I'm so glad i read this AFTER we rodeThe second time we purchased LLMP and rode around noon. We made it to the top of the hill before we had to be evacuated. Later in the day we noticed the ride was completely drained of water.

I spoke to a CM at the Critter Co-op and she mentioned sitting in the back keeps you pretty much dry. That was our experience.Be prepared to be anywhere from a little damp to swimming with the frogs.
If this is absolutely a priority for you i would try right at 7am. In my experience doing so i got a boarding group for around midday-ish. I'd assume you'd need to have completed the 7am ride before being eligible for the 1pm queue...? Plus as PP's mentioned, she's still experiencing extended periods of downtime, and there's no knowing how long this cooling of demand will last.For morning Boarding groups, do you have to try right at 7:00 am, and then right at 1:00pm, or might it be available at 9:00 or 3:00?
That was how i planned it. If you don't mind getting up for the VQ. Peter Pan is always always a 40+ minute wait. I'd rather roll the dice on Tiana's as the odds seem pretty good at this time.Thanks for the Tiana's info. I am debating between Tiana's and Peter Pan for my Tier 1 LLMP. I keep switching my mind, but leaning towards Peter Pan for the LLMP.