to stack for evening. Hopefully now I can book three at my first park (avoiding rope drop) and then get another three at my evening park and I think I’ll be pretty happy with it.
Good to know because we never needed to book the 4th due to waits being not so bad and having older kids. I just hope they don’t price it so high that it will ruin our holiday vacation (currently booked 4 day tickets but will add more days with a 10 night resort stay, still thinking about Jollywood or not, dining is ‘free’ but time consuming and we’d rather do resort discounts).

I am also the family planner and constantly having to modify passes at HS was a pain - 11 am clicked 2:30 pm but system booked 8 pm etc (not so bad at other parks).
So it must be tapped into as opposed to just let to expire?
I don't think anyone knows what happens to a MLL if you let it it expire.
If it is no longer valid you should be able to get another LL. If that is the case, is your next selection have to be the tier that expired or it is open for any tier?

However, they are a bit lenient when you are late with using a LL.

My early strat is to pick two quick return time tier 2 MLL like Carpets, Tea Cups, Pirates, Mansion, etc.
Tier 1 Tiana and then modify.
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I don't think anyone knows what happens to a MLL if you let it it expire.
If it is no longer valid you should be able to get another LL. If that is the case, is your next selection have to be the tier that expired or it is open for any tier?

However, they are a bit lenient when you are late with using a LL.

My early strat is to pick two one quick return time tier 2 MLL like Carpets, Tea Cups, Pirates, Mansion, etc.
Tier 1 Tiana and then modify.
The language quoted in Post 908 of this thread can be read as meaning you get a new one when one expires. I agree it isn't clear if there will be a tier restriction on the replacement.

Let me repeat that language and add the next paragraph from the Disneyworld website:

"On the day of your park visit, once you redeem a Lightning Lane Multi Pass selection (or once the arrival window has passed), you can use the My Disney Experience app to check availability for another Lightning Lane Multi Pass experience—and add to your plans.

You can make one at a time until regular park closing (subject to availability). If your park admission includes Park Hopper benefits, you can even choose a Lightning Lane Multi Pass experience in a different theme park."
Something that occurred to me as I was trying to work out my plans, unless there is a significant price change, I am likely to book more LLSP than I would have under Genie+

Last year, I budgeted for multiple Tron/GOG/Rise/FOP ILL, but we were able to get VQ for Tron and GOG multiple times and we lucked out twice with reasonable lines (40 minutes) for Rise, and rope dropped FOP, so I didn't buy as many ILL as budgeted. For this trip, I guess I'll book them in advance, because if I don't I run the risk of not getting on Tron or GOG at all.
Which is obviously part. Of the reason Disney is doing the change.
The language quoted in Post 908 of this thread can be read as meaning you get a new one when one expires

It will be interesting to see how this mechanism works in practice. It could mean you can start looking for a new slot after either (a) you physically tap in to a current selection at the ride, (b) a current selection window opens, or (c) a current selection window closes (unless you have tapped in to the ride in the meantime).

I would think (a) or (b) are the most likely, with (b) being the simplest to implement technically as it would not require communication back from the readers in the park.

These Disney Execs are absolutely clueless. Do they really believe that this level of complexity and up-charging (nickel and diming) is going to generally appeal to customers? For every extra bit added, I actively seek to reduce the money Disney extracts from me.

Just think. They could eliminate countless jobs, execs, infrastructure, software, complexity and anxiety by removing all skip the line features. I would accept a park reservation system to manage capacity on the days it may be an issue. I would even accept a slightly higher ticket price. Then just give all guests the same opportunity to ride the rides they have paid to access through the park ticket.
These Disney Execs are absolutely clueless. Do they really believe that this level of complexity and up-charging (nickel and diming) is going to generally appeal to customers? For every extra bit added, I actively seek to reduce the money Disney extracts from me.

Just think. They could eliminate countless jobs, execs, infrastructure, software, complexity and anxiety by removing all skip the line features. I would accept a park reservation system to manage capacity on the days it may be an issue. I would even accept a slightly higher ticket price. Then just give all guests the same opportunity to ride the rides they have paid to access through the park ticket.
The thing is, the lightning lane system actually *does* make for an enhanced park experience for guests because it is not a skip-the-line system, but really a virtual queue. You can't just go get in whatever line you want (like Universal's pass).

When it was originally implemented and everyone had access for free, it allowed everyone to do something else (dine, watch shows, walk around, shop) instead of being stuck in line. Ideally, if everyone used the system efficiently like power-users, everyone would benefit, and the system would fairly distribute rides and allowance for having time to do other things. Heck, if Disney's algorithm could schedule out each party's day and tell you where to go, (although obviously not ideal for flexibility of vacationers, it would be highly efficient) and they could maximize how many rides each person got with how much they stood in line.

But not everyone learned how to take best advantage of the system, and a disparity emerged between power-users and casual users. Then, when Disney decided to monetize, I think the disparity grew. Now that this was a paid privilege, people had more incentive to use the system to their advantage if they were forking out money for it. So they learned to work the system. And those who didn't want to pay or who cannot afford to pay now fall further behind.

I have to disagree that going back to plain old "standby for all" would be the best solution. The lightning lane system DOES enhance the experience for everyone when everyone has (free) access. It's the monetization of it that has now made this into a "tiered" experience.
These Disney Execs are absolutely clueless. Do they really believe that this level of complexity and up-charging (nickel and diming) is going to generally appeal to customers? For every extra bit added, I actively seek to reduce the money Disney extracts from me.

Just think. They could eliminate countless jobs, execs, infrastructure, software, complexity and anxiety by removing all skip the line features. I would accept a park reservation system to manage capacity on the days it may be an issue. I would even accept a slightly higher ticket price. Then just give all guests the same opportunity to ride the rides they have paid to access through the park ticket.
This is true for us as well. The biggest example is that we used to stay at AKL every visit, and we go at least twice a year. Now we stay at POFQ. Granted, AKL costs way more than it did even 3 years ago, so that also factors into our decision. But we have to use part of what used to be our resort budget for the G+ budget . . . and now the LLMP budget.

I'm not really sure about the other part of your post, though, since we were there in 2021 during a period when there was no FP+ or G+ and we waited in some seriously long lines. The one I remember most clearly was the KS line, which went back to where the Lion King theater is. I have never waited so long for KS.

I'm not particularly concerned about the advance system, barring a ridiculous price, because I think we'll figure out how to use it to work for us. It took us a few trips to figure out how to best work G+ for what we want it for, but we did figure it out. Now there's a new learning curve.

One thing, though--this shoots down the supposed point of G+, which was to level the playing field. I must have heard that phrase a hundred times when G+ was first introduced. But in fact it never leveled the playing field since you still had to have detailed knowledge about how it worked--and you had to know all this before you got there. It wasn't a learn-on-the-fly kind of a thing. It required planning and research, just like FP+ did.
Just saw the lists and the number of Tier1 rides at MK is insane. With G+ we could easily do all 3 moutnains and Jungle Cruise with stacking. Now all that's out the window. Buying G+ at MK used to be a no-brainer but now it's a much tougher decision. Awful change, at least for that park.


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