Out Of State APs Continue To Take A Beating

But, there has never been a time we were treated rudely that I didn't complain about it. Just griping here does nothing.

Nothing so bad to complain about. What should I do? Track down a supervisor and say "I didnt like her tone"? "I feel she should have answered my question better and not ran away?" "I didnt appreciate the sigh when I asked for a paper menu because my phone wouldnt scan the QR". "I didnt like the way she dropped the ice cream in front of my daughters friend" !!!

Not worth it. I just move on and enjoy the rest of my day.
It seems like every time Disney does something dumb, a whole bunch of people talk about Universal instead, and I just don't get it. I almost wonder if it's astroturfing (which I would genuinely respect if that was Universal's PR move).

Apart from Jurassic Park and Harry Potter - everything else is just old or blah.

Simpsons is a BTTF overlay. Minions is a Hanna Barbera overlay - hey, look, the seats move now. (Honestly, the pre-show with the 3D glasses was my favorite part of the ride, and I loved that.) Men in Black is better than Buzz, but that's not saying much. Transformers is okay, but insanely loud. Fallon and Fast & Furious are all-time awful, which is even worse because they're new. Mummy is in too small of a building. Rip Ride Rockit has to be past its End of Life by now. (That happens to steel coasters - Hulk was fully rebuilt after reaching its EOL.) USP is essentially the HHN park, the same way Epcot became the festival park. Spiderman is okay, but that Marvel section is embarrassing - even more so when you realize it only exists because it stops WDW from using the characters. Most generic parks have a water ride like Popeye, and I don't ride Dudley Do Right because I don't wanna get that unrelentingly soaked (or spend money on the blasted dryer). And I hate CityWalk - it's awfully laid out (the upper section feels almost like a back alley) and I can't stand having to walk through it to get to the parks.

At this point, I can buy a one-day ticket to IOA (and maybe one night at HHN), do everything I want to do, and not go again for months or a year. (I would totally do HHN this year if not for COVID.)

I think some of the talk is just the "stigginit to Disney" factor. But those folks seem to miss the underlying truth - I can be pissed at Disney and still think WDW is a better park experience. (Most of my Orlando local friends freely admit that while they have APs for Uni and Sea World and enjoy both resorts a lot, they would be WDW APs if it weren't so insanely expensive.)

When I've hinted at stuff like this on other threads - the response is usually that WDW is out-of-date, too. I don't entirely disagree. But I don't mind a lot of WDW's out-of-date stuff (I would take MuppetVision over Minions, Shrek, or Fallon every day of the week and twice on Sunday), and the top-line stuff is unspeakably great.

I seriously hope that Epic Universe is brilliantly awesome, because I desperately want Disney to feel threatened enough to spend money on upgrading the parks. (Especially the Magic Kingdom, which is embarrassingly, horribly out of date - the fact that a 46-year-old steel coaster, long past its EOL, would even be considered for a paid FP - even just temporarily - is ludicrous.)

/end rant
//with apologies
///been constantly thinking this for weeks
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If I were Disney I would not discount DvC APs. Clearly there is huge demand for DVC and I doubt the AP discount will ever mean any units (points?) go unsold.

If I was going to shell out for DVC, reduced perks and quality of service would be a much more important consideration.
It seems like every time Disney does something dumb, a whole bunch of people talk about Universal instead, and I just don't get it. I almost wonder if it's astroturfing (which I would genuinely respect if that was Universal's PR move).

Apart from Jurassic Park and Harry Potter - everything else is just old or blah.

Simpsons is a BTTF overlay. Minions is a Hanna Barbera overlay - hey, look, the seats move now. (Honestly, the pre-show with the 3D glasses was my favorite part of the ride, and I loved that.) Men in Black is better than Buzz, but that's not saying much. Transformers is okay, but insanely loud. Fallon and Fast & Furious are all-time awful, which is even worse because they're new. Mummy is in too small of a building. Rip Ride Rockit has to be past its End of Life by now. (That happens to steel coasters - Hulk was fully rebuilt after reaching its EOL.) USP is essentially the HHN park, the same way Epcot became the festival park. Spiderman is okay, but that Marvel section is embarrassing - even more so when you realize it only exists because it stops WDW from using the characters. Most generic parks have a water ride like Popeye, and I don't ride Dudley Do Right because I don't wanna get that unrelentingly soaked (or spend money on the blasted dryer). And I hate CityWalk - it's awfully laid out (the upper section feels almost like a back alley) and I can't stand having to walk through it to get to the parks.

At this point, I can buy a one-day ticket to IOA (and maybe one night at HHN), do everything I want to do, and not go again for months or a year. (I would totally do HHN this year if not for COVID.)

I think some of the talk is just the "stigginit to Disney" factor. But those folks seem to miss the underlying truth - I can be pissed at Disney and still think WDW is a better park experience. (Most of my Orlando local friends freely admit that while they have APs for Uni and Sea World and enjoy both resorts a lot, they would be WDW APs if it weren't so insanely expensive.)

When I've hinted at stuff like this on other threads - the response is usually that WDW is out-of-date, too. I don't entirely disagree. But I don't mind a lot of WDW's out-of-date stuff, and the top-line stuff is unspeakably great.

I seriously hope that Epic Universe is brilliantly awesome, because I desperately want Disney to feel threatened enough to spend money on upgrading the parks. (Especially the Magic Kingdom, which is embarrassingly, horribly out of date - the fact that a 46-year-old steel coaster, long past its EOL, would even be considered for a paid FP - even just temporarily - is ludicrous.)

/end rant
//been constantly thinking this for weeks

Our next trip to WDW is a 7-day trip this December and that is less than we have done in the past. I also never get to do everything I want but I can't even imagine what I would do for 7 days at Universal.
It seems like every time Disney does something dumb, a whole bunch of people talk about Universal instead, and I just don't get it. I almost wonder if it's astroturfing (which I would genuinely respect if that was Universal's PR move).

Apart from Jurassic Park and Harry Potter - everything else is just old or blah.

Simpsons is a BTTF overlay. Minions is a Hanna Barbera overlay - hey, look, the seats move now. (Honestly, the pre-show with the 3D glasses was my favorite part of the ride, and I loved that.) Men in Black is better than Buzz, but that's not saying much. Transformers is okay, but insanely loud. Fallon and Fast & Furious are all-time awful, which is even worse because they're new. Mummy is in too small of a building. Rip Ride Rockit has to be past its End of Life by now. (That happens to steel coasters - Hulk was fully rebuilt after reaching its EOL.) USP is essentially the HHN park, the same way Epcot became the festival park. Spiderman is okay, but that Marvel section is embarrassing - even more so when you realize it only exists because it stops WDW from using the characters. Most generic parks have a water ride like Popeye, and I don't ride Dudley Do Right because I don't wanna get that unrelentingly soaked (or spend money on the blasted dryer). And I hate CityWalk - it's awfully laid out (the upper section feels almost like a back alley) and I can't stand having to walk through it to get to the parks.

At this point, I can buy a one-day ticket to IOA (and maybe one night at HHN), do everything I want to do, and not go again for months or a year. (I would totally do HHN this year if not for COVID.)

I think some of the talk is just the "stigginit to Disney" factor. But those folks seem to miss the underlying truth - I can be pissed at Disney and still think WDW is a better park experience. (Most of my Orlando local friends freely admit that while they have APs for Uni and Sea World and enjoy both resorts a lot, they would be WDW APs if it weren't so insanely expensive.)

When I've hinted at stuff like this on other threads - the response is usually that WDW is out-of-date, too. I don't entirely disagree. But I don't mind a lot of WDW's out-of-date stuff (I would take MuppetVision over Minions, Shrek, or Fallon every day of the week and twice on Sunday), and the top-line stuff is unspeakably great.

I seriously hope that Epic Universe is brilliantly awesome, because I desperately want Disney to feel threatened enough to spend money on upgrading the parks. (Especially the Magic Kingdom, which is embarrassingly, horribly out of date - the fact that a 46-year-old steel coaster, long past its EOL, would even be considered for a paid FP - even just temporarily - is ludicrous.)

/end rant
//with apologies
///been constantly thinking this for weeks

How many years ago did Universe of Energy close? Isn’t Frozen an overlay?

Will Tron be better than Hagrids or VelociCoaster? High bar.

How many hundreds of million over budget was SWL?
So many answers priced into your APs
How many years ago did Universe of Energy close?
But it's being replaced by something hopefully pretty great - and at least they're trying to create something new. That's a good thing, and exactly what I want Disney to be doing.

They should have started all of this Epcot work ten years ago.

Isn’t Frozen an overlay?
Yes, but it's a extremely good overlay, in my opinion. I mean, I loved Maelstrom and I'm not a Frozen fan, but what's in there is really, really good with what they did. I can't say the same for the Uni overlays. I mean, BTTF's tech was miles out of date by the time they even touched the Simpsons. I was really hoping it'd be more than just a new movie in a different car, and that's exactly what it is. (Though I think the pre-show segments are amazing.)

I honestly don't have anything against overlays in general. The Nightmare Before Christmas overlay at DL is great, and I like Hyperspace Mountain a lot. But Uni's overlays have been really, really lazy, in my opinion.

Will Tron be better than Hagrids or VelociCoaster? High bar.
I haven't ridden Velocicoaster yet, but if it's as good as I'm hearing, that's exactly what I want Uni to be doing. I like Hagrid's a lot - even if it's basically three different coasters stapled together - I just wish it were more reliable. (ROTR, I know.) I would venture Tron to be between the two, possibly third in that list. (I think the shortness will hurt its standing.) Disney's not really been in the coaster category the way that any of the other companies have - the theming might be what saves it.

Tron actually feels like a weird add to me, even if I'm looking forward to it. Disney's positioned MK as a "kids" park for forever (at least since killing Alien Encounter), and adding Tron almost felt like a knee-jerk reaction to Hagrid's. (Assuming Hagrid's was announced first, I can't remember.)

How many hundreds of million over budget was SWL?
Doesn't bother me. For me, Galaxy's Edge is better than HP, and I really like HP.

So many answers priced into your APs
Which, honestly, is also why Uni's are so much cheaper. For one, there are only two parks. But it's also easier to add a new movie into a theater (or build a new theater) than it is to design a new experience.

And it's not like there's not going to be massive AP sticker-shock after Epic Universe opens.

I know I'm a mile off topic, but while I'm here: I personally think Epic Universe shouldn't be a new park of its own making. They should take the R&D for those lands and use them to improve the two parks they already have. Stick one of them in the Fear Factor area. Stick one of them in Fievel/ET land. Replace the 50s area (keep Bourne) with one of them. Stick one of them in the west-end dead zone in IOA. Both parks would be immediately and drastically better, and worthy of a stronger price.

But you know they can do exactly what Disney has done - people will keep paying to ride the old stuff, no matter how good or bad it is. It'll be the same story five years from now that WDW is going through today.
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I initially missed this announcement. Man, talk about Disney just really putting the screws to the loyal fan, so disappointing. It’s not just one change- it’s taking a step back and looking at it all colllectively: ending ME, this AP structure, carnival style pay per ride, stay deluxe or lose evening park hours, and so on and so forth. What is next, pay per flush?

we purchased DVC resale 2 years ago and it pains me to say this but all of these changes collectively are leaving me with a gnawing feeling of regret- this coming from a (now former) fervent defender of the park experience and the cost that comes with it.

I vacation the same as the original poster, 2-3 trips per year, on Disney property, eating and shopping exclusively at their establishments. While these are not $10,000 per pop vacations like tHe “once in a decade/lifetime” group they are aiming to milk here, we probably exceed that over the span of year with how we visit.

Er, how we used to visit I should say. I can’t justify continuing to turn a blind eye to how little the Fan community is appreciated.

lastly- a word about the once in a lifetime family trip the company is clearly going after with all of these “enhancements”. I really feel for the families whose once in a lifetime is once in lifetime not by choice but because it takes so dang long to save up to get there. And when they do, who then can’t afford all of these upgradeded, deluxey, pay your way to the front of the line experiences. They will spend a fortune on a substandard Disney vacation and that is just a shame.

We are going in November for a long planned trip and then I guess we shall see what the future holds for my lifelong Disney loving family……
I would never compare WDW to any amusement park for any reason.

Under normal circumstances, I’d agree. The Disney experience of the past was incomparable. But with so much cut, especially in the area of live entertainment, it feels more like a regular amusement park.

My dh and I debated about renewal, we already have Sea World and Busch Gardens. I mentioned switching to Universal, but we ended up renewing ds’ WDW AP. Now we have a couple months to decide which AP we’ll choose.
Completely agree. Did AP's there a few years ago, not sure what people do to fill their time there day after day. A lot of their rides are not repeatable for me over and over!

We recently went to Universal, really enjoyed it but agree- it’s not Disney. The vibe is different, and I don’t think I could be there for a week. I also can’t think of a place in their parks that I would want to park myself on a bench and enjoy the scenery. It’s not ugly but it’s not like, particularly beautiful? Lol I don’t know.

And the food, really was not as bad as initially remembered but it is NOT even close to on par with the Disney offerings.

or maybe I just don’t have it in me to forgive them for axing back to the future.
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Since Universal has come into discussion ....

I have Universal AP currently, we have not had one consistently over the years but should we decide to buy in the new Disney program at the lowest level, then we would keep Universal to fill those block out dates. (We've had Platinum or Platinum Plus for a decade plus first out of state, and now in state) Combined cost of both Universal & Disney’s lowest pass with the Disney PhotoPass would match the cost of Sorcerer without PhotoPass. That gives us 6 major parks, on any given day. (I know not for OOP)

I always say Disney and Universal are both theme parks like apples and oranges are both fruit. My guess is Disney is the apple and Universal is the orange, at least in my head. They simply are not the same and I don't like to compare them. Different products, different styles, different climate ... I never find myself comparing the actual parks (maybe just their build timelines).

We could do Disney over and over 7-10 days and we have. We just don't run out of things to do, explore etc. Universal 2 days is enough but I could probably do 3 to repeat favorites and spend more time taking in the Harry Potter abundance of details. We are also comparing FOUR parks at Disney with TWO parks at Universal for your dollars. SO ... do we double the price of Universal to make it more even comparison?

So when it comes to tickets, I don't compare the costs because I don't see them the same way. I do think Disney is worth more even without some of the extras right now. But I do see how Universal is very appreciative of it's AP holders. I also think I eat better at Universal when doing quick serve in addition to all the discounts they give us for food and snacks that Disney doesn't give. Ironically I can't take food into Universal so they don't have to offer discounts, yet Disney doesn't give discounts for most quick serve so I tend to take in my lunch depending on the parks.

If I lived local I'm sure I'd have AP to SeaWorld (I have in the past) for their great seasonal offerings and better food. 😋
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I keep getting hung up on that fact that there are some incredibly bright and talented people that work for this company. It is possible to both increase revenue while still rewarding the loyal repeat guest in some way that makes them feel the time and money they spend at these parks and resorts is equally valuable when it comes to the success of this business.

if they wanted to keep the fan group engaged they could, they have just chosen not to.

Everyone gather up your pressed pennies and haul em to the park and start tossing them in various water features and get to wishing they course correct on some of these things.

random question: can a pressed penny still be used for payment? We would only need 1,500 a day to scoot our way into lightning lane :-)
I do wish we could get the cheaper AP’s, but I have got my money’s worth at least. I have had an AP twice. First time was Premier Passport - 3 trips DL, 1-14 day trip WDW. …this was when it was less than the cost of a current WDW AP 🤪 I was the only one with the AP, so I was able to save our group the cost of parking and had MM.

Second AP, started in July 2019. I did a 7 day, 5 day and 14 day trip…then well, April got canceled. We decided to wait it out, not cancel and got 2 more week long trips out of it and used it right to the day it was going to expire. (Nov 2020)

We did not renew. Then learned about Recovery Passes. So, realizing that Covid isn’t going anywhere, travel restrictions are still a thing, so no Europe trip - we decided to get a recovery pass. I’ll be activating it at the end of September for a 2 week trip, followed by another 2 weeks in January.
And I am super excited about their Oogie Boogie Bash and finally getting to see the HM overlay as well as all the new things they've added since we were last there several years ago.

Yes, I probably would have enjoyed it more if we went during Oogie Boogie Bash. Love Halloween at Disney with the decorations and overlays, plus our trip wouldn't have seemed so short. Two Oogie Boogie nights would have been amazing :love:
I vacation the same as the original poster, 2-3 trips per year, on Disney property, eating and shopping exclusively at their establishments. While these are not $10,000 per pop vacations like tHe “once in a decade/lifetime” group they are aiming to milk here, we probably exceed that over the span of year with how we visit.

We DO spend $10k per pop with tickets, on-site room and dining. While we usually do 2 trips a year, we are doing 3 this year (two down, one more in Nov). So it is not just the "once in a decade/lifetime" people that are giving them this type of money, we are giving it to them multiple times a year. I finally got smart and am in the middle of a DVC purchase, but it is resale so I'm still stuck with the highest tier AP for now.
Can anyone share examples of how they feel valued for being AP holders?
Dont get me wrong, there are definitely exceptions, but sadly its just that. Exceptions...no longer the rule. My waitress at B&C was great. Waitress at the Edison...not so much. Waiter at Chefs de France was eh... unfriendly, but not rude. Wait team at Chef Mickeys was great. Mousekeeping at Contemporary looked miserable, all of them! CMs at Contempo..wow.. rude. The CM on the MK platform totally rude. etc..etc...
I haven't experienced that, not even once. Over the last year, or even before that. And thankfully CM reports on trip reviews over the last year or so have been significantly overwhelmingly positive. Like that's the one thing I've noticed on all the trip reviews I've been reading since the reopening last year, how incredible the CMs have been.
I haven't experienced that, not even once. Over the last year, or even before that. And thankfully CM reports on trip reviews over the last year or so have been significantly overwhelmingly positive. Like that's the one thing I've noticed on all the trip reviews I've been reading since the reopening last year, how incredible the CMs have been.
Glad to hear that. Sadly, it has not been my experience during my last 2 trips, but maybe Im just unlucky! In all my trips 1975 - 2017, they have all been wonderful. Its just something I have noticed lately (2019 trip and 2021). I wont give up though!
Have been to WDW 3 dozen times or so, and have never, ever come across a rude CM. Haven't been for a couple of years, but headed back right after Thanksgiving. Hopefully our experience is just as magical as the rest of our trips have been.

I hope so! And if you try out the new Steakhouse 71, be sure to say hello!


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