One became SEVEN?!? How did THAT happen? 4/24 UPDATE

We are heading back to the hospital this time for something FUN! They asked us to come back at clinic today for the Halloween Party. Lisa can't go to ballet, so Christian, Rachel and Lisa and I are leaving shortly...David has no desire to go "I spend too much time at the hospital as it is".

The CT and US they scheduled for tomorrow morning has been postponed. I just received a call my insurance is balking and they need to do a peer to peer review (MD has to call and lead her case as to why I need the CT and Ultrasound. They now have e scheduled for next Tuesday. They better HOPE it is just a hernia :lmao:.

It is hard to get old, I thought I answered these...

Wait you mean being sleepy isn't a normal feeling? :rotfl2: I blame things on pregnancy now. :rotfl: She did have a great time!! I look at her now and can't believe she's already 5 and wonder where has the time gone. James and I are on the mend but we did reschedule a play date Jeremy was supposed to have tomorrow so I can get the rest I need. And I don't want his friend to get sick because it's her birthday this weekend.

Prayers for everyone who has asked!
Sleepy is a normal feeling for me too! The time does fly, you blink and they are graduating, dating,driving, etc...

Sorry you aren't feeling better; however, so glad you were able to reschedule the play-date! Take good care of you!! :grouphug::grouphug:
Hi Judy! I think I'm caught up! Rachel has some great pumpkin carving skills! But Christian and Lisa made a great team! Ahhhh cinnamon streusel muffins! Yum!! You made it a veritable party with the DJ'ing. :banana:

Isaiah 41:9-11 - I know you live this by faith but thinking of you this evening. :hug:
LOVED the bible verse, I reread it several times this morning, Thank you! Rachel was exhausted after all of that cutting, so the bottom of his mouth lost his teeth. :rotfl2: Christian and Lisa adore each other, he is so good to her. A great time was had by all.:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Love the picture of Emile; continuing to pray for him.

Judy, you and those insurance companies. :faint:

I hope your dad's nosebleeds stop soon.

Have fun at the party at the hospital.
Judy, praying for your needs and good news for Lisa. Loved the Halloween fun pictures.
Tracy, Emile is adorable, thank you for sharing.
Judy, Judy, Judy (not like the episode of The Andy Griffith Show where Goober kept saying "Judy Judy Judy" like Carey Grant) but this kind of Judy Judy Judy :sad:, you poor thing you. If it ain't one thing it's another. Keeping my fingers crossed that the testing gets done quickly and you find out that you just have a hernia. Not that a hernia is a good thing but you know what I mean. ;) They better watch out if it's not. I have a feeling you have a mean right hook. :rotfl:

I can certainly understand David's reasoning for not wanting to go to the clinic "fun". I hope that the rest of ya'll had a great time! I am sure that I don't even have to ask if you have pictures to share with us. I'll just say that I'm waiting to see them.

I'll also pray that the cauterization helps to solve the nosebleed problem with your Dad. My Dad had them a lot before, during and after all of health problems. The cauterization stopped them for quite some time though. Oh and John had it done to and it's been years since he's had a nosebleed. I think that my Hunter man will end up having it done at some point in time since he gets frequent nosebleeds. You know where they have that space on the school or admission forms where is says: Does your child have any other health issues? I always write "Frequent nosebleeds. Don't freak out when you see the blood. Don't send him home. He knows what to do."

By the way, you know that I like to kid/joke around and my posts do not, in any way, try to minimize what you're going through. Just like to try and infuse some funnies every now and then. Otherwise, we all might just break down in tears. :sad:
Tracy, that little nephew of your's is going to be a heartbreaker! I'll continue to hold Emile and your entire family up in prayer.
Tracy, such a sweet picture. Love how Emile is looking at the camera out of one eye.

Judy, UGH, those insurance companies. I hope it gets worked out quickly so you can get those tests. I'm glad there was something fun as an alternative to ballet for Lisa. Your poor dad. He's going through so much.
My 2#2oz nephew is now a happy healthy 3 year old !!!

Judy, I'm so excited for your trip! I know you will have a wonderful time!

Keeping all in my thoughts and prayers!
RUTH!!! Such a pleasure to have you share about your nephew, THANK YOU! :goodvibes
So sorry I haven't read anything but this latest page, so I know I am not all caught up. Just wanted to say we are still thinking of you all and praying for Emile, Lisa, and the others in need. My folks are coming tomorrow for a weeklong visit, so I probably won't be on much during that time but we'll be thinking of you all.

Had Ezra's P/T conference and it was somewhat discouraging. Off the record, he is reading at a second grade level and doing math at a second semester first grade level, but he wouldn't cooperate for the official testing so they gave him all zeros for his report card. I truly believe he has some sensory issues going on that are contributing to his difficulty paying attention, and the teacher finally agreed to bring it up at their next meeting with the OT to see if she can get someone in to observe him. On a hunch, I bought him a compression shirt like athletes wear under their jerseys and have been putting it on under his uniform shirt the past week and a half. His behavior was super for 7 days in a row (unheard of up until now) and I really think the shirt had something to do with it. Ezra even got upset when I went to wash it and said, "But Mommy, I NEED that shirt! It helps me sit still!" I asked the teacher to tell me when the OT is coming to observe him so I can leave the shirt off that day!
Amy, I hope you have a wonderful visit with your parents. :goodvibes

I hope the shirt continues to provide Ezra with comfort and his new ability to handle the classroom continues to allow him to enjoy school. I DO know how hard it is for him...and you! :hug:
Thoughts and prayers to all!
Thanks Michele.
Judy, love the pumpkin carving pics. Praying for good results from all the drs appointments. Thans for the subtle prodding. LOL! I do need it. I will try to update my PTR tonight.
Thanks Krystal. :goodvibes I know what all of this means to you and I am excited to have you share because you WANT to! You know I :love::love::love: you and your precious family!
Thank you for the prayers. That is terrible that they gave your sister in law the run around, but glad your nephew is now happy and healthy!
The nurses are all sweet and explain everything they are doing. We are making sure that we are there during the daily rounds, in the morning when the 'team' all come by and do a little huddle about progress. They are good at translating for us from the medical speak. I am very thankful!

Yeah it was hard for her but I'm glad I was able to help when I could.

I'm very happy that you guys are able to be there during the rounds and find out everything. Always good when your not left in the dark. Continued prayers for that cute little nephew of yours!!

Sleepy is a normal feeling for me too! The time does fly, you blink and they are graduating, dating,driving, etc...

Sorry you aren't feeling better; however, so glad you were able to reschedule the play-date! Take good care of you!! :grouphug::grouphug:

Yes it does! I actually have a picture of Jeremy and the little girl that's coming over for a play date next week and when I took it I for some reason could see them in the future still hanging out and being friends!! Kind of scared me because I know that time will be here before I know it.

I still wasn't 100% today but am starting to feel a little better. Heading to bed very soon because tomorrow is the Halloween Parade at the kids school and I know they'd both be sad if I missed it.

Forgot to mention (blaming it on the pregnancy) I loved the pumpkins and glad the kids had a great time doing it!!!
What a great picture of Emile. I'm so glad he is doing well and will continue to pray for him.
It's been a hard couple weeks for me as my 84 year old father fell off a ladder and dislocated his shoulder. He had surgery and then had to go back in after his follow up as his hemoglobin was 6.9. He is not one to go to the doctor for anything, but that will change now. His legs and feet are very swollen and he has an ulcer. I'm taking him back to the doctor on Friday and I'm hoping he is much improved so I can enjoy this trip. My sister is going to come down and take him to any appointments he needs while we are gone. Prayers would be appreciated for his recovery. So many on here seem to have parents with medical problems and I will continue to pray for them. My grandkids were over Saturday and couldn't believe I didn't even have my suitcases out yet. It's just hard to get excited when I'm so worried.
Thank you for the prayers.
I am sorry to hear about your father! I hope he recovers quickly.

Disnorth, he is a doll. Bonnie was due on Nov. 25th and she came Aug. 31st. She does have very mild CP, but most people can't even tell. She probably wouldn't even have that if the doctor had been better. My water broke 3 days before I had her and my doctor had already been paid. He first asked me if I had "just peed on myself" then told me to just go home and wait because "this baby will die." Yeah, just what you want to hear.

My mother took me to her house and frantically tried to get another doctor to take the delivery. No one else would help. I stayed on her couch for three days until I absolutely couldn't hold back any longer. When I got to the hospital, the nurse there had to threaten the doctor to get him to come to the hospital and deliver her. I now wish I had used someone else or not paid him up front! I had my son in a Naval hospital and we didn't have insurance yet so I was worried about the money. I am pretty sure the doctor contributed to the difficulties she did have.

Babies are stronger than you think and God does take care of us in ways we can't understand. My daughter is a remarkable individual. She had visual problems because they didn't protect her eyes in the NICU--they didn't know they needed to back then. But she has a BA degree in drawing and painting. Her art is so remarkable that one of her professor included a number of her paintings in what was supposed to be his one man show. She volunteered at the San Francisco maritime museum to teach knot tying to blind and deaf students (she knows sign.) And she has a second degree in Early Childhood Education.

Never lose hope and know that Emile will be remarkable in his own way. I know from personal experience that birth weight and the challenges these little people experience only makes them stronger. BTW--Bonnie came home 4 weeks before they had predicted and I made her first clothes out of an eighteen inch baby doll pattern! She was 14 inches long when she was born.
Oh my goodness! Your story is so scary, I can't believe how unethical your doctor was, shame on him. But glad to hear that your daughter overcame he difficult beginning!

My 2#2oz nephew is now a happy healthy 3 year old !!!
I am glad to hear that!

So sorry I haven't read anything but this latest page, so I know I am not all caught up. Just wanted to say we are still thinking of you all and praying for Emile, Lisa, and the others in need. My folks are coming tomorrow for a weeklong visit, so I probably won't be on much during that time but we'll be thinking of you all.

Had Ezra's P/T conference and it was somewhat discouraging. Off the record, he is reading at a second grade level and doing math at a second semester first grade level, but he wouldn't cooperate for the official testing so they gave him all zeros for his report card. I truly believe he has some sensory issues going on that are contributing to his difficulty paying attention, and the teacher finally agreed to bring it up at their next meeting with the OT to see if she can get someone in to observe him. On a hunch, I bought him a compression shirt like athletes wear under their jerseys and have been putting it on under his uniform shirt the past week and a half. His behavior was super for 7 days in a row (unheard of up until now) and I really think the shirt had something to do with it. Ezra even got upset when I went to wash it and said, "But Mommy, I NEED that shirt! It helps me sit still!" I asked the teacher to tell me when the OT is coming to observe him so I can leave the shirt off that day!
Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. I am sorry Ezra is struggling but you are a smart mother to try the compression shirt!

Love the picture of Emile; continuing to pray for him.
Thank you :goodvibes

Tracy, Emile is adorable, thank you for sharing.
Thank you, I think he is a cutie too!

Tracy, that little nephew of your's is going to be a heartbreaker! I'll continue to hold Emile and your entire family up in prayer.
Thank you for your prayers. Yes, him and his brother are going to be quite the pair I think. Emile might be a little darker but his brother has blond curls that gets him lots of attention.

Tracy, such a sweet picture. Love how Emile is looking at the camera out of one eye.
Thanks! He already expresses his personality, and will only open one eye to check things out.

Yeah it was hard for her but I'm glad I was able to help when I could.

I'm very happy that you guys are able to be there during the rounds and find out everything. Always good when your not left in the dark. Continued prayers for that cute little nephew of yours!!
Thank you for your prayers! We are glad we have a great team working for Emile.
Had my GI appt today, scheduled my colonoscopy. She felt a mass in my stomach (it has been there awhile, so I asked her about it). Having a CT and US tomorrow. Joy for the yummy contrast. :p:p Probably a hernia. Heading to the hematologist shortly. I have been on hold as they scheduled this and changed my update twice, as the scheduler changed locations...then times. :lmao::lmao::lmao: I have been writing this since if it is discombobulated, please forgive me.

Speaking of Dad's and prayers, yesterday my Dad had another nose bleed. They have been frequent with his chemo treatment and he typically has to get a blood transfusion following one. hHs oncologist sent him over to the ENT to have an area cauterized and stop the bleeding. His counts were good yesterday; however, they will recheck them today to ensure the nosebleed didn't cause them to drop.

We are heading back to the hospital this time for something FUN! They asked us to come back at clinic today for the Halloween Party. Lisa can't go to ballet, so Christian, Rachel and Lisa and I are leaving shortly...David has no desire to go "I spend too much time at the hospital as it is".

The CT and US they scheduled for tomorrow morning has been postponed. I just received a call my insurance is balking and they need to do a peer to peer review (MD has to call and lead her case as to why I need the CT and Ultrasound. They now have e scheduled for next Tuesday. They better HOPE it is just a hernia :lmao:.

Oh, Judy! I can't believe they postponed your test. I pray it is not too serious!

Praying for your dad too!

Hope you have a great time at the Halloween Party
Tracy, glad that the staff at the hospital is being so good about keeping ya'll informed and explaining it where you can understand it. All that medical talk can get confusing at times, especially when you are already worried and stressed out. I hope that he continues to improve.

Judy, hoping that the test show nothing serious wrong with you. I'm sorry that the insurance is making things difficult. I hope that Lisa's MRI shows that it isn't too serious, but like you said at least the doctor is taking the time and running the test to make sure he doesn't misdiagnosis it and cause more harm.

Life has been busy, I have been working 12 hour nights since Monday and work again tomorrow night. Unfortunately it is a temporary not permanent assignment, but every little bit helps. We had a scare with my dad tonight, I got a text from my step mom around 7 that she was having him transported to the VA because there was blood in his urine. Finally at almost 1 a.m I heard back from here that they said it was just a UTI and gave him IV antibiotics and sent him home. Don't know why last time the kept him for 3 weeks for a UTI, but that is the VA for you I guess.

Thoughts and prayers to all that need them.

Love the picture of Emile; continuing to pray for him.

Judy, you and those insurance companies. :faint:

I hope your dad's nosebleeds stop soon.

Have fun at the party at the hospital.
The insurance drives me :crazy2::crazy2::crazy2: I spend a good portion of each week fighting. It is only going to get worse, I am afraid. I hope Dad's nosebleeds stop as well, it will help to decrease the amount of blood transfusions he needs. The party was fun, we were home early for a Wednesday night, so we spent some time as a family...NOT, the toilet downstairs was broken and Pete and David were working on it for a few hours. It is all fixed now. :thumbsup2:yay::yay:
Judy, praying for your needs and good news for Lisa. Loved the Halloween fun pictures.
Tracy, Emile is adorable, thank you for sharing.
Thank you, I love to share my pics with you all. :goodvibes
Judy, Judy, Judy (not like the episode of The Andy Griffith Show where Goober kept saying "Judy Judy Judy" like Carey Grant) but this kind of Judy Judy Judy :sad:, you poor thing you. If it ain't one thing it's another. Keeping my fingers crossed that the testing gets done quickly and you find out that you just have a hernia. Not that a hernia is a good thing but you know what I mean. ;) They better watch out if it's not. I have a feeling you have a mean right hook. :rotfl:

I can certainly understand David's reasoning for not wanting to go to the clinic "fun". I hope that the rest of ya'll had a great time! I am sure that I don't even have to ask if you have pictures to share with us. I'll just say that I'm waiting to see them.

I'll also pray that the cauterization helps to solve the nosebleed problem with your Dad. My Dad had them a lot before, during and after all of health problems. The cauterization stopped them for quite some time though. Oh and John had it done to and it's been years since he's had a nosebleed. I think that my Hunter man will end up having it done at some point in time since he gets frequent nosebleeds. You know where they have that space on the school or admission forms where is says: Does your child have any other health issues? I always write "Frequent nosebleeds. Don't freak out when you see the blood. Don't send him home. He knows what to do."

By the way, you know that I like to kid/joke around and my posts do not, in any way, try to minimize what you're going through. Just like to try and infuse some funnies every now and then. Otherwise, we all might just break down in tears. :sad:

Crack me up Lisa, I heard it in my head. (My name being said repeatedly). I have decided OII am gong to be just fine, so is it is so! I do need everyone's prayers for it to be true. A hernia is just HINDRANCE, I have had one before and if it needs to be taken care of, then I will. My doc tried to tell me all of the awesome gruesome problems I could have and that it could be an issue during my colonoscopy, but she will not know till I am on the table. I told her, "ain't going to be a thing" but a clean test...well, as clean as a colonoscopy can be. :rotfl2: Me and a mean right hook...nah, but I DO have a rapier sharp wit! ;)

I took 150 pics at the party...I fell down on the job, I kept forgetting to take pics! The party was fun, we were home early though and I was glad. Pete and David worked on the toilet until 9 PM, all fixed now.

I am hoping the cauterization stops my Dad from having to worry about the nosebleeds. David used to get them all of the I told the school, tampons are a great absorber, we used them in the hospital top stop severe nosebleeds (they weren't labeled as such, but that is what they are). I understand about having to let them know about Hunter, I can imagine you have had quite a few frantic phone calls through the years!

HONESTLY Lisa, I don't feel as if we are going through a lot, it has been much worse. I LOVE your sense of humor and I don't want either of us to be gloomy or dwell in sadness. My sharing is really just that... sharing and a way to ask for prayer for our needs. You keep teasing me, picking on me and making me laugh! :thumbsup2 We have challenges just like everybody (I KNOW you understand, you do as well)...but life is GOOD! I look at it as some not great stuff interspersed into a great life. God brings me tons of blessings every day. EVERY day! Tomorrow I will get another one when I hear Lisa has an injured quad muscle, NO evidence of AVN and we can start her rehab! Thank you for being you and not tiptoeing around me like I am a fragile piece of china...I am one tough cookie...that is where Lisa learned her resilience (at least that is what I tell myself :lmao:)

Have a great day Ya'll!! :flower3:

Tracy, such a sweet picture. Love how Emile is looking at the camera out of one eye.

Judy, UGH, those insurance companies. I hope it gets worked out quickly so you can get those tests. I'm glad there was something fun as an alternative to ballet for Lisa. Your poor dad. He's going through so much.
Aw Tink, you know the battles with the insurance beast. Those of us who have to use it more just get battle weary of it all. My Dad isn't always able to deal with the "stuff" but he is also very tough and has been through a lot this past year. His stubbornness in not going to the MD for so long is one of my reasons for getting things done, waiting on problems to get better can cause even bigger issues...and if there is something wrong, I want to get it cleared up as early as possible.

I pray JJ is feeling well and able to enjoy some Halloween fun!!
Yeah it was hard for her but I'm glad I was able to help when I could.

I'm very happy that you guys are able to be there during the rounds and find out everything. Always good when your not left in the dark. Continued prayers for that cute little nephew of yours!!

Yes it does! I actually have a picture of Jeremy and the little girl that's coming over for a play date next week and when I took it I for some reason could see them in the future still hanging out and being friends!! Kind of scared me because I know that time will be here before I know it.

I still wasn't 100% today but am starting to feel a little better. Heading to bed very soon because tomorrow is the Halloween Parade at the kids school and I know they'd both be sad if I missed it.

Forgot to mention (blaming it on the pregnancy) I loved the pumpkins and glad the kids had a great time doing it!!!

Rachel and Lisa had several marriage proposals when they were in K-2 was so cute to see them at that age and visualize them growing up and having careers and families of their own. It happens much quicker than you think. I have pics of them with their friends that touch your heart. My boys are now MEN...I look at them sometimes and wonder when that happened.

I hope today finds you feeling much better so you can enjoy the fun and festivities of the day. :grouphug: :goodvibes :grouphug:

As for forgetting things and being pregnant...I call it "baby brain". :lmao:
Oh, Judy! I can't believe they postponed your test. I pray it is not too serious!

Praying for your dad too!

Hope you have a great time at the Halloween Party
I hope you finally went to bed (a real bed) and got some sleep!
I refuse to let it be serious, I have too much to do! :lmao:

Thank you for your prayers, they are so appreciated and needed!

I wil post pics of the par, it was fun. Reminded me of GKTW! :thumbsup2:goodvibes:thumbsup2

Tracy, glad that the staff at the hospital is being so good about keeping ya'll informed and explaining it where you can understand it. All that medical talk can get confusing at times, especially when you are already worried and stressed out. I hope that he continues to improve.

Judy, hoping that the test show nothing serious wrong with you. I'm sorry that the insurance is making things difficult. I hope that Lisa's MRI shows that it isn't too serious, but like you said at least the doctor is taking the time and running the test to make sure he doesn't misdiagnosis it and cause more harm.

Life has been busy, I have been working 12 hour nights since Monday and work again tomorrow night. Unfortunately it is a temporary not permanent assignment, but every little bit helps. We had a scare with my dad tonight, I got a text from my step mom around 7 that she was having him transported to the VA because there was blood in his urine. Finally at almost 1 a.m I heard back from here that they said it was just a UTI and gave him IV antibiotics and sent him home. Don't know why last time the kept him for 3 weeks for a UTI, but that is the VA for you I guess.

Thoughts and prayers to all that need them.


Marilyn, I thank uou for your support and prayers. :goodvibes They are so appreciated. :thumbsup2 I BELIEVE we are going to be just fine! :goodvibes

I am sorry for the 12 hour shifts; however, thankful you have a little income coming in. I now it has been tough. Praying for your Dad and that his needs WILL be met! :goodvibes

I want to wish you all a truly

Tracy, glad that the staff at the hospital is being so good about keeping ya'll informed and explaining it where you can understand it. All that medical talk can get confusing at times, especially when you are already worried and stressed out. I hope that he continues to improve.

Judy, hoping that the test show nothing serious wrong with you. I'm sorry that the insurance is making things difficult. I hope that Lisa's MRI shows that it isn't too serious, but like you said at least the doctor is taking the time and running the test to make sure he doesn't misdiagnosis it and cause more harm.

Life has been busy, I have been working 12 hour nights since Monday and work again tomorrow night. Unfortunately it is a temporary not permanent assignment, but every little bit helps. We had a scare with my dad tonight, I got a text from my step mom around 7 that she was having him transported to the VA because there was blood in his urine. Finally at almost 1 a.m I heard back from here that they said it was just a UTI and gave him IV antibiotics and sent him home. Don't know why last time the kept him for 3 weeks for a UTI, but that is the VA for you I guess.

Thoughts and prayers to all that need them.

Marilyn, those 12hr shifts can be rough! Glad they were able to treat your dad quickly!
I am also thankful that the staff is great at keeping parents informed. They actually translate as the medical mumbo jumbo well. Our dad came by to visit the other day and said I should be able to understand all the medical stuff because animals aren't much different. :scratchin I had to remind him that I was a biologist not a vet. Maybe that's why he always tells me his cat's aliments, all this time he was looking for a diagnosis :rotfl:

I hope you finally went to bed (a real bed) and got some sleep!
I refuse to let it be serious, I have too much to do! :lmao:
I did find a bed ;)
You do have to much to do, hopefully your body understands that!
I am glad you had a good Halloween party! Hope you have a great day!

I hope everyone has a


Wowzers! Just found the new thread and I am sooooooooo behind! This is what happens when you go on vacation!

So before I go with hopes of catching up after our crazy weekend ahead, so happy for this upcoming trip!!!!!

And Happy Halloween, all!
You have a great attitude Judy. I hope you all have a Happy Halloween. :goodvibes
Thank you Belle. :goodvibes
Marilyn, those 12hr shifts can be rough! Glad they were able to treat your dad quickly!
I am also thankful that the staff is great at keeping parents informed. They actually translate as the medical mumbo jumbo well. Our dad came by to visit the other day and said I should be able to understand all the medical stuff because animals aren't much different. :scratchin I had to remind him that I was a biologist not a vet. Maybe that's why he always tells me his cat's aliments, all this time he was looking for a diagnosis :rotfl:

Oh that made me laugh! I am a nurse and my Mom STILL thinks I have no medical knowledge at all. :lmao:

I did find a bed ;)
You do have to much to do, hopefully your body understands that!
I am glad you had a good Halloween party! Hope you have a great day!

I hope everyone has a



Happy Halloween everyone

Happy Halloween my friend. I am glad you found a bed, much more comfortable! :thumbsup2 Had a slower morning, lots to do shortly, sigh. My body better listen, I am too busy, so I better take care of it is I can.
Wowzers! Just found the new thread and I am sooooooooo behind! This is what happens when you go on vacation!

So before I go with hopes of catching up after our crazy weekend ahead, so happy for this upcoming trip!!!!!

And Happy Halloween, all!

JENNIE!!! I have missed you, how was your trip?? Let me know please if you do a TR! How is Bill doing? You have been in my prayers. :hug::hug::hug:

Happy Halloween to you! I hope we get to see pics please! :goodvibes:goodvibes

We had a wonderful time at the hospital last night (Strange, I know). We saw many of our nurses, chid life, therapy dogs...even my favorite food server who brings the trays. I forgot to take a lot of pics. One of my favorite moments was when we were at the tattoo/face painting table. The ladies commented on the girls skirts that Cajunfan (Hi Lynn, miss you) made for the girls to wear on Lisa’s Make a Wish trip. They asked if I had made them, and I said they were a gift for Lisa’s MAW. They asked what her wish was and she said “To be Famous at Disney”. They asked her if she was a performer and one thing led to another, requesting her to sing for them. She obliged and they were blown away. They had her sing three different songs and were so surprised by her voice and her poise. They were all videotaping her; of course I forgot too, lol. I was too busy watching their reactions.

There was trick or treating for goodies, pumpkin coloring, fishing for goodies, bean bag toss, bottle toss and frogs in the bucket. Lots of yummy food, popcorn, cupcakes and fun. We all 4 had a blast. I hope you can see Lisa’s pumpkin with the big red lips and red cute! Rachel put bats on hers (she said these didn’t require rabies shots) and Christian drew an adorable dog. It was a good night and the best part was we were able to leave when it was all over.

The first twp pics were taken at Lisa's hematology appt yesterday. There was a drug company set up to "play with the patient". The first picture Lisa is "administering meds through an IV she inserted".

'Mickey and Minnie' are our child life ladies from the hem-onc clinic.


























Look at those sweet faces smiling at the Halloween festivities! Love 'em! I also love that there was a little Disney thrown in there too. Tell the kids, yes that big kid Christian too, that they did a great job on their pumpkins. :thumbsup2

I'm glad that you "get" my kidding around. :joker: Some folks don't and think that I'm trying to make light of a very serious situation. Honey, I've seen my fair share of serious situations and if I didn't have my gosh darn silliness, I don't know what I'd do. Gotta turn that frown upside down! Oh and the rapier sharp wit....isn't that from Dumb and Dumber?


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