Oogie Boogie Bash – A Disney Halloween Party 2024

Cliff note time please, confused seeing conflicting info

1. Link to use

2. Multiple browsers or not?

2. Logged into acct or not?

3. Look for single day or a range?

Cliff note time please, confused seeing conflicting info

1. Link to use

2. Multiple browsers or not?

2. Logged into acct or not?

3. Look for single day or a range?



not needed; they will prompt sign in

keep preferred range in mind so if errors out on submission, you'll have backup dates ready. The calendar doesn't keep updated as fast as the sellout; so won't know until you hit that payment final order.
1. Link to use

2. Multiple browsers or not?
It can't hurt - I would do it, once the queue is definitely open. At worst, if you have a technical glitch, you'll have other windows already in the queue ready to go.

2. Logged into acct or not?
Kind of either/or. If it were me, I'd say no - I'd actually go to the homepage now and make sure that I'm completely logged out to avoid confusion. (I had an issue yesterday that one browser was auto-logging me in, but it was doing so after the page loaded, so the website wasn't recognizing it, and it wasn't showing me the purchase link.) Optionally - even if someone wanted to be logged in, I'd go to the homepage now, fully log out, then fully log back in so that it's fresh.

3. Look for single day or a range?
I'm hedging on this one - I think you can only choose one day at a time. (That's all I did yesterday - I'll let someone else chime in if they've done differently.)
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Going to be trying for tickets today from Ireland. This is likely a stupid question, but in terms of time zone can someone confirm that it is 8.45 PST? Just so I know for sure for working out the time here. I get two different PT times and hour apart when I google this. Thanks a million!

I know already been answered, but just noting you got two answers because because of daylight savings time. There's PST and PDT. Most just write PT because it's easier, covers both, and still accurate. Currently we're on PDT with the current offset from UTC being -7

When we're on PST (PDT will end on November 3 this year), it will move back to UTC -8.
Single day picking from entire calendar. If in when limited amounts per day, refresh entire page and click day quick. Might get it. If don’t get it with warning it’s not available.. keep refreshing. After buy a day, can continue and buy others. If shows sold out…refresh..it might and usually reappears until they officially announce day sold. Took me 10 minutes but one lucky click broke through the error 500 and got the tickets, good luck to all today!
I know already been answered, but just noting you got two answers because because of daylight savings time. There's PST and PDT. Most just write PT because it's easier, covers both, and still accurate. Currently we're on PDT with the current offset from UTC being -7

When we're on PST (PDT will end on November 3 this year), it will move back to UTC -8.
Thank you so much, that makes sense!

Good luck to all trying for tickets today! It's nerve-wracking!
Today is the only reason I'm glad for all that WDW ADR "training." This is better, though, since I'm on the West Coast, I don't have to get up before dawn to try and get the coveted reservation!

Fingers crossed! It's my little one's 8th birthday trip, and she wants to meet Ernesto as she has a crush on him (she won't admit it, but she gets so excited to see him in the movie) :happytv:
I'll be honest, I've always HATED that Disney allows that. I think you should be able to buy tickets for one day, and if you want another day, you should have to queue up again. Just a little pre-ticket buying rant :-)
Lucky to get one day anyway. Lol. Last year day I wanted was gone. Took another. Then refreshing opened to other day. Bought it. Not that really wanted two days but enjoyed both. This year in October a big family trip. Limit is 8. Felt bad leaving some out. For the week stay, 8 going on one night. 5 going to other.
I haven't thought about my dates at all yet.... for travel, or hotel, or anything... guess I should start doing that just in case I'm one of the crazy ones that gets in right away, lol.

I know it's all a sell out, but anyone recall which nights of the week last year tended to feel "better?" I wouldn't be surprised if Disney sold different number of tickets depending on the day of week...

Also, anyone know which days Chef's Counter at Napa Rose is? I'm going to be kicking myself if the only Bash date I score is also the only potential day that I could do Chef's counter, lol


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