Parents of children with Autism- Have you ever tried AGAPE supplement??


Jan 21, 2009
My 7 year old son has Autism and SPD. Recently he has started to refuse any and all vitamins. This includes all the chewables, the gummy types, and powders that you mix into food or drinks, (HE can taste it, even if I can't). He also won't even drink Pediasure, because he thinks it's yucky.
I am at my wits end, and frankly about to pull my hair out. I know it is very important for him to get his supplements. And as a mother, I have been worrying myself silly trying to come up with a really good alternative. Given his diagnosis and plus the fact that he's small for his age, we have to find something.
I have searched and read about countless supplements, and I ran across this site for AGAPE supplements. It seems like it has a lot more things in it than a regular multivitamin, and is geared especially for those with Autism.

It is a liquid which I think he may take, he usually doesn't fight when I have to give him liquid medications. But it's $100 a bottle. That's a lot for vitamins, but if it does all it claims it can, it would be well worth it. However, I'm always leery of "If it sounds too good....."
Before spending that kind of money, I would like to hear from someone who has actually used it, and hear their opinion. Did it help your child?? If so how long before you could tell that it was helping??
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :flower3:
My DD15 has Autism and when she was 7 to 9 she went through a lot of different supplements and vitamins. Like your son she could taste them, as a parent of an Autistic child I am sure you are aware that their sense of taste, along with their other sensory functions can become hyper sensitive at any time. Just keep trying but do not go overboard with expensive over the counter drugs. Talk to your doctor there are many prescription supplements and medications that may really help your son. Our daughter was put on a new medicine in middle school because the others were just not strong enough to cope with the hormones and the demands of school. Now she is in 10th grade, plays in the concert band, does well academically and joy of joy she has one really close friend. I beg you talk to your sons primary care, and his psychologist. They are always updated the medical field about Autistic treatments. As you know it is heart breaking as a parent to watch an Autistic child suffer in pain when the senses are overloaded, any new treatments are always worth considering. This is what is great about WDW, Autistic kids are treated with respect, as all children should be. Good luck.
Thank you for your reply! :)

He is on medication to help him focus in school, and in his therapies, but he's needing something to help with his nutrition as well. I thought if I could kill two birds with one stone here and get his nutrition supplements as well as something to help with some of his issues, all in the same bottle, it would be awesome.
I don't like giving him meds, and the least amount I have to give him, the better.

If I don't hear from anyone about this stuff, I guess I will wait and ask his doctor, but he's not supposed to go back for another 2 months, and I really wanted to start him on something ASAP. It's been over a month already since I have gotten him to take any kind of vitamins.

EDITED TO INCLUDE: This didn't sound as clear as I would like, once posting. I know this will not take the place of the medication he is already on, I just want a little boost to help him out, but don't want to add a bunch more meds. and pills for him to have to take.
Thank you for your reply! :)

He is on medication to help him focus in school, and in his therapies, but he's needing something to help with his nutrition as well. I thought if I could kill two birds with one stone here and get his nutrition supplements as well as something to help with some of his issues, all in the same bottle, it would be awesome.
I don't like giving him meds, and the least amount I have to give him, the better.

If I don't hear from anyone about this stuff, I guess I will wait and ask his doctor, but he's not supposed to go back for another 2 months, and I really wanted to start him on something ASAP. It's been over a month already since I have gotten him to take any kind of vitamins.

EDITED TO INCLUDE: This didn't sound as clear as I would like, once posting. I know this will not take the place of the medication he is already on, I just want a little boost to help him out, but don't want to add a bunch more meds. and pills for him to have to take.

Just making sure I'm are wanting to supplement only vitamins not protein, correct? If this is the case you could purchase a juicing machine. This is what we had to do for my DS6. He loves his spinach fruit punch :) The juicer was rather expensive, about $100, but he drinks it everyday. He LOVES it. With it being fresh juice their are many more vitamins and minerals vs store bought.
Have you tried the line of Naked brand smoothies? My very picky autistic son drinks the Green Machine daily, because he won't eat ANY veggies. It is loaded with vitamins. There are so many different varieties that you can find the ones that you feel contain the best nutrients based on your child's needs. What I love about these is that they are 100% natural, no sugar added, and all the vitamins are from naturally occurring sources. Plus, they taste great! Not cheap, but worth it IMO.

I would never spend $100 on one
bottle of any "supplement." Can you say Snake Oil?

My son's doctors are big fans of the Naked smoothie habit my son has.

I also make smoothies with frozen fruit and Greek yogurt for my son who doesn't eat much protein. He only really likes eggs, not meat or beans.
Have you tried the line of Naked brand smoothies? My very picky autistic son drinks the Green Machine daily, because he won't eat ANY veggies. It is loaded with vitamins. There are so many different varieties that you can find the ones that you feel contain the best nutrients based on your child's needs. What I love about these is that they are 100% natural, no sugar added, and all the vitamins are from naturally occurring sources. Plus, they taste great! Not cheap, but worth it IMO.

I would never spend $100 on one
bottle of any "supplement." Can you say Snake Oil?

My son's doctors are big fans of the Naked smoothie habit my son has.

I also make smoothies with frozen fruit and Greek yogurt for my son who doesn't eat much protein. He only really likes eggs, not meat or beans.

The 100 was for the juicer itself. We make the juice with our own fresh fruits and veggies. We tried the naked juice but the thick texture of it is something he doesn't like. My husband and I love them. I like red machine best. Do you have a Sams club near you? Ours has really big bottles of the Naked juice for a great price!
FrugalFashionista said:
The 100 was for the juicer itself. We make the juice with our own fresh fruits and veggies. We tried the naked juice but the thick texture of it is something he doesn't like. My husband and I love them. I like red machine best. Do you have a Sams club near you? Ours has really big bottles of the Naked juice for a great price!

I thought you said the Agape supplement was $100/bottle. That is what I was talking about. I wouldn't buy that.

Have you tried adding ice to the Naked smoothie and blending it? Makes it like an icee.
My local pharmacies (Walgreens & Rite Aid) both carry at least one type of liquid vitamins for kids. I'm not talking like pediasure, but actual vitamins. I can't speak to the texture since I don't have kids and don't need liquid vitamins for myself, but they look like other liquid medications. Have you tried those? Even if they don't have everything he needs, some is better than none.

If you haven't and go to look for them, they're generally on one of the bottom shelves so could be hard to find. I only noticed them because I'd seen this thread. If you're really having trouble, it's definitely easy to find them online for substantially less than the AGAPE supplement.
My local pharmacies (Walgreens & Rite Aid) both carry at least one type of liquid vitamins for kids. I'm not talking like pediasure, but actual vitamins. I can't speak to the texture since I don't have kids and don't need liquid vitamins for myself, but they look like other liquid medications. Have you tried those? Even if they don't have everything he needs, some is better than none.

If you haven't and go to look for them, they're generally on one of the bottom shelves so could be hard to find. I only noticed them because I'd seen this thread. If you're really having trouble, it's definitely easy to find them online for substantially less than the AGAPE supplement.

Liquid vitamins (like the ones you give to infants) are NASTY. *shudders* The iron in them just make them taste horrible. We were supplementing o son with pedisure, but then went to the Nestle instant breakfast stuff that you add to mil cuz it is pretty much the same exact thing. Our son is extremely underweight, so we are trying to get in extra calories where ever we can.
Thanks everyone for all the information! :goodvibes

Have you tried the line of Naked brand smoothies? My very picky autistic son drinks the Green Machine daily, because he won't eat ANY veggies. It is loaded with vitamins. There are so many different varieties that you can find the ones that you feel contain the best nutrients based on your child's needs. What I love about these is that they are 100% natural, no sugar added, and all the vitamins are from naturally occurring sources. Plus, they taste great! Not cheap, but worth it IMO.

I will definitely give this a try, thanks :thumbsup2

I thought you said the Agape supplement was $100/bottle. That is what I was talking about. I wouldn't buy that.

Yes it is, $100 a bottle. I REALLY don't want to have to spend that, but Momma's getting desperate here. Hopefully we can find something soon that he will take regularly without a fight. :worried:

My local pharmacies (Walgreens & Rite Aid) both carry at least one type of liquid vitamins for kids. I'm not talking like pediasure, but actual vitamins. I can't speak to the texture since I don't have kids and don't need liquid vitamins for myself, but they look like other liquid medications. Have you tried those? Even if they don't have everything he needs, some is better than none.

If you haven't and go to look for them, they're generally on one of the bottom shelves so could be hard to find. I only noticed them because I'd seen this thread. If you're really having trouble, it's definitely easy to find them online for substantially less than the AGAPE supplement.

Thanks, but the only thing I can find locally is the type that you give infants, and I know why it's only for infants. If they could fight back you'd never get them down their throat. That is the most vile stuff on the planet. I tasted it once and the taste reminded me of how iodine smells. :crazy2:

Thanks again everyone, but I'm still on the hunt, we've tried a few more things. Gotta go and try to find Naked Smoothies, and we're going to the Dr. in a few weeks, hopefully she's got something for me if the smoothies don't work out. :confused3
I find Naked smoothies everywhere. They are most often with the refrigerated produce. NOT with the other juices like OJ.

Target, Wal-Mart, Costco, and most supermarkets have them.

The ones that are fortified have the word "machine" in the name. Green Machine, Red Machine, Blue Machine Protein Machine, etc. Look at the side of the bottle and it will show you what's inside.

The good thing about them is that they come in sizes as small as 16oz and up to 64oz, so you can buy the smaller ones to try a bunch and see what you like best. I boost most of the smoothies with a couple spoons of plain Greek yogurt and blend it with an immersion blender. Makes it a very healthy drink and cuts some of the sweetness. Most flavors are very sweet, which your child will probably love. And, the texture is TOTALLY smooth.
I find Naked smoothies everywhere. They are most often with the refrigerated produce. NOT with the other juices like OJ.

Target, Wal-Mart, Costco, and most supermarkets have them.

The ones that are fortified have the word "machine" in the name. Green Machine, Red Machine, Blue Machine Protein Machine, etc. Look at the side of the bottle and it will show you what's inside.

The good thing about them is that they come in sizes as small as 16oz and up to 64oz, so you can buy the smaller ones to try a bunch and see what you like best. I boost most of the smoothies with a couple spoons of plain Greek yogurt and blend it with an immersion blender. Makes it a very healthy drink and cuts some of the sweetness. Most flavors are very sweet, which your child will probably love. And, the texture is TOTALLY smooth.

Thank you! :)
Hi, I've been using Agape as part of the supplement regiment suggested by our autism naturopathic doctor for the past 5 months. I am still buying it faithfully. For us, it is actually cheaper and easier than trying to buy all the vitamins Agape contains. Our supplement plan was based on my son's organic acid test results interpreted by the N.D. Since we've started the supplements, my son's teachers and my husband and I have noticed a marked decrease in my son's anxiety levels. Also, my son's engagement levels with others have markedly increased. My son is currently 11 years old, with a diagnosis of moderate ASD and mild-moderate ID. I give his diagnosis and current achievements to help other parents who might wonder if the supplements are working for him because of his level and type of disability. He also attends a Floortime/DIR school full-time and receives regular SLP and OT services. In addition, he goes to Martial Arts class once a week. We also do a Mendability program for him. I mention all these things because there is no way for me to know which of these things, supplements/Agape included, may be working to produce his progress. We just know there is definite progress. I would say there has been a marked increase in progress in terms of anxiety reduction since we started the supplements. My son has never taken any prescription medications for ASD symptoms.

If I were to purchase vitamins separately to replicate the Agape contents, it would cost about $20 more. To me, Agape makes sense. The bottle lasts us about 6 weeks, taken daily. The difference between Agape and other multivitamins is that the folate is in folinic acid form, which independent studies (not published by people affiliated with Agape), show is easier to digest. I don't know if that matters to my son, but we didn't see as much progress as we are seeing now since we switched multivitamins; so I will continue to buy Agape.

Oh, and my son takes it in a sippy-type container that we let him drink from to/from school during the car ride, with all his supplements blended in, topped up with a lot of Tropicana orange juice (the taste of all his supplements is intense; so I choose to hide it in this very sweet juice, as the possible harm from sweetened juice is far smaller than the great gain to be had from him being willing to ingest all the supplements). So far he is willing to do it almost daily!

Hope this info helps someone!
Thank You CSwife !
This thread is """ Has anyone tried Agape Supplement """
Not how and where to buy and make smoothies ? very confusing.
Snake oil ? Agape was formulated by A.S.U. and Several Dr.s treating Autism.
Our physician recommended it and I checked several boards for reviews and came upon CSwife and I am truly grateful :) Also Agape does not contain Iron.
Once again thank you CSwife after reading your post a year ago we purchased Agape and my grandson has amazing results..Its been a miracle product.
I just dont know why a specific thread """ Has anyone tried Agape Supplement """ Would turn into an infomercial for Naked Brand smoothies?

Thank You again for an honest post regarding this specific topic CSwife.
Last edited:
Thank You CSwife !
This thread is """ Has anyone tried Agape Supplement """
Not how and where to buy and make smoothies ? very confusing.
Snake oil ? Agape was formulated by A.S.U. and Several Dr.s treating Autism.
Our physician recommended it and I checked several boards for reviews and came upon CSwife and I am truly grateful :) Also Agape does not contain Iron.
Once again thank you CSwife after reading your post a year ago we purchased Agape and my grandson has amazing results..Its been a miracle product.
I just dont know why a specific thread """ Has anyone tried Agape Supplement """ Would turn into an infomercial for Naked Brand smoothies?

Thank You again for an honest post regarding this specific topic CSwife.

Wow, hit a nerve?


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