Packed & Moved..Disboutiquers Part 6 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes we sew

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Hi - Anyone have some help for a size girls 16 pair of easy fit pants???????

Thanks, Wendy

PS - LOVE all the outfits, the ones for Isabelle are really really special!!! Wonderful Job everyone!!!

You could just buy a pattern for pajama pants that are one piece. I have used some for Drew and if the pattern is tapered I just bring the line straight down from the crotch to make them wide/straight leg.
I can't remember the brand but they are on clearance right now at for $10 :banana: :banana: :banana: I just bought her another pair for next summer I love them so much! They have red, orange, white, and black too. Unfortunately some colors are sold out in Lily's size range. Jayden has some black ones that fit her.

I just looked at the website and was wondering what size shoes does Lily normally wear and what size do you buy in those?
I just looked at the website and was wondering what size shoes does Lily normally wear and what size do you buy in those?

I'd say those run pretty true to size, at least in our case. Lily wears a 6/7she is just outgrowing a size 6 and her toes are about to hang over the edge on those sandals. I bought 9's for next summer and just have to cross my fingers and hope they fit :confused3
Here are my latest creations. I :love: this fabric. My girls were not being very cooperative models and we were late for church, so this is the best I've got. :sad2:


Love the color combo! very pretty!

Did you get this fabric at JoAnn's as well? We are redoing my DS's room with a black/crimson/tan karate theme and that fabric would be perfect... he would flip to get this fabric:yay:

BTW... long time lurker/window shopper here :blush: No place to sew right now... but we're finishing our basement and I'll soon have my own space to sew and scrapbook :cloud9: Until then I just keep bookmarking, saving pics, jotting down ideas and stockpiling fabric :rolleyes1
Love the color combo! very pretty!


Did you get this fabric at JoAnn's as well? We are redoing my DS's room with a black/crimson/tan karate theme and that fabric would be perfect... he would flip to get this fabric:yay:

BTW... long time lurker/window shopper here :blush: No place to sew right now... but we're finishing our basement and I'll soon have my own space to sew and scrapbook :cloud9: Until then I just keep bookmarking, saving pics, jotting down ideas and stockpiling fabric :rolleyes1

Yes, it is from Joanns. It is also an Alexander Henry print. I think it is called Michi Kanji. He has a whole line of Asian inspired fabrics.
Yes, it is from Joanns. It is also an Alexander Henry print. I think it is called Michi Kanji. He has a whole line of Asian inspired fabrics.

Oh holy cow!!! I just did a search and that's just what we've been looking for! I want to go wake him up...oh, but it's nearly 1 AM! I know where I'm going tomorrow! :banana:

Thank you so much...from me and DS!
I finished the tee for Clay (MAW BG #2). I'll be making shorts to go with it in the next few days.
They are both great- Isn't Tie dye fun!! I really love mickey captain jack! You're really putting my Pirate BG outfit to shame.
Finally finished my scrapbook pages for Heather (MAW Big Give #1)....which is good since the shipping deadline is tomorrow!!! Did I mention my procrastination problem ;) :rotfl:

Here are the final two pages:

Those are really cute- I shipping tomorrow too!!
Here are my latest creations. I :love: this fabric. My girls were not being very cooperative models and we were late for church, so this is the best I've got. :sad2:

And here is the outfit I made for my nephew's baby. His wife and baby are in town (from out of state) so I made this for the baby. I am happy to report that my nephew's wife was so sweet and excited about the outfit and she said THANK YOU!!!! :yay: It made me happy. I guess he'll be getting more outfits!
So cute! All Three of them!!

Alright gotta go package my Big Give stuff! (and take pictures too)
Some use pillowcases.

Okay, here is the complete JoJo outfit. Now I just need to find a little 2 year old to model it!


Oh, and sew on the buttons! I hate sewing on buttons!
Jessica, that is so cute!!! Great job!

Mocha was a Himilayan, so he had tons of fur. He also liked to go outside and lay in the neighbors bushes. I guess it was cooler. He wasn't a lovey cat, but he would like to have you hold him on his terms. He came to me too late, he died while I was holding him and taking him the vet. He was being treated for fleas, but there were a few days that I hadn't held him. The fleas bite and make the cats anemic (yes, they lose blood) and takes the oxygen out of thier blood. In just the few days I hadn't held him, he went from 9lbs., to what felt like nothing. I was devasted!! And felt that it was my fault, and I still do. I should have caught on earlier. I learned my lesson. I have a Persian that I'm very protective of now.
I'm so sorry! :hug: I will keep a close eye on my kitty! I don't plan to let him outside, but they usually have a way of sneaking out anyway!

I finished the tee for Clay (MAW BG #2). I'll be making shorts to go with it in the next few days.

FABULOUS Lisa!!!!!

Finally finished my scrapbook pages for Heather (MAW Big Give #1)....which is good since the shipping deadline is tomorrow!!! Did I mention my procrastination problem ;) :rotfl:

Here are the final two pages:


Those look wonderful!!! You did a great job!

Hi - Anyone have some help for a size girls 16 pair of easy fit pants???????

Thanks, Wendy

PS - LOVE all the outfits, the ones for Isabelle are really really special!!! Wonderful Job everyone!!!
There is a tutorial in the bookmarks for making pajama pants for larger sizes. CamelotCats wrote it up.

Here are my latest creations. I :love: this fabric. My girls were not being very cooperative models and we were late for church, so this is the best I've got. :sad2:




And here is the outfit I made for my nephew's baby. His wife and baby are in town (from out of state) so I made this for the baby. I am happy to report that my nephew's wife was so sweet and excited about the outfit and she said THANK YOU!!!! :yay: It made me happy. I guess he'll be getting more outfits!

I love the girls' outfits!!! That fabric is so cute!!!! And, I too love Lily's shoes!!! And, those are really neat looking pictures you have on your wall, are those your parents?

The outfit for your nephew's baby is adorable!

Teresa - Hmm, longing for baby? If my math skills are correct this would be about the time you start longing for one each time! LOL!
:rotfl2: I was telling Brian the other day that this will be the first time I put a child into kindergarten without either being pregnant or having a baby at home! :sad1:
I updated my trip report!

And, it looks like I'll be moving this thread in the morning, so start packing your things now! :thumbsup2
Well here is the casual fairy princess so far:

I have make the "fluffy" skirt part and put a hook an eye in the vest part

And here is Logans Big Give outfit- It's not as fancy as I was hoping for but I hope he likes it.

And a little something else for the Big Give #1

And here is the pirate ship, it is coming along nicely a little more paint and it'll be ready for all the little pirates and princesses coming on saturday!
Hi Everyone,

We just got back from Camp Promise~~ It was wonderful and I will share pictures later if you wish!!

thanks, Wendy:goodvibes

Welcome back! I can't wait to see the pictures.

I finished the tee for Clay (MAW BG #2). I'll be making shorts to go with it in the next few days.


Since the subject of tie-dye tees came up recently, I thought I'd share a tee Zoe and I did together. Last weekend we tie-dyed a bunch of tees for fun. I have no idea what I'll do with many of them since they aren't Zoe's size. Once they were all rinsed, washed and dried, I decided to add appliqué to one that is her size. I just wish the colors of the tees came out brighter plus all the tees kind of look the same since we used all colors on all the tees. It's fun to do so I may get some higher quality dyes to play with. I will say this is definitely an outside activity when Zoe is helping. LOL


OMG I love Mickey with the mustache! :rotfl:
The Tye dye came out so cute. Nikki's teacher last yr made tie dye tshirts for the class (well the kids helped.) This way for class trips all the kids had the same color. She said she remembered one of her teachers doing that when she was a kid and she loved it. I loved her teacher! I helped her and it is DEF an outside project with junk clothes. The teacher laughed at me because I wouldn't hold the shirts under with my hands even though I had gloves on I used big sticks so I didn't get it every where. :lmao: I am one of those boring moms that hates when things are messy.:confused3

She's doing really good! She's afraid that they have her on too high of a dose of diuretics, but she's going to talk to the doctor about it tomorrow.

I am so glad to hear that! Hopefully the dr can adjust her meds.
Thank you all! I realized when I packaged them up that I actually put "make a wish" on top of top of two pages...oh well! Also I don't really journal when I scrapbook so I forget that other people do. The blue Mickey is a hidden journal, you open it up. I guess if she likes to journal on her pages, she'll have to do them on the pages she makes. OOPS!!!

Thanks again!
I forgot to comment earlier the pages came out so cute.
Hi - Anyone have some help for a size girls 16 pair of easy fit pants???????

Thanks, Wendy

PS - LOVE all the outfits, the ones for Isabelle are really really special!!! Wonderful Job everyone!!!
I am not really proficient at the sewing or enlarging BUT after I enlarged a shirt for my best friends son and I almost finished it I realized it was so big it will almost fit me! So I tried it on and it pretty much did!:confused3 :scared1: So I just finished it and figured he can grow into it. It is supposed to be a boys size 10! I figured my girlfriend did say she likes the boys shirts big...:lmao:

So I would probably go to Walmart and check out the clearance section and try to grab a pair of pants/shorts that size unless one of the fabric stores is having a sake on patterns.

Here are my latest creations. I :love: this fabric. My girls were not being very cooperative models and we were late for church, so this is the best I've got. :sad2:




And here is the outfit I made for my nephew's baby. His wife and baby are in town (from out of state) so I made this for the baby. I am happy to report that my nephew's wife was so sweet and excited about the outfit and she said THANK YOU!!!! :yay: It made me happy. I guess he'll be getting more outfits!


The dress and skirt are so cute I love that apple fabric. I ave seen it at Joanns and everyt ime I try to convince Nik to let me make something for her with it ut she just scrunches her little nose ou.. UGH! Brat! :confused3 If I could figure out what I could make for me with it I would get it for me.

The outfit for your great nephew is so cute. I am glad the parents said thank you. I am very tempted to make a baby outfit for my new soon to be nephew but the problem is his parents ( my step brother and his wife) and so ungrateful and self centered and I hate how they treat their dad. So even though my mom thinks I should even make a blanket it just irks me how bad they treat my step dad whom I adore I just can't bring myself to do it. Not that my stuff is any good BUT when I have made a few things for my niece and my best friends kids I make it because I love them and it is made out of love but my heart just isn't into this one. Isn't that bad?

Any way it is so cute!
Well here is the casual fairy princess so far:

I have make the "fluffy" skirt part and put a hook an eye in the vest part

And here is Logans Big Give outfit- It's not as fancy as I was hoping for but I hope he likes it.

And a little something else for the Big Give #1

And here is the pirate ship, it is coming along nicely a little more paint and it'll be ready for all the little pirates and princesses coming on saturday!
That fairy dress is so cute! I need to go get that fabric! Every time I see it I love it more and more!
The ship looks great too! How fun is that going to be!!!!!!!
Well here is the casual fairy princess so far:

I have make the "fluffy" skirt part and put a hook an eye in the vest part

And here is Logans Big Give outfit- It's not as fancy as I was hoping for but I hope he likes it.

And a little something else for the Big Give #1

And here is the pirate ship, it is coming along nicely a little more paint and it'll be ready for all the little pirates and princesses coming on saturday!

WOW! I want to come play on that pirate ship.

Love the "casual" tink outfit.
Someone mentioned being able to sew and watch kiddos too so I took some pics of my updated play/sewing room! We found the large cabinet a month ago...someone was just throwing it out! DH got it for me for storage and for the laptop and tv! Its just perfect. DH also got me a large folding table which is great because I can cut fabric at one end and sew at the other. See all those colorful folders sitting behind the sewing machine??? They are all Carla C's sewing "books" printed out. I can also scrapbooking and do other crafts on the table! Very cheap but functional! :banana: :banana: :banana:


Not bad considering I had nothing a year ago! Enjoy your week and see you all soon! :cheer2:

That was me that asked. I see the problem now, you are much NEATER than I am!! My craft/sewing space is COVERED with stuff. Dangerous stuff my kids (2 and 4) should never touch. Well, maybe if I could get better organized and put stuff away, I could sew in the playroom! Thanks for posting your pics! :thumbsup2
Okay I KNOW I missed a bunch of stuff here I really wanted to comment on, but I am so far behind...may NEVER catch up.

I am so jealous. I wish I had a larger area to work. The kids playroom is actually our sunroom and it is rather tiny. They have two toyboxes and a tv and a air hocky table in there. I get to have a machine is built in to a cabinet. I have one little stacking drawer that all my stuff goes in or is crammed into a bag behind the machine. My stool has storage for all of my feet and needles and such. More room someday!

Finally finished my scrapbook pages for Heather (MAW Big Give #1)....which is good since the shipping deadline is tomorrow!!! Did I mention my procrastination problem ;) :rotfl:

Here are the final two pages:



These are wonderful!

i love this fabric and the girls look so cute!

So glad that your nephew's wife like the nice to have someone appriciate your hard work!

And, it looks like I'll be moving this thread in the morning, so start packing your things now! :thumbsup2

Packed and I get a moving buddy this time...I was all alone last time!:goodvibes

I updated my report yesterday.
Here is the picture of the shirt I made for my best friends boys. The twins shirts are the opposite ones the older boy has the bigger one. Kyle's shirt I posted it is all the Mickey pattern. Right now I am making Nikki a twirl skirt using both the blue and Mickey material and I added a pink material since she is a pink girl!

I called Brother about my new machine and they were GREAT! They said just take it to my local repair shop and they will fix it no charge! YIPPEE! I just hope it won't take to long to fix....
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