One became SEVEN?!? How did THAT happen? 4/24 UPDATE

Judy, what a wonderfully thoughtful gift from David! It is so lovely and perfect on your mantel.

Hang in there for tomorrow! :)
Judy I thought of you and your wonderful family today as I had my winter snow tires put on. The VIP Service centers is a change of 56 shops in New England. When I was checking out they asked if I wanted to make a donation to Make a Wish. They are going to match all the donations they receive so of course I gave them a good size donation and I told the manager I was doing so because of a friend and her family. Hope all is well with you all. I do read updates but have been very busy.
Oh Judy, I know the service center was so thankful for the donation, I am sure they have a goal to raise as much money for Make a Wish, just as we do. Thank you for thinking of us. :goodvibes

Speaking of the Make a Wish walk, it isn't too late for those of you reading to donate to our Saturday walk! We are close to meeting our goal and for as little as $5 you can MAKE YOUR DONATION ONLINE RIGHT HERE.

Click on the blue button in the upper right corner that says donate now.

David's clock is beautiful! He is very talented, and also so thoughtful to give you a gift like that. My aunt and uncle built their own log cabin about 20 years ago, I imagine that he could do the same one day!

Prayers for you as your have your tests today that all goes well.


Jennifer, THANK YOU for your very kind words. :goodvibes He has enjoyed hearing what others thought of his work. I would LOVE it if he could build a log cabin someday. Lisa's family (Mickeystoontown) did that and I have only seen pics; however, it is gorgeous!

Thank you for your prayers. :goodvibes Praying YOU are well!

Tell David that I said he did a fantastic job on the clock! You know that I live with a man who works with wood for a livin' so I know my stuff. ;) I'll make sure that I show the pictures to John tonight 'cause I know that he'll want to see your new "pretty".

He was so happy Lisa, Thank you. If we lived closer to you David would LOVE to come play with John! Yes ma'am, you and John know about the art of wood! :thumbsup2 And have the houseful (and house) of beautiful quality to prove it! :goodvibes

Wow! What a great clock! David is very talented! And it gives me so much hope. From different things you have told me, JJ and David have a lot in common. Working with wood like that, he is using tools that are potentially dangerous. That's great that he has learned to safely use all those tools and use them on his own.

Thanks Michelle, and you SHOULD be full of hope. YOu know the road to get David here wasn't always easy, very similar to the journey you and JJ are on.
:hug::hug: As we have discussed before, it DOES get easier the older they get and YOU are making the difference! As David used to say when he was younger together, we were a well-oiled machine. :thumbsup2 He could do anything as long as I was there to help guide him and show him the way and deal with all of the medical problems, etc. As for danger, even now I worry about David and the tools/machines. He gets tired of me (or someone else) stating the rules and that is OKAY! He realizes it is for his own good and that it simply keeps him sharp, because he HAS forgotten or been slack. As he says, if he gets too cocky/comfortable or he forgets, that is when accidents DO happen...and yes, we have had a few. Praise God they have been minor. He is EXTREMELY good at wearing his eye and hearing protection, you probably see that in some of the photos. He even has a full face mask for when the chips are flying. Be encouraged for JJ, it WILL come together! :hug: You are in the very thick of it all now. :hug: Age and wisdom will come (I would also say Maturity; however, David was born with an old soul. I heard all through his growing up years how mature he was...and he was/is).
I didn't want to take away from David's accomplishment with telling you I'd finished it.
YOu are so thoughtful and the TR was awesome! :goodvibes Well, except for Miami! :sad:
Praying for good results for all your tests Judy. Tell David the clock is beautiful. I have an old mantle clock that was my grandfather's. Unfortunately it doesn't work but someday I will pay to get it fixed. Glad Lisa's leg is going to get better and it was just the muscle. Also good to hear how well Emile is doing so quickly. To get rid of an iv is great. Well we made it to Florida and wonderful warm, sunny weather. Back in Minnesota it snowed and I'm not sorry to miss the first snow. I was excited to see my first palm trees. We are going to drive down to the coast and see the ocean today before driving to our townhouse. It's been a long drive but we really loved seeing a little of the country.


What a beautiful clock David made for you. He is such an artist with his woodwork.

Thoughts and prayers to all.
Thank you Michele, he wil like this post. :goodvibes
David did an amazing job!!! It looks beautiful on your mantel!
Thank you Tracy. It looks SO beautiful up there and Now I don't have to crane my neck to see the clock. :goodvibes

Hope the tests went ok!

They weren't bad, just took up a chunk of my day. I always think of Lisa and thet puts my complaining at bay! :thumbsup2
Thanks, I'm glad I could spend time with them!

I've been in training this week and it's kind of making my head hurt. :rotfl:
My Nephew is still making progress, he is on full feeds now so they took his IV out :thumbsup2
That is all I have to update for now. But hopefully we will have some trip stuff to talk about latter this week. :goodvibes

I hope that your headache is MUCH better! :hug::hug::hug: You have had a wild two weeks, lots of emotion-filled things gong on, travel, caring for a toddler and so much more. You need some me time and a chance to decompress, I hope you get that soon!. So thankful that Emile is on full feeds, what FABULOUS :yay::yay: news!!

TRIP NEWS....I can't wait!!! :woohoo::woohoo: Oh wait, That is US!!! :crazy2: :rotfl2:

First hope your tests went well today and praying for good news when the results come back.

Yes lots less drama!! If Jeff ever gets started with photo shopping pictures then there's hope we can both get some of our favorite pictures adjusted to make them just a little bit better.

Yeah for Emile!! I'm glad to hear he's moving forward!! Continued prayers!!
Thank you Sandra. I expect good news! :thumbsup2

Oh I have quite a few myself that would look better if I could photoshop them. :lmao:

Praying you have a great day!
Judy, what a wonderfully thoughtful gift from David! It is so lovely and perfect on your mantel.

Hang in there for tomorrow! :)
Thank you Brenda, I so agree! :goodvibes:thumbsup2:goodvibes It looks SO good, I can't help but stare at it when I am in the room.
Praying for good results for all your tests Judy. Tell David the clock is beautiful. I have an old mantle clock that was my grandfather's. Unfortunately it doesn't work but someday I will pay to get it fixed. Glad Lisa's leg is going to get better and it was just the muscle. Also good to hear how well Emile is doing so quickly. To get rid of an iv is great. Well we made it to Florida and wonderful warm, sunny weather. Back in Minnesota it snowed and I'm not sorry to miss the first snow. I was excited to see my first palm trees. We are going to drive down to the coast and see the ocean today before driving to our townhouse. It's been a long drive but we really loved seeing a little of the country.

Robyn, Thank you for your prayers. I will tell David...if we were closer he would come look at your clock. He has repaired the mechanics of a few we have, including trying to fix one that belonged to my FIL ( You can't fix some things, this was one of them). We are SO incredibly relieved about Lisa's leg! I appreciate their caution, but the doc scared me to pieces, I admit. YA for bering in Florida and missing the first snow! (Having been in several snowstorms in Minnesota, I can feel the cold). I hope you have a FABULOUS time full of wonderful fun, good memories and lots of family love. :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

Prayers for us ALL to have a wonderful, happy, stress-free day. :goodvibes

Ok I had to step back a moment. Things have certainly been against us going on this trip and trying to knock us down but we keep getting back up and are trying to make it work:) I am hoping to start my pre-trip report tonight as long as my hubby can keep Ty busy for me long enough for me to start it! But then again all he has to do is mention Knight Rider as he is all about that show! (remember Kit?) lol .I do need to catch up on both of your threads and hopefully I will get a chance to do that tonight as well. I hope your family is doing well. Prayers for you all! I would love to give you a call again soon!

:scared::scared: TONYA! You slipped this in on me after I answered responses (edited your post), I almost missed it! I am so sorry you are having problems/obstacles to the trip, I certainly do understand! :grouphug: I hope you DO start the PTR, it seems to make it more real. Pete knows Knight Rider, I never watched it, but he references it occasionally. :rotfl2: Please feel free to call me when you have time...but not tonight, I have a feeling I am NOT going to be in any mood to talk after my colonoscopy prep. :faint:

Praying your day of prep is going well and the MD appointments will not pose a huge problem. :goodvibes
First of all....That clock is beyond beautiful!! David should be very proud and now you have a "one of a kind"!!!!
I hope your prep isn't too bad and your test is quick and painless!
Having fun with my colonoscopy prep (NOT), but at least it isnt as bad as the last time I did one (I was quite ill then). Thought I would post some happy pics.

As you know, we had a fabulous time as a family at Victory Junction this weekend. Good Food that I didnt have to cook or serve, bowling, archery (all four of mine LOVE archery; but equipment is expensive so we are so happy the children were able to enjoy it), fishing (If you catch one you have to kiss it before you release it), dancing (after all of the meals), mini golf, crafts, making and shooting off rockets, performing at stage night (TWICE for the girls!), spending time with my amazing family and so much more. FABULOUS!

All 4 of the children did a skit at stage night. The girls paired up and the guys paired up. Of course, Lisa, Rachel and Pete performed a song. They all had a great time.

At the conclusion of stage night, I found a lady talking to Rachel and Lisa...she was asking them about performing at a Gala VJC has every year. Many of you may remember they had mentioned this to us in the spring after hearing the girls; however, we had not been approached since then. She didnt have her card on her; however, I had one (actually David had it, he always has one for me), which I gave it to her. Before we left the next day, she found me and told me she really wanted the girls to perform and gave me her card. I dont know any details yet; however, the girls are very excited about the opportunity.

When Lisa was much younger and visited VJC to drop David off at camp, she told us it was like Disney some ways she is right, because it is so much fun and larger than life. Thanks for indulging me. It was the PERFECT way to celebrate Lisa's MRI results!!


























Judy, what wonderful pictures of what looks to be a very fun weekend. I do love seeing the smiles on your ids faces.
Judy, love those happy faces, what a great place Victory Junction is. I am excited the girls get to perform for them. :goodvibes
Victory Junction looks amazing! It looks like you had a great time!

You are lucky to have such a nice son to build that amazing clock for you! I imagine you having good memories every time you look at that clock for years to come.

I'm so glad you had a great time this weekend. Looked like the weather was great.
Great pictures at Victory that the one the Nascar Petty family founded in memory of their boy?ú
Victory Junction looks like lots of fun! I saw a fish kiss, gross! Congrats, Lisa on your catch.
The clock is amazing...what a precious gift

Sounds like things are going well. Victory Junction??? Not sure what that ti but sounds like it was a wonderful family time
Judy, I am loving....I enjoyed....I liked..... Why the pauses? 'Cause it seems like I start off saying the same thing every single time I post. But, I can't help it. I do love, enjoy and like the pictures of those smiling faces. They always make me smile. ::yes:: You can tell that everybody really was having a great time at Victory Junction. Ooooh, I saw somebody smooching a fish! :lmao: Looking at all of those pictures makes me want to do arts and craft, shoot a bow and arrow, dance my booty off and go fishing. Where's my cane pole?

Praying you have a great day!

I did have a pretty good day. James let me take a nap this morning after I dropped Sarah and Jeremy off at school today. So that was really nice especially considering after school today Sarah had a Girl Scout play date with her troop at the park and that takes a lot out of me!! Then once I got Jeremy from school there was nothing I had to expect relax!! So nice to get to do that every once in a while.

I love all the pictures. I love seeing Lisa kissing the fish! So cute! I'm still so happy you guys got that weekend away and everyone looks so happy and relaxed. That's awesome that they want the girls to perform! They sure are talented (well all of them are!!)


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