PJ: Karen and Keith....SBP April 12th 2010 and at home reception...update:theme!!


Counting down the days until our Disney Wedding!!
Apr 9, 2008

I get to start my first planning journal. So after a few months of changing our minds many times we have decided on our wedding plans. Here is our story:

We have been together for almost 3.5 years. We took our first vacation together in WDW Chirstmas 08, and had a fantastic time!! While we were there, we saw people getting married, and that is what made us decide on a disney wedding! (Even though we were not engaged yet)

Fast forward...2 months later, we were engaged. We told everyone about our disney plans, and things were not looking good. We live pretty far away (near Toronto) so it is definitely a financial commitment to anyone attending. We also realized we would have more than 18 people, which would bump it from an Escape to Wishes, which we didn't want to do. So we decided to have everything here, and honeymoon in disney.

Anyway, to make a long story short, we just could not picture getting married anywhere else. So, we have decided to have a small ceremony in WDW and a big reception near home.

We decided on SBP since we fell in love with the Boardwalk area, and we want to stay at Yacht or Beach club.

I have lots more to say, but must get on with my day!!! I have some ideas of dresses that I will post later!
Congrats Karen!!! That sounds like a great idea!! Are you going to have an escape wedding at SBP??

I can't wait to hear more!
Since everyone seems to do this, I thought I might as well ( I figure this is a good way to keep track of everything, and since I do not keep a normal journal, I can print this off later for memories.

About us:

me: almost 24. Currently a graduate student at the University of Guelph in Planning. Unemployed :sad2:

Keith: same age. Works for an engineering company, but going back to school (came program as me) in September.

Anyway, Keith and I met almost 4 years ago. We both were doing our undergraduate studies at the University of Guelph in geography. Although we were in the same program, we actually met at a bar, not at school :rotfl: My roomates and I were out at the bar, and things got a little out of control (hey, we were young). Anyway, one had too many drinks and got kicked out, so my other roomate took her outside. I was in charge of finding our one other roomate who was still in the bar, so that we could all leave. Anyway, I could not find her, and I felt like an idiot walking around by myself, when I saw someone I recognized from school. So I went up and talked to him....my opening line was "Hey, aren't you in my GIS class"?? Anyways, I ended up talking to him about how I didn't understand our assignment, and he offered to meet me at school the next day to help :laughing:

So the next morning, I showed up at school, to see if he would meet me, and sure enough, he did!!!! It was pretty awkward at first, but quickly became friends, and 2 months later, we were dating.

We decided awhile ago that we wanted to get married. We have lived together for 2 years now, so we are common law, but want to make it "for real". So I was not very surprised when he proposed a month and half ago. Here is the pick of the ring.


I love it, it is so perfect!! I have really stumpy fingers, and I was worried it would make my fingers look huge, but it doesn't!!

Our current plans:

Ceremony: We are hoping for an April 12, 2010 escape wedding at SBP. We don't really care about the time, but prefer 12 or 2:30. It will be really small, no theme

Reception: Currently booked for April 24, 2010 in London, on. We will use a "when you wish upon a star" theme; which will probably consist of blue and white. I do not want to pay to hire a wedding planner, so me and my MOH (who actually lives in London) will decorate. We are going to string lots of mini white lights, get lots of helium white and blue balloons (I LOVE balloons) and that's all we have though of so far.

Anyways, that is all for now!!! Hopefully I will have more updates soon!

PS..If anyone has any ideas to go with our reception theme...please let me know!!:wizard:
We got Randy!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :goodvibes

I am really excited since I have seen so many wonderful pics from past disbrides who have used him!
Thats great about Randy - everyone seems to love him. Your ring is gorgeous and your plans so far sound great! I can't wait to see what your dress will look like!
Just a small update....

We have done our STD's. Yes, it is really early, but we have wayyyy more than 18 people wanting to join us in Florida, so we want to go through the "first round" to see who can make it and so on. Anyway, I made them on powerpoint, here they are!!


We also made a "pre-rsvp" questionnaire that I took from another link (sorry, I cannot give a shout out since I do not remember who posted it, but thanks to whoever did!!!:worship:) I did that in powerpoint as well, just added a few images and 3 questions (Can you make it, will you be staying on WDW property, will you be buying tickets). This way, we can start to make more plans, as we know who is coming and where they are staying!

That's all I have to update!
yay congrats! your ring is lovely--- it looks exactly like mine!!
YAY Karen started a PJ!!!

Your ring looks like mine too!!! I can't wait to hear your plans since i'm a 2010 escape SBP bride too!!! I love your STD's... so cute!
Well, I haven't updated in awhile...and I do not have a huge audience, :laughing:, but I will update anyways!!! (anything to keep from doing school work!!!!!).

Here is the summary of what we are planning so far:

April 12th, 2010, ceremony at SBP at either noon, or 2:30 pm (or maybe even 5:00????) Anyway, we will hopefully be getting married at some point that day.


We are not sure what we will do after, it all depends on how many people are coming. Right now, 20 people (besides us) are invited, which means if they all come we will have to pay the $500 extra. Which reminds me, I just talked to my planner, and she assured me that for an Escape wedding, anyone under 2 does not count!!! So, I guess we are actually at 19 people. We are assuming not everyone will make it, since it is pretty far from home.

We are not too sure about our dinner plans yet. Our favorite restaurant when we went over christmas was Kona. The food was soooooooooo amazing (I had the coconut almond chicken) and the service was really great. I also LOVE the poly! Here is my enjoying my Lapu Lapu:


I must apologize, it was a long day in the parks and I look awful!!! :confused3 HAHAHAH, but the drink was soooo good, I just had to share my memory!

Anyway, if we have fewer people, we will probably go to Kona. If we have more, we will probably go to Ohana, or one of the boardwalk area resturants
. We also want to to a dessert party...but are a little tight on money, so we will see!

Up next.....our reception back home!
Since we are having an Escape in Florida, and we live near Toronto, our parents were pretty adamant on us having an at home reception. We REALLY did not want to do this, as we want to avoid tradition (we were actually planning on getting married in the courthouse, but after we saw another wedding in disney on our vacation, we decided not to).

So anyway, my parents offered to pay for it, as they really wanted us to have one. So Keith (DF) and I began scouting around for places. There was not a lot in our city (and most were already booked), Toronto prices were too high, (and I'm not a fan of Toronto anyway), so we were stuck. We used to live in London, ON, and we remembered on really nice hotel there. It is about a 2 hour drive from us, but it is the only hotel we like, and there was a good package.....with OPEN BAR :banana::banana::banana: (an essential for our guest list).

Anyway, here are some pics:




We started thinking about themes. I want to get as much of the wedding planning done as possible, as I am aiming to graduate by either christmas or spring (which means I am fast tracking) so I have to finish courses and write a thesis! AHHH :eek:

Anyway, I have no creativity in me at all, so I literally googled "boardwalk + wedding theme". After much searching, I found a few results, most that went along the lines of a candy (lollipop, saltwater taffy stuff) and carnival-ish decor. Anyway, I thought that was easy enough...plus I LOVE LOVE LOVE taffy! So here is a pic I found that I may model my centerpieces after:


Except I will stuff salt water taffy in the bottom instead of whatever is in those pictures.

Anyway, that is all the updates I have!!! Sorry, I know I am not as good of a writer, or as entertaining as most of you!!!!!

Oh, one more thing! I started my wedding diet. I have gained a lot of wait since getting my BA, and I have wanted to loose it for awhile. I decided to quit the gym since it was not really helping. I joined a Hot yoga studio (it is right across the street) and bought some of the biggest loser DVDs that other diser's recommended. I also started walking to and from school (about 40 mins each way). Hopefully I will have results to report soon!

Thanks for tuning in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since we are having an Escape in Florida, and we live near Toronto, our parents were pretty adamant on us having an at home reception. We REALLY did not want to do this, as we want to avoid tradition (we were actually planning on getting married in the courthouse, but after we saw another wedding in disney on our vacation, we decided not to).

So anyway, my parents offered to pay for it, as they really wanted us to have one. So Keith (DF) and I began scouting around for places. There was not a lot in our city (and most were already booked), Toronto prices were too high, (and I'm not a fan of Toronto anyway), so we were stuck. We used to live in London, ON, and we remembered on really nice hotel there. It is about a 2 hour drive from us, but it is the only hotel we like, and there was a good package.....with OPEN BAR :banana::banana::banana: (an essential for our guest list).

Anyway, here are some pics:




We started thinking about themes. I want to get as much of the wedding planning done as possible, as I am aiming to graduate by either christmas or spring (which means I am fast tracking) so I have to finish courses and write a thesis! AHHH :eek:

Anyway, I have no creativity in me at all, so I literally googled "boardwalk + wedding theme". After much searching, I found a few results, most that went along the lines of a candy (lollipop, saltwater taffy stuff) and carnival-ish decor. Anyway, I thought that was easy enough...plus I LOVE LOVE LOVE taffy! So here is a pic I found that I may model my centerpieces after:


Except I will stuff salt water taffy in the bottom instead of whatever is in those pictures.

Anyway, that is all the updates I have!!! Sorry, I know I am not as good of a writer, or as entertaining as most of you!!!!!

Oh, one more thing! I started my wedding diet. I have gained a lot of wait since getting my BA, and I have wanted to loose it for awhile. I decided to quit the gym since it was not really helping. I joined a Hot yoga studio (it is right across the street) and bought some of the biggest loser DVDs that other diser's recommended. I also started walking to and from school (about 40 mins each way). Hopefully I will have results to report soon!

Thanks for tuning in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey girlie! I feel the same way about the whole tradition thing... if it wasnt for the fact that i already bought my dress and am in love with it DF and I would've been at the courthouse too! :rotfl: My parents are pushing the home reception too but instead of spending all the money on something we aren't going to enjoy our home reception will be in our home! :upsidedow The pictures of the hotel are lovely and I Love the idea of the boardwalk/wedding theme! Very cool! It'll be so bright and colorful!:thumbsup2 And the open Bar is KEY!!!!! As far as loosing weight i bought a wii fit and I really like it. Just thought i'd throw that out there. Can't wait to hear more!
For my small (but so lovely) audience... I have an update!

Instead of doing school work today, I decided to make an inspiration board! There are many options on it, which we will need since we are sort of having 2 weddings (well the at home reception and SBP ceremony).

Anyway, as I said before, it is a "candyland" theme. We decided on this for many reasons. First, we LOVE candy :rotfl: Second, we love the colours. And finally, we just felt that it represents our personally. We are not really flower people, or elegant fine china type people, we just like to have fun! For the reception especially, we want more of a party feel than "just another wedding" type feel. Anyway, here it is below!!


If anyone has any suggestions or tips, I would love to hear them!!!

Happy long weekend!!!! (Well, I guess for Americans it is next weekend, so happy almost long weekend to you!!!:banana:)
What a great fun theme for the reception! I love your inspiration board! Can't wait to see your plans come together.

P.S. you're getting married on DF and my 9 year dating anniversary!
For my small (but so lovely) audience... I have an update!

Instead of doing school work today, I decided to make an inspiration board! There are many options on it, which we will need since we are sort of having 2 weddings (well the at home reception and SBP ceremony).

Anyway, as I said before, it is a "candyland" theme. We decided on this for many reasons. First, we LOVE candy :rotfl: Second, we love the colours. And finally, we just felt that it represents our personally. We are not really flower people, or elegant fine china type people, we just like to have fun! For the reception especially, we want more of a party feel than "just another wedding" type feel. Anyway, here it is below!!


If anyone has any suggestions or tips, I would love to hear them!!!

Happy long weekend!!!! (Well, I guess for Americans it is next weekend, so happy almost long weekend to you!!!:banana:)

Karen, great theme for a reception ! I love the bright colors! so FUN! I love the inspiration board!There was a past dis bride that used boardwalk/carnival rides as her table names and she too had candy/taffy centerpieces with bright colors. I think she has a PJ/TR are on the completed trips board section. Maybe you could use different types of candy as table names or places from the candy land game! Great start and good luck, your reception will be fun!:goodvibes
Your inspiration board is awesome!!! I love it love it love it!!!! The cupcake cake in there is awesome and perfect for that theme IMHO But i'm partial to cupcake cakes. I love everything!
What a great fun theme for the reception! I love your inspiration board! Can't wait to see your plans come together.

P.S. you're getting married on DF and my 9 year dating anniversary!

Yay....hopefully that date brings good luck to me as well!

Karen, great theme for a reception ! I love the bright colors! so FUN! I love the inspiration board!There was a past dis bride that used boardwalk/carnival rides as her table names and she too had candy/taffy centerpieces with bright colors. I think she has a PJ/TR are on the completed trips board section. Maybe you could use different types of candy as table names or places from the candy land game! Great start and good luck, your reception will be fun!:goodvibes

Thanks, I will have to look for her TR. I love the idea of using candy or places from the game for table names! That is a great idea!!

Your inspiration board is awesome!!! I love it love it love it!!!! The cupcake cake in there is awesome and perfect for that theme IMHO But i'm partial to cupcake cakes. I love everything!

Thanks!!! If we do one of those cakes in WDW, than we will probably do cupcakes at our reception. I love them too!!!
Wohooo!! I found your planning journal after you posted on mine! It all looks great so far!! Inspiration board is fabulous, love the bright colours, and I am totally with you on avoiding the at home reception thing, it's not on my to-do list, but if mum & dad are paying, then maybe it's not so bad? Alos - I am with you on the diet - I started mine last week, and we will shift these pounds!!! Uni does crazy things to your body, nothing at all to do with the pizza and beer consumed!!!:rotfl2:

Looking forward to updates!
Just stumbled onto your PJ and love everything so far! First off I'm really excited to find someone else who loves the Lapu Lapu at the Poly- I've never had it but our whole wedding is based there and someone posted about it in my PJ... now I am soooooo excited to get one! We'll be handing them out to everyone right after the wedding (or maybe before:laughing:). Someone even posted the link with the recipe so I can try it at home! Anyways I love your theme and am also into non-traditional weddings! I think your theme is super bright, fun, and YUMMY! I think getting a cotton candy machine at the reception would be awesome! Can't wait to follow along!popcorn::


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