Official thread for the 2010 Princess 1/2 Marathon & 5k- REGSITRATION IS OPEN!

I was wondering if they were going to add more princesses this year, because when they talked about characteristics on the main page the list was longer than last year... Last year I picked Cinderella I think, but this year its definitely Aurora - I want a pink bib!!!

I'm so excited, but I agree with Caitsmama - that party was a total bust last year. Waste of time and money, almost an insult after such a fun race. I'll wait and see what they come up with before I fork over any money for that again!
Could anyone please tell me the difference between a team and individual entry. Since my mom and I are going to do it together should we be a team?:confused3 Thanks!
Anyone remember the color bib that corresponds to each princess? Since I have no fave princess, I may choose based on the bib color.
I wish I knew exactly what the team registation got you. I did see some people with matching bibs on their backs that look like they had a team name on it. I don't know what else they got. I will be registering my BFF and I as a team. I'll get her DM to either make costumes that we can run in or a matching team shirt for us.
Could anyone please tell me the difference between a team and individual entry. Since my mom and I are going to do it together should we be a team?:confused3 Thanks!

If you enter as a team you have the chance to win one on the team medals.
Anyone remember the color bib that corresponds to each princess? Since I have no fave princess, I may choose based on the bib color.

I wish I knew exactly what the team registation got you. I did see some people with matching bibs on their backs that look like they had a team name on it. I don't know what else they got. I will be registering my BFF and I as a team. I'll get her DM to either make costumes that we can run in or a matching team shirt for us.

If you enter as a team you have the chance to win one on the team medals.

OOOooo! I want another medal! Thanks!:cheer2:
right, other than that, the team is more expensive i believe too - to me, i don't think it's worth the extra $. Me and my mom are doing it and same as last year, registering single. Then, i may do matching shirts or something for us..
Well, I am definitely planning on running this race, although 4 miles is the furthest I can run right now. I am planning on running RFTT in October and need to register for that first, though, and then wait for the Princess until I've got some more money set aside.

I am working toward being able to run a whole 10k for RFTT, but might end up doing some kind of run/walk combo. Any suggestions on that? Then I know it's a big jump from 10k to 13.1 miles, but again, I am thinking of a run/walk combo.
Allison: I noticed that most people seemed to be doing a run two walk one minute deal at the Princess. However, my DH and I walked the whole thing with very, very minor jogging so that can be done also. Don't worry about the distance. No one starts out going that far. A lot of us used Marathoning for Mortals to train last year and it worked great!
I agree with Lauren. :)
I also used MFM plan, and me and my mom did the walk/run plan, which boils down to walking for 3 min. and then running for 2. We did this for just about the entire race.. i know we slowed a bit towards the end and walked more, but i was happy with our time of 3:15. This year we are shooting to finish in 3:00. So, for this year, we may switch to the run/walk plan instead of the walk/run plan.. just switches it to run for 3 min. then walk 2 min, i believe... or somewhere in that area.
I really don't have a desire to hard-core run the whole 13.1. My sis ran most of it, but didn't "stop to smell the roses" and was cranky the whole time.. LOL She finished in about 2:30.
My mom and I stopped for a couple pics, and truly enjoyed ourselves, and chatted the whole time... taking in the beauty of where we were!
Only thing that can make it better this year, is having Lauren by my side too!!! ;)
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Responses to this week's prompt can be posted on the 'Ohana team thread, and starts here.

Free advice, it's worth what you paid for it. Then again, sometimes the best things in life are free. You decide in this week's mixer prompt.

Share with us some memorable advice you've received.

Your advice can be related to training or races. It can focus on healthy habits or be "life" advice. It can be the best advice you've ever received, the worst, or the most profound. It can be helpful tips that helped you as a WISHer and athlete. Or it can be simply the funniest, most useless, or totally inappropriate for a situation. Just so long as it's memorable.

And just like M & Ms, don't feel restricted to just one piece....
"The printable entry form are not yet available. We will have it available for download on the website ( soon."

Anyone know what WDW thinks is soon??
"The printable entry form are not yet available. We will have it available for download on the website ( soon."

Anyone know what WDW thinks is soon??

My Disney contact has told me that all registrations are now only online. They are trying to go "green". It really means more green to and less work for Disney.

The DVC/Cast member and AP discounts are now all eaten up by the additional fees paid to
I wish they would go "green" and let the wheelchairs enter on line for the larger races.
But for the Princess we still have to contact them, and the above message is what I got back.


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