Our biggest WDW vacation yet (but with the littlest guests)- A May PTR! TR LINK 5/20!

Another Disney Trip on the Horizon?

Hi everyone! Happy almost-Easter!!

These kids have my HEART :lovestruc

Not much new on the front of our May 2024 trip- just anxiously counting down the days until we get to jet off to WDW (it’s 40 days by the way :thumbsup2)!! But I thought I’d chat a little bit about a possible upcoming trip!

Pretty much as soon as we got married, Jake and I both agreed that every year for our anniversary, we would try to go on a special trip. Traveling is both Jake and I’s love language, and what better way to celebrate another year of marriage than a fun vacation??

We have been REALLY going back and forth on where we want to go. Our first anniversary is September 22nd, 2024, and while we don’t need to travel over that specific date, we would like to travel sometime in the fall season. We didn’t want to do Hawaii or WDW again, so that left the drawing board open. Our immediate thought was…

A cruise. Despite being travel buffs, neither of us have never taken a cruise! However, I was immediately nervous about the seasickness aspect. As I’ve gotten older and my IBS gets worse, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to travel without some sort of stomach event happening. I’m lucky that I always rebound very quickly and never let it get me down. But, as someone who is prone to motion-sickness and general tummy issues while traveling, the added potential for seasickness concerns me greatly. Not to mention Norovirus!!

We both decided that, if we were going to do a cruise, we should probably do just a 3 or 4-night one to test the waters and see how I would do. And, admittedly, I was pretty dead-set on doing a Disney cruise. Maybe the *pixie dust* will magically make it so I don’t get sick? :laughing:.

Well, pretty much the only 3-night Disney cruises that were available were to the Caribbean. Now, Jake’s a beach guy through and through, so he was all for this, but I was less than thrilled. Growing up, we went to Mexico/the Caribbean for literally every spring break and sometimes winter break as well (my dad was a sucker for a good all-inclusive). So, I’m pretty content with never visiting that part of the world again. I know, I know. First World Problems :rolleyes:. Even so, we priced out a 3-night Disney Wish cruise sailing to the Bahamas. This ship is GORGEOUS!!

For some idiotic reason, I was surprised to find out that Disney Cruises are EXPENSIVE (pretty on par with the rest of the Walt Disney Company ::yes::). In the end, spending almost $1000 per night to: 1. go on a short cruise, 2. go somewhere where I don’t particularly have an interest in going, 3. with the potential of me feeling sick during the entire time 4. during hurricane season, didn’t seem like a smart option. So, that idea was tabled. This brings us to Idea #2…


Jake and I visited Disneyland back in April 2023 and had an absolute BLAST. We were so impressed with Disneyland and DCA and were just giddy the entire time. It was perfect for me, because it felt familiar but was also so new at the same time. We also spoiled ourselves and stayed at the Grand Californian, with the help of an awesome Dapper Day convention rate. We were absolutely RUINED by that; the GC continues to be one of our favorite hotels we’ve ever stayed at, and we don’t think we can ever stay anywhere else at DLR.

However, it was definitely a trip of highs and lows. I ended up coming down with some sort of virus that started showing symptoms literally the moment we stepped into the Grand Californian to check in. I had an on/off fever for the first few days as well as constant waves of nausea and general malaise, and really didn’t feel 100% until a couple days after we got home. I think it was pure Disney adrenaline (and a constant stream of meds) that got me through the trip. It was the first time I’ve ever been really sick on a vacation, and I was so bummed.

That all being said, we left the trip feeling like we needed a do-over.

Well, upon perusing a couple of websites, we ended up seeing the same Dapper Day convention rate going for October/November 2024!! Jake and I love participating in Dapper Day and checking out all the booths- we were sold :love: So, back in January, we booked 5 nights at the Grand Californian from October 29- November 3.

Since this is supposed to be a special trip, we didn’t want to just do Disneyland! Jake has always wanted to visit Catalina Island. So, what a perfect opportunity to see that too!! A plan was forming into place. We would fly out early in the morning on Saturday, October 26th, take the ferry, and spend two nights in Catalina Island…

Then, the morning of Monday, October 28th, we would take an early ferry back to the Los Angeles area. We would book a hotel in West Hollywood for the night of the 28th, and do all of the touristy things during the day (Santa Monica Pier, Beverly Hills, the Chinese Theatre, etc.). Then, we’d grab drinks at TomTom and dinner at Sur in West Hollywood, to appease our Vanderpump Rules-loving selves ;)

Then, the next morning, it would be off to the Grand Californian to do Disneyland for the remaining 5 nights!

We were planning on 4 park days with hoppers, plenty of resort time, and also a potential visit to Oogie Boogie Bash! We were satisfied with this plan and sat on this for a while.

Then, one Saturday morning earlier this month, Jake approached me and said…

“I don’t know if I want to do Disneyland in October anymore.”

I asked, “Why?” And he responded that he was second-guessing Catalina Island, saying that he had read reviews that it had been going downhill and was losing its charm. He had been reading reviews online that it was turning into a “party town” and that it was becoming noisy with lots of nightlife/trashy drunk people, which is definitely NOT our vibe.

After that, he added, ‘And, I don’t know if I want to go all the way to California just to do Disneyland again.” Which makes complete sense. Catalina Island/Hollywood was really “his part” of the trip, and it’s not fair that I would still get to have “my part” at Disneyland. Jake loves Disney, but also wants to see other places and have variety, which we always compromise on!!

Now, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have fleeting thoughts of this myself. Jake and I want to see the world together, and we have been doing A LOT of Disney-focused trips during the past few years. We still have whole continents and countries to see! Disneyland will always be there.

We haven’t canceled our trip YET. It is still very much a possibility that we will do Catalina Island/Hollywood/Disneyland in the fall (anyone here that has visited Catalina Island recently and has opinions on it??). But, for that entire day afterward, we hyper-fixated on a potential new vacation location :rotfl: We researched like fiends! We YouTubed everything in the U.S from Arizona to Alaska!!

We also have not completely ruled out a cruise. As major foodies, I feel like it is a rite of passage to take a cruise at least once in our life! After watching multiple POVs of all the Disney cruise ships, the one that I felt the most drawn to was the Disney Fantasy. It’s more whimsical and all of the restaurants look stunning!

If we decide on DCL, we would probably go with a Caribbean itinerary. The idea of this is definitely growing on me! However, we have also been looking at Mediterranean Cruises! People say that the waters are calmer in the Mediterranean, plus, this is one area of the world that Jake and I have ALWAYS wanted to see! Our must-sees are France and Italy, and we would also love to see Spain and Greece if possible!

Due to Jake’s PTO situation, it would have to be a 7-night or shorter cruise. Neither of us have ever been to Europe before, so I feel like a Mediterranean cruise is a really good way to dip our feet in and see a lot in a short amount of time. For these itineraries, we are really interested in Celebrity Cruise Line. Their newest ship, the Celebrity Ascent, looks AMAZING and very posh!

I’m hoping we’ll have an update on this front soon! Regardless if it’s a Disney trip or not, Jake is always my favorite travel buddy and traveling is one of our absolute favorite things to do together :goodvibes. What’s your favorite place to travel to that’s not Disney-related??

For some idiotic reason, I was surprised to find out that Disney Cruises are EXPENSIVE (pretty on par with the rest of the Walt Disney Company ::yes::).
They really are! It's hard to replace the Disney parks, so I can justify spending the extra to go to WDW. But there are other cruise lines that offer similar experiences, which makes it harder for me to justify the price for a Disney cruise. I'd love to take one some day, but will have a hard time with the extra cost!
So, back in January, we booked 5 nights at the Grand Californian from October 29- November 3.
I was going to say how exciting!! Before reading the rest :) Still very exciting to have that option on the table.
“I don’t know if I want to do Disneyland in October anymore.”
We also have not completely ruled out a cruise. As major foodies, I feel like it is a rite of passage to take a cruise at least once in our life!
Okay this is fair. We have taken one cruise ever and had a fantastic time. I can't wait to do one again soon (and have actually started suggesting we might take one next year!).
However, we have also been looking at Mediterranean Cruises! People say that the waters are calmer in the Mediterranean, plus, this is one area of the world that Jake and I have ALWAYS wanted to see!
Yes! Came here to say this. The only cruise we ever took was a Mediterranean cruise. It took us to places we probably would have never gone otherwise (like Malta, Montenegro, Slovenia), and I loved that we got to see so many different places so efficiently. I was worried about feeling seasick but did fine, we booked near the center of the ship and I also heard the Mediterranean waters aren't as bad as some other cruises.
YES that's right I forgot that is your treadmill show! It's definitely petering out for us (we're almost feeling like it is a chore to watch now), but Seasons 1-5 were peak reality TV.

I saw a commercial for the new Vanderpump Villa and am trying to convince myself not to get sucked into that, as well. :rotfl:

These kids have my HEART

Adorable photos!

we should probably do just a 3 or 4-night one to test the waters

That's a good plan. My one and only cruise (DCL honeymoon) was a 7 night and I wished I'd started with a shorter trip.

we booked 5 nights at the Grand Californian from October 29- November 3.


Then, we’d grab drinks at TomTom and dinner at Sur in West Hollywood, to appease our Vanderpump Rules-loving selves

I'm dying! :laughing: This is great. I'd need pictures.

Ah, I totally understand the changing on the minds. It does make sense to go someplace you're both excited about.

Our must-sees are France and Italy,

As foodies, you would really love those places. You'd be in food nirvana.::yes::
The French bakeries are as magical as all the shows and movies make them out to be.

What’s your favorite place to travel to that’s not Disney-related??

My favorite city in the world is London, and I would move back there in a second. With a close second being the Scottish Highlands.
However, you don't go to the UK for the food. :laughing:

Sorry it's been a little difficult narrowing down where to go for your next trip. Sometimes, having too many options is overwhelming. But I'm sure whatever you decide upon will be great. Spending time together and exploring someplace you're both interested in is the best part.
Ahhhhh! What are the big plans so far for next year??
I haven't done a trip with just my mom in sister in several years since she’s a teacher and her schedule is kind of limited and I’ve been deployed the majority of the last year and a half lol. So we’re going to go over her spring break and she just told me the other day she wants to do a day at universal which we haven’t been to in probably 10 years.

Your niece and nephews are so adorable!!
Jake has always wanted to visit Catalina Island
It’s the Catalina Wine Mixer!
What’s your favorite place to travel to that’s not Disney-related??
I loved London! Italy is also amazing. Also feel like Hungary is very underrated. I’m going on my first cruise in June but I’m used to being on the ocean. If you do end up doing a cruise I’d recommend getting a prescription for Scopolamine patches and Zofran.
We have been on a few cruises. Before I had kids (I was pregnant with my first on our second cruise) I did not get sea sick. We took the kids on a Disney cruise in 2018 and I did. I blame the kids for this. We did not like Carnival. Too much of the partying and drunk people. That is not our vibe either. Our second was on Norwegian and we loved it. Defiantly more us plus they have free style dining where we did not have to pick a time to eat or sat with other people.

I did ok on the Disney cruise but I did take Bonine the whole week and wore the sea bands. I think it I started taking the Bonine before getting I the boat I might have been ok. I wasn't expecting to be sea sick. The night that it stormed on this trip was the night that I didn't feel sick. It was weird.

We are going on a Norwegian cruise in October. It is just a 5 day and only going to Bermuda for 2 days. This is a test to see how I do. We love to cruise. I am going to talk to the doctor about getting the patch and maybe taking the Bonine before we get on the boat. I take it to fly (I am scared of being sick on a plane) so I will already be taking it.
We love cruising! We have done all 4 classic Disney ships, and are sailing on the Wish in June!
We did a Mediterranean Cruise to Italy/Greece/Croatia on the Disney Magic. It was magical! <3
They really are! It's hard to replace the Disney parks, so I can justify spending the extra to go to WDW. But there are other cruise lines that offer similar experiences, which makes it harder for me to justify the price for a Disney cruise. I'd love to take one some day, but will have a hard time with the extra cost!

I was going to say how exciting!! Before reading the rest :) Still very exciting to have that option on the table.


Okay this is fair. We have taken one cruise ever and had a fantastic time. I can't wait to do one again soon (and have actually started suggesting we might take one next year!).

Yes! Came here to say this. The only cruise we ever took was a Mediterranean cruise. It took us to places we probably would have never gone otherwise (like Malta, Montenegro, Slovenia), and I loved that we got to see so many different places so efficiently. I was worried about feeling seasick but did fine, we booked near the center of the ship and I also heard the Mediterranean waters aren't as bad as some other cruises.
YES! That was exactly our sentiments. The price difference is just way too big to justify. The cruise ships are absolutely BEAUTIFUL, but we've also noticed that DCL's itineraries aren't the greatest, especially if you want a port-heavy itinerary. Like, I get that sea days allow you to explore the amazing ship. But, we also want to see lots of new places!

I'm thinking we may delay the Med cruise to summer 2025 if we do decide to take one, since that is the prime time to visit and there are a lot more options for that time. BUT- we are still throwing around a Caribbean cruise! It feels like every time we settle on a cruise choice, one of us finds something wrong with it :laughing: So I think Disneyland may be our destiny after all!
I saw a commercial for the new Vanderpump Villa and am trying to convince myself not to get sucked into that, as well. :rotfl:

Adorable photos!

That's a good plan. My one and only cruise (DCL honeymoon) was a 7 night and I wished I'd started with a shorter trip.


I'm dying! :laughing: This is great. I'd need pictures.

Ah, I totally understand the changing on the minds. It does make sense to go someplace you're both excited about.

As foodies, you would really love those places. You'd be in food nirvana.::yes::
The French bakeries are as magical as all the shows and movies make them out to be.

My favorite city in the world is London, and I would move back there in a second. With a close second being the Scottish Highlands.
However, you don't go to the UK for the food. :laughing:

Sorry it's been a little difficult narrowing down where to go for your next trip. Sometimes, having too many options is overwhelming. But I'm sure whatever you decide upon will be great. Spending time together and exploring someplace you're both interested in is the best part.
Jake has always wanted to visit London as well! That's definitely on our bucket list.

UGH I'd be so overwhelmed with the food options in France and Italy!! I wouldn't be able to decide without making myself sick trying to sample it all :rotfl2:

Did you enjoy your DCL cruise overall? What ship did you cruise on? Why was 7 nights too long?? I need deets, lady!! :)
I haven't done a trip with just my mom in sister in several years since she’s a teacher and her schedule is kind of limited and I’ve been deployed the majority of the last year and a half lol. So we’re going to go over her spring break and she just told me the other day she wants to do a day at universal which we haven’t been to in probably 10 years.

Your niece and nephews are so adorable!!

It’s the Catalina Wine Mixer!

I loved London! Italy is also amazing. Also feel like Hungary is very underrated. I’m going on my first cruise in June but I’m used to being on the ocean. If you do end up doing a cruise I’d recommend getting a prescription for Scopolamine patches and Zofran.
That will be so fun!! You know I love mother-daughter trips :) I used to be anti-Universal but have grown to really like it in the last 5 or so years. The Harry Potter areas are definitely my favorite parts of Universal. I haven't been since 2021, so I haven't been able to try Velocicoaster, which I heard is amazing!

HAHA, so I guess the Catalina wine mixer is now a real event that was created because of Step Brothers!! That's not the primary reason Jake wants to go (although we both love the movie) :rotfl2:

Thank you for the tips!! Italy is definitely our top priority and will be our first stop when we do go to Europe. Jake's family ethnicity is Italian/Sicilian and he always jokes that he needs to go back to his "homeland" (yet he is literally the most ALL-AMERICAN boy I've ever met). :rolleyes:
We have been on a few cruises. Before I had kids (I was pregnant with my first on our second cruise) I did not get sea sick. We took the kids on a Disney cruise in 2018 and I did. I blame the kids for this. We did not like Carnival. Too much of the partying and drunk people. That is not our vibe either. Our second was on Norwegian and we loved it. Defiantly more us plus they have free style dining where we did not have to pick a time to eat or sat with other people.

I did ok on the Disney cruise but I did take Bonine the whole week and wore the sea bands. I think it I started taking the Bonine before getting I the boat I might have been ok. I wasn't expecting to be sea sick. The night that it stormed on this trip was the night that I didn't feel sick. It was weird.

We are going on a Norwegian cruise in October. It is just a 5 day and only going to Bermuda for 2 days. This is a test to see how I do. We love to cruise. I am going to talk to the doctor about getting the patch and maybe taking the Bonine before we get on the boat. I take it to fly (I am scared of being sick on a plane) so I will already be taking it.
We are DEFINITELY not considering Carnival. Just seeing videos from those cruises give me anxiety!! I am not a partier so I would be in my own personal h-e-double-hockey-sticks on that boat ::yes:: The cruise lines we are looking at the closest are DCL, Celebrity, Norwegian, and Princess!

That's a good call for starting the Bonine early. A lot of people recommend that it build up in your system a couple days prior so that your body can get used to its effects.
We love cruising! We have done all 4 classic Disney ships, and are sailing on the Wish in June!
We did a Mediterranean Cruise to Italy/Greece/Croatia on the Disney Magic. It was magical! <3
How exciting!! The Wish looks STUNNING :) Out of the 4 original cruise ships, which one was your favorite????
May 2024 Trip Updates!

Hi DISfriends! Just a random little mid-week update for you guys. Hope you had a great Easter with your loved ones! We celebrated with our fam all weekend. On Saturday, Jake’s parents came to Milwaukee for the day. We went to Luxe Golf Bays, which is a place similar to TopGolf in our area!

Then, on Easter Sunday, Jake and I drove down to Haley and Ryan’s house in the Chicago area to celebrate with Haley, Ryan, the kids, and Nana!

We hunted for eggs, did Easter crafts, and ate a delicious dinner of ham, biscuits, cheesy potato casserole, salad, and strawberry shortcake (and wayyyy too many Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs ::yes:: )

Easter 2023 vs. Easter 2024 :sad:. They are getting WAY too big! Evie LOVES her some Uncle Jake :love:.

I have just couple little updates on the trip front!

1. I upgraded my ticket!


You guys were very persuasive :thumbsup2. I upped my ticket from a 7-day park hopper to an 8-day park hopper (for only $22 extra), juuuuust in case I want to sneak into a park one morning/evening for some solo time! Having this extra day on my ticket really feels like a nice security blanket if I start to have FOMO or I’m wishing for more park time.

2. Haley and Ryan booked their car!

They went with a “Chevrolet Suburban or similar” category, which will be perfect for carting around their family! They will pick it up from the airport when they land in Orlando on 5/11, then we’ll drive it back to the airport for our flights home on 5/19. Haley is listed on Mom and I’s reservation for POFQ, so even when they’re staying at the Marriott timeshare mid-trip, they are able to park the car at our resort for ease of using Disney transportation/potentially coming back to Mom and I’s room for mid-day breaks.

As for strollers, Haley and Ryan are bringing their double stroller from home. For the majority of the time, one of us will try to carry Ethan in his sling. However, they are also renting a small single stroller from Kingdom Strollers to have as a back-up, in case it gets too hot/tiring while Ethan is in the sling.

As for the twins, I think it’ll be a bigger issue just trying to keep them IN the stroller :laughing:. They are at that stage where they want to be independent and walk just like the grown ups! Haley sent me this picture for a fun stroller decoration that you can order and customize on Etsy. So adorable!!

Since Ethan is breastfed, I’m sure that we’ll check out lots of baby-care centers during our trip. These look so cute!

3. Jake’s flight got changed???

Jake’s flight back to Milwaukee on Monday, 5/13 has been a topic of minor anxiety. On our way to Orlando on Thursday 5/9, we are flying Southwest. It was pricier than other options, but I basically insisted due to my luggage situation and tendency to over-pack :rotfl:. However, when Jake flies back to Milwaukee alone, he booked a flight through Spirit Airlines. When he booked this flight, it was due to leave Orlando at 8:00 PM. Then, a week later, it was changed to 9:00 PM. No problem! More time in Disney, and now he can join us for dinner that night!

Well, now it has been changed AGAIN to 10:00 PM…


Jake was already nervous about flying Spirit due to their less-than-stellar reputation. We are currently hedging bets on if he’s going to end up making it out of Orlando on 5/13. Of course, I’m hoping his flight gets delayed/canceled, because that means he gets more time in Disney World and can potentially hit the parks with us on 5/14 :rotfl2:

But, he also needs to be mindful of his PTO… He’s currently questioning if he should book a back-up flight through Southwest for 5/13, just in case the Spirit flight gets pushed to 5/14. We can always use the credit for future trips if he ends up canceling the Southwest flight.

I say, let’s not worry about it until we need to :laughing:. In my opinion, I would MUCH rather that Jake spend more time at Disney with us!! I’m already dreading the day he leaves; I’m going to be SO sad without my travel buddy :sad1:

4. Resort Musings…

On Easter Sunday, Haley mentioned that she had gotten a little nervous about us staying at CBR for the last 4 nights, stating that she had read some bad reviews online saying that it’s too big/inconvenient with children. Now, CBR had been 100% Haley’s choice initially; she loves the theming and thinks it would be perfect for the kids. Plus, we really like the convenience of the Skyliner, especially with multiple strollers!

So, I was surprised to see her second-guessing. I offered to switch our three CBR reservations to POFQ (availability was showing), but after thinking about it for a bit, we decided to stick with CBR.

Now, I’m not going to lie… when Mom and I stayed at CBR in 2015, we DEFINITELY thought it was way too big. We booked a standard room, but we were upgraded upon arrival to a Pirate Room. We were placed in the Trinidad South section, which seemed so far away from Centertown/Old Port Royale.

Here is the old map for reference. It looks like with the renovation, they bulldozed the old “Barbados” to make way for Disney’s Riviera Resort. Then, “Trinidad North” became “Barbados,” and “Trinidad South” just became “Trinidad.”

It was our first trip having refillable mugs (we did the DDP), but we felt like we didn’t get good use out of them because the mug stations were so far away from our room. I DO love the fact that they added Spyglass Grill as a remedy for this, but the food selections there are limited, and we would probably be spending most of our time in the main Centertown area anyway.

Now, unfortunately, the only room category we could book with our bounceback offer was a Standard Room- 5th Sleeper. We DEFINITELY would have shelled out the extra money if preferred rooms were available. After perusing the internet, I found out that this means that our room will either be in Trinidad, Aruba, or Jamaica.

New map for reference! It looks like a good chunk of these Standard 5th Sleeper rooms are in the Trinidad section. We LOVE the Little Mermaid themed rooms here- they are so colorful and the kids would adore them!

However, for this trip, we are probably going to request rooms in either Aruba or Jamaica, since these seem to have a better location. Also, it looks like CBR does not have any elevators, so we’ll have to request first-floor rooms as well for stroller convenience. CBR- what the heck is up with that?? Not cool.

All of this “island talk” is getting this song stuck in my head :rotfl:

Fun fact- this music video was filmed at the Grand Floridian :thumbsup2 Also.... Uncle Jesse is in it... *swoon* :love:

Do you think we’ll have luck with getting our CBR room requests granted? Ideally, we would like all 3 rooms to at least be in the same “village.” Those who have stayed in Aruba or Jamaica- what location is better or more convenient to Centertown/OPR, the pool, and the Skyliner??

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Fun fact- this music video was filmed at the Grand Floridian :thumbsup2 Also.... Uncle Jesse is in it... *swoon*
The video looks like it might have been from when Full House went to Disney. I am pretty sure that is what Jesse was wearing as well as what the one guy from the Beach Boys were wearing. John Stamos did play with the Beach Boys on and off for awhile.
Such fun Easter pics!!! I could just squish that baby's cheeks!!!

Do you think we’ll have luck with getting our CBR room requests granted? Ideally, we would like all 3 rooms to at least be in the same “village.” Those who have stayed in Aruba or Jamaica- what location is better or more convenient to Centertown/OPR, the pool, and the Skyliner??

I was in the exact same boat as your sister before our CBR trip, I was definitely freaking out a bit about how large this resort is.

Both of our requests (close to transportation and ground floor) were granted it was literally perfect. We were in Aruba and I wouldn't have changed it for the world -- we were barely 50 feet away from the Riviera Skyliner entrance and ended up being closer to Riviera, so we visited Primo Piatto quick service more than we visited Centertown. It was perfect for us because we didn't necessarily need to visit Centertown, we were more than content visiting Riviera for breakfast/lunch or coffee at Le Petit Cafe and hopping to our next destination from there. Centertown was a bit of a walk away but not insane, I think the map makes this resort seem a bit larger than it actually is.

I can see the Jamaica buildings closer to the CBR Skyliner hub potentially being more of a hassle to get to Centertown -- there's really no convenient pathway to Centertown from there. IMO I would request Aruba but maybe someone who has stayed in Jamaica can offer a different perspective.
We love the Aruba section because it's so close to the skyliner by Riviera. It is a bit of a walk to the pool/central hub, though.

My husband and I will be heading your way next weekend- we are going to a concert next Saturday in Milwaukee! We haven't been there in a long time. We'll be staying at the Drury. Any recommendations for food?
I'm thinking we may delay the Med cruise to summer 2025 if we do decide to take one, since that is the prime time to visit and there are a lot more options for that time.
I'm trying to talk my husband into a med cruise summer 2025! For a 🫣 milestone birthday.
But, he also needs to be mindful of his PTO… He’s currently questioning if he should book a back-up flight through Southwest for 5/13, just in case the Spirit flight gets pushed to 5/14.
That is so nerve wracking! We had a good experience with Spirit the one time we flew with them but I've been nervous to give them another try. Having to be mindful of PTO is so stressful!
Now, I’m not going to lie… when Mom and I stayed at CBR in 2015, we DEFINITELY thought it was way too big.
I had no idea CBR was so big! We have it on our maybe list for a future trip because of the Skyliner but it looks like 7 bus stops?? We thought AoA was big but it only had one bus stop!
The video looks like it might have been from when Full House went to Disney. I am pretty sure that is what Jesse was wearing as well as what the one guy from the Beach Boys were wearing. John Stamos did play with the Beach Boys on and off for awhile.
Ahhhhh good catch!!! Yes I remember seeing them on Full House sometimes! I want to re-watch that show soooo bad, but Jake CANNOT handle the cheesiness haha. We settled on re-watching Boy Meets World instead :laughing:
Such fun Easter pics!!! I could just squish that baby's cheeks!!!

I was in the exact same boat as your sister before our CBR trip, I was definitely freaking out a bit about how large this resort is.

Both of our requests (close to transportation and ground floor) were granted it was literally perfect. We were in Aruba and I wouldn't have changed it for the world -- we were barely 50 feet away from the Riviera Skyliner entrance and ended up being closer to Riviera, so we visited Primo Piatto quick service more than we visited Centertown. It was perfect for us because we didn't necessarily need to visit Centertown, we were more than content visiting Riviera for breakfast/lunch or coffee at Le Petit Cafe and hopping to our next destination from there. Centertown was a bit of a walk away but not insane, I think the map makes this resort seem a bit larger than it actually is.

I can see the Jamaica buildings closer to the CBR Skyliner hub potentially being more of a hassle to get to Centertown -- there's really no convenient pathway to Centertown from there. IMO I would request Aruba but maybe someone who has stayed in Jamaica can offer a different perspective.
Ethan getting soooo big already!! If he's anything like Ollie, he's going to have the BEST chunky cheeks!

THANK YOU so much for the info! I will for sure be requesting Aruba!! We definitely want to visit Riviera for coffee/QS too and it will be so handy to have that Skyliner station nearby (the one at CBR is a little crazy)!!
We love the Aruba section because it's so close to the skyliner by Riviera. It is a bit of a walk to the pool/central hub, though.

My husband and I will be heading your way next weekend- we are going to a concert next Saturday in Milwaukee! We haven't been there in a long time. We'll be staying at the Drury. Any recommendations for food?
Recommendation #2 for Aruba- that is definitely where we will request!

Ahhhhh so fun! Are you going to see Luke Combs? I have a lot of friends going to that concert- my best friend, Gabi, and her fiancee, Phil, are getting married on Saturday. And the night before (Friday) they are going to that concert!!! Crazies!! :laughing:

I have a few food recommendations!! Jake and I LOVE the bar at the top of the historic Pfister hotel called Blu. They have great cocktails and fun apps/desserts. It's a vintage, jazzy vibe in there with live music on the weekends.

As for food, here are my favorite restaurants in the Milwaukee Area: 3rd St Market Hall (casual food hall with tons of variety/different vendors- you will find everything you want and more there), The Outsider (outdoor patio on the top of the Kimpton Journeyman Hotel with a fun atmosphere and in the best part of Milwaukee- the Third Ward), Dorsia (an Italian restaurant with a cool vibe and PASTA FLIGHTS), La Merenda (small plates from all different cultures/cuisines), HoneyPie Cafe (comfort food and DELICIOUS pie in a really fun hipster neighborhood called Bay View), and any restaurant owned by the Bartolotta family :)
I'm trying to talk my husband into a med cruise summer 2025! For a 🫣 milestone birthday.

That is so nerve wracking! We had a good experience with Spirit the one time we flew with them but I've been nervous to give them another try. Having to be mindful of PTO is so stressful!

I had no idea CBR was so big! We have it on our maybe list for a future trip because of the Skyliner but it looks like 7 bus stops?? We thought AoA was big but it only had one bus stop!
AHHHHHHH DO IT!!!! We are seriously thinking of one then too! I think we've officially ruled out a cruise until next spring/summer. Which cruise line/ports are you looking at???

Flight cancellations can happen with every airline, but IDK, changing a flight time twice doesn't look promising. I hope he gets an extra park day with us ;) Memories over PTO budget, hahaha!!!

I haaaaaate the internal bus stops at CBR. It's a gorgeous resort but just so sprawling. I think CSR and SSR are just as big; we are staying in the Gran Destino Tower at CSR for that very reason!
AHHHHHHH DO IT!!!! We are seriously thinking of one then too! I think we've officially ruled out a cruise until next spring/summer. Which cruise line/ports are you looking at???
We're looking at an Eastern Med cruise with RC! They have an itinerary that's similar to the one we took in 2013 before we had kids (I wrote a trip report!), and I'd love to take our kids back with us. The kids are begging as well, but we might decide to wait until they're just a little older for this kind of trip. They'll be 8 and 10 that summer and I think they could handle it (they've been great travelers so far), but it might be more meaningful when they're a little older.
Flight cancellations can happen with every airline, but IDK, changing a flight time twice doesn't look promising. I hope he gets an extra park day with us ;) Memories over PTO budget, hahaha!!!
That doesn't sound promising! Here's hoping he gets the extra park day, and his work is understanding when the travel issues are out of his control!
I haaaaaate the internal bus stops at CBR. It's a gorgeous resort but just so sprawling. I think CSR and SSR are just as big; we are staying in the Gran Destino Tower at CSR for that very reason!
Ugh, I will have to consider the bus stops when we decide where to stay next. I absolutely want to stay on the Skyliner again though.
We're looking at an Eastern Med cruise with RC! They have an itinerary that's similar to the one we took in 2013 before we had kids (I wrote a trip report!), and I'd love to take our kids back with us. The kids are begging as well, but we might decide to wait until they're just a little older for this kind of trip. They'll be 8 and 10 that summer and I think they could handle it (they've been great travelers so far), but it might be more meaningful when they're a little older.

That doesn't sound promising! Here's hoping he gets the extra park day, and his work is understanding when the travel issues are out of his control!

Ugh, I will have to consider the bus stops when we decide where to stay next. I absolutely want to stay on the Skyliner again though.
Definitely hopping over to read your TR for inspiration!!! Sometimes you just need a vacation 1:1 with your S.O… I’d say make it a parents-only trip and enjoy the 1:1 time together :lovestruc

If you can swing it….. I ADORE the Riviera. It’s one of my favorite resorts, is a peaceful oasis from the hustle and bustle of the parks, and has consistently some of the best QS food I’ve had at WDW!!
Disney Fashion!

Another recent topic of fixation for me has been DISNEY OUTFITS! I’m a girly-girl through and through; fashion and style has always been a passion of mine, and I love putting together outfits for every occasion. As far as my style goes; the louder and brighter the BETTER! Luckily, this style fits right in at Disney World :cutie: Here are some Disney clothes that I’ve purchased this year and plan on wearing in the parks/around the property!

Please don’t mind the cluttered apartment- clearly, I’ve already started putting stuff aside for WDW, and you guys are the only ones that would understand it ::yes:: Also, yes, I am wearing fuzzy Christmas socks in some pictures (those would be perfect for Disney, no? :rotfl:).

Shirt- LuluLemon
Shorts- ShopDisney/DisneyStore (Disney, stop re-branding this :laughing:)

Dress- HerUniverse (It’s Winnie the Pooh! I’ll wear this at our Crystal Palace breakfast :goodvibes)

Shirt- Target
Shorts- Etsy

Dress- ShopDisney/DisneyStore
Fanny Pack- Made with love by none other than AUNTIE KAHLA! She made one for each of us on my WDW bachelorette trip!!

Thanks Kahla :earboy2: (Don't mind the raunchy bachelorette sign :rotfl2:)

Shirt- ShopDisney/DisneyStore
Shorts- LuluLemon

Dress- Tommy Bahama (purchased from Ebay)

Shirt- ShopDisney/DisneyStore. They advertised this shirt as "cropped," so I sized up (usually I'm a medium, and I ordered a large). Well, it came and was absolutely SWIMMING on me- I should have ordered a small! I got it altered and it looks slightly better, but I still might cut the sleeves. That's the risk with buying stuff online!
Shorts- LuluLemon

Dress- Lilly Pulitzer (purchased from ShopDisney/DisneyStore)

Shirt- ShopDisney/DisneyStore (purchased from Poshmark)
Shorts- JCPenney

I’ve also bought some earrings and necklaces for the trip. Back in 2022, Jake’s mom bought me these ADORABLE Hula Minnie Baublebar earrings for our Waikiki/Aulani trip (I wore them the night we got engaged :lovestruc)

Then, for Christmas 2022, Jake bought me these Minnie Bride Baublebar earrings for all of the wedding festivities :love:. I wore these many times throughout the wedding process; for all of our tastings, my bridal shower, the rehearsal dinner, and of course during my whole Disney Bachelorette party and the Aulani portion of our honeymoon!

THEN, during my bachelorette/birthday trip to Disney in July, my besties got me a bunch of Disney Baublebar jewelry as gifts. Clearly, everyone in my life knows the way to my heart :thumbsup2

Well, I was browsing TJ Maxx a few months ago, and I realized that they sell a HUGE portion of the Disney Baublebar jewelry for like 60-75% off!!!! I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT! So, about once every couple weeks, I’ve been making the trip over to TJ Maxx and buying a couple things each time. To be fair, these were only like $10-12 for each item, but I think I may need an intervention at this point :scared:

I also purchased these babies just in case we do decide to go to Disneyland over Halloween ;)

Lastly, I’ve purchased and perfected my shoe options for the trip. I used to struggle TERRIBLY with blisters, and I realized that it was due to 1. Improper footwear and 2. Wearing the same shoes every day. Now, I make sure to switch up between sandals and tennis shoes throughout the week so that my feet aren’t being rubbed/pressured in the same spots day after day, and it’s helped immensely!

These are my favorite sandals for the parks. They are Skechers Women’s On-The-Go Sport Sandals. I have a black pair and a nude pair! They are so lightweight, yet sturdy and supportive!

As far as tennis shoes go, I’m a Brooks girl through and through. Hands-down, my favorite pair of tennis shoes I’ve ever owned are Brooks Ghost. They are perfect for both walking and running. I’ve worn through multiple pairs!

I also have a black pair of Brooks Launch that I’ll bring to match when I’m wearing those colors. They’re not quite as supportive as the Ghost but still very comfortable!

If you read my Aulani TR, you’ll know that I’m a chronic over-packer and always have overweight bags. So, these outfits, along with MANY other articles of clothing, will for sure be making the trip to WDW :laughing:

What’s your favorite place to buy Disney clothes? Do you rely on ShopDisney/DisneyStore, or are you more of an Etsy/small shop fan? I could always use more ideas for Disney merch!

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Well, I was browsing TJ Maxx a few months ago, and I realized that they sell a HUGE portion of the Disney Baublebar jewelry for like 60-75% off!!!!
I want to go check out TJ Maxx now! That’s a great deal!
These are my favorite sandals for the parks. They are Skechers Women’s On-The-Go Sport Sandals.
I love Skechers for comfy sandals too. Those are really cute!
As far as tennis shoes go, I’m a Brooks girl through and through.
I’m a Brooks girl too! But our local shoe store wasn’t carrying them so I ended up switching to ASICS for this trip. Which were comfy but did cause a blister.
What’s your favorite place to buy Disney clothes? Do you rely on ShopDisney/DisneyStore, or are you more of an Etsy/small shop fan?
I usually do a mix of Target, Old Navy, Kohl’s and Etsy.
I upped my ticket from a 7-day park hopper to an 8-day park hopper (for only $22 extra), juuuuust in case I want to sneak into a park one morning/evening for some solo time!

This was a great call! You’ll love the flexibility of being able to use an extra day - and for $22, it’s a no-brainer!

He’s currently questioning if he should book a back-up flight through Southwest for 5/13, just in case the Spirit flight gets pushed to 5/14.

Eeek… I’d probably book the back up flight. It’s easy to cancel and retain the credit on SW, especially considering you guys like to travel. Spirit’s inconsistency would make me nervous!

we are probably going to request rooms in either Aruba or Jamaica, since these seem to have a better location.

It looks like Aruba may be your best bet as it will put you near the skyliner. I’ve never stayed at CBR due to its size - after staying at (I think smaller?) CSR I was scared off from the huge resorts. Still, the skyliner is a great perk and the resort itself looks lovely.

Here are some Disney clothes that I’ve purchased this year and plan on wearing in the parks/around the property!

I admire your dedication to outfit planning! I have no such dedication. :laughing: That said, I often use Disney trips as a shopping excuse - it’s a great reason to buy some new summer shirts!

Although I won’t be planning my own coordinating outfits, I do intend to plan some outfits for the girls. I’m not going to be the level of some parents (I refuse to do multiple outfit changes a day, minus normal reasons of swimming/spills) but it would be fun to pick character gear that “matches” the park we’re visiting that day. Picking and ordering clothes is on my agenda starting this week!

(Don't mind the raunchy bachelorette sign :rotfl2:)

:rotfl: I love it!

As far as tennis shoes go, I’m a Brooks girl through and through.

I bought my first pair of Brooks Ghost shoes this spring! My husband is a runner and highly recommended I try either Hoka or Brooks shoes - I tried both and went with Brooks. I’m lucky that I’ve never had blister problems at Disney World, but I’m still excited to wear my new-ish shoes. (But don’t worry - I’ve already put some miles on them so they’ll be broken in before our trip!)

I love your sandals! I may have to try those - I have a pair of Tevas I wear occasionally in the parks and they work well, but it would be nice to have an alternative.
Lastly, I’ve purchased and perfected my shoe options for the trip. I used to struggle TERRIBLY with blisters
So I had this issue too. I have discovered it isnt so much the shoe as it is the SOCK! Balega Running socks are 100% the BEST socks. I ran two marathons (and many training runs) in both heat and rain, and both times ZERO blisters. Sore feet yes, blisters no! They are pricy but man, they are legit the best socks on the planet.
What’s your favorite place to buy Disney clothes?
I stumbled into Primark at the mall one day, and OHHH EMMMM GEEEE! Disney heaven! Who knew!? Cheap too. I also love Etsy, and for my kids Walmart has great stuff!
For some idiotic reason, I was surprised to find out that Disney Cruises are EXPENSIVE (pretty on par with the rest of the Walt Disney Company ::yes::).
We just did our first DCL cruise on the Wish and absolutely loved it! We’re already planning our next one. That said, it is significantly pricier than other cruise lines! It’s worth it for us at this stage of life (3 small kids) - you can’t beat the nursery and kids club, and it was just SO family friendly (they even put a diaper genie in our stateroom!) But if it were just me and my husband, we’d definitely look at other cruise lines to save $$. And, totally agree, a lot of the DCL itineraries don’t actually appeal to me that much - but on DCL I feel like the ship is kind of a destination by itself, so we didn’t mind that for that particular cruise.
Then, the morning of Monday, October 28th, we would take an early ferry back to the Los Angeles area. We would book a hotel in West Hollywood for the night of the 28th, and do all of the touristy things during the day (Santa Monica Pier, Beverly Hills, the Chinese Theatre, etc.).
I haven’t done Catalina Island but we did do a Disneyland and Los Angeles trip last year - we absolutely loved our day at the Santa Monica Pier and checking out all the other sights in LA! I also got sick on our Disneyland portion which was such a bummer - can’t wait to plan a do over. I’m sure you guys will have a blast wherever you decide to go!


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