Oh Sweet Mother of Bread Pudding...What have I got myself into? 9/26 Update!

Wow- I never would have thought about Garden Grill, but it's def. a consideration now; although there are a lot of great Epcot spots so close by...

Totally loving your reviews so far- can't wait to read more!
I just came across your report and I'm in! Can't wait for more.
I hope you have stuck around! When I read one post and never hear from people again it reminds me of Jr High and the poor kid wandering around talking to themselves hoping to eat with someone at a lunch table!!! :lmao:
Ok who else could inspire 8+ pages of subscriptions - thanks for a great intro. Can't wait to read more.
Oprah would have had 2 million pages by now!!! :rotfl:
I'm in for sure! Looking forward to your reviews!
Welcome and you were supposed to bring the cheese tray so hurry up!!!!
Okay I'm subscribing. I thought I had before but I was obviously mistaken I am totally completley in, love your rating system and can't wait for more reviews.
I have thought I had subscribed to so many it is not even funny!!!
I don't want to say it BUT ... I told ya so!!! Best ever Disney dessert!!!
Know it all!!!
I'm picturing you having a Meg Ryan moment while eating your bread pudding .... :rotfl2:
Do I look hot?:rotfl2:
I am in and ready! Now back to read the previous 4 or 5 pages I have already missed! How the heck did I miss THIS report??
Cause you are busy with a non dis life too!

What a great start!!! I love the Naked juice -- so yummy! And I'm drooling all over the Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel. My one favorite thing from McD's. And the cheese-not-melted thing... Happens here too. Grrr...
It's like serving ice cream already melted! What's the point?
I must admit, seeing this post has made my day! It is good to know that there are others out there that feel like they are simply good eaters - having major obsessions over what to eat, cook, indulge in.Welcome to the sisterhood!!! I am loving the grading system! I think Guy Fieri should have his own grade for those places that are slightly jenky (like those on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives), but have an absolutely delicious and innovative food selection! Can't wait to see what is to come!
We are big Guy fans and usually eat at one or two of his hot spots a road trip and try as many as possible at home as well!
How can I be 9 pages behind already?? ARGGGG....Dawn, you got some 'splaining to do. Aren't you supposed to notify me when you start writing new things? Ok, back to read and catch up (again, still, yet, whatever.)
I never want to push my friends to read...it's like throwing a surprise party for yourself! Now that you are here though...POST a ton so I don't get lonely!!!!
Glad somebody got the Shemar Moore reference!!!!
Back atcha!!
Boy or girl? Hope everyone is healthy and happy. Loving the reviews FUDGE!!!!!!!
Caden is doing well just saw him on Monday!!
Duran Duran I saw them in concert 20 years ago boy does that bring back memories! will there be food at the show?
I need to talk with my sister and figure out a place to eat!! It's in the old Glam Slam/Quest spot that Prince owned first, then my friend and his brother who was a former body guard of Prince's took over. A hot spot for food for sure!

I saw Duran Duran a few years ago in TO! So much fun....it really brought back memories....Simon is still full of himself.
We are driving to SC on Thursday afternoon to see my oldest play soccer and coming right back so I will need to fill the CD counsel with my Duran Duran music so I can begin the total lovefest!!!! Simon was my favorite and he has the best feet!!! :rotfl2:

Dizneydawn- I absolutely love you and I don't even know you! Your reviews are so funny! They make my work day so much better. So excited to read your food reviews! Get it, girl!
Well ms. Love you and don't call again....I hope to see you here more often!!!!:cutie:
I have a folder in my email called Recipes and I send everything that I want to make there... And all the recipes have your name in the title so they're easy to find...
You are simply the best as Tina would say!!!

Wow...those are some mighty detailed food analyses. Can't wait for the Disney food!
I didn't get fluffy staring at the food! :lmao:
Please M'am may we have some more?
I am so trying!!!!
Wow, those babies are gorgeous, spittin image of each other!! My son and daughter looked alot alike when they were little too, congratulations!
Treyner and Baylor always looked so much alike my Grandma would say I gave birth to the same kid twice!
I see the KAVORKA has started!
You are my official Kavorka counter!!!
LOL! Your reviews totally make me laugh.
As for this quote, I can totally attest to this. Everytime we see one of those footballs hanging around the house one of my DS's says "remember the time that guy at waflle house pegged daddy right on his noggin." We snicker about it often. We've never had a bad memory from a WH. lol.
I shared that story with the whole family and they laughed too!!!

I just found an awesome website through Carsyn!!!!


You will spend time here looking at all the wrong sides of the family tree!!! Some may have been photoshopped but the majority is pure, legit wrong captured for all to see!!!

I love this thread...dizneydawn-we could be BFF's.
I am glad because it would make the diamond watch you want to sent me a bit awkward!! :rotfl:

We have a little hole in the wall diner here in town which sounds and looks a lot like Lake Dogs. They open whenever the first customer pulls up for lunch and close "about dark". They make the most awesomely wonderful chili dogs with homeade chili.
Let me know the name and I will have to put it on my list of must sees on road trips!!
I really should not read your reports when I'm hungry because it just makes the hunger worse. I don't even like hot dogs and I want one now, at 10:00am. Keep the food coming!
If it makes you feel better I get hungry reading as well!
Lovin the report!! I gotta ask-did your waffle house waiter have all their teeth? If so you must have been in a high class WH.
Yes maa'm he did!!!
The bbq doesn't surprise me, Georgia girl here. Carolina's tend to be vinegar based but most the shacks in GA tend to be mustard based (my fave-vinegar is too tart, the sweet stuff is yuck but the mustard is a better balance if done right)
Thanks for the foodie info!!!
OK, I'm in!!
There is nothing like food and laughter together.
Why? Because it causes you to burp, hiccup and f@rt all at once? :confused3;)
I was behind a couple days but I also have your recipes in a folder! They are awesome -to anyone who hasn't tried it the banana bread -it's the only one my family likes now!
Glad they love it!!
I am so looking forward to following along on this one. You're writing style is fantastic!
Thank you so much for the kind words.
I am in!!!! But I have to disagree with the Krystal vs. White Castle thing! You can't get me to eat a K burger! Just gross gray meat to me, but seeing as how you all didn't get burger, I guess it's ok!! LOL Anyway, I am loving your food report!!!!
I actually did try one on accident coming back and I will agree! The burger is a lot like the slider form WC!!!
YUM!!!! I made the banana bread (added a cup of choc chips!) I try to put chocolate in everything! It was Paula Deen Good!
That is the nicest complement ever!!!
OMG I am so jealous...my 8th grade year I was completely obsessed with John Taylor. Then came 9th grade and I switched to Menudo...and one fine guy known as Mr. Ricky Martin
the money I spent on these 2 groups I could have probably bought my first house. Have fun!!
Tiger Beat, Teen Beat, Teen Bob....I know I spent a gazillion on those boys as well!
Congrats on your nephew! He sure is handsome!

Hello from sunny England :)
I am very late to the party but loving your reviews!
If I was to use the same rating system as you with a UK flavour it would probably look like this
1. Gordon Ramsay
2. Jamie Oliver
3. Deliah Smith
4. Ainsley Harriott
Not sure if any of these mean anything in the US? but you get the idea
Love, love, love your reviews !!!!!!
I will need to do some research and I would agree with Gordon! He is the best and hardest critic so that is why he is gracing the F spot cause he is honest enough to tell people they should not be allowed to make pig slop!
Hello! also joining in from the UK. loving all your reviews.
Hello to my English friends!!!!
You better be keeping track!!
Never been to a Sonic!! They just don't have them around here. I just may have to make a point to stop at one on our next trip South...

Must must must!!!!!

Oh, Sonic, how I love thee. It's the drinks that'll get you.

"More than 398,929 fountain drink and slush combinations to choose from."

I see you are a slushie fan. They have a strawberry slush with actual strawberries that is heavenly. And yum, their limeades, and ocean water... and...

Now I need to know what the heck Ocean Water is???? You are awesome!
Animae Man was totally a Liza Minnelli tribute show in a CM costume!!!
Ahh, the power of the DIS - parking validation!!! You go girl!!!
I am still peeved by that stupid policy!!!

Hey Dawn!! I've always wondered what the food was like in there- thanks so much for filling us in! Those cupcakes sound intriguing....do they sell them in the bakery?
Not sure the bakery has an actual window for sales or if they only make food for the restaurants. :confused3 We found they had one because the bakery has a window you can look in to watch the pastry chefs.

It was great to see your review of the Garden Grove because we are considering a Swolphin stay this summer. I am a Disney Resort Guest through and through, and although they are still (in some ways) considered Disney Resorts, it's hard to make the jump. However, paying 1/3 the price of other Epcot area resorts could definitely push me over the ledge!!:rotfl:
I just bought more restaurant.com certs last night for our October getaway and we might stay Swalphin as well and forgo any dining plan. They have Todd's Blue Zoo, Shula's, Garden Grove, Il Mulino, Kimono's (sushi only ewwwwww!) and House of Blues.
LOVING the reviews! You crack me up!
Glad you don't mind expanding your crack up!!!
I know you mentioned previously that you had a certificate from restaurant.com for the Garden Grill. Did it end up being pretty affordable then? I see the sign in your photo says $29.99 for adults. Where there any limitations to the certificate? We'll thinking about staying at the Beach Club in October & this would be very convenient. I think we would try it on a BBQ night though.

Love all of the reviews so far! Of course your reports are the best so I know they will be good :)
The certificates are for $25 off a meal with a minimum of 2 entrees or buffets depending on which restaurant. I will need to look up the price for you that we paid.

They add a mandatory 18% usually on the meals but some places say they will not enforce that and want you to make the decision but that has only been at non Disney locales we have found.

Our waiter was so great we gave him more than the 18%. He spent time telling us what he loved about his job and also what is hard at times. Like when guests are so angry because a certain scheduled character is absent do to illness. You are not going to be able to have a Minnie sized person filling Goofy's wardrobe for example. He also talked about how cranky some guests get and they loose the meaning of the magic and how lucky they are to be at WDW and eating at such a beautiful place.

He did not start this topic, I did and he simply agreed and expanded and it really hit home to me how arrogant those whiners are because many of the CM's could not bring their families to such a place and how ungrateful they must seem to someone who works hard to show appreciation to guests who don't appreciate the moment.

hahahaha i am SO excited to read this review. you are an awesome writer and i have a feeling this will be very enjoyable :yay:
Thanks for encouraging me to continue.:love:

I'm loving your reviews! You are nicely descriptive and are fulfilling my Disney food cravings :love:
It's making me wish October was here soon as well!
OK, totally making a ressie at Garden Grove for our upcoming trip!
I hope you love it! If you see something that looks like it needs a fresh tray, wait 5 minutes for a new one. It was so dead our night that I know some trays were not getting changed out as fast as they would have with a full house but they were not filling the trays full either to try and keep the freshness as a top priority!
Wow- I never would have thought about Garden Grill, but it's def. a consideration now; although there are a lot of great Epcot spots so close by...

Totally loving your reviews so far- can't wait to read more!
Far better than our Italian encounter at Tutto Italia and so much more options included for the price!!

I will try and keep up better with my responses folks!!! Thanks to each of you who take the time to respond. You all make this worth the time and I appreciate each of you!!!:grouphug:
Hi! I have been lurking and decided to post because I was very excited about your review of Garden Grove!

My mom and I are going on a trip in August and a couple days ago go the Restaurant.com gift certificate for Garden Grove for our trip. I am really happy you enjoyed your meal! I hadn't heard much about this restaurant so I am glad it got a good review from you!
Hi! I have been lurking and decided to post because I was very excited about your review of Garden Grove!

My mom and I are going on a trip in August and a couple days ago go the Restaurant.com gift certificate for Garden Grove for our trip. I am really happy you enjoyed your meal! I hadn't heard much about this restaurant so I am glad it got a good review from you!

You will enjoy and for everyone's benefit...if you sign up for restaurant.com you will get codes every week in your e-mail for discount shopping. I used one last night that was the word "tasty" and got 80% off my order.

Most of the coupons are normally a $10 copay for a $25 off an order of $35 or more for example or minimum of two entrees etc....

So I got 80% off the $10 price of the coupon.

Some places are more expensive. I bought one for an Italian Restaurant at Portofino Bay at Universal and it was a $15 copay off of a $35 order.

Some places have bigger co-pays for bigger tabs. Like $100 off of a $200 order and thus the co-pay is bigger as well.
First let me say THANK YOU! I had never even heard of Garden Grill and now I found the perfect spot for DS and I to eat the night before our dining plan kicks in! Went to restaurants.com and got my $25 cert for $2, too!

Looks great and we love the Swalphin area. Thought about eating at Il Mulino but we have 10 days of deluxe dining starting the next day so I really didn't want to spend that much. This sounds really perfect and it will be a Mediterranean night when we are there! :banana:

And you reminded me of House of Blues so I may grab one of their certs for lunch!

This is why I love the Dis! :cloud9:
First let me say THANK YOU! I had never even heard of Garden Grill and now I found the perfect spot for DS and I to eat the night before our dining plan kicks in! Went to restaurants.com and got my $25 cert for $2, too!

Looks great and we love the Swalphin area. Thought about eating at Il Mulino but we have 10 days of deluxe dining starting the next day so I really didn't want to spend that much. This sounds really perfect and it will be a Mediterranean night when we are there! :banana:

And you reminded me of House of Blues so I may grab one of their certs for lunch!

This is why I love the Dis! :cloud9:
You will love Garden Grove!!!! I too gather so much info from here!!! Was the code "Tasty" still valid???

Sometimes I scan through the responses of Tr's and only read the main posts and wonder how much I am missing by speed reading!!!:teacher: :mad:
You will love Garden Grove!!!! I too gather so much info from here!!! Was the code "Tasty" still valid???

Sometimes I scan through the responses of Tr's and only read the main posts and wonder how much I am missing by speed reading!!!:teacher: :mad:

Yep, "Tasty" is still valid. But if it weren't I am sure there would be another code out there. Seems that there always is. I love Restaurants.com but never thought of checking for Disney restaurants. We usually have the dining plan and don't even consider non-plan places as it seems silly to pay for a meal after paying for the plan. But we won't have the plan on Thursday night so it is the perfect time to try something new! :woohoo:
Oh man, after those pictures I think I need to go back and revise my plans for October so we go there! Not like I wouldn't have revised them a ton between now and then anyhow.... :rotfl2:
So First - thanks for reminding me that I have a gift card to use at Restaurant.com. Have to go check and see what's on there. And a code too? Sweet! I mean "tasty"!

Second - that food looked really yummy! I can see us going once for Med night and once for BBQ night! I take it they are not part of the Dining Plan since it is a Swan restaurant? But with the discount, it would be great!

Third - did I infer correctly that you are going back in October? We'd love to get down for a short trip for October break. If only it were easier to fly cheap!!

Fourth - I really am in the mood for some melt in your mouth cheese now! I just LOOOVE your descriptiveness! It's like I can taste the food!
THANK YOU!!! for you reviews. I love it. I love the story you tell behind it. I'm not a great writer so my reviews are pretty BORING just about the food. But I love reading your story and adventure to Disney. Thanks for taking the time to post...
And here I thought I had nothing clever to say, so I wasn't going to post. And then you posted this!

I just found an awesome website through Carsyn!!!!


You will spend time here looking at all the wrong sides of the family tree!!! Some may have been photoshopped but the majority is pure, legit wrong captured for all to see!!!

For some of those photos/people, no sense in wrecking two families, know what I'm saying?? :lmao:
I've enjoyed breakfast at Garden Grove a few times, but I have to say that we will probably not be going back. The food is fantastic, but I'm right along with you on the Swan/Dolphin service. I do not want to support that hotel; they are terribly inconsiderate!

The last time we tried to have breakfast at Garden Grove, on our trip last year, we were told that because we didn't let them know in advance that I had special dietary needs, we could not eat there. He literally only offered me some bread, and said even that would be questionable! I was sad because it's so pretty in there!!

The food for dinner looks amazing, though!
We usually have the dining plan and don't even consider non-plan places as it seems silly to pay for a meal after paying for the plan. But we won't have the plan on Thursday night so it is the perfect time to try something new! :woohoo:
Please come back and let me know how you fared!
Oh man, after those pictures I think I need to go back and revise my plans for October so we go there! Not like I wouldn't have revised them a ton between now and then anyhow.... :rotfl2:
I cannot even begin to tell you the amount of changes and revisions even on the trip we did
Second - that food looked really yummy! I can see us going once for Med night and once for BBQ night! I take it they are not part of the Dining Plan since it is a Swan restaurant? But with the discount, it would be great!
The catch is you can only use one restaurant.com certificate per user per month per location. So you could not buy two certificates and use them both in one week since when the manager call sin to verify the ID and the validity of the coupon, they would know you had already used one a few days prior, or within the same month.

This means you need to go during a time where your vacation connects two months or....get your hubby registered under a new account or a sister or someone. That way you have two different ID's and it won't trigger a coupon denial. :thumbsup2 I have not had to use this but very well might later.

You can give them as gifts ( I just gave one with the co-pay to my sister who had the baby for a night out and that way we can babysit the kiddos) so if you ran into the same waiter or it was questioned, just say your family all bought them for you as gifts for your trip. There is no loophole to multiple visits under different ID's as far as I know. Please correct me if I am wrong anyone!

Third - did I infer correctly that you are going back in October? We'd love to get down for a short trip for October break. If only it were easier to fly cheap!!
I think October will be Dan and my annual trip. Plus it coincides with parents weekend in Anderson!
Fourth - I really am in the mood for some melt in your mouth cheese now! I just LOOOVE your descriptiveness! It's like I can taste the food!
That cheese was as smooth as a fondue yet in a solid form. Breathtaking really.
THANK YOU!!! for you reviews. I love it. I love the story you tell behind it. I'm not a great writer so my reviews are pretty BORING just about the food. But I love reading your story and adventure to Disney. Thanks for taking the time to post...
Thanks for taking the time to write such kind words. I tend to be long winded and so my apologies if it gets too descriptive. Never think your reviews are boring. For every reader who may like mine, is 100 who want me just to zip it and cut to the chase! :rotfl2:
For some of those photos/people, no sense in wrecking two families, know what I'm saying?? :lmao:
The cat duo had me holding my sides and some of the mullet tribes are awe inspiring. The last page under faves of the whole family "riding" the tree is against the law in 44 states!:rotfl:
I've enjoyed breakfast at Garden Grove a few times, but I have to say that we will probably not be going back. The food is fantastic, but I'm right along with you on the Swan/Dolphin service. I do not want to support that hotel; they are terribly inconsiderate!
Have you written the hotel & copied it to WDW? I am thinking of doing so!

The food for dinner looks amazing, though!

It was so good!popcorn::
I've only ever been to Garden Grove for breakfast, but dinner looks great too! Glad to see they have a nice dessert selection (that's always the make or break section for me).

What a pain about the parking. It's good they gave you a voucher, but stinks you had to dangle the impending internet reviews out there to get it.
I've only ever been to Garden Grove for breakfast, but dinner looks great too! Glad to see they have a nice dessert selection (that's always the make or break section for me).
Dessert is a Food Group! :laughing:

Am I the only one confusing Garden GRILL with Garden GROVE? :confused3 Took me a minute but I get now.:rotfl:

I know a few people have! I have never ate at Garden Grill!!
Love your reviews. I've never ventured over to any of the Swolphin restaurants but may have to make a point of it now! :)
I'm glad I''m not the only one who is confusing Garden Grill and Garden Grove. I thought maybe it was just my migraine. So - Dawn ate at teh Garden Grove which is at teh Swolphin. Garden Grill is in the Land at Epcot, right???

All the food looked great though. And the menu for BBQ night made my tummy rumbly. I may just have to try there in October. I need you to hurry up with more reviews because my 180 booking window opens soon and I need to know where to eat!


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