People are predictable - September 2022 - Victoria & Albert's 11/16 Cosmic Ray/Tokyo Dining - Complete

Le Creperie De Paris

By Thursday, we had reached the point of the trip where we had done all the headliners and while we still had rides to enjoy, we also were going to relax some. We decided the night before to have a crepe breakfast in France as we had enjoyed it earlier this year for an afternoon snack.

We split a bottle of cider and decided on each having our own dessert crepe with sides of whipped cream.


Demi Sec Cider

I went with the banana crepe which had a ton of slices along with a nice caramel sauce. The whipped cream also cut some of the richness of the sauce and I had no problem cleaning off my plate.


Banana Dessert Crepe

My husband had the apple crepe and was equally pleased.


Pomme Dessert Crepe

Full, we headed towards the front of EPCOT to enjoy some more rides and go shopping.​
Food & Wine Booths

While shopping, I found the cutest fake plant for my desk at work.


Eventually we headed back to the World Showcase and got a couple snacks to hold us off before dinner. In China, I got another order of those dandan noodles that I loved earlier in the week. So much flavor and such a decent portion that I was happy. They had a different beer special today as I’m guessing they were out of the normal option. We really enjoyed the beer as it was light and fruity.


Dandan Noodles: Spicy Pork w/ Sichuan Sauce, Peanut Butter, Sesame & Green Onion
Watermelon Dragonfruit Burst Beer

At Kenya, we split the shrimp dish which is the same as every year it feels like. We had no problem finishing it off.


Piri Piri Skewered Shrimp w/ Citrus-Scented Couscous

My husband got a wine in Spain to try.


Kentia Albarino Rias Baizas

We finished our snacks with some cheese bread in Brazil that is always a favorite of ours especially when its freshly out of the hot box.


Pao de Queijo – Brazilian Cheese Bread

We headed back to the room for the afternoon as I needed to do some work so I wasn’t completely behind when I came back to work on Monday. Yeah, I’m lame.​
Ale & Compass

Knowing that we had a fancy dinner the next day, we had an easy meal in walking distance from our hotel. We headed to the Yacht Club and checked in at Ale & Compass to quickly be seated in a quiet area along the wall. We ordered a bottle of prosecco to enjoy with our meal as it is vacation.

To start, we got the parker house rolls where we really enjoyed all that pub cheese with the nice warm rolls.


Parker House Rolls & Spreads

I got the appetizer of the roasted garlic shrimp for my entrée as I wanted dessert this evening. I love that garlic butter the shrimp are drowning in!


Roasted Garlic Shrimp

My husband got the cheddar burger and actually took the rest of the pub cheese and spread it on top of the burger. He was thrilled as there had been a lack of burgers for him this trip overall.


Bacon & Vermont Cheddar Burger

While we were finishing up, one of my Disboard longterm friends @tankgirl47 stopped by our table to hang out for a bit as she was here with a friend and was about to have dinner with chunkymonkey at the Yachtsman. So we were rude and ate chocolate cake in front of them as we caught up as we hadn’t seen each other since pre-Covid.


Twelve-Layer Chocolate Cake

Overall, the service was just ok. I don’t expect amazing service at a place like Ale & Compass. It was efficient which is what I can ask for. It remains as one of our favorite easy dinner options.

After dinner, we beat the storm coming in which was great. No one likes being rained out.


Storm coming in
Le Creperie De Paris

By Thursday, we had reached the point of the trip where we had done all the headliners and while we still had rides to enjoy, we also were going to relax some. We decided the night before to have a crepe breakfast in France as we had enjoyed it earlier this year for an afternoon snack.

We split a bottle of cider and decided on each having our own dessert crepe with sides of whipped cream.


Demi Sec Cider

I went with the banana crepe which had a ton of slices along with a nice caramel sauce. The whipped cream also cut some of the richness of the sauce and I had no problem cleaning off my plate.


Banana Dessert Crepe

My husband had the apple crepe and was equally pleased.


Pomme Dessert Crepe

Full, we headed towards the front of EPCOT to enjoy some more rides and go shopping.​
Le Creperie De Paris

By Thursday, we had reached the point of the trip where we had done all the headliners and while we still had rides to enjoy, we also were going to relax some. We decided the night before to have a crepe breakfast in France as we had enjoyed it earlier this year for an afternoon snack.

We split a bottle of cider and decided on each having our own dessert crepe with sides of whipped cream.


Demi Sec Cider

I went with the banana crepe which had a ton of slices along with a nice caramel sauce. The whipped cream also cut some of the richness of the sauce and I had no problem cleaning off my plate.


Banana Dessert Crepe

My husband had the apple crepe and was equally pleased.


Pomme Dessert Crepe

Full, we headed towards the front of EPCOT to enjoy some more rides and go shopping.​
Le Creperie De Paris

By Thursday, we had reached the point of the trip where we had done all the headliners and while we still had rides to enjoy, we also were going to relax some. We decided the night before to have a crepe breakfast in France as we had enjoyed it earlier this year for an afternoon snack.

We split a bottle of cider and decided on each having our own dessert crepe with sides of whipped cream.


Demi Sec Cider

I went with the banana crepe which had a ton of slices along with a nice caramel sauce. The whipped cream also cut some of the richness of the sauce and I had no problem cleaning off my plate.


Banana Dessert Crepe

My husband had the apple crepe and was equally pleased.


Pomme Dessert Crepe

Full, we headed towards the front of EPCOT to enjoy some more rides and go shopping.​
Gotta love some booze with breakfast. I like how you guys roll! The crepes also look delicious 😋
I love your hubby’s Epcot shirt. The one with the flowers. Brings back OG Epcot vibes
That burger at A&C is SO good. It's a really underrated restaurant, in my opinion. Breakfast is great there too. I was pleasantly surprised by Le Creperie. It's a good option and usually seems to have availability.
Gotta love some booze with breakfast. I like how you guys roll! The crepes also look delicious 😋

You know we love our booze! The crepes were so good. Its the perfect way to start the day when you know you won't have a huge lunch!

I love your hubby’s Epcot shirt. The one with the flowers. Brings back OG Epcot vibes

Thanks! I love the Orange Bird shirt too - I made him wear it at Rhodesian Nationals for the Annual meeting to bring a smile to my friends and my face.1

That burger at A&C is SO good. It's a really underrated restaurant, in my opinion. Breakfast is great there too. I was pleasantly surprised by Le Creperie. It's a good option and usually seems to have availability.

It was! My husband was such a fan of that burger. We've done breakfast there before but we really skipped them this trip. I'll have to fix that next time!
Beaches & Cream

We spent the morning at Hollywood Studios and decided to take it easy for lunch as we knew we would have a large dinner that evening. I did a walk-up reservation through the My Disney Experience App for Beaches and Cream since it had been a while since we had enjoyed there. This meant we would be seated at the counter rather than a table but that wasn’t an issue for us. (Some other couple checking in through a fit over it apparently)

As we were waiting, we saw a couple in wedding clothing checking in and turns out it was there 25th anniversary and they got the Kitchen Sink to celebrate.


Wedding People Checking In

For my drink, I decided to get a vanilla ice cream soda and I was quickly reminded that paper straws and ice cream suck. But other than fighting that battle, I enjoyed it as it wasn’t too heavy thanks to having soda water instead of a soda.


Vanilla Ice Cream Soda

My husband had a root beer float which made him happy!


Root Beer Float

For his meal, he went with the chicken sandwich as he wasn’t in the mood for a burger. I asked him if he was feeling ok but he assured me he was. He enjoyed this as the chicken wasn’t super dry and the fries were fresh.


Chicken Bacon Ranch Sandwich

I went with the grilled cheese and was able to substitute the tomato soup for fries which made me happy. This was only ok but it did its job of filling me up just enough that I wouldn’t be stuffed before the gluttony of the evening.


Grilled Cheese Sandwich w/ Fries

Back at the room, I did some laundry and started some light packing as we only had 1 full day left of our trip and we had the time to address it.​
Victoria & Albert’s

As we got ready to head to the Grand Floridian, it started pouring as well, its Florida in September. Of course, it’s the day we’re wearing nice clothes out. Luckily, I got to use my rain jacket for the first time all trip. It lightened up as we got to the hotel and we could make it in with just an umbrella. (Valet is included with dinner at Victoria & Albert’s but we sucked and had no cash for tips so we didn’t want to be those people)


Rainy Wear

Once we headed to the second floor, the doors opened to Victoria & Albert’s and we were greeted with the Jasmine Aperitif cocktail and lead to our table in the Queen Victoria Room. We were the second table to be sat this evening so it was rather quiet throughout the restaurant. Once we were sat, we were presented the menu along with the iPad for the wine list. Originally, my husband and I planned on ordering a bottle of wine rather than doing the wine pairing but as um, the bottles of wine we were interested in were significantly higher than the cost of two wine pairings we decided to get the wine pairing.




Jasmine Aperitif

The meal started with three small bites. My favorite of which was the pink pineapple as it was the right balance of sweet and spice. The iberico éclair was a nice bite but not something I need to have again. I loved the langoustine tartelette as well.


Pink Pineapple, Thai Basil, Spiced Mango


Langoustine Tartelette, Watermelon, Finger Limes


Cinco Jotas Iberico, Miso Caramel, “Éclair”

The next course was the cauliflower panna cotta topped with a nice rich caviar. If I could always have cauliflower served like this, I wouldn’t have a problem eating it ever. It was just right size so that it didn’t feel like too much.


Royal Belgian Caviar, Cauliflower Panna Cotta

The first of the three fish courses started with a wonderful light carrot broth and thinly sliced Hiromasa. The sweetness of the fish played off the carrot flavors well.


Danish Hiromasa, Carrot, Okinawan Potatoes

The next fish course is something I find as a classic V&A protein. The wild turbot is something they’ve always excelled at.


Wild Turbot, Fennel, Baby Leeks

The final fish course was a nice meaty toothfish. It melted in your mouth and held up well to the sambal sauce provided.


Glacier 51 Toothfish, Charred Mushroom, Sambal

The first of the meat courses was probably my favorite course of the night (well besides the beef course)

Even my husband, who isn’t the biggest fan of duck cleaned off his plate.


Rohan Duck, Black Mission Figs, Balsamico

The mustard and blueberries made this lamb dish. Those two flavors worked really well for the meat.


Lamb, Pickled Blueberries, Violet Mustard

The star of the meal is the perfectly prepared Miyazaki A-5. The meat is so flavorful and tender and cooked just enough so that all the flavor comes through. It truly doesn’t need the potatoes or sauce but they paired well together.


Miyazaki A-5, Potato Rusti, Romesco

The cheese was a simple French cream that wasn’t brie but was similar. My husband wasn’t a fan so I stole the rest of his. The honeycomb was excellent with a bite of the cheese as well.


Preparation of Cheese

The honey elderflower ice cream was so light. It was a nice way to start the multiple dessert courses and cleanse the palate from the meal.


Honey Elderflower Ice Cream

We then were presented with a simple chocolate cookie. We enjoyed it but it was rather unremarkable all things considered.


Warm Chocolate Cookie

The main dessert was the chocolate sphere that had multiple chocolates throughout. I remember liking it but it was a ton of food and wine at this point in the evening.


Spectrum of Chocolate

To finish it off the evening, we had 4 small tasty bites that we enjoyed.


Pistachio Petit Four
Praline Truffle
Tropical Caramel

After a lot of food and wine, I was feeling silly and there was a plate of chocolate shavings in front of me.


Can’t Take Me In Public

Can you tell my husband forgot to pack his tie and we had to buy one at the parks?

We can clean up well.


Dis_Yoda & Mr. Dis_Yoda

Overall, the meal was excellent and we are so happy that V&A is back. Is it an every year meal? No. Will we go back every few? Yes. The service is impeccable and the food amazing. It has the price tag to go along with that (it was just under $1500 for the two of us). It’s the price tag that holds me back some. When we did Europe in 2017 & 2019, we had amazing Michelin star meals for less – including the Chef’s Table at Gordon Ramsey’s. We're returning to Italy next year so we know we'll have some good meals then!​
California Grill

This evening we headed back to the Contemporary to eat at California Grill.

Our dessert pairing

For dessert, I enjoyed the crème brulee as a light way to end the meal.


Grand Marnier Crème Brulee

My husband went wit the five magical bites more so to get the Veuve Champagne as he was like why would they pair rose regale with the chocolate torte that he actually wanted and then have better choices for all the other desserts? So, he decided champagne and small bites was better than cheap wine and we had enjoyed chocolate cake literally the day before.


Five Magical Bites

Overall, we enjoyed the meal but I’m not the biggest fan of set menu. California Grill is a place I sometimes really used to enjoy ordering multiple appetizers for and honestly, I probably would have skipped dessert if it wasn’t a required course. It just felt very mechanical in service but still a nice meal at the same time.​
While I usually don't prefer sweet wines, I do like Rosa Regale; it's not syrupy sweet. I wouldn't consider it 'cheap', and it probably was a good pairing with the chocolate dessert. Too bad he didn't try it!
Victoria & Albert’s

As we got ready to head to the Grand Floridian, it started pouring as well, its Florida in September. Of course, it’s the day we’re wearing nice clothes out. Luckily, I got to use my rain jacket for the first time all trip. It lightened up as we got to the hotel and we could make it in with just an umbrella. (Valet is included with dinner at Victoria & Albert’s but we sucked and had no cash for tips so we didn’t want to be those people)


Rainy Wear

Once we headed to the second floor, the doors opened to Victoria & Albert’s and we were greeted with the Jasmine Aperitif cocktail and lead to our table in the Queen Victoria Room. We were the second table to be sat this evening so it was rather quiet throughout the restaurant. Once we were sat, we were presented the menu along with the iPad for the wine list. Originally, my husband and I planned on ordering a bottle of wine rather than doing the wine pairing but as um, the bottles of wine we were interested in were significantly higher than the cost of two wine pairings we decided to get the wine pairing.




Jasmine Aperitif

The meal started with three small bites. My favorite of which was the pink pineapple as it was the right balance of sweet and spice. The iberico éclair was a nice bite but not something I need to have again. I loved the langoustine tartelette as well.


Pink Pineapple, Thai Basil, Spiced Mango


Langoustine Tartelette, Watermelon, Finger Limes


Cinco Jotas Iberico, Miso Caramel, “Éclair”

The next course was the cauliflower panna cotta topped with a nice rich caviar. If I could always have cauliflower served like this, I wouldn’t have a problem eating it ever. It was just right size so that it didn’t feel like too much.


Royal Belgian Caviar, Cauliflower Panna Cotta

The first of the three fish courses started with a wonderful light carrot broth and thinly sliced Hiromasa. The sweetness of the fish played off the carrot flavors well.


Danish Hiromasa, Carrot, Okinawan Potatoes

The next fish course is something I find as a classic V&A protein. The wild turbot is something they’ve always excelled at.


Wild Turbot, Fennel, Baby Leeks

The final fish course was a nice meaty toothfish. It melted in your mouth and held up well to the sambal sauce provided.


Glacier 51 Toothfish, Charred Mushroom, Sambal

The first of the meat courses was probably my favorite course of the night (well besides the beef course)

Even my husband, who isn’t the biggest fan of duck cleaned off his plate.


Rohan Duck, Black Mission Figs, Balsamico

The mustard and blueberries made this lamb dish. Those two flavors worked really well for the meat.


Lamb, Pickled Blueberries, Violet Mustard

The star of the meal is the perfectly prepared Miyazaki A-5. The meat is so flavorful and tender and cooked just enough so that all the flavor comes through. It truly doesn’t need the potatoes or sauce but they paired well together.


Miyazaki A-5, Potato Rusti, Romesco

The cheese was a simple French cream that wasn’t brie but was similar. My husband wasn’t a fan so I stole the rest of his. The honeycomb was excellent with a bite of the cheese as well.


Preparation of Cheese

The honey elderflower ice cream was so light. It was a nice way to start the multiple dessert courses and cleanse the palate from the meal.


Honey Elderflower Ice Cream

We then were presented with a simple chocolate cookie. We enjoyed it but it was rather unremarkable all things considered.


Warm Chocolate Cookie

The main dessert was the chocolate sphere that had multiple chocolates throughout. I remember liking it but it was a ton of food and wine at this point in the evening.


Spectrum of Chocolate

To finish it off the evening, we had 4 small tasty bites that we enjoyed.


Pistachio Petit Four
Praline Truffle
Tropical Caramel

After a lot of food and wine, I was feeling silly and there was a plate of chocolate shavings in front of me.


Can’t Take Me In Public

Can you tell my husband forgot to pack his tie and we had to buy one at the parks?

We can clean up well.


Dis_Yoda & Mr. Dis_Yoda

Overall, the meal was excellent and we are so happy that V&A is back. Is it an every year meal? No. Will we go back every few? Yes. The service is impeccable and the food amazing. It has the price tag to go along with that (it was just under $1500 for the two of us). It’s the price tag that holds me back some. When we did Europe in 2017 & 2019, we had amazing Michelin star meals for less – including the Chef’s Table at Gordon Ramsey’s. We're returning to Italy next year so we know we'll have some good meals then!​
I've been trying to convince myself to do V&A's for years. I think this did it for me. It will probably be a one and done for us though.
Victoria & Albert’s

As we got ready to head to the Grand Floridian, it started pouring as well, its Florida in September. Of course, it’s the day we’re wearing nice clothes out. Luckily, I got to use my rain jacket for the first time all trip. It lightened up as we got to the hotel and we could make it in with just an umbrella. (Valet is included with dinner at Victoria & Albert’s but we sucked and had no cash for tips so we didn’t want to be those people)


Rainy Wear

Once we headed to the second floor, the doors opened to Victoria & Albert’s and we were greeted with the Jasmine Aperitif cocktail and lead to our table in the Queen Victoria Room. We were the second table to be sat this evening so it was rather quiet throughout the restaurant. Once we were sat, we were presented the menu along with the iPad for the wine list. Originally, my husband and I planned on ordering a bottle of wine rather than doing the wine pairing but as um, the bottles of wine we were interested in were significantly higher than the cost of two wine pairings we decided to get the wine pairing.




Jasmine Aperitif

The meal started with three small bites. My favorite of which was the pink pineapple as it was the right balance of sweet and spice. The iberico éclair was a nice bite but not something I need to have again. I loved the langoustine tartelette as well.


Pink Pineapple, Thai Basil, Spiced Mango


Langoustine Tartelette, Watermelon, Finger Limes


Cinco Jotas Iberico, Miso Caramel, “Éclair”

The next course was the cauliflower panna cotta topped with a nice rich caviar. If I could always have cauliflower served like this, I wouldn’t have a problem eating it ever. It was just right size so that it didn’t feel like too much.


Royal Belgian Caviar, Cauliflower Panna Cotta

The first of the three fish courses started with a wonderful light carrot broth and thinly sliced Hiromasa. The sweetness of the fish played off the carrot flavors well.


Danish Hiromasa, Carrot, Okinawan Potatoes

The next fish course is something I find as a classic V&A protein. The wild turbot is something they’ve always excelled at.


Wild Turbot, Fennel, Baby Leeks

The final fish course was a nice meaty toothfish. It melted in your mouth and held up well to the sambal sauce provided.


Glacier 51 Toothfish, Charred Mushroom, Sambal

The first of the meat courses was probably my favorite course of the night (well besides the beef course)

Even my husband, who isn’t the biggest fan of duck cleaned off his plate.


Rohan Duck, Black Mission Figs, Balsamico

The mustard and blueberries made this lamb dish. Those two flavors worked really well for the meat.


Lamb, Pickled Blueberries, Violet Mustard

The star of the meal is the perfectly prepared Miyazaki A-5. The meat is so flavorful and tender and cooked just enough so that all the flavor comes through. It truly doesn’t need the potatoes or sauce but they paired well together.


Miyazaki A-5, Potato Rusti, Romesco

The cheese was a simple French cream that wasn’t brie but was similar. My husband wasn’t a fan so I stole the rest of his. The honeycomb was excellent with a bite of the cheese as well.


Preparation of Cheese

The honey elderflower ice cream was so light. It was a nice way to start the multiple dessert courses and cleanse the palate from the meal.


Honey Elderflower Ice Cream

We then were presented with a simple chocolate cookie. We enjoyed it but it was rather unremarkable all things considered.


Warm Chocolate Cookie

The main dessert was the chocolate sphere that had multiple chocolates throughout. I remember liking it but it was a ton of food and wine at this point in the evening.


Spectrum of Chocolate

To finish it off the evening, we had 4 small tasty bites that we enjoyed.


Pistachio Petit Four
Praline Truffle
Tropical Caramel

After a lot of food and wine, I was feeling silly and there was a plate of chocolate shavings in front of me.


Can’t Take Me In Public

Can you tell my husband forgot to pack his tie and we had to buy one at the parks?

We can clean up well.


Dis_Yoda & Mr. Dis_Yoda

Overall, the meal was excellent and we are so happy that V&A is back. Is it an every year meal? No. Will we go back every few? Yes. The service is impeccable and the food amazing. It has the price tag to go along with that (it was just under $1500 for the two of us). It’s the price tag that holds me back some. When we did Europe in 2017 & 2019, we had amazing Michelin star meals for less – including the Chef’s Table at Gordon Ramsey’s. We're returning to Italy next year so we know we'll have some good meals then!​
Thanks for sharing this! It was so fun to read. Glad you enjoyed it again!

Were you happy with the wine pairing? Was it limited to 1 serving per wine or would they give refills? When I did it in Feb 2020, there were no refills, but I had previously heard refills were given.
Enjoyed your report, thanks for sharing.

Thank you for reading along!

Wow, your meal at V&A looks phenomenal! What a special treat 😊

It was amazing. Definitely a treat but if the pandemic has taught us anything - splurge when you can!

While I usually don't prefer sweet wines, I do like Rosa Regale; it's not syrupy sweet. I wouldn't consider it 'cheap', and it probably was a good pairing with the chocolate dessert. Too bad he didn't try it!

When you compare the bottle price points to the other pairings, it is cheap. Rosa Regale can be purchased for $15 to $20 while the Veuve (Brut or Rose), Fonseca Porto or the Royal Tokaji are from $50 to $65 a bottle. Yes, I realize the pairing overall is just $39 per person which is a good deal and they had some nice selections overall for the pairings. We've had Rosa Regale before along with other similar wines (my husband manages a liquor store so we get a decent amount free a year to try of various varieties)

I've been trying to convince myself to do V&A's for years. I think this did it for me. It will probably be a one and done for us though.

You will love it! The menu changes some with the seasons or based on the availability of ingredients so its always a nice surprise to see what changes from the reviews.

Thanks for sharing this! It was so fun to read. Glad you enjoyed it again!

Were you happy with the wine pairing? Was it limited to 1 serving per wine or would they give refills? When I did it in Feb 2020, there were no refills, but I had previously heard refills were given.

We were happy with the wine pairing. It was limited to 1 serving per wine but as there are 8 wines to enjoy with the Queen Victoria Room menu, it was more than enough for the meal. I think its only 6 wines for main dining room with the regular menu.
Wow, wow, WOW. V&A just looks and sounds incredible. And you two look terrific! I'd love to do it again sometime but, as you say, it's truly a special occasion / one in a while kind of thing. And I'd certainly want to be staying on property to indulge in the wine pairing. :rolleyes: What did you think of the new decor? Any other discernible changes (other than a new menu and, of course, price) vs. pre-pandemic?

Agree with you on Beaches 'n Cream. It's solid, I like it, and I'm certain I'll eat there again but don't quite get the mythic status it has. Perhaps the status is b/c it's so small (still) that reservations are tough to get.
Wow, wow, WOW. V&A just looks and sounds incredible. And you two look terrific! I'd love to do it again sometime but, as you say, it's truly a special occasion / one in a while kind of thing. And I'd certainly want to be staying on property to indulge in the wine pairing. :rolleyes: What did you think of the new decor? Any other discernible changes (other than a new menu and, of course, price) vs. pre-pandemic?

Agree with you on Beaches 'n Cream. It's solid, I like it, and I'm certain I'll eat there again but don't quite get the mythic status it has. Perhaps the status is b/c it's so small (still) that reservations are tough to get.

It was incredible! I know we will go back although it will be a few years. I'm glad Monsieur Paul has now reopened, and I believe Takumi-Tei should be opened by the next time we go too which makes me so happy!

The new decor is a lot brighter and I'm not sure I like it in comparison but I know that it seems overall Grand Floridian has gotten a lot brighter in general with decor, so it aligns with that. I just have a darker style in general. The biggest changes is really the price and the menu. I know with a new chef at the helm, it probably will continue to evolve especially with Michelin now rating places in the area.
Cosmic Rays

We spent the morning at Magic Kingdom finishing up some rides we hadn’t done yet this trip. Eventually, we were ready for lunch but not too much of a lunch. We decided on Cosmic Rays as it was the nearest to where we were at. My husband had the chicken strips while I had a hot dog. Not amazing but it was enough food to satisfy us until dinner. There was no singing Ray so it was a quiet enough location.


All-Beef Foot-long Hot Dog
Chicken Strips
Tokyo Dining

For our final meal of the trip, we wanted a lighter option after having had a heavy meal the night before. We had originally planned on Space 220 but we switched it out during the week as the thought of a forced three course meal was too much.

To start we each picked a small appetizer. My husband loves edamame and where else to get it but Tokyo Dining? I got the Wagyu Wrap. When I ordered it, the waitress was like I want to let you know this is very small. I’m guessing there were complaints before from customers. Was it a small bite? Yes, but that was perfect for wonderful wagyu without killing the wallet.


Wagyu Wrap



My husband got the Kirin Shandy with Orange Juice that he was able to squeeze and add himself. This is such a nice refreshing way to enjoy Kirin.


Kirin Beer w/ Juice

I had some sake cocktail that was refreshing as well.



For my main, I went with a spicy sushi roll. It was exactly what I wanted with just enough kick.


Spicy Crunchy Roll

My husband went with the grilled chicken that he’s always gotten at Tokyo Dining. It was well seasoned and filled him as well.


Grilled Chicken Breast Yakimono

Was this the most exciting meal to end our Disney trip? No; however, Tokyo Dining is great for being consistent with quality basic Japanese cuisine that isn’t too overpriced (when you considered Theme Park prices)​
Looks like a great end to your trip. Thank you for posting your review, I enjoyed it as always 😀


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