Official 2024 Universal Studios HHN 33 Thread

That may have been the Sunday we were there (the 15th). We were taking a break at Simpson's to sit and get some water when the skies opened up. We headed back out when it slowed down but then got stuck in another downpour while in line for Universal Monsters. Got soaked and there was a lot of flooding back that way.

Yet there had been no rain forecasted (or at least super low chance of "showers"). Luckily it was early in the trip so we just went along with it and still had fun.
My local friends and I got stuck in that in the Ghostbusters line. We tried just the golf umbrella, thinking it would move on quickly. Then broke out another umbrella, and then I finally just pulled out my poncho. 2 of us had sandals. I had quick dry shirts. My t-shirt was damp for a bit, but it eventually dried. That one was strong and just came out of nowhere. They always bring umbrellas, and I pretty much always bring a poncho in Orlando.
Fwiw, this has been strongly proven false by many insiders. They're different budgets.
I'll just say I heard this over and over again from the employees. That include VIP tour guides and just regular front line employees. Some were in line waiting for houses and I just over heard their conversations. Some were just chatting over a drink in a bar pre HHN. There were also little things I saw that make me think this is true in the parks in general.

Yes they may be separate budgets, that is not anything unusual, but that does not mean they were given the equivalent of what they got in the past.
Talking in depth with someone about the lack of SAs in houses I was told that Insidious was the only house to get a "budget" this year and that is why they pretty much have a full cast (someone mentioned they are actually down two folks from the start and were calling folks in - I think they have to have a full cast as part of the agreement for the IP - dont recall if that was on hear of one of the folks I spoke too - I think it was a VIP guide)

All that said - if Epic goes they way we think then we should see some pretty exciting changes over the years - I still don't think HHN will ever be what it was though.

For those that might be Interested I've mentioned these videos before and they are worth a watch if people really want to understand what was lost.

For me HHN28 is probably the last good year, but not as good as previous years. Interesting that is the year of Stranger Things.
After that you had lots of high and lows in my opinion.
At the end of the day the best house this year is just a rehash of a house from HHN25.

HHN29 was the year of graveyard games and they made good use of peoples phones for the backstory. This lead to more use of social media and podcasts to tell the story so you have to do homework before the event.
This mean for me this is the last year I feel they put crazy details into the houses. What I mean by that is ridiculously detailed houses where you would not even see stuff unless you did the behind the scenes tour. Yeah there is still some of that today - but nothing like it was before this. Its a small thing for most people, but for me its part of what I really liked about HHN and doing multiple nights and the behind the scenes tour.

Obviously we skipped a year and the world changed a bit. I guess at this point you have PRE Pandemic HHN and Post Pandemic.
IMO post pandemic is more geared to folks that go to the event once and become a shadow of what it was.
Yeah Jack was great no doubt.

I skipped HHN21 do to a death in the family. It looks like a very below average year and many of the folks in this forum said the same thing. I'm pretty sure that is also the year several of them stopped attending.

HHN32 and 33 were not great IMO.
Ill probable go to 34 because of Epic and Ill do the premium night if available and a couple of nights with ROF and skip express - I don't think Ill do the 10 nights I did this year..
Of course 35 since its an anniversary year - but that may be my cutoff for HHN - we will see.
One of my big regrets is I did not go the first few years even though I was at Universal as a day guest.

Anyway these videos are well worth a watch - he also has a lot of good videos on the history of numerous theme parks.
I also found out well watching his video on the Flintstones theme parks that he the SO of Super Enthused - so if you know Sam(?) from those videos that is him. Just interesting since I had no idea.
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Daughter and I attended on Sunday the 22nd. Been going for over 25 years now.

As we do every year, we purchased Stay and Scream as well as Express Pass. In EVERY year past, we were able to get into the Houses well before the 6 PM opening to the "public". We often completed 2-3 houses BEFORE the public made it in. This year, about a half of a dozen different cast members told us that we were not allowed to go into the Houses until 6 PM with the Express. If we wanted to go in any earlier with the Stay and Scream, we would have to enter the standby queue. The standby lines were the longest this year that I have ever seen them for S & S.

We did get into the Insidiuos Express entry around 545 PM. However, the cast member at the merge point for Express and Standby refused us admission until 6 PM. He kept letting the standby folks in but not the Express folks.

We did go to Guest Services at the end of the night to plead our case. Our Guest Services person was very gracious and opened a case file for us. She spoke to a manager on site about our situation and the manager basically said "tough". At first, the manager didn't even have the courtesy to come over and speak with us. I asked again and eventually she made it over and told us the same thing.

Very disappointed in how this situation was handled as well as the lack of use for the Stay and Scream ticket.
Daughter and I attended on Sunday the 22nd. Been going for over 25 years now.

As we do every year, we purchased Stay and Scream as well as Express Pass. In EVERY year past, we were able to get into the Houses well before the 6 PM opening to the "public". We often completed 2-3 houses BEFORE the public made it in. This year, about a half of a dozen different cast members told us that we were not allowed to go into the Houses until 6 PM with the Express. If we wanted to go in any earlier with the Stay and Scream, we would have to enter the standby queue. The standby lines were the longest this year that I have ever seen them for S & S.

We did get into the Insidiuos Express entry around 545 PM. However, the cast member at the merge point for Express and Standby refused us admission until 6 PM. He kept letting the standby folks in but not the Express folks.

We did go to Guest Services at the end of the night to plead our case. Our Guest Services person was very gracious and opened a case file for us. She spoke to a manager on site about our situation and the manager basically said "tough". At first, the manager didn't even have the courtesy to come over and speak with us. I asked again and eventually she made it over and told us the same thing.

Very disappointed in how this situation was handled as well as the lack of use for the Stay and Scream ticket.
That is pretty odd. I did stay and scream several times in mid September and there were a lot of express people doing Insidious well before 6 - more like 5:15 or so. Normally I would not even consider using express with stay and scream but considering it was usually an hour with stay and scream so I can see why people might.

That said people start lining up for the stay and scream houses at 3PM in NY and have probably complained about the endless stream of express that are getting in before them.

Did they point to some specific policy - like express is during regular event hours only?
They must have changed that recently. I did S&S opening night and saw express people

I personally think it's a waste to use express during that time m
Did they point to some specific policy - like express is during regular event hours only?
That would make sense and be in line with how EPs for the parks work (or don't work, really) during early entry.
But changing it in the middle of the season is strange.
We did get into the Insidiuos Express entry around 545 PM. However, the cast member at the merge point for Express and Standby refused us admission until 6 PM. He kept letting the standby folks in but not the Express folks.
When you entered the EP line at 5:45pm, did they tell you that it would not work until 6pm?


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