One Bedroom Worth It?

Your guide cannot and will not help you book a room with resale points based on an intention to buy direct points at a future date.

Book the best thing you can when the points close and utilize the waitlist feature and stalking the system to see if you can get what you want before your trip. I have had good luck with the waitlist feature at the FL properties.
Will do!
Also please let us know how it all goes. I would love to hear your thoughts after your trip and what you decide regarding adding on.
I definitely will! Ccv is out for us as well because we stayed there September and didn't care for it at all, but I would love to do a full comparison of both riv rooms vs PIT
This is now really making me think I should book a riv 1 bedroom as well to do a PIT vs RIV 1 bedroom showdown!
I say do it. This type of thing I would enjoy being able to compare, but DH and DD would have none of it. The best I can do, to get them to compare rooms is to tour the different rooms. Also remember that is an option. If there is something you do not get to see in person most of the resorts will show you a room at their resort you can tour. That will at least show you the physical differences.

For reference we were set to add on at CCV to move to 1bdrms from studios every year. When we were at CCV for Thanksgiving they had a 1bdrm we could tour. On the tour we told them how we had seen Moana and our DD was interested in Poly Tower and their 1bdrms. They told us about the extra bathroom and set up a tour for us at SSR of the Poly Tower 1bdrm. Seeing them in person is what pushed us to Poly Tower, which was not even on our radar until we were on the trip. I say all this to say if there is a room you want to see that you don't end up getting a reservation for your guide should be able to set up a time and a place for you to see the room, even at sold out resorts.
I say do it. This type of thing I would enjoy being able to compare, but DH and DD would have none of it. The best I can do, to get them to compare rooms is to tour the different rooms. Also remember that is an option. If there is something you do not get to see in person most of the resorts will show you a room at their resort you can tour. That will at least show you the physical differences.

For reference we were set to add on at CCV to move to 1bdrms from studios every year. When we were at CCV for Thanksgiving they had a 1bdrm we could tour. On the tour we told them how we had seen Moana and our DD was interested in Poly Tower and their 1bdrms. They told us about the extra bathroom and set up a tour for us at SSR of the Poly Tower 1bdrm. Seeing them in person is what pushed us to Poly Tower, which was not even on our radar until we were on the trip. I say all this to say if there is a room you want to see that you don't end up getting a reservation for your guide should be able to set up a time and a place for you to see the room, even at sold out resorts.
My wife won't have none of it either but I'm the one doing the booking so...🤭😄 that's exactly what happened to us! We actually went to tour Fort Wilderness. Riviera was totally not on my radar at all. We didn't even book it for January because I didn't think anything of it. Thank God our guide told us that based on everything I'm telling him, he thinks I'm a Riv girl and gave us a tour. I was like okay sure I'll go, fell in love. What did you think of SSR? I haven't seen it yet but it's on my radar for the low dues and low price for resale.
Once you stay in a 1BR it is all over for studios! Even if you don't "use" the kitchen, it is helpful to have room for cold drinks and perhaps ice cream in a real freezer. W/D will change everything! You can bring far less clothes. Just don't forget to bring laundry pods and dryer sheets. I also bring a few plastic hangers (I leave them) to hang up items in the shower that I do not want in the dryer.

DH and I have stayed in a 2 BR several times, using the second BR as a closet...and of course, the second bath makes getting ready a breeze wince we each have one.

Once you stay in a 1BR it is all over for studios! Even if you don't "use" the kitchen, it is helpful to have room for cold drinks and perhaps ice cream in a real freezer. W/D will change everything! You can bring far less clothes. Just don't forget to bring laundry pods and dryer sheets. I also bring a few plastic hangers (I leave them) to hang up items in the shower that I do not want in the dryer.

DH and I have stayed in a 2 BR several times, using the second BR as a closet...and of course, the second bath makes getting ready a breeze wince we each have one.

I know it's over for me lol. I used to be the type that could care less what view a hotel room had or even what it looked like because it was just a place to knock out. Now that I'm forty, I love a good view and need a comfortable bed. I can't crash out in studio with others because I can't sleep if there is a lot of noise. I guess I'm old now and a 1 bedroom is so much more appropriate in so many ways 😆
If you need any more convincing, let me tell you a true story. DH and I stayed in July a couple of years ago, and it was very humid - just like September is likely to be for you. We didn’t go to the parks until nearly sundown and stayed late, but even then we returned to the room with very sweaty clothes. DH and I joke that we could have brought just one set of clothes that trip, because when we returned every night, our clothes went straight into the washing machine, and we could have worn the same ones the next day.
My wife won't have none of it either but I'm the one doing the booking so...🤭😄 that's exactly what happened to us! We actually went to tour Fort Wilderness. Riviera was totally not on my radar at all. We didn't even book it for January because I didn't think anything of it. Thank God our guide told us that based on everything I'm telling him, he thinks I'm a Riv girl and gave us a tour. I was like okay sure I'll go, fell in love. What did you think of SSR? I haven't seen it yet but it's on my radar for the low dues and low price for resale.
We have stayed at SSR and it felt very much like a condo area to us. The rooms were acceptable but we did not feel the Disney bubble anywhere near as much as we like. I will also say while we did the walk to DS a few times in June, when we go, it was HOT. There wasn't any real cover so you are marching in the sun which ever direction you go, to the bus, to the boat or walking to DS. As a result we didn't fall in love. We are very much buy where you want to stay people and bought accordingly. But that is what is best for our family and no one way is right or wrong. As for visiting the Poly Tower rooms there that was only because the Towere was several weeks from opening and that was the only place to see a model of the rooms. If we went now we would have taken a boat and toured the Tower in person.
If you need any more convincing, let me tell you a true story. DH and I stayed in July a couple of years ago, and it was very humid - just like September is likely to be for you. We didn’t go to the parks until nearly sundown and stayed late, but even then we returned to the room with very sweaty clothes. DH and I joke that we could have brought just one set of clothes that trip, because when we returned every night, our clothes went straight into the washing machine, and we could have worn the same ones the next day.
We do the same thing. The washer gets filled as people come out of the shower. Run the washer while we are settling in and watching some TV. Then the dryer and we have clean clothes by morning. We now have two Owners Lockers and only travel with carry-ons. Now the flights back with everything we buy can be an issue but we could probably get away with 2 carry-ons for 3 adults if we were buying souveniers.
If you need any more convincing, let me tell you a true story. DH and I stayed in July a couple of years ago, and it was very humid - just like September is likely to be for you. We didn’t go to the parks until nearly sundown and stayed late, but even then we returned to the room with very sweaty clothes. DH and I joke that we could have brought just one set of clothes that trip, because when we returned every night, our clothes went straight into the washing machine, and we could have worn the same ones the next day.
I honestly didn't even think about the weather when booking this trip, I was just like this is the cheapest time to go, awesome 🤣🤣 now i see the value of the washer/dryer
If you need any more convincing, let me tell you a true story. DH and I stayed in July a couple of years ago, and it was very humid - just like September is likely to be for you. We didn’t go to the parks until nearly sundown and stayed late, but even then we returned to the room with very sweaty clothes. DH and I joke that we could have brought just one set of clothes that trip, because when we returned every night, our clothes went straight into the washing machine, and we could have worn the same ones the next day.
Especially for our Swimsuits because we like to utilize the pools
We have stayed at SSR and it felt very much like a condo area to us. The rooms were acceptable but we did not feel the Disney bubble anywhere near as much as we like. I will also say while we did the walk to DS a few times in June, when we go, it was HOT. There wasn't any real cover so you are marching in the sun which ever direction you go, to the bus, to the boat or walking to DS. As a result we didn't fall in love. We are very much buy where you want to stay people and bought accordingly. But that is what is best for our family and no one way is right or wrong. As for visiting the Poly Tower rooms there that was only because the Towere was several weeks from opening and that was the only place to see a model of the rooms. If we went now we would have taken a boat and toured the Tower in person.
Just based on what your saying i don't think I would be an SSR person either. First of all I like things to be central (Jambo house all the way) so that should be a huge indicator. Secondly, not a fan of Disney Springs really because I always get lost there 🤣🤣 what can I say I love convenience and my patience is lacking and I think an internal bus system would drive me up the wall. Still, I would give it a shot because you never know. I actually did tour the towers in person! It was beautiful. I still like to stay tho because I genuinely thought VGF would be my favorite by the looks of it and after staying there, surprisingly, we both weren't fans 😬 Crazy i know
We do the same thing. The washer gets filled as people come out of the shower. Run the washer while we are settling in and watching some TV. Then the dryer and we have clean clothes by morning. We now have two Owners Lockers and only travel with carry-ons. Now the flights back with everything we buy can be an issue but we could probably get away with 2 carry-ons for 3 adults if we were buying souveniers.
Owners locker may be something I look into in the future because the way we pack is absolutely ridiculous 🤣🤣 2 people and 5 checked bags 🎒 were definitely not light packers!

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